Signup for the PVP event closes tomorrow! Head over to if you'd like to participate!

After next restart:

  • Lockpicks obtained from mobs will be smeltable
  • Players added as a friend of a guild house will be able to enter the house
  • Fishing SOS treasure maps have been refreshed to work with Britannia, any existing maps should now be decipherable
  • SOS treasure maps require the use of Fishing Nets to attempt fishing them up
  • Fishing Nets have been added to Fishing Vendors while also being able to obtain them from general fishing and the chance to receive them from general fishing increased slightly
  • Fishing nets will no longer break as often when using them for fishing SOS treasure maps
  • Sunken Ships will now appear in the water where the SOS treasure map is located
  • Refreshed sea creatures & loot tables & a couple of new semi-rares added to strive towards (more additions to follow in time)

The upcoming Fishing SOS changes are delayed slightly while we continue work on it, however, the container organization changes will go out tonight during the daily restart.


  • Fishing SOS treasure maps have been updated to work with Britannia
  • Fishing Nets are now required to attempt to fish up SOS treasures
  • Sunken ship will now appear in the water near the SOS location, which should normally be visible from shore


  • Added new Move Contents option to containers to help with moving items from one container to another
  • Added new Stack Contents option to containers to help with stacking a container's contents
  • Added Organize Backpack option to characters (right click self); this will automatically organize all of your non-blessed items into pouches
  • Updated "Set XXX Bag" options, replaced all of the right-click options with single "Set Container Type" option, works with backpack organizer

General Fixes/Changes

  • Fixed issue with security option not being added to items when locking them down in some cases (may need to release & re-secure existing items to give them security option if they are affected)
  • Changed default security option to Co-Owners when owner is securing items

Go play!

Apologies folks, we'll need a little longer to finish our tasks. This could be up to an hour, but should be sooner. Thanks as always for your patience.

We'll be offline for up to an hour during this evening's maintenance window @ 9am UTC. Thanks for your patience.

The Wiki Bot is temporarily offline, it'll return to service after it's had a pina colada or two on the beach.

Due to some server lag issues that we experienced during the original PVP Tournament preliminary rounds (which have since been resolved!), we're going to start from scratch and get another fresh bracket going.

Signup closes Saturday, 10/2/21. We will then get preliminary rounds under way, and as we approach the final four, schedule the main event finals, which will still include a battle royale!

Copypasta of event details/rules ahead: This event will be split into two parts, as follows:

1v1 Mounted Combat Tournament - Mounted players will face each other solo in rounds. Early rounds will involve the players coordinating with one another and meeting in world to duke it out. Results can be reported in the #pvp-event channel (access will be granted upon event signup). Despite being out in the open world, this will still be a 1v1 battle- please respect these rules or face disqualification. Players in the past have used free recording software to record their early stage duels to eliminate any potential problems, these also make great content videos for our game.

On the date of the finals, the final 4 will meet at the Colosseum and duke it out 1v1 until a winner is declared.

After the champion is declared, the field will be cleared and a free-for-all Royal Rumble shall occur. All contestants and any willing audience members will be placed in the arena, and only one will leave alive, no rules, last one standing wins.

Rules: -Only one player per human being may enter the competition -Player crafted gear ONLY. No magical (vanquishing, etc) gear allowed. Exceptional gear is allowed. -Looting strongly discouraged but not illegal (between contestants) -Only one mount per player, no ethereal mounts allowed -Tamers participating may bring only one pet in addition to their mount. -All items are able to be used. -Audience members may not assist contestants in any way or commit criminal acts against other audience members.

Prizes: -Trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the 1v1; and one trophy for the Royal Rumble winner

To sign up for the 1v1 tournament, go to sign in with your discord account in the top right, and complete the signup form. If you only wish to participate in the Royal Rumble, simply show up to the event!

  • Removed the need to press escape after attempting to apply a bandage to yourself while one is already being applied or healing is not needed
  • Fixed issue with Last Target option in the in-game macro system not working with some commonly used skills and skill objects
  • Fixed issue with Provocation & Peacemaking timers not being reset with successful attempts when the mobs are already fighting/subdued
  • Clicking any of the heal buttons on the group healthbar will now set the group member as your Last Target for use with macros or Bandage Last ability

Nightmares have been spawned in Britannia!

Rideable Pack Beetles have arrived in Britannia as a brand new tamable! These beasts are not only sturdier than horses, but are the only mount that also can act as a pack animal. While any player (even non-tamers) may control the beetle, tamers may find procuring one to be a bit tricky...

Lag issues should largely be resolved. We will continue to monitor the situation. Some players may experience intermittent issues based on their path to the server.

  • Messages when bandaging others have been optimized to show accurate messages
  • When a group member dies, other members in the group will be alerted
  • Fixed an issue with toggling options on some backpack equipment (e.g. toggling a pickaxe to mine stone)

We're back online. Go play!

After next restart, if the owner of a pet is dead and the pet is attacked, the pet will defend itself.

During the next restart period (9am UTC 16th September) we will remain offline for up to 2 hours to perform extended maintenance.

Thank you for your patience.

We are aware of ongoing lag issues that some users are experiencing. At this stage, we are waiting for a core issue to be rectified at our host, at which time we will most likely move back to our original datacentre.

The latest advice is that they are working with their network equipment vendor to patch and resolve the issue. Unfortunately this seems to be taking an extended amount of time, however as soon as we are advised that this issue is resolved, we will in turn advise you all.

Apologies for this, it is out of our hands at this time. We know a few of you have suggested moving to an alternative host, however please understand that is not a realistic avenue for us at this time due to both the cost and time involved. We are not a simple 'single server' solution like a RunUO/ServUO shard.

An exploit which allowed players to place houses in areas not intended for housing has been patched. If you have knowingly used this exploit to place a house somewhere it shouldn't be, please be aware that it may be subject to deletion without notice. It is recommended you move your home immediately to avoid this outcome.