We would like to remind all players that, as per the rules you agreed to when first logging into our server, exploiting bugs/glitches etc is not allowed. In some cases, after a thorough investigation, the effect of a particular exploit may be so game breaking that we have no choice but to react with severe consequences to those players involved.

We do not take these decisions lightly, and of course we would prefer to avoid these situations at all costs. If you do encounter a bug that results in being exploitable, please do report via /bug in game and we will do our best to address it ASAP. Thank you for your understanding.

Covetous and Destard have been fixed, and are available to play again.

The issue with being unable to remove items from a locked down paragon chest has been resolved

  • The distance from which NPCs will catch thieves in the act and call Guards on them has been somewhat reduced
  • An issue preventing criminal timer from being refreshed during PVP combat has been resolved
    - Line-of-sight requirement for NPCs to call guards has been disabled for Stealing; normally the NPCs in town would wander around and change their perspective, making theiving more challenging and rewarding in some cases, but at this time the NPCs are set to not-wander, so we're doing this to balance in-town thefts until NPC wander has been re-enabled.

We are aware some folks have lost some house contents following the deployment of the 12/8 patch. We sincerely apologize for any losses that this caused. We do not take lost progress lightly and you should know that we're sorry it happened. We do our best to heavily test each change and take measures to prevent losses as best as possible. Occasionally unforseen circumstances do occur, and we normally do our best to recover from them. In this case we were unable to intercept the issue in time to perform a rollback and address it. We thank you for your support and understanding.

Bola Revert

  • The most recent Bola changes have been reverted.
  • This reduces the success chance to hit the target from 100% back to 66%.
  • This also increases the cooldowns from 6s back to 10s.

Plot Deco Changes

  • Can no longer decorate locked down objects rotating or moving them outside of the plot bounds.
  • Items that are detected out of the bounds will be automatically moved back inside the plot.
  • There is now a reasonable min/max limit on lowering/raising objects on a plot.
  • NOTE: An autofix has occurred that checked all objects on plots to be out of bounds and has automatically moved offending items inwards towards the plot so not to be extending out of bounds; because of this, some of your decorations or fence pieces may need to be re-positioned.
  • GARDENING NOTE: Plants from gardening now require users to be at least friend to use/harvest the plants due to the deco autofix.

Ban List

  • Targets that are banned are now prevented from re-entering the plot automatically.
  • New tab in the Plot Menu has been added to manage Bans.

Smelting, Milling, Scissors

  • Salvaging has been redesigned from scratch to be more like UO.
  • You should be able to salvage anything that can be crafted.
  • To Smelt something simply double click a forge -OR- use the E ability on a Pickaxe.
  • To Mill/Chop something use the E ability on a Hatchet.
  • To cut cloth objects, use a pair of scissors.
  • You can now salvage items that are on the ground, in your pack animal, or in your inventory, as long as you have access to pick it up.
  • You can now salvage items bought from a town vendor, but will receive a greatly reduced amount of resources from them, and no chance to gain skill.
  • You can now automatically attempt to salvage objects inside of a container, just target a container or yourself to choose backpack.
  • Wooden & Wood Kite shields have been moved to Carpentry recipes and now use wood to craft and are salvageable.


  • Repairing of equipment will now be done via the crafting menu.
  • Applicable crafting stations now have a "Repair" button in their menu.

Disguise Kits

  • Thief Disguise Kit & Orc Body Kits have been optimized and should work much more reliably.
  • Orc Body Kit is now blessed.
  • Orc Body Kit will no longer become locked down on use.


  • Skinning has been redesigned from scratch to be more like UO.
  • All bladed weapons and the skinning knife can be used to:
    • cut corpses to instantly create the meat/hides inside the corpse.
    • cut whole fish, on the ground or in our inventory, into fish fillets.
  • Bladed weapons have "Toggle Default" option to set the default double-click action:
    • Use: double click and target something to skin.
    • Equip: double click to equip the weapon.
  • Right-clicking a corpse, choosing harvest will check your inventory recursively for a blade to use to skin it.

Treasure Hunting

  • Players will now be required to kill all monsters spawned from a treasure chest before being able to loot from the chest.

The server is now using the latest version of the LOA client. Please make sure to download the latest client to play.

There are a few known issues from this update:
- Covetous and Destard dungeons are purple/pink in appearance and have been disabled until we have had a chance to resolve
- Some trees/rocks may report "Too far", if you find that there are more than 'a couple' of these please let us know, but for the most part should be correct
- Trees that were previously hidden on plots may re-appear, please use a Tree Removal Shovel from an Architect vendor to try and hide it

Lockpicking success rates have been tweaked.

Thanks to everyone that has taken time to fill out the Player Survey. We appreciate your time and value your feedback!

Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey: https://forms.gle/H7gAujnCdVspLF996

  • An issue was resolved with Archery continuing to shoot while players are moving
    - An issue was resolved allowing players to rapidly shoot bows by quickly unequipping and reequipping bows

    (This was meant to be posted sooner, but did not get published erroneously.)

The stablemasters have started to slowly restock their inventory.

Due to a union-related issue, Stable Masters are not able to sell any animals at this time. We hope the result of their strike is that they are remunerated fairly and equitably, and they can return to providing a service that we all appreciate very much in the near future.

Please be reminded that claiming to be a staff member of LoU or LOA when you are not is considered a violation of our rules under Communication and Player Conduct - Part 6 which is publicly visible at https://legendsofultima.gamepedia.com/Server_Rules -- if someone does not have the Staff role in Discord or does not appear in-game with a Yellow name and Counselor/Guild Master title then they are most likely not a staff member.

Also please be reminded that this is one of the reasons, for security, that we do not provide support via Discord. Please make sure to report suspected rule violations via an in-game page, or an email to [email protected] -- this is the only way to be sure you are speaking to a member of the LOU Team.

In order to evaluate a potential performance concern, World Chat will remain disabled for a few days while we collect further data. Thanks for your patience.

Claire the Pilgrim, found in Magincia, offers some of her festive wares for trade. Seek out festive turkeys in the Eastern Frontier for what she seeks. (Event runs until 01 Dec at 1200 EST)

The temporary 10% bonus to skills has now been concluded and the gain chance will be restored to normal soon.

The patch posted in #test-center-patch-notes has been delayed for some time. The changes will remain on our Test Center for further testing. Thanks for your patience and helping with testing. :)

Service has been restored.