Ruin level 1 boss, Xozhar The Corrupted can no longer be abused by kiting it to the Wandering Healer at the entrance. Please report instances of this bug abuse in the future.

  • Increased durability of drum and lute, bamboo flute respectively
    - Weather is temporarily disabled
    - Unlock spell now works correctly against thief containers and treasure chests
    - You should no longer be able to "Loot All" from a thief container
    - Known Issue: Occasionally, stolen items from town containers get stuck in the backpack, we're working to resolve

Sorry everyone, we've disabled mounting on all of the bears. :( It wasn't intended to make all bears mounts after the Steam launch when they were added. Don't worry though, we're going to add them to the world in
a meaningful way so that they matter! Bears lives matter! Thanks for your understanding.

  • Alchemists now buy and sell regular potions.
  • The red moongate in Britain has vanished, and access to the new dungeons is now available using wagons near the Britain, Moonglow, Nujel'm, Magincia and Vesper graveyards, or directly via Wind's entrance in Misty Caverns just outside Riverside. Young players cannot use the graveyard wagons but can still enter via Misty Caverns.
    - Added torches in Misty Caverns between the crystal to Wind and the tunnel exit to Riverside.
    - Added a second healer to Wind's north-eastern area.

Guards have been removed from the sewers - the sewers are only accessible by Young Players now, so guards are not required any longer.

  • Fixed an issue where a young player was not able to target themselves with offensive spells
    - Fixed an issue where a young player was not able to heal their own pets
  • Pets will now come with you under all scenarios where you use a charge from your runebook

It's time! Phase 1 of the new player experience includes:

- Reopening the sewers, with a sewer token system and a sewer vendor with suitable items for young players
- Sewers will be accessible by young players only
- All young players will receive a 'guidebook' in their initial player loot that guides them towards our discord, wiki and the sewers as a starting dungeon
- Young players are now safe from other players, they can't be attacked with weapons, spells or pets
- Young players can still have beneficial spells cast on them by other players
- Young players cannot heal other players unless they are also young. This includes both magery and bandages
- We now have a mechanic to limit young player access to events as required
- Note that if you attempt to attack a young player, while you won't be able to land any damage, you WILL be flagged criminal. Naughty you!

Phase 2 is still to come. It will include the promised quest system, once we are able to move to the latest CS build after steam release. It will also include a dedicated tutorial area where young players will start. More on that soon!

- On an unrelated note, we are now serving custom assets (like Covetous and the other dungeons) on a global CDN. What this means for you is downloads of new files as they are updated should be much faster.

  • Seeds drops off Magical Creatures and Boglings have been reduced.
    - Mana Regeneration has been slightly reduced to balance Mages.
    - Covetous Bosses LVL3+ are being actively balanced to guarantee achievable Group Content.
  • Fixed a bug with the war torn warg statue where it would get stuck in a player's backpack
  • Fixed various issues with interacting with items that were in pack animals or vendor backpacks
  • We have disabled Five Star General as we have discovered performance issues with this enchantment.
    - Your excess pets should be able to be stabled, and will remain passive until you do so.
  • When you place an object from a deed, the deco menu will automatically pop up now
    - When you lock down an object, the deco menu will automatically pop up now
    - If you use lock down on an already locked down object, the deco menu will automatically pop up now
    - When you place an object from a deed, it will automatically become your current deco target rather than needing to change target to it
  • Melee Hit Chance Increased (PVP/PVE).
    - Parry Block Chance Increased (PVP/PVE).
    - Parry Damage Reduction Increased (PVP/PVE).
    - Mages Mana Regeneration Increased, Where Meditation In Leather Armor Is Much More Viable (PVP/PVE).
    - Round Two to include additional warrior changes and further balancing!
  • The drop rate on the Radiant Staff of the Wizard has been significantly adjusted.
  • Max number of item lockdowns for player plots has been increased.
    - Bola Ball Recipe has had the required Iron Ingots amount reduced by 50% (from 10 ingots per ball to 5 ingots)
    - Player signature when finishing an interaction with a merchant has been sped up slightly.
  • The Destroy Campsite option will no longer instantly destroy a campsite, giving campers the opportunity to respond to players trying to stomp out their home away from home.
  • An issue with the spotted dick recipe crafting into a deed has been resolved. (We are aware that the art is a pie. Please do not report this as a bug.)
    - The gardening grown wheat item now properly displays as wheat instead of an apple.
    - The Taste Identification skill book now properly grants 30 skill points in Taste Identification.
    - An issue has been resolved with the Event Token deeds for the Librarian's Bookshelf and the Librarian's Corner Bookshelf. If you have a faulty deed, please /page and we will exchange for a working deed.
  • GM Alchemist Perk - Potent Potions 25% Crafting Chance at 100 Skill.