Forges in houses will be shrinking soon! If you have a forge in your house, it will be converted to the new style forge. We've also added two additional forge recipes for you to choose from. Note: If your forge was out of bounds you may need to release it and re-place it to bring the new model back into bounds.

The stuck command menu has had another pass of improvements, adding an additional option, that can be used more frequently, and will try to move you out of stuck positions without teleporting far away, and also added an option to unstick nearby pets.

  • Optimized using weapon from hotbar to try to solve cases of being unable to equip a weapon while having a spell pre-cast saying "you are too busy"
  • Fixed issue with lockpicking not updating decay of chests
  • Fixed issue with toxicity statbar not hiding again after reaching 0
  • Fixed issue with time differences between some regions causing differing levels of daylight
  • Daylight extended to make nighttime happen slightly less often
  • Fixed issue with pets not traveling with between some dungeon levels
  • Fixed issue with "Set All" option on Town Vendors not setting the appropriate amount in some cases
  • Player vendor "select location" option optimized, vendors should now teleport to the destination rather than try to walk to it
  • Added new Stuck Teleport option with menu to pick a town; this option can be used once every 30 minutes, have to page for help if you get stuck more frequently than that so we can identify and fix stuck issues
  • Shrines/NPC Healers in dungeons now require a minute between each resurrection
  • Added missing updates to many criminal actions to check for the new confirmation settings and "prevent" criminal actions if desired
  • Fixed issue with bonded pets being renamed to " corpse" in some cases
  • Pet abandonment now uses in-game time instead of real-world time to determine when they become abandoned to help aid with pet losses due to server restarts or downtime
  • Fixed issues with abandoned pets wandering mid-combat preventing them from fighting back
  • Mobs will now automatically eject themselves from houses after a period of time
  • Cleared "Transfer Bag" properties on existing bags so you can move the bag outside of your bank now
  • QOL: prevented disarming when using the hotbar icon for a weapon that is already equipped, to prevent accidental disarming from tapping the wrong button (if players find that they still need a disarm ability we can accommodate)
  • Optimized hiding check for nearby mobs LOS, will now ignore group/guild/faction members when trying to hide near them
  • Corrected hiding failure speech from "you can't seem to hide right now" to "you fail to hide" while the former message will still appear if you are unable to hide due to combat or in LOS of other mobs
  • Removed "Use R-Hand" button from appearing in the Q slot with weapons as it's no longer needed

Group Combat, Shared Loot

  • group healthbars with heal/cure/bandage buttons
  • group consent added to toggle allowing combat/looting between group mates & you will be asked if you want to consent when first joining a group
  • group auto-loot sharing added, will distribute loot between nearby groupmates when using auto-loot on non-player-corpses
  • group invite setting added to toggle allowing all group members inviting to the group without needing to be promoted

Criminal Action Confirmation

  • now has 3 options: Allow Criminal Actions, Ask Me First, Prevent Criminal Actions
  • change this setting in Character Settings under the Combat tab

Combat Target Restriction

  • wiki page added:
  • allows players to restrict selecting mobs to a certain type like: All, Monsters, Players, and more
  • added to character settings & can also click the top-right corner button next to minimap to quickly change this option, previously this button changed the Confirm Criminal Action toggle
  • this option is meant to reduce misclicks when trying to select certain types of mobs in close encounters with lots of mobs
  • example: if you set this to Monsters, then you will only be able to select Monsters when clicking mobs to target them for combat
  • should not affect spell-targets or other item-based manual targeting, and will still be able to target mobs normally with those actions

General Combat-Related Changes

  • using bandage self, bandage last or bandage button from group healthbar will no longer change current-target on use
  • potion toxicity on self-healthbar will now only appear when toxicity is above 0
  • when logging out in a house you have permission to or in a public inn, you will no longer be required to wait 2 minutes before timing out due to recent combat with non-player beings, previously attacking monsters or other beings would affect this
  • added Enter Combat w/Spellcast option so that mages without melee skills don't have to toggle warmode after casting
  • you can now see your guildmates/groupmates when they are dead, regardless of if they are in war mode or not

New Custom Client Actions

  • Custom Client Action 3 is now Nearest Target option
  • Custom Client Action 4 is now Cycle Target option
  • both of these options work in conjunction with the new target restriction option
  • these actions can be set to hotkeys under Settings -> Keyboard

Hotfix from today:

  • resolved town vendors stealing people's money when trying to buy Used items from them
  • town vendors should finally clear out their Used inventory regularly

Hotfixes/changes from last week:

  • resolved not being able to give murder count to characters when dying from Poison spell in some cases
  • poison will now fall off if the caster is a player and dies around the victim
  • fixed issue with house sign not setting owner after transferring house sometimes showing previous owner or no owner at all

An issue with Stablemasters not detecting pets from outside the region you're in has been resolved but will require a server restart to take effect.

Warriors, rejoice! The Colosseum has moved to its new and permanent location, an island just outside of Buccaneer's Den. While it will be used for PVP server events, it is also intended to be a general use area for consensual, non-faction PVP. Thus, the following rules will take effect in the area after the next restart:

  1. Combat and murder actions will not flag as criminal on the island. You will not receive murder counts on the island.
  2. If a red is killed on the island, their next immediate resurrection will be free. Short term murder counts will not reset, and the free res does not apply if you were killed anywhere but on the island.
  3. You cannot mark runes at or recall to the island. Teleporters are up at Britain Bank and Buccaneer's Den moongate.

Full loot is in effect on the island, so tread lightly. For those brave enough, glorious combat awaits!

  • Performance improvements.
  • Destard's loot has been improved.
  • Destard spawner density has been decreased.
  • Some low end Undead monsters have had their loot slightly increased.
  • Low end monsters in Despise have had their loot decreased.
  • Wrong's loot has been improved.
  • Ice Dungeon's loot has been improved.
  • Missing when attacking in combat is now fixed
  • Not being able to split stacks is now fixed

Please log out and back in to the game to enable these fixes.

  • Players can no longer create Camps while inside Guard Protected towns.
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to claim Veteran Rewards in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with items decaying inside of containers that were recently locked down and then released in a house
  • Fixed issue with not being able to rename recall runes by double-clicking/using them
  • Stable/unstable pet confirmations removed for QOL, and the unstable window will now show the cost to unstable next to each pet
  • Pets will now be fully fed while in the stables
  • Added a black smoke fizzle animation for spells.
  • Updated messaging for Starving skill/stat gains.
  • Added Recall Sound/Animations to UseCharge on Runebook.
  • Added animations to Tracking skill use for in tracking window and switching creature types.
  • Fixed an issue with Campfire overlap by increasing distance between active campfires.
  • Fixed an issue with Kindling no longer working after trying to place a campfire inside town.
  • Updated messaging on Kindling use when Mounted, In Town, and near another Campfire.

Gameplay Notes

  • All bosses have had their AI updated.
  • All bosses have had their loot adjusted.
  • Higher level bosses have had their loot greatly increased.
  • Loot tables have undergone another balance pass.
  • Spawning in Despise has been adjusted.
  • Updated static collision.
  • There is now a chance, scaled by monster difficulty, that young players will lose young status when killing very difficult monsters.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Staggering shot mount speed should return to normal after the effect has expired.
  • Bandaging a ghost will no longer yield skill gains if the healer is below the requirements for resurrection.
  • Attempting to cure poison will no longer yield skill gains if the healer is below the requirements for curing.
  • Adjusted durability warning threshold.
  • Move Speed should now always be recalculated on resurrection.
  • Fixed a bug that caused aggression when taming a creature without a distance check first.
  • Fixed an issue causing a criminal flagging when performing actions on yourself.
  • You can no longer report yourself as a murderer.
  • Fixed an issue causing bosses to continually reset.
  • Fixed an issue causing titles to reassign when gaining skill.

Relog to fix combat issues. Stackables are being worked on.

  • Updated crafting window Repair button to show how to make a repair deed
  • CAPTCHA improvements
  • Fixed issue with some characters being unable to log in if they were previously unable to complete the transition from Celador
  • Fixed issue with trees being "too far away" in North Minoc area
  • Logging out in a dungeon will result in being teleported to Limbo when logging back in, if logging in 20+ minutes after logging out
  • Marking runes is now possible inside Dungeons on Levels 1 except for Despise being able to mark on Levels 2 & 3
  • The following actions are prevented around the nearby areas surrounding dungeon entrances, both interior and exterior:
    • gaining skills
    • marking runes
    • casting field spells
    • dropping objects
  • The Polymorph spell has had its bugs fixed and the spell is now reenabled

  • The Incognito spell now properly changes the player's name to a fake one for its duration

Cut off heads of murderers now show the fee the deceased paid to resurrect, to become glorious trophies for your display

*Open Helms and Pitchforks can now be salvaged with the mining pickaxe tool near a forge

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from trading houses saying there are vendors working out of it when there is not
  • Added option to house menu for the plot owner to be able to collect commissions from vendors that have been rented to other players
  • Switching house privacy state from Public to Private is now possible even if the house has 1 vendor working out of it