• Healing animation should be fixed, and a 3 Second Cooldown has been added to the Healing Hotkeys of Use Bandage, Bandage Self, and Bandage Last Target.
  • Harpies and other various creatures in the world that were unexpectedly unaffected by Bard skills, should now work properly.
  • Camping bugs were fixed and the time it takes to build the different stages of the campfire and tent/tent upgrades have been reduced slightly.
  • A Teleporter has been added on top of Brit Bank roof to allow players to leave the roof if they lack the ability to teleport down from the roof.

Today on Memorial Day, we honor and remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for us. We are eternally grateful and forever indebted!

  • Active gain bonuses have been greatly increased.
  • Spells casted by monsters will no longer be subject to no challenge skill check for resisting spells. This means that any harmful spell will present a gain opportunity for the player's resisting spells skill.
  • Evaluating Intelligence is no longer subject to no challenge skill check when successfully casting a spell. This means that any harmful spell casted by a player will result in a skill gain opportunity for Evaluating Intelligence. This is comparable to how Anatomy gains with combat skills.
  • The curve for daily caps has been made less severe at the upper end.
  • Threat generation has been increased for healing and ranged damage.
  • Certain monsters will more aggressively consider targeting players further away from them.

This morning was different. The air did not smell as sweet as it did. A sense of dread had encircled the citizens of Celador. Shopkeepers left their stalls, aimlessly staring into the skies. Children stopped playing on the streets and ran home to their kin. Dark storm clouds began a slow march over the horizon, as sudden wind gusts began whipping the hair of frightened folks in the streets of Britain.  The air bristled with a static electricity and a foul stench. The well waters turned black with pestilence.  Crops began dying as if poisoned by some unidentified force, and the birds and animals all fled in every direction until no wildlife could be seen.

Then it happened... something arose from the ground in the center of the City of Britain. It was too dark to perceive who or what it was, but the energy emanating from it was unmistakable.  A great evil. Someone or something has arrived…


In preparation for the main event, all servers will be offline from 7pm US EST/11pm UTC Friday 18th June. Please keep an eye on #news for further announcements over the course of the weekend.

We are aware of the issue with the official map and are working to resolve it. Thanks for your patience.

"We have found a place of great evil in the region North of Minoc. Trackers have informed us that a Northern Cave is filled with a monstrous and deadly Arachnid. We fear that this beast is linked to the creatures on the Peninsula. If they launch an attack on Minoc, we will be unprepared to defend against them. We beg you, find their nest and extinguish them. We will forever be in your debt warriors.”

~Julie the Artisan of Minoc

  • Murder participants will now always get additional counts based on how many were involved with a max of 3 (for now).
  • Blue players who are involved in a murder will not be subject to additional counts based on participants.
  • Murder participants will now remain in combat for (participants * 2) minutes with a max of 10 minutes. This means they cannot quick travel until this timer is up.
  • Blue players who are involved in a murder will not be subject to the additional combat timer based on participants.
  • Murder count decay has been reduced to 24 hours in game time from 72.
  • When a murderer decides to repent there will now be a server wide notification.
  • Destard has had some loot re-balancing done.
  • Wrong has had some loot re-balancing done.
  • Some high end monsters have become more difficult to bard.
  • Fixed an AI pathing bug when monsters are leashing.

Sorry, everyone, we noticed that some of the fixes we applied during the nightly restart had a flaw and we had to shut down unexpectedly. The server was only up for a short time after, but we still had to roll back to the time of the nightly restart. We apologize for the inconvenience and will be back online as quickly as possible.

As we grow in player count, we are tracking a performance issue that appears to be related to minimap icons (yes of all things.) We are disabling those and restarting to validate this.

We apologise for these teething issues, however we believe this will make a significant difference. We'll work on refactoring the minimap icon system and they will eventually return. In the meantime, use third party tools like http://lou-map.herokuapp.com/ to locate what you need. In particular, we'll have wandering healer locations up there shortly.

Gameplay Notes

  • All bosses have had their AI updated.
  • All bosses have had their loot adjusted.
  • Higher level bosses have had their loot greatly increased.
  • Loot tables have undergone another balance pass.
  • Spawning in Despise has been adjusted.
  • Updated static collision.
  • There is now a chance, scaled by monster difficulty, that young players will lose young status when killing very difficult monsters.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Staggering shot mount speed should return to normal after the effect has expired.
  • Bandaging a ghost will no longer yield skill gains if the healer is below the requirements for resurrection.
  • Attempting to cure poison will no longer yield skill gains if the healer is below the requirements for curing.
  • Adjusted durability warning threshold.
  • Move Speed should now always be recalculated on resurrection.
  • Fixed a bug that caused aggression when taming a creature without a distance check first.
  • Fixed an issue causing a criminal flagging when performing actions on yourself.
  • You can no longer report yourself as a murderer.
  • Fixed an issue causing bosses to continually reset.
  • Fixed an issue causing titles to reassign when gaining skill.
  • Ankhs should now resurrect Red players in the world.
  • Buccs Den now has more Red Wandering Healers that are spread out across town.

We are experiencing ongoing issues at our host as a result of a maintenance/upgrade window. We were advised there would be no impact to customers during this time, however clearly that is not the case.

There is no ETA at this time and you may experience odd behaviour or inaccessibility with the game or any of the related services.

Thank you for your patience. We will update you with more information as it comes to light.

  • Added CAPTCHA to Mining, Lumberjacking, Fishing
  • Private houses can now have 1 vendor
  • Fixed issue with Max Vendor limit on houses being calculated incorrectly (if your house already has too many vendors, they may remain for now but you will be unable to add more)
  • Fixed issue with clockwork golem (possibly other recipes) not crafting
  • Fixed issue with the unfinished keg being treated as a container and causing items dropped to them to disappear
  • Fixed issue with attacking a pet when the owner is hidden nearby causing the pet to flag crim and the owner to get guard whacked
  • Fixed "drink" option existing on prized fish (does not affect old fish)
  • Fishing outside of town now has a chance to spawn a snake
  • Potent potion recipes removed since Gardening skill is not accessible right now

We are back online. Have fun, go play!

It's not going to answer every question, but we hope we've covered the important ones! Something to read while waiting for the main event:


Due to another troublesome bug and an even larger player count (which we're not complaining about!), we will temporarily go to a 12 hour restart schedule to avoid a possible stability issue. We'll advise when we've squashed this one and change back to daily restarts.

Relog to fix combat issues. Stackables are being worked on.

An update has been made to the rules regarding multiboxing and spycams. Please re-read the rules at https://legendsofultima.online/about/rules. As a reminder, you are responsible for keeping yourself informed of the rules at all times.

"The Britain Royal Guard is seeking mercenaries willing to investigate three different suspected Dens of Evil. Our trackers have given us approximate areas for these Dens and they appear to be bound together with an unknown magic. We have sent many brave mercenaries to each already, but no matter how many times they cleanse these ritual sites.. they return. This is unlike anything we have seen before..."

First Tracked Location: https://imgur.com/XjZOegH

Second Tracked Location: https://imgur.com/S5nmsg4

Third Tracked Location: https://imgur.com/Ipmfexc

  • After the next scheduled restart, the game will remain offline until the housing launch time of 10AM US Eastern/2pm UTC
  • Further information on housing is available on our wiki here: https://wiki.legendsofultima.online/en/housing
  • Cost, plot size, lockdowns etc will be available to you once you purchase a housing tool
  • The final list of available launch houses may not 100% reflect what is shown on the wiki. We'll advise further with the launch announcement
  • The area north of the town of Minoc is now available to players. This will also be one of the regions where you'll be able to place a house, as per the wiki article