During today's maintenance (9am Thursday UTC/5am Thursday US ET) the server will remain offline for up to 90 minutes while we perform maintenance.
Note that during this time, we will be doing another batch of Steam account migrations. If you are still waiting on your account to be migrated, please double check that you have provided the correct details, which include the EXISTING account ID and the NEW account ID to move your characters to.
We are unable to migrate you if you do not provide the correct details. After this maintenance, any grandfathered Steam accounts that were able to play on our server will no longer be able to connect. This is a vital step to move forward with our other client-related projects and we cannot wait any longer.
This doesn't mean you won't still be able to transfer any Steam accounts if you missed the boat - please visit https://shardsofbritannia.com/play and make sure you fill out the form and we will do what we can to cater for your request in the future.
Please keep an eye on #news in Discord to see when the server will be available again, and thank you as always for your patience.