Fixed an issue with Level 5 Treasure Maps not being diggable

We've fixed an issue with the Necromancer Death Ward spell not being interrupted properly when being killed by Town Guards, it is not an intended mechanic to avoid town-guard-punishment

The issue causing delays with one-time donations has been resolved, thanks again for your patience through the delays

  • Introduced more challenging MOBs into Deviously Drawn T-Maps.
  • Added new loot within Deviously Drawn T-Maps.
  • Enhanced the drop rate of dungeon tokens in Shame.
  • New loot has been added to dungeon fishing
  • Blood & Acid Elementals in Shame now have a higher chance to drop dungeon tokens

It's time for another Bazaar! We're back at Moonglow Lyceaum again this time, and vendor spots can be rented until July 1st. We've installed a separate Vendor Search stone at the Lyceaum as well. Happy buying & selling!

PS: There's a new rental property available next to the Lyceaum now as well.

You can now set any item to Not For Sale on your player vendors

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to dig fishing hole with Ice Pick
  • Fixed an issue with Level 5 Treasure Maps not being diggable
  • Fixed an issue with Pigment Dyes not dying leather armor

Happy Monday! We hope you're having a great day. We have just a few reminders and clarifications for you today:

  • Discord Support Tickets are currently on Vacation, see:

  • Britain Moat Fishing: We have fixed the issue with not obtaining uncommon items and tokens from the Britain Moat. Please be aware, it is against the rules to use multiple characters to fish at the same time & you should not be using a Young character for Moat Fishing (this will be patched out soon)

  • Not only can you fish for tokens in the Britain Moat, but we have also reintroduced the original loot for you to enjoy!
  • There's a new merchant located at the entrance of level 1 Shame who sells goods in exchange for dungeon tokens. These tokens have a chance of being dropped by any MOBs found within Shame.
  • Fixed an issue preventing criminals from teleporting at all while in combat resulting in error "cannot enter no combat area" this should now only occur when actually trying to enter a No Combat area
  • A new donation vendor selling banners has now been placed in Yew (images on the SoB Wiki).
  • Various loot pools such as SOS treasure chests now contain Banner dye bottles!

Recently we identified and resolved an issue with Rental Properties. Specifically, if you rented a property and the rent expired from not paying, you probably received notice that your rental property belongings have been packed up and can be retrieved from the Account Vault. If you had a rental property prior to March 3rd, 2023 and the items from your rental were not recoverable, your items may still be stored and can be retrieved by staff. If you had this happen, please contact us for assistance and we will do our best to try to recover your items.

We've identified an issue with Veteran Rewards for accounts that accounts that existed before the launch of Britannia on June 20, 2021. During the transition from Celador to Britannia we had attempted to clear everyone's Veteran Rewards records at that time, but it seems that several accounts still had old Veteran Reward records from prior to the launch of Britannia. These records have now been cleared, so if you transferred from Celador to Britannia in 2021 and you had issues with your Veteran Rewards, please check them again and you will find the old records have been erased.

  • Improved monster AI to prevent them from attacking 100% of the time when you enter their range, now they will have a small chance to ignore you, buying you a few seconds to maneuver around them
  • Slightly increased delays between pet & town-vender wandering ticks
  • Added additional measures to prevent players from entering No Combat areas while in combat
  • Murderer Restrictions: Fixed an issue with characters being able to perform hostile actions against innocent players in dungeons while being murderer restricted in some cases
  • Murderer Restrictions: Fixed an issue with murderers being able to resurrect via wandering healer or ankh in dungeons, if they exist, while being murderer restricted
  • Added Moonglow to character creation town selection
  • Improved Hiding skill to allow hiding near other beings when you have not been engaged in combat with any beings recently and are not criminal

It is intended for all characters to be able to enter, traverse and hang out in towns no matter their notoriety state. To be clear, murderers are allowed to enter protected towns and hangout, but they are unable to use any vendors in town, and they are subject to being attacked by anyone as well as being Guard whacked if they commit any crimes. Furthermore, it's intended for all characters to be able to enter the West Britain Bank rooftop hangout, even murderers. Combat is prevented from this space, as well as using the ladders/teleporters to the roof after engaging in combat, so there should be no concern about this. To learn more about how the Criminal System & Guards work, check out the Notoriety wiki page:

We're aware of some unexpected behavior with draggable UI elements. Yesterday the team deployed a small patch to the SoB Launcher to try to resolve the long-standing issue with draggable UI elements not saving their positions until you log-out completely. The change deployed makes the client save draggable UI element positions periodically, every 30 seconds currently. Since there's reports of unexpected behavior, we're looking into the reports and will improve things as needed.

  • An issue has been resolved with normal (cloth) dyetubs not being able to dye some qualifying items
  • An issue has been resolved with the Demon Skull Mask not being blessable
  • An issue has been resolved with Patrons houses not being updated to reflect changes in Tier in some cases; going forward if you make a change to your pledge tier, all houses will be updated to reflect the new tier. If you changed your pledge tier recently and your house did not get updated please (contact us)[] for assistance

The Easter egg hunt has officially ended for the season, we hope you had fun hopping around collecting carrots and smashing eggs! Reminder: The Easter Vendor will remain until June 1st!