We are back. Please note that due to some back end infrastructure changes, if you previously used the shortcut to access our server, i.e.:


You should now change to use the following:


Thanks for your patience, and happy gaming!

Due to an issue with the US cluster, we are currently offline. There is no ETA to restoration at this time. There will be another update as soon as we know more.

Apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.

The login server for US servers will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on March 30th at 4pm UTC and is expected to last 2 hours. The server will remain online but new connections may not be accepted during the outage window.

An issue was resolved with using the Restock Reagents option with town vendors, if they are sold out of one or more of the items, causing players to be charged without receiving items. Please let us know if you encounter any other issues with the vendors.

Today marks the last day of the Winter Events for 2020. Thanks to everyone that has participated! Due to this, the special winter drops will stop dropping after tonight. For those of you that enjoy ice fishing, don't worry! We've added some new items to obtain with ice fishing, as well as a few new additions to SOS loot.

  • An issue with torches not behaving consistently has been resolved; torches have all been moved over to a new Torch slot, and a button for it added to the paperdoll
    - Attempting to purchase items from player vendors will no longer only consume gold from the bank if the purchase is over 3000gp, instead all purchases will now check bank for gold or checks
    - Speech prompts, like when setting prices with player vendors, will now automatically activate chat so you can begin typing without needing to press enter first
    - An issue with players not being able to call Guards on players that have become hidden has been resolved
    - Stealing chance bonus added for thieves with 100 Stealing, a spreadsheet with chance calculation added at https://kutt.it/ZvCqDQ
    - An issue causing pack animals to become overfilled in some cases has been resolved
    - An issue has been resolved that was allowing players to mount while hidden and continue moving while mounted & hidden
    - An issue with fishing nets having duplicate tooltips should be resolved
    - An issue with bankers spamming "Guards!" multiple times in a row when a criminal interacts with them has been resolved
    - An issue with disguised name not appearing, instead showing the character's real name in several cases has be resolved
    - The chef/cook vendors should now buy items that they sell, including apples
    - An issue with getting stuck inside of campfires when using Camping skill has been resolved
  • An issue with some players getting stuck inside of the ice fishing huts has been resolved
    - An issue has been solved with adding a large amount of potions to a keg resulting in improper amount of empty bottles being returned
    - Empty bottles have been moved out of potion recipes and instead will consume an empty bottle only upon successful crafting of a potion; this is to help solve edge cases of empty bottles not being refunded sometimes during crafting
    - An issue with mana being overly consumed when using quick-travel spells has been resolved
    - An issue with being unable to cut fish into fillets has been resolved
    - An issue with the pet broker window not re-opening after setting a price has been resolved
    - An issue with some objects not being unequipped on death has been resolved
    - An issue with some effects not ending and cleaning up properly if logging out and back in after the duration has expired has been resolved, most notably Incognito
    - An issue that would sometimes cause mobs to spawn or leash to locations on house plots has been resolved
  • An issue with the winter hair dye not working for female characters has been resolved
  • An issue has been resolved sometimes causing Fishing related actions to report "You are already Fishing"

Test Center will be offline for an indefinite period while we.. do things! We'll advise here when it's back online.

  • An issue with fishing nets not working when using one from a stack has been resolved
    - An issue with the Macro Creator overriding floating hotbar icons has been resolved
    - The Blacksmith model houses have been retired due to a bug which only affects newly placed houses. If you already have a blacksmith model house and it still works fine then you may keep it. They are no longer utilized or supported by LOA so the blueprints have been removed from architects, but they can be sold back to the vendors for a full refund.

The server is back online and the following patch has been applied: https://legendsofultima.gamepedia.com/Fishing_Update_December_2020

Make sure to try out the new /macro command to help with repetitive tasks

Frozen Tundra has been populated with wildlife and some wandering healers throughout.

Due to some major backend changes with the Legends of Aria architecture, we need to temporarily retire the Covetous and Destard dungeons. This will allow us to proceed with the latest LoA upgrade, including moving to a new Unity platform, which in turn lets us push ahead with our plans for the Britannia map.

Rest assured they will return in the near future. If you have characters that are logged out inside Covetous or Destard, those characters will automatically be ejected if you try to log them in. Once the regions are removed entirely, you should be prompted for a town when you try to log them in.

Thanks as always for your patience while we work through these latest challenges. Keep an eye on #news for a notice around the upgrade, at which time you'll need to update your clients as well.

Frozen Tundra is now open! Throughout the rest of the month creatures spawned in the Frozen Tundra will have a chance to drop Winter Event collectibles. There will be new monsters, mini-champs and champs to contend with. New armour and weapons to collect as well as dozens of new collectible items.

The region will be open indefinitely and is housing-enabled allowing players to place houses. Soon we will be adding the new snowy house models provided by LOA!

That's not all! In the coming days we will also be adding Fishing Updates, Ice Fishing, and the in-game Macro System! See the full details at: https://legendsofultima.gamepedia.com/Fishing_Update_December_2020

But what about Britannia?! Well don't worry we haven't lost focus on the new map, as the team has been working steadily on that as well. While we don't have anything new to show you today, we may have some further updates coming soon. Keep your eyes peeled, and in the meantime please enjoy the Winter festivities!

We are pleased to announce that Legends of Ultima will be launching our 2020 Winter Event this Sunday 13th December at 11:00am EST

The event this year is different to previous years and we are proud to announce that we will be opening the Frozen Tundra for our players to enjoy.

There will be new monsters, mini-champs and champs to contend with. New armour and weapons to collect as well as dozens of new collectable items to aquire. There are a few more surprises and more details will follow in the next few days but there will certainly be lots to keep you busy during the holiday period.

We have enabled a higher verification setting for the Discord to prevent abuse. If you were affected by this please know we did not single you out, but you just need to either A) verify your phone number on your Discord account or B) send us an email requesting an exception at [email protected] if you cannot or choose not to verify a phone number. Thanks for your understanding.

  • Agressive rats should now ignore mobile collision/shove mechanics, if there are other small critters that do not ignore please send bug reports
    - An issue with group messages sometimes referring to payers as "nil" has been resolved
    - Group members should no longer trigger "... has logged in/out" alerts when switching regions
    - Equipment circle buttons will now appear on player vendor paperdolls to allow owners to more easily manage the vendor's worn equipment
    - An issue that sometimes causes vendors/pet brokers to be ejected from the house plot immediately when being hired should be resolved
    - For privacy reasons, whispers are now restricted to friends only, meaning that you will need to have a player on your friends list in order to /tell them or whisper them
    - Known Issue: Some secured objects on plots may not show the "Security" option in the right-click menu, we are investigating. As a workaround, we've added a "Manage Object Security" option to the plot menu to allow you to target a secured object and change it's security level.
    - Known Issue: Some house blueprints are not displaying their dimensions in their tooltips. As a workaround, it will now display the dimensions required in a system message when trying to place a house and it does not fit.
    - To aid with house placements, you can now target the mailbox directly when trying to place a house to attempt placing directly on the center of the plot.