• Trees should now be properly harvestable again. Log out and back into the game and it should download a new 'britanniamain' asset
  • Fixed an issue causing only gold to drop on monsters and treasure chests
  • Fixed an issue with scissors not working when trying to cut some items
  • Fixed a display issue with the Bulk Order window
  • Fixed spinning wheels in Tailor shops not being usable
  • Pre-existing ingots and ore will now be updated to their new colors following the recent changes outlined here: https://shardsofbritannia.com/news/bulk-orders-crafting-updates

The following updates are now live!

Bulk Orders Added

Mining & Blacksmithy Changes

Tailoring Changes

  • Sewing Kits added as the primary tool for Tailoring
  • Scissors are now only used for cutting fabric and items
  • Cutting cloth items will now retain the color of the item being cut, resulting in colored material returns, allowing you to turn that material into something else
  • Spinning wheel added as a workbench for spinning cotton (cannot be crafted, received as loot for Tailoring BODs, also exists in tailoring shops)
    • Cotton now requires being spun on a spinning wheel, which will spin it to thread, which can then be woven into Bolts of Fabric on the Loom via Tailoring
    • Bolts of Fabric can no longer be used to craft with, instead, they need to be cut into sheets of fabric
    • Bolts & sheets of fabric now retain their color when working with them, meaning if you have a pile of fabric that is Green, then the shirt you craft will be Green also
    • Clothes can now be crafted as Exceptional

The Item Fixer vendor has been spawned outside of Skara Brae Bank. For the next week, if you bring them your bugged MLK day handout book, right click and select Fix Item, then target the book, they'll take it and give you a new, functional one.

  • Vendors in Skara Brae have sorted out their supply line issues to the mainland and will now continually restock their goods after a short period of time.

After a nightly restart:

  • Players will no longer be able to stealth in full plate.
  • Wearing anything heavier than leather armor (> 10% Armor Penalty) will cause a penalty to stealth / increased chance to reveal (even at GM Stealth), with the chance to reveal increased based on the armor penalty of what you're wearing (see your paperdoll for armor penalty information)
  • There is no penalty whatsoever for stealthing in cloth or leather.

This change has been made in order to be more in-line with UO's stealth mechanics around heavier armors.

Pending nightly restart:

  • Tamed dragons will not be True Britannians faction
  • The GM spells Dark Guardian and Death Ward will not be castable unless you have GM in the skills required to unlock them
  • Faction Pillars have their timers randomized a bit- 80 hours plus or minus 8 hours

Pending nightly restart, Detect Hidden has had an action added to it in the skillbook- Disarm Trap, used to disarm trapped, unlocked chests. Details are as follows:

  • To disarm a trap, the player must have at least 80.1 Lockpicking and Detect Hidden. Disarm Trap provides a chance to disable traps on chests that are not locked (e.g. have been lockpicked). The success chance is based on both Lockpicking and Detect Hidden skills.
  • While 80.1 will allow you to disarm chests up to level 4 (Cleverly), to disable traps on level 5 (Devious) chests, you must have 94.1 in both skills.


After the nightly restart:

  • All trees in all regions have been 'rebuilt' and should now be choppable
  • Some issues with mobs spawning in certain areas that they should not should be resolved, for example in the water in Britain Graveyard
  • Mining the southern mountains in the Skara Brae region should now be working
  • Added the ability to dye the deeds of dyeable furniture, and placing and re-deeding the objects will retain their color
  • Fixed an issue preventing player vendor owners from removing items from them, saying "you can't see that"

After tonight's restart:

  • Lantern lines and mining canopies, a house deco item which some players used to block off passages and decorate outside of their house bounds, will be removed from the world.
  • Items received via an exploit involving taking them from an NPC's paperdoll before the exploit was patched will be removed from the world.

The Minax faction stone has been moved nearer to its traditional location in the south of the Skara Brae region. Please visit https://map.shardsofbritannia.com/ and filter by Faction to find its new location.

Housing should now be enabled in Skara Brae. Enjoy!

Necromancers (players considered "undead") may now use heal potions to heal themselves without incurring damage.

  • Random pop-up camps should now avoid spawning on top of players
  • Fixed an issue with pets that have just become tamed sometimes causing criminal action with their last combatant
  • Fixed issue with player vendors bouncing around sometimes
  • Player vendors should now be able to wear dresses
  • Player vendors will now move Recent Sales to an archive when collecting gold, allowing you to see both Recent Sales and Previous Sales separately
  • Fixed an issue with house storage and lockdown count sometimes being miscalculated
  • Fixed an issue with the Vendor Sell menu for town vendors showing "nil" as the display name for some items
  • Fixed an issue with town vendors running around inside buildings when they wander a small distance from where they spawned
  • Using the stuck option to teleport to town has had its cooldown reduced from 30min to 20min
  • Using the stuck option to teleport to town will now allow you to re-try the option if it failed for one reason or another, preventing you from waiting the cooldown period until you've successfully teleported out of the position you were stuck from
  • Fixed an issue with the Split Stack window auto-closing too quickly in some cases. Note: this window has a 15-second timeout to auto-close if you do not respond in time
  • The Tracking ability should now halt when the target dies
  • Fixed a bug causing summons to not gain increased health when the summoner has high skills.
  • Added a timer to faction kills- if you're killed, then someone kills you again within 5 minutes, they gain no kill points/silver (no res killing or cornball gaming the system)
  • Added drinking to the game, including the Drinking secondary skill. The skill is purely roleplay (and doesn't count toward your 700 skill points). Your alcohol tolerance is based on your Drinking skill. If you drink more than you can handle, you will be Deadly Poisoned. Drink to ridiculous excesses, and undesirable effects may occur. More content around the Drinking skill will come at some point. Find ye some beer!

Old Toby and Smoking Pipes have returned to Britannia! Old Toby will spawn in the new Skara Brae lands, but Smoking Pipes have been added to some loot tables already. Old Toby gives no in-game benefit (as it did in Celador) and is purely for roleplay purposes, but it is a safe alternative to yelling at one another in the Discord channels.

  • Fixed an issue preventing moving/using objects inside secured containers
  • Fixed issue with Friends, Co-Owners, Ban List not being retained properly when relocating a house
  • Fixed issue with house sign not updating properly when relocating a house
  • Added prevention for being able to add items to the trade window when it would put either party overweight
  • Fixed issue with items being dragged out of a player vendor's backpack sometimes being removed from the sale but moved back to the vendor, causing the item to become stuck
  • Fixed issue with not being able to pick up items on player vendors that have been erroneously removed from the sale and moved back to the vendor, now vendor owners should be able to pick these items up and move them to backpack
  • Fixed issue with stablemasters not being able to find pets in some cases when using the Retrieve Pet Out of Range option
  • Added heat source functionality to Stove decoration to be used for cooking
  • Fixed issue with not being able to place 2020 Holiday Hearth & 2020 Winter Throne (from Celador)
  • Reduced cooldown for Pet Stuck option
  • Fixed issue with some AOE spells not damaging hidden players
  • Fixed issue with losing typing progress in the Whisper Reply window if a new whisper is received while typing a response
  • Fixed issue with some secure house containers not having the Security option causing issues with using/opening them; you can now say "i wish to secure this" target the affected container and it will be re-secured

An issue preventing placing houses in some designated housing spots due to "you cannot claim that land" has been resolved. This was due to a designated Treasure Map location being nearby blocking placement, which has now been optimized. In some cases, this may open up a piece of land that previously could not be claimed. This hotfix will go live after the daily restart

  • Areas outside of Britain, Minoc, and Cove are now open for house placement
  • A new "Pack and Relocate" option has been added that will allow you to pack your house up and move it to a different location

Relocation details:

  • Initial cost is 20,000gp which is doubled each subsequent move
  • Packing a house for relocation will move all of the house's contents (lockdowns & secures & vendors) to a deed which you can use to re-place the house again somewhere else
  • You will have 2 days to complete the move, after which the house and its contents will decay automatically
  • House relocations have a cooldown of 2 days after a relocation occurs (make sure you are happy with your spot when moving!)
  • In the rare event that it will take someone more than 2 days or an emergency comes up, we will do our best to accommodate players' needs