Please logout and restart the launcher to fetch the latest updates.

  • We have added Ping Milliseconds display in the debug window when you press F12. This will display your ping return time in milliseconds to the server and will help to identify actual network lag issues and separate them from client or server issues.

  • Now you can set the radius for the objects to be displayed when you hold CTRL. Just use the command "/setobjhandleradius 5" and you can set a number between 1 and 30 (Default is 5). NOTE: This can be overridden by the server for certain areas.

We've added Location-based Releasing for houses, so now when you use "i wish to release this" you can target the ground, and you will be presented with a list of locked down objects at the location you've targeted to be able to release them. This is especially useful for objects that cannot be targeted directly.

  • fixed a rare case with trades sometimes becoming interrupted potentially causing a loss of some or all of the items being traded; going forward if there are ever any issues with trades, all items will end up going back to their owner so there should never be any losses
  • fixed an issue with being able to interrupt another person's trade in some cases, now it should always prevent trade attempts if someone is already trading

Bank Check features being added:

  • bank checks are now gold colored
  • dropping checks onto another check will now give you the option to combine them
  • dropping gold coins onto a check will now give the option to combine the gold with the check
  • right click option "Split" added to split the check into two without having to deposit it first
  • attempting to deposit a check now gives the option of depositing as coins to bank box or directly to secure deposit account, for convenience

We're adding a couple of convenience features, and have more planned, to help players overcome some common issues:

Stuck/Decaying Item Ejection:

  • now when you release an item in a house, if the item cannot be picked up by your character, you will now see a prompt asking if you'd like the item to be moved directly to your position for easier retrieval
  • at any time, you can say "Remove Thyself" or use the Eject option in the house menu and target a decaying object to eject the object outside of the house

Change All Security Option:

  • found under the house menu's Customize & Ownership tab in the Privacy & Security section
  • this option will change all of the security options for each secured item in a house like doors, containers, etc.

We've deployed another minor update to try and improve the recent lag issues surrounding pets. Please help us stress test again when you can and help us determine if the problem persists or not & we appreciate your patience through the challenges. Please let us know if you continue to encounter lag spikes when using pets.

An issue causing Passive Animal Taming gains not to occur at all has been resolved

Please logout and restart the launcher to receive latest updates and avoid issues in game.

  • We have added the feature to remember credentials on login.
  • We have improved login code to avoid false prompts to download the launcher.
  • We have improved some features to implement the music/sounds coming very soon.

Thank you for your patience!

The issue causing passive Animal Taming gains to max out at 0.1 per day has been resolved.

As previously announced, the Taming Updates are now live! PS: Bake Kitsune's combat is re-enabled now as well. :)

Update: Skill loss applied to creatures when they become tamed has been reduced from 30% to 10%, or when affected by the Paralyze spell the loss will be 14% (we have ideas in motion to add more depth to this area in the future as well)

Taming changes overview:

When taming creatures, you will earn 0.5 passive taming points for every skill gain that you get in Animal Taming, up to a maximum of 5 points.

These points can be used by killing monsters with your pets. Chances of earning a gain from killing a being is based on the beings difficulty, the more difficult the beings you kill with your pets, the higher the chance you will gain passively. Your pets need to do damage to beings in order for you to earn a gain.

The Active Gain system is used to limit the number of passive gains you can obtain per day from killing monsters. If you have reached your daily limit, you will receive a message indicating that you have exhausted your daily gains for passive taming.

Each creature contains a maximum pool of available points which can be cumulatively earned as skill gain to the totals shown below:

Skill Range Points Per Creature
0-50 5.0
50-70 1.0
70-90 0.5
90-100 0.2

We've corrected some issues regarding the SoB Launcher:

  • fixed an issue logging into some characters or accounts while using the SoB launcher but you still get disconnected after a short time
  • fixed an issue with a Cloak icon and tooltip explaining you will be disconnected, becoming stuck at the top of the screen after logging in, in some cases

Currently on Test Center for public testing is the Outfitter system for Duels & Faction events, with the following updates.

Resource/Durability Consumption:

  • Resources are no longer consumed in duels, including potions (now includes faction pillars), but players will still need to carry resources in order to use them
  • Durability is no longer consumed in duels


  • Players can invoke the /outfitter command at any time to open the Outfitter menu, where you can manage the Outfitter system
  • Enabling the Outfitter system will attempt to use the selected custom skills & stats temporarily during Duels & Faction Events, for a small fee

What to test:

  • Test consuming/using resources both IN and OUT of duels & events. Ensure resources still consume when they should, and not during the events. Also, ensure you don't get free empty bottles in return for using potions.
  • Test the Outfitter system for BOTH duels & faction events, please!!! (see notes above)
  • Test trying to use custom skills & stats in ways other than intended. For example, crafting & harvesting should ignore custom skills & stats, and you should be prevented from doing anything that you could benefit from while your skills are transformed.
  • Test durability loss during duels & faction events

How to test:

  • Connect via
  • A Faction Event Test Stone has been placed at Britain Bank. Double click when ready to start the Vraal's Mausoleum faction pillar event, which can be triggered once every 20m

If you need anything to help test, encounter an issue, or have a question please reach out to #πŸ›test-duel-faction-outfitter

If you are an Animal Tamer and have Bake Kitsune's please stable them immediately. Combat for these pets is now prevented temporarily, but they will still be able to follow you. Sorry for the inconvenience, we will return them to normal behavior ASAP.

We've fixed an issue preventing skill gains when practicing combat with Training Dummies (if you still have issues, log out and back in to receive the update)

Part of the lag source has been identified and resolved, and a hotfix has been deployed. Please log out and back in to receive the updates. We will continue to monitor for lag and work on any remaining issues that should occur. Thanks again for your patience through the rough patches!

Faction Town Stones & Faction Base Stones have been reset to try to resolve issues with capturing towns. Please let us know if you still experience issues with this

  • Creatures inside the Britain sewers now drop loot
  • Three new faction mounts have been added to the faction shop (one for each faction).

  • All MOBs in Deceit now have a chance to drop rare loot.

Recent fixes and changes:

  • Combat performance improvements, possible relief from combat-related lag
  • Fixed an issue with being able to report a murder from a blue player that defended themselves against a criminal player, but the criminal player turned blue and died; defenders should no longer be counted as a murderer when criminals die after defensive combat
  • Reduced spammy "Fingers Slipping" while bandaging
  • Prevented Loading Cloak feature for dead players, they are already cloaked and don't need protection when crossing regions
  • Fixed issue with pets seeming to teleport around following the Stablemaster or their owners when in the Cove/Minoc region
  • Resolved issue with players dying and some of the equipment becoming stuck on the corpse preventing looting all of the items
  • Added blank key to Tinker vendors
  • Fixed issue with gold being consumed in fractional amounts when paying Pet Stable fees, also fixes an issue with stacking/working with piles of gold
  • Fixed issue with being able to use an invisibility potion at the same time as casting a spell causing the player to be able to move around while invisible briefly
  • Fixed issue with Animate Horse corpses not decaying properly
  • Fixed a couple of AI issues causing some mobs like Sentinels and Boss mobs to sometimes freeze up and stop responding
  • Added Guild Members List UI, similar to Friends List, use /guild to open it when away from the guild stone
  • Fixed issue with some house decorations not being able to be decorated properly
  • Fixed issue with some house decorations not being able to be placed: Santa's Workshop model, Snowy Holiday Tree
  • Fixed issue with some older house decoration deeds or bags not working when trying to place them
  • Fixed issue with Pet Hunger not being displayed consistently everywhere
  • Changed the Stove craftable to be Iron-only due to the item not inheriting color nicely from materials

We've set up a Housing Display Area which you can access via the stone teleporters at each of the Architect shops around the world.