Have an issue with the game? Make sure to report your feedback using the /bug command so the development team receives it. Feedback sent other ways may not be received!

We've fixed an issue causing unexpected or no behavior with the use of Speech/Custom Action commands inside macros. If you have this happen, please re-create the part of the macro that is giving you trouble and it should work now

  • Fixed an issue with multiple Passive Animal Taming chances occurring at once when killing beings with multiple pets, this was only intended to happen once per kill, not once per pet
  • Fixed an issue with Passive Animal Taming gains from killing beings not being attempted at all if one of your pets is out of points

In-game Macro Tool improvements:

  • removed icons from Macro Option buttons for legibility
  • adds new options: Use Object, Use Object by Type, Target Object & Target Object by Type
  • fixes issue with the default Sleep delay input field not matching the global macro cooldown (currently 750)

Please logout and restart the launcher to fetch the latest updates.

  • We have added Ping Milliseconds display in the debug window when you press F12. This will display your ping return time in milliseconds to the server and will help to identify actual network lag issues and separate them from client or server issues.

  • Now you can set the radius for the objects to be displayed when you hold CTRL. Just use the command "/setobjhandleradius 5" and you can set a number between 1 and 30 (Default is 5). NOTE: This can be overridden by the server for certain areas.

We've added Location-based Releasing for houses, so now when you use "i wish to release this" you can target the ground, and you will be presented with a list of locked down objects at the location you've targeted to be able to release them. This is especially useful for objects that cannot be targeted directly.

  • fixed a rare case with trades sometimes becoming interrupted potentially causing a loss of some or all of the items being traded; going forward if there are ever any issues with trades, all items will end up going back to their owner so there should never be any losses
  • fixed an issue with being able to interrupt another person's trade in some cases, now it should always prevent trade attempts if someone is already trading

Dear citizens, we have some great news to share with you today!

We have been working hard on developing a method for transferring characters from your Steam accounts to new standalone accounts. We understand how frustrating it can be to have an account that is stuck on Steam, so we're here to help.

If you are still using a Steam account and cannot login with the Shards of Britannia launcher please continue reading:

Firstly, only new & unused accounts can be used to transfer to, any pre-existing accounts will not be eligible

If you have a new & unused account ready, please continue the following:

  1. Make sure you have filled out the Steam Account Issues Form
  2. Some of you have filled out the form already but have filled out the Transfer-To part with an account that already has characters, please make sure you update that with a brand new account instead
  3. Contact Us after you have filled out or updated the form to let us know you are ready for the transfer

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Account age, veteran rewards, and all other account-related information will carry over
  • Patrons will need to update the Patron Registration form to reflect the new Account ID there, if applicable: https://forms.gle/5gdsrX13PVYHnv9QA
  • We will only be transferring characters that are coming from Steam accounts

Transfers will need to be completed during server down-time and will be coordinated during a time when staff is available to complete the transfers. We kindly ask for your patience and understanding throughout this process, thank you!

FINAL THOUGHTS: We will allow several days for everyone to update the Form and also to perform some testing. We will be reaching out to some of you to help us test soon

We've setup a clean Forum instance again at https://forum.shardsofbritannia.com/

It's currently setup for players to post picture of their house decorations. Periodically, as you know, we run House Decoration Contests, and often the decorations go on display for a few weeks and then they get put into the Recycle Bin.

Let's change all that! From now on, we're going to encourage players to post their creations on the forum, at any time, even when we're not doing a contest.

You all put so much time and effort into designing your spaces, we want to make sure your work can be seen by all, and stays around indefinitely if you decide to change things later.

We will probably organize future House Decoration Contests on this forum as well to keep it all in a central place. Discord gets too crowded over time to hold everything, so we hope this works well.

Thanks for spending your free time with us and for sharing your creations. Happy decorating!

Bank Check features being added:

  • bank checks are now gold colored
  • dropping checks onto another check will now give you the option to combine them
  • dropping gold coins onto a check will now give the option to combine the gold with the check
  • right click option "Split" added to split the check into two without having to deposit it first
  • attempting to deposit a check now gives the option of depositing as coins to bank box or directly to secure deposit account, for convenience

We've updated the web map found at https://map.shardsofbritannia.com with the version originally designed by Duck and you can begin contributing to the waypoints immediately. We've also added a direct link to the map from our website. For those wishing to use the old map still, it's still available at https://oldmap.shardsofbritannia.com

We're adding a couple of convenience features, and have more planned, to help players overcome some common issues:

Stuck/Decaying Item Ejection:

  • now when you release an item in a house, if the item cannot be picked up by your character, you will now see a prompt asking if you'd like the item to be moved directly to your position for easier retrieval
  • at any time, you can say "Remove Thyself" or use the Eject option in the house menu and target a decaying object to eject the object outside of the house

Change All Security Option:

  • found under the house menu's Customize & Ownership tab in the Privacy & Security section
  • this option will change all of the security options for each secured item in a house like doors, containers, etc.

We're aware that many users are experiencing intermittent game client freezes and we're working to resolve it as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience through the rough patches!

The server is coming back online now, with a slight rollback of 30~ minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience, please allow a minute or two and you can get to gaming! :)

Sorry folks, we've run into an issue causing us to require shutting down the server and rolling the save back less than 1 hour. Sorry for the inconvenience, please bear with us while we perform the roll-back and bring the server back up.

If you have issues staying logged in to Shards of Britannia, make sure you're using the new SoB Launcher as outlined here: https://shardsofbritannia.com/play

If you are using the SoB Launcher to load and play the game and have repeated issues, please contact us so we can help you get back to playing

We've deployed another minor update to try and improve the recent lag issues surrounding pets. Please help us stress test again when you can and help us determine if the problem persists or not & we appreciate your patience through the challenges. Please let us know if you continue to encounter lag spikes when using pets.

An issue causing Passive Animal Taming gains not to occur at all has been resolved

Please logout and restart the launcher to receive latest updates and avoid issues in game.

  • We have added the feature to remember credentials on login.
  • We have improved login code to avoid false prompts to download the launcher.
  • We have improved some features to implement the music/sounds coming very soon.

Thank you for your patience!

We're still working on identifying the exact cause of the recent lag that occurs sometimes. It's been narrowed down recently to an issue with pets, we've done several optimizations and fixes but there still seems to be a problem. We're working on narrowing it down even further, as it seems to be related to one or more of the following details:

  • might be related to Bake Kitsunes specifically
  • might be related to commanding pets to Guard and those pets engaging in combat
  • might be related to pets being in combat in general, over a period of time
  • might be related to healing pets or pets healing themselves

A temporary workaround has been identified where you can stable the pets to reset their AI and the lag seems to go away.

We will continue to investigate and narrow this down if you notice any specific patterns please let us know and thanks very much for your patience.