The web map is now live!

You can bring it up by using the command "/webmap". You can also key bind it by going to "Settings > Keyboard" and map the "Use Custom Action 5" to the key of your choice.

Keep in mind the web map is still in early stage, so please report any issue you might encounter.

The Horse & Cart Lottery is now live! Visit Cartwright outside Britain Bank for your chance to win amazing prizes. Three lucky winners will be drawn, so don't miss out! The cost is 10 raffle tokens, which can be found as loot on Paragon monsters. The lottery will be drawn on 07/14/2024.

  • Blacksmiths can now craft another new type of horse and cart decoration kit.
  • Murderers can now claim a reward from Golom for the Staff of Destruction, which can be stolen from players in the new cart quest.
  • New decorations and masks have been added to the treasure chest for the horse and cart quests.
  • The animation for the Ripper mount has now been fixed.
  • We have added some new assets to the game and fixed some animation issues with some mobiles. When you next log in, be prepared for our custom assets to re-download. Thank you!

-A new horse and cart quest is now available. Visit Sable just south of Minoc to get started. This exciting quest requires a team of at least two players (3-4 recommended), each with a unique IP address, to activate an encounter during the quest. Be sure to complete the quest within the three-hour time limit.

If you encounter an issue in the game or something appears off or incorrect, or if you have an idea for improvement, please make sure to let the developers know by submitting a Bug Report or Suggestion from in-game using the /bug or /suggestion commands

Submitting feedback in-game ensures that the team sees it and also provides some helpful information automatically to the team to help identify and troubleshoot issues

If you run into an emergency and need help, we have a few ways to get into touch with us outlined here:

Please do not direct message staff, we do not accept DMs and will not respond to them

  • Ore elemental spawn rates have been halved within caves.

  • Luke the wizard has now moved into Dungeon Despise, level 3.

  • Only murderers with 20 counts or more can enter Dungeon Shame with an encumbered cart.

  • Blacksmiths can now craft Cart Decoration Kits. These are very costly items that can change the appearance of your carts. We plan to add a number of different varieties. Some of the items required for these kits will need to be found and then stolen by thieves.

Runic crafting for fletching and carpentry has been added:

  • Fletching and carpentry bulk order deeds can now be collected from the respective NPC's
  • To store and use the auto-collect feature for fletching and carpentry bulk order deeds you will need to craft new bulk order books.

Ore Elementals that spawn while mining have been reworked. They now vary greatly in difficulty and drop significantly more ore when defeated.

  • Heavy treasure drop rates for mining and lumberjacking have been increased.
  • The magic chests found in the Britain, Yew, Minoc, and Moonglow banks are now automated. These chests will respawn every 24 hours.

Update 2nd June 2024:

  • Blade Spirits has been re-enabled and we will be monitoring for any subsequent issues

Original message, 20th Apr 2024:

Due to a critical bug, the blade spirits spell has been temporarily disabled until the bug can be resolved. We'll advise when it is available again.

  • New rare items have been added to the delivery cart treasure.
  • The drop rates for large, heavy treasures from mining and lumberjacking have been adjusted again.
  • Tentacle plants will now always explode when using exploding barrels.
  • Loot from the tentacle plants has been improved.
  • The 3 year veteran death shroud deed will now work on Ringmail Tunics.
  • Horse and cart treasure drop rates have been slightly increased.
  • Luke the Wizard will now move between his location in the swamp and Shame level 3 every 48 hours.
  • Encumbered Horse and Carts can now enter Shame.
  • The ferry master on Windemere and the moon gates on Moonglow and Bucs Den will now allow encumbered horse and carts to fast travel.
  • Percheron horses can no longer be bonded with a bonding deed. You need to wait until you have the horse and the cart to use a bonding deed.
  • /editchar command enabled for quickly modifying a characters skills and stats on the Test Server

The following upcoming changes are available for testing on our Test Center server:

  • Runic Carpentry and Fletching have been added to the game
  • Britain, Skara & Shame regions are online
  • /editequip command enabled for quickly modifying equipment items
  • Added testing vendors to Britain Bank
  • Reduced the timer on bulk order deed collections to 5 seconds and the amount you receive to 30 to aid with testing

NOTICE: These changes are currently only available on the Test Center for testing purposes & are subject to change at any time

A channel called 'fletching-carp-bulk-order-testing' has been created on the SoB Discord under the TEST CENTER section for feedback.

  • A bug that caused loot from Tentacle plants to decay when logging in and out has been fixed.

  • The delivery cart quest is now limited to one character per account every 48 hours. You will also need to have a horse and cart with you to start the quest.

  • A red version of Oliver the farmer, who gives out the Horse and Cart quest, is now in Buccs. There is also a vendor named Solom who sells stolen treasure in exchange for shrunken stolen delivery keys.

  • Murderers who steal delivery keys from the delivery quest can take them to the NPC Golom in Shame level 4 to have them shrunk. Golom will only help murderers if they have 20 or more murder counts.

  • All the treasure that can be found in the new cart system can now show you how long it has until it decays. Right-click on the object and select Check Decay.