• A new command /refresh has been added to aid with some graphical glitches that occur occasionally; this command will freeze you in place for a couple of seconds, while refreshing the view of objects on your screen. This can help solve issues where a player appears naked and unmounted when they are in fact not naked and mounted. It also aids with decorating objects on plots that appear to move up while adjusting them; refreshing after adjusting these items will subsequently show the objects in their correct position.
  • an issue has been resolved with bandage buff-icon spam
    - an issue has been resolved with maker's mark being applied crafted items incorrectly or with someone else's name in some cases
  • Fishing while in a Guarded location will now only yield fish; for other Fishing rewards, you'll have to step out of Guards protection
  • An issue has been resolved with double clicking a fire beetle activating smelting ability instead of opening it's backpack as intended
  • An issue has been resolved causing mobs to sometimes continue attacking after a player becomes hidden; damage should still apply from delayed damage like Poison or other delayed spells, while hidden, but mobs should de-aggro properly now
  • An issue has been resolved causing the server to freeze in some cases when ejecting/banning mobs or yourself from a plot

Wanna show off your PvP skills, earn bragging rights, and collect a unique prize? We are hosting a 1v1 PvP tournament! This tournament is slightly different than traditional tournament rules so please be sure to read the rules carefully, then sign up at the link below! Please forward any questions to Scout or Smokey Rust.
Good luck, and GIT GUD
Sign-up ends January 10th, 2020 at 8PM EST.
Rules and Sign-up:

After being murdered, players should now, again, be given the option to punish or forgive a murder.

We just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone of our Natural Disasters policy with LOU Housing. If you or someone you know that plays LOU is affected by a Natural Disaster or other hardship in which they will be unable to access LOU for an extended time, please reach out and we will be happy to hold your accounts plots until you are able to reach them again. With every month revealing a new natural disaster on our planet, we cannot express our sympathy enough for those affected.

  • an issue has been resolved with earth elementals not decaying properly
    - an issue with poison not doing damage to hidden players in some cases has been resolved

Happy New Year everyone!

This is a quick note to say that we do read each and every bit of feedback we get, whether it's a bug, a suggestion, or a report of player misconduct. However, as we are a team of volunteers that do this for free in our spare time, who all have lives and families, it is simply not possible to respond to all of the reports that we get (and there are many!). Please do remember that this is not a commercial server, and no one is paid to do what we do.

In particular, please be assured that we investigate every report of player misconduct and take them very seriously. When required, we take the appropriate action against those players. While it may not always be visible to you, please be assured we do action each and every one of these.

Lastly, we'd like to remind everyone that if you have concerns with any actions of staff, then the correct escalation path is to email [email protected] - once again, we cannot guarantee a response to any emails sent to this address, however be assured they are read and actioned as required.

Thank you all once again for your support, and we look forward to sharing with you all the new features we have planned for 2020!

Santa has closed access to his workshop in order to start working on next Christmas. Bye Santa!

  • At last, the long-standing bug causing the server to freeze sometimes when players die while poisoned has been resolved

There appears to be an issue with some or all in-game feedback reports (bug reports) not being received. We're looking into the issue. In the meantime you can use the Discord Feedback Bot to submit bugs, as those are still being received.

  • An issue has been resolved preventing dead characters from using teleporters
  • Auto-unstuck and stuck command has had some general optimizations and you sould see improvement both with using the command and when the system detects you being stuck automatically -- please report if you notice any funky behavior with this
  • An issue has been resolved allowing anyone to open a Christmas Gift regardless of where the gift was located
    - We've received a couple of reports now regarding stacking items disappearing if trying to place a stack onto another stack inside of a container that is over capacity or over weight causing the incoming item to be consumed and not added to the existing stack. We are investigating but need more details, if you have had this happen please send a /bug report with as many details around the issue you can recall. Thanks!

Santa's gate has closed in Britain, but the North Pole is still accessible (in and out) through the old entrance at the top of Serpent's Pass in very northern tip of Southern Rim.

Santa has opened up a portal to his workshop from Britain. Go visit him and see if he's got anything for you!

Merry Christmas to you all.

  • Slightly reduced the chance for mobs to spawn while looting a treasure chest
    - Added a leash to all mobs spawned by a treasure chest
    - Mobs spawned from looting the chest are no longer required to be killed to loot the rest of the box, initial spawn still needs to be killed first
    - Hidden players will now be revealed 100% of the time when looting an item from a treasure chest