Update your bookmarks! The news feed has been migrated from the old news.legendsofultima.online to https://legendsofultima.online/news and the in-game feed and Discord bot now reflect the new feed.

We are extremely pleased to welcome a new member to our team. Congratulations beekel!

beekel will be joining us as a Counselor, and behind the scenes, has already contributed greatly to our project in terms of the wiki, the related wiki bot and of course the interactive map.

He is also contributing in the form of custom music, which we hope to have in game very soon!

Please make him feel welcome.

  • The minimum success chance of using a runebook charge has been returned to 50% (intended value.)

We have sustained another attack today, this time of a different type. It has been mitigated, however unfortunately we have had to endure a slight rollback to 11:30 UTC/7:30 US EST.

We do apologise for the inconvenience. We will continue to defend ourselves as necessary and work through these interruptions in our service.

It's time! Housing will be launched at 10am US Eastern Time/2pm UTC on Saturday 24th July. Some notes for you all:

  • To build a house, you'll need to visit an architect and purchase a house placement tool. These will be available at the mentioned time and not before
  • Both gold and legacy tokens can be used to contribute towards the cost of a house
  • Pricing for houses can be seen once you purchase a house placement tool
  • We will work towards having previews of each house available on the wiki in the next few days
  • Valid areas for house placement are generally flat, green grass. Use your minimap to check these more accurately
  • Please note that housing will NOT be available in Britain and Minoc/Cove to begin with. This is to ensure we can maintain an acceptable level of performance in the short term. We will give advance warning prior to these regions opening up for housing
  • Within the next 48 hours, we will also launch an additional region north of Minoc. This will add a significant amount of extra housing space
  • In total, you will have three regions to choose from in which to initially place a house - Yew, Wind and "North Minoc". Below is a link to an artist's impression of these regions to assist you:


Additional features:

  • Guilds will be available, via purchase and placement of a guildstone at a house
  • Housing vendors will also be available

Thanks for bearing with us while we worked against everything that's got in our way since launch. We would have liked to have housing kicked off sooner, however unfortunately it wasn't meant to be.

Happy house hunting!

Secure Trading issues:

  • we've received several reports of players having to click Accept repeatedly until the trade finally accepts

Corpse Looting issues:

  • we're aware that many or all corpses are not appearing when attempting to open them and the best-known workaround is to use the Loot All context option

Pet Commanding issue:

  • we're aware of an issue with pets not engaging in combat again as expected after being idle; best-known workaround is to say All Stop and then try your commands again

Cut off heads of murderers now show the fee the deceased paid to resurrect, to become glorious trophies for your display

We are beginning to restore services and will be back online shortly. Thank you for bearing with us. We have extra elements in play now to mitigate any further attacks.

We expect a small rollback as we come back online. These are inevitable in these types of scenarios due to the state of world saves and must be done to ensure integrity of our data.

As always, we appreciate your patience.

All town vendors have been made invulnerable for the time being while we work on updating their AI to be in line with Britannia-era combat mechanics and as such, they will be unavailable for snooping or thievery while invulnerable. Thanks for your patience while we continue to work on things

An issue with not being able to leave your group in some cases has been resolved. Please log out and back in to receive the update, then try right-clicking your character and choosing Leave Group to try once more.

  • Macro system re-enabled & window will now only show once instead of refreshing every time a macro repeats
  • Issue with Stablemaster "Retrieve pet out of range" option has been resolved once more, this update was due to go out previously but mistakenly was not applied, now it is
  • Issue with freshly tamed pets not attacking their targets has been resolved
  • Fixed an issue with Young status not being ended when committing a criminal action
  • Fixed issue with "your X will break soon" happening prematurely
  • Prevented ability to resist beneficial spells, especially when casted on thyself
  • Fixed issue with trees not regrowing in a timely manner in some cases

The Britain Sewers are now open. This is a young-only dungeon, and designed to be quite simple to survive and skill up in for new players.

Hello everyone! We are still working around the clock to meet our goals for the Britannia launch. We are still on track and expect to bring the servers online within a target timeframe on 6/20 between 7pm-8pm Eastern Time. This is still subject to change, and may ultimately happen earlier or later, but we will do our best to stick to this timeframe. We'll post again as we get closer and if anything changes. Thanks again for your patience and your support!

The production server is back online with the latest version. Please make sure to have the latest client installed. At this time it is advised to use the "Download Now" button on the LOA Dashboard https://legendsofaria.com/dashboard to download and install the game with, as the standalone download has not been updated yet. See you in game!

Note: A common issue with the patcher seems to be that it fails twice but after the 3rd try it completes the updates. If you see "Patch Failed" just try re-loading the launcher and it should fail one more time, and then by the 3rd run be ready to play.

Tip: Untick "Verify Integrity" in the patcher after you've successfully launched the game and confirmed you can play. This will skip the lengthy scan that occurs every time you open the launcher. Turn it back on if you have crashes or errors playing the game.

  • Fixed issue with Security options not being added to containers being secured by anyone but the house owner
  • Fixed issue with double-clicking house sign not refreshing the house in some cases
  • Optimized spammy system message "the house has been refreshed"

The latest standalone client has been published to the LOA dashboard and can be downloaded at https://cdn.legendsofaria.com/Legends%20of%20Aria-

This can be used to install the game in cases where the LOA launcher fails repeatedly for some users.

The Polymorph spell has been temporarily disabled while we work on the ongoing issues with it. Thank you for your patience, we'll advise when it is available again.

The maintenance is complete, nice and early. Why are you reading this?! Go play!

Restart has been completed. Thanks for your patience!

  • (Quality of Life) Players will now have Maximum Stamina after resurrecting from death in order to help with corpse runs.
  • Fixed getting stuck while tending a campfire through build stages.
  • Campfire range has been increased from 10 to 12.
  • New 'Check Fire' right-click ability added to Campfires which allows players to inspect a campfire's life duration. Useful for players micro-managing their Campfires while drawing enemies within the Campfire regen range.