• Updated crafting window Repair button to show how to make a repair deed
  • CAPTCHA improvements
  • Fixed issue with some characters being unable to log in if they were previously unable to complete the transition from Celador
  • Fixed issue with trees being "too far away" in North Minoc area
  • Logging out in a dungeon will result in being teleported to Limbo when logging back in, if logging in 20+ minutes after logging out
  • Marking runes is now possible inside Dungeons on Levels 1 except for Despise being able to mark on Levels 2 & 3
  • The following actions are prevented around the nearby areas surrounding dungeon entrances, both interior and exterior:
    • gaining skills
    • marking runes
    • casting field spells
    • dropping objects

We are experiencing ongoing issues at our host as a result of a maintenance/upgrade window. We were advised there would be no impact to customers during this time, however clearly that is not the case.

There is no ETA at this time and you may experience odd behaviour or inaccessibility with the game or any of the related services.

Thank you for your patience. We will update you with more information as it comes to light.

Just a reminder from the article posted last week: https://legendsofultima.online/news/server-is-up-again-1

Any characters, items, and houses that were left behind in Celador are no longer accessible.

If you have any characters stuck in Limbo/Inbetween from the transition and have trouble progressing through the black portal, please send a help request and make sure your contact info (use /contactinfo command) is up to date so we can contact you if no one is available to help immediately.

Critizens of Britannia, be warned! An increased Orc presence has been observed in our lands. These savage creatures know no limit to their ferocity and evil. But fear ye not! Your Brave and Courageous leaders are maintaining the guard around the clock, keeping the Orc scourge out of our city walls and your children safe from their barbarism.

[The Orc Guild has now been fully enabled. Players wishing to join the Orc Guild must seek out and contact a member of the guild]

  • Healing animation should be fixed, and a 3 Second Cooldown has been added to the Healing Hotkeys of Use Bandage, Bandage Self, and Bandage Last Target.
  • Harpies and other various creatures in the world that were unexpectedly unaffected by Bard skills, should now work properly.
  • Camping bugs were fixed and the time it takes to build the different stages of the campfire and tent/tent upgrades have been reduced slightly.
  • A Teleporter has been added on top of Brit Bank roof to allow players to leave the roof if they lack the ability to teleport down from the roof.

We are aware of the issue with the official map and are working to resolve it. Thanks for your patience.

  • Murder participants will now always get additional counts based on how many were involved with a max of 3 (for now).
  • Blue players who are involved in a murder will not be subject to additional counts based on participants.
  • Murder participants will now remain in combat for (participants * 2) minutes with a max of 10 minutes. This means they cannot quick travel until this timer is up.
  • Blue players who are involved in a murder will not be subject to the additional combat timer based on participants.
  • Murder count decay has been reduced to 24 hours in game time from 72.
  • When a murderer decides to repent there will now be a server wide notification.
  • Destard has had some loot re-balancing done.
  • Wrong has had some loot re-balancing done.
  • Some high end monsters have become more difficult to bard.
  • Fixed an AI pathing bug when monsters are leashing.

Gameplay Notes

  • All bosses have had their AI updated.
  • All bosses have had their loot adjusted.
  • Higher level bosses have had their loot greatly increased.
  • Loot tables have undergone another balance pass.
  • Spawning in Despise has been adjusted.
  • Updated static collision.
  • There is now a chance, scaled by monster difficulty, that young players will lose young status when killing very difficult monsters.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Staggering shot mount speed should return to normal after the effect has expired.
  • Bandaging a ghost will no longer yield skill gains if the healer is below the requirements for resurrection.
  • Attempting to cure poison will no longer yield skill gains if the healer is below the requirements for curing.
  • Adjusted durability warning threshold.
  • Move Speed should now always be recalculated on resurrection.
  • Fixed a bug that caused aggression when taming a creature without a distance check first.
  • Fixed an issue causing a criminal flagging when performing actions on yourself.
  • You can no longer report yourself as a murderer.
  • Fixed an issue causing bosses to continually reset.
  • Fixed an issue causing titles to reassign when gaining skill.

We're going to need to do an additional restart in about 20 minutes so that we can try to help some players who are unable to login. No downtime expected. Thank you for your patience as we try to get everyone in game again!

As you may be aware, earlier this week we identified several users involved in abusing some economic vulnerabilities that were discovered. At that time we had to roll back the server to recover from the impact and to protect our newly established economy.

After that incident occurred the players involved began to launch an attack on the LOU infrastructure (DDoS) causing our servers to become inaccessible. The players involved have since been banned and ejected from the community, but the attacks continue to occur occasionally.

At this time we are doing everything we can to prevent outages, but there may be times when the server will have to be brought down unexpectedly in order to recover.

We will be monitoring things closely to try and prevent downtime and loss of progress, and we sincerely appreciate your patience and support through our growing pains.

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from trading houses saying there are vendors working out of it when there is not
  • Added option to house menu for the plot owner to be able to collect commissions from vendors that have been rented to other players
  • Switching house privacy state from Public to Private is now possible even if the house has 1 vendor working out of it

Power hour will no longer expire after 60 real-time minutes from activation, instead will expire after 60 minutes of in-game playtime, with the same 22-hour cooldown from the time you started it last

This means if you log out before using all of your Power Hour then you can log back in and use what's remaining before the 22 hours is up, after which Power Hour will be reset and you will be able to activate it again

As we grow in player count, we are tracking a performance issue that appears to be related to minimap icons (yes of all things.) We are disabling those and restarting to validate this.

We apologise for these teething issues, however we believe this will make a significant difference. We'll work on refactoring the minimap icon system and they will eventually return. In the meantime, use third party tools like http://lou-map.herokuapp.com/ to locate what you need. In particular, we'll have wandering healer locations up there shortly.

Reminder! Sign-up for the tournament closes this Saturday!

Event Details: https://legendsofultima.online/news/events/add/1v1-pvp-tournament-and-royal-rumble-event

Sign-Up Link: https://event-signup.uo4.life

  • Ankhs should now resurrect Red players in the world.
  • Buccs Den now has more Red Wandering Healers that are spread out across town.

"We have found a place of great evil in the region North of Minoc. Trackers have informed us that a Northern Cave is filled with a monstrous and deadly Arachnid. We fear that this beast is linked to the creatures on the Peninsula. If they launch an attack on Minoc, we will be unprepared to defend against them. We beg you, find their nest and extinguish them. We will forever be in your debt warriors.”

~Julie the Artisan of Minoc

We're investigating an issue with guards and will be down for a little bit longer.

  • Non-Owners can no longer Destroy Campsites.
  • Taking damage while building a Camp/Tent should break animations now.
  • Dismount messaging fixed, and can no longer place/interact with Campfires while mounted.

Due to another troublesome bug and an even larger player count (which we're not complaining about!), we will temporarily go to a 12 hour restart schedule to avoid a possible stability issue. We'll advise when we've squashed this one and change back to daily restarts.

"The Britain Royal Guard is seeking mercenaries willing to investigate three different suspected Dens of Evil. Our trackers have given us approximate areas for these Dens and they appear to be bound together with an unknown magic. We have sent many brave mercenaries to each already, but no matter how many times they cleanse these ritual sites.. they return. This is unlike anything we have seen before..."

First Tracked Location: https://imgur.com/XjZOegH

Second Tracked Location: https://imgur.com/S5nmsg4

Third Tracked Location: https://imgur.com/Ipmfexc