• Sigils will now be properly deleted on logout, etc- even if carrying multiple (even though there's no reason to steal multiple :) )
  • Minor bugs have been addressed
  • Faction Stones stuck in invalid states have been fixed
  • Tools for monitoring any additional issues with the sigil capture system have been added

The Black Gate Model will be returning to the transition token vendor shortly! Check after next restart.

The new Factions system is now live! Faction Stones and Town Stones have been placed in the world. Players wishing to join a Faction should visit that faction's Faction Stone.

Details about the Factions system are outlined here: https://wiki.shardsofbritannia.com/en/factions

Faction Stone and Town Stone locations have been added to the official map under the Faction category: https://map.shardsofbritannia.com/

  • Fixed an issue with Gravedigging not working at all
  • Increased candy drops on pumpkins & mobs once again
  • Halloween Gravedigging camps have had an additional 2 pumpkins added
  • Increased stock level for Gravedigging vendor
  • Fixed an issue with some overworld spawns preventing some areas from being spawned as intended like Britain Graveyard and Trolls at Despise entrance, and some others, we will continue to audit and adjust spawns as needed so they are subject to change

Gravedigging is now live! Check out the details here https://wiki.shardsofbritannia.com/en/gravedigging Throughout the duration of the Halloween Event, Gravedigging will offer chances to yield more candy and items!

In other news, there have been numerous reports of Halloween forces assembling in what appears to be preparations for large-scale battle. They may be planning to siege one of the towns soon, so keep your eyes peeled and stay vigilant!

  • Fixed issue with Werewolf & Dire Wolf mobs not having any loot
  • Slightly increased candy rate from pumpkin smashing

Candy Vendors have been spotted at multiple Graveyards around Britannia!

Fixed several house decorations that were previously not able to be placed:

  • Glowing Cauldron
  • Black Gate Model
  • Low Display Shelf
  • Medium Display Rack
  • Small Two Shelf Market Rack
  • Ornate Trophy Stand
  • Wooden Curved Display Case
  • No Refund Sign
  • Hearth Fireplaces (all plain, forest, desert)
  • Small Dark Booth
  • Inn Bar
  • Ornate Chest

Please let us know if/what other items cannot be placed, providing the exact name of the deed or object helps tremendously. Thanks!

The Summoner update is now live in game! For details about this new playstyle, check out this wiki article: https://wiki.shardsofbritannia.com/en/skills/spirit_speak

Many thanks to everyone who helped test!

Discordance can now be "refreshed" on a target (as with Peacemaking and Provocation currently)- thus resetting the timer of the effect on a mob that already has the effect on them.

(After next restart) Lumberjacking has been slightly tweaked to give more chance to gain per attempt.

We want to share with you that Stimwalt has decided to step away from the project indefinitely and retire as a player. To Stimwalt: thank you for all of your contributions over the years and we wish you the best in your endeavors! While you cannot be replaced, you will remain with us in spirit. We hope to see you in-game! <3

PS: Soon we will work to add some in-game clones/statues to showcase past and present team members.

  • Fixed issue with containers losing their original hue when being locked down and/or when choosing Container Type: None option
  • Cost of fishing nets reduced slightly
  • Chance to catch fishing nets with general fishing increased slightly
  • Fixed an issue with some SOS maps not working that was created prior to the latest fishing patch
  • Fixed an issue with some potion kegs not working that were filled or created prior to the Potion Keg patch last month; the tooltip may still show 0/200 even though it is filled, but drawing a potion from them should now be possible which will, in turn, update the tooltip when you draw a potion from it.

Two new tames have arrived in Britannia!

  • The Fire Beetle is a new mount available for taming that anyone can control. This mount also acts as a mobile forge and can be used to smelt ore on the go!

  • Bake Kitsunes have made their return to Britannia. These foxes are noted for their ability to cast powerful spells.

  • A bug was also fixed which would cause the beetles to sometimes not follow pet commands from their owner.

After next restart:

  • Lockpicks obtained from mobs will be smeltable
  • Players added as a friend of a guild house will be able to enter the house
  • Fishing SOS treasure maps have been refreshed to work with Britannia, any existing maps should now be decipherable
  • SOS treasure maps require the use of Fishing Nets to attempt fishing them up
  • Fishing Nets have been added to Fishing Vendors while also being able to obtain them from general fishing and the chance to receive them from general fishing increased slightly
  • Fishing nets will no longer break as often when using them for fishing SOS treasure maps
  • Sunken Ships will now appear in the water where the SOS treasure map is located
  • Refreshed sea creatures & loot tables & a couple of new semi-rares added to strive towards (more additions to follow in time)


  • Fishing SOS treasure maps have been updated to work with Britannia
  • Fishing Nets are now required to attempt to fish up SOS treasures
  • Sunken ship will now appear in the water near the SOS location, which should normally be visible from shore


  • Added new Move Contents option to containers to help with moving items from one container to another
  • Added new Stack Contents option to containers to help with stacking a container's contents
  • Added Organize Backpack option to characters (right click self); this will automatically organize all of your non-blessed items into pouches
  • Updated "Set XXX Bag" options, replaced all of the right-click options with single "Set Container Type" option, works with backpack organizer

General Fixes/Changes

  • Fixed issue with security option not being added to items when locking them down in some cases (may need to release & re-secure existing items to give them security option if they are affected)
  • Changed default security option to Co-Owners when owner is securing items
  • Removed the need to press escape after attempting to apply a bandage to yourself while one is already being applied or healing is not needed
  • Fixed issue with Last Target option in the in-game macro system not working with some commonly used skills and skill objects
  • Fixed issue with Provocation & Peacemaking timers not being reset with successful attempts when the mobs are already fighting/subdued
  • Clicking any of the heal buttons on the group healthbar will now set the group member as your Last Target for use with macros or Bandage Last ability

Nightmares have been spawned in Britannia!