• Mana Vampire can be cast upon thyself again and will properly do a Resist and Gain check, where previously it would prevent it.
  • Players can no longer create Camps while inside Guard Protected towns.

An issue with not being able to leave your group in some cases has been resolved. Please log out and back in to receive the update, then try right-clicking your character and choosing Leave Group to try once more.

  • Missing when attacking in combat is now fixed
  • Not being able to split stacks is now fixed

Please log out and back in to the game to enable these fixes.

Sounds from applying bandages as well as sounds from instruments will now only play to yourself while inside of town.

  • Performance improvements.
  • Destard's loot has been improved.
  • Destard spawner density has been decreased.
  • Some low end Undead monsters have had their loot slightly increased.
  • Low end monsters in Despise have had their loot decreased.
  • Wrong's loot has been improved.
  • Ice Dungeon's loot has been improved.

Map marker icons have had an optimization pass and have been re-enabled. Just a heads up that we may need to further optimize or change the way the map marker icons appear but will try this for now.

  • Fixed an issue with being able to apply poison from a potion that has been moved outside of your inventory
  • Prevented CAPTCHA from occurring too often while harvesting
  • Removed mobs from spawning while harvesting due to CAPTCHA being enabled
  • The Polymorph spell has had its bugs fixed and the spell is now reenabled

  • The Incognito spell now properly changes the player's name to a fake one for its duration

  • Fixed an issue causing bosses to reset frequently under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to claim Veteran Rewards in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with items decaying inside of containers that were recently locked down and then released in a house
  • Fixed issue with not being able to rename recall runes by double-clicking/using them
  • Stable/unstable pet confirmations removed for QOL, and the unstable window will now show the cost to unstable next to each pet
  • Pets will now be fully fed while in the stables

Water definitions have been added to every town! In those areas:

  • fishing should be possible around all of the towns now
  • creatures will no longer spawn in water
  • players will no longer be able to go swimming
  • Can no longer mount while using a bola + bola target times out after 15 seconds if no target is selected
  • Fixed issue with hitting escape after using a bola causing users not to be able to mount for some time
  • Current target healthbar numbers will now update periodically
  • Dead characters will automatically be set in combat mode during load
  • Town vendors will keep only a small amount of used items after players sell things to them
  • Nearby pets that are not attacking anything will automatically follow when owner dies
  • Pet stable fees will no longer be charged until pet has been stabled for 24 hours or more
  • Fixed issue with not being able to use "all aggressive" or "all passive" commands with pets, aka Pet Stance
  • Help Requests are now attached to user accounts and will remain open when you log out/switch characters & if staff responds while you're logged out, you will be notified during next login of the response
  • Added Events news type to News Window & Notifications
  • Fixed issue with being unable to open someone else's paperdoll from a reasonable distance

Recent patch notes for Test Center are being maintained here for the time being, in addition to Discord's #test-center-patch-notes channel: https://forums.legendsofultima.online/d/28-test-center-patch-notes

  • Fixed issue with Security options not being added to containers being secured by anyone but the house owner
  • Fixed issue with double-clicking house sign not refreshing the house in some cases
  • Optimized spammy system message "the house has been refreshed"
  • Fixed issue with house security not working for Owners in some cases (you may need to release/re-secure containers if they are affected)
  • Fixed issue with the Buccs Den/Minoc archway teleporters getting pets stuck
  • Increased paralyze immunity duration
  • Earth elemental spawn chance added to Mining
  • Fixed issue with being able to use the Moongate in Limbo while dead, it's intended for you to resurrect using the Shrines first before leaving
  • Fixed an issue with pre-written books not being useable
  • Added tooltip to Guildstone to explain how to move it
  • Fixed issue with being able to use crafting tools from the bank
  • Added New Character Settings for Toggling Auto-Open of Killing Blow/Mutilate/Harvest under Combat Options.

*Open Helms and Pitchforks can now be salvaged with the mining pickaxe tool near a forge

  • Monsters may no longer be provoked onto other players or pets.
  • Fixed incorrect food being created when summoning food.
  • Fixed incorrect asset being used for Acid elementals in Despise.
  • Addressed some issues with players being unable to login.
  • Murder participants will now always get additional counts based on how many were involved with a max of 3 (for now).
  • Blue players who are involved in a murder will not be subject to additional counts based on participants.
  • Murder participants will now remain in combat for (participants * 2) minutes with a max of 10 minutes. This means they cannot quick travel until this timer is up.
  • Blue players who are involved in a murder will not be subject to the additional combat timer based on participants.
  • Murder count decay has been reduced to 24 hours in game time from 72.
  • When a murderer decides to repent there will now be a server wide notification.
  • Destard has had some loot re-balancing done.
  • Wrong has had some loot re-balancing done.
  • Some high end monsters have become more difficult to bard.
  • Fixed an AI pathing bug when monsters are leashing.