• Fixed an issue where self-healing pets do not heal themselves
    - Fixed an issue where vendors would forever say "I cannot afford to buy anything else" when trying to sell them goods
    - Increased the budget of Jeweler vendors by 2x
    - Added a pet deed handler at the Britain stables to uncache pets
    - Fixed an issue where pets would try to cast and gain skills in cases where the target is no longer a valid target (too far away, not visible, etc)
  • Fixed an issue with Ethereals vendor not adding items to bill of sale
    - Fixed an issue with skills gaining on Summoned creatures, they are not meant to gain skills
    - Fixed an issue with recently released aggressive pets causing previous owner to receive criminal action when the released pet attacks another being
    - Fixed an issue with recently released aggressive pets not fully engaging in combat again
    - Reset Meditation to 0 on pets, pets don't need or use Meditation skill and it was a mistake that they were training it which caused some pets to reach the skill cap of 700
  • Fixed training dummy skill gains not working
    - Fixed murders not being able to be reported
    - Fixed Clothing Bless Deed not working for some items (there may be other clothes that need added, please let us know)
    - Fixed an issue with pets gaining skills they did not naturally have, like meditation
    - Fixed Tracking window only showing part of an NPC's name, should now show full name
  • The minimum amount of reagents offered by town vendors has been increased by 4x
    - Pets that cast, will begin casting beneficial spells while attacking again
    - Pets that cast, from the same owner, will now cast magic when attacking each other in order to assist with training their magic skills
    - An issue with the In-Combat PVP flag being triggered when attacking one's own pets or in other cases when it should not trigger has been resolved
    - An issue with the shovel and scythe not working with gardening related actions has been resolved
    - Lockpicking wiki updated to reflect that skill level requirements were corrected from levels 44 to 45, 74 to 75 and 94 to 95
  • An issue with some pets being weaker than usual should be resolved
    - An issue with Blacksmith vendors not buying chainmail and some other items has been resolved
    - Mobile Collision-ish removed
    - If you see any vendors not buying/selling something as expected please let us know the specifics of the vendor and the missing items

Hello everyone, we have finished applying the following patch to the main server: https://uo4.life/patchnotes - Thanks for your patience!

  • An issue with lockpicks not working that are sold by the Nujelm Treasure Hunting vendor has been resolved
  • An issue with any player being able to open an unlocked door on plot causing it to refresh regardless of permission has been resolved
    - An issue with Faction stones not activating properly has been resolved
  • An issue with the F button not toggling the Friends window has been resolved
    - An issue with Runebook cast charge not being interruptible has been resolved
    - Runebook cast charge spell text has been optimized to appear the same as if you are casting Recall
    - An issue with being able to duplicate runes in a Runebook has been resolved
    - An issue with being able to use a Runebook outside your inventory from the hotbar has been resolved
  • An issue with alerts not being received prior to an auto-restart occurring has been resolved
  • An issue with logout times lasting longer than expected has been resolved, changes as follows:
    - Logging out in a house you are at least friended to, or inside of a town inn, while not in combat against monsters or players, will now log you out instantly
    - Logging out anywhere else, or while in combat will log you out after 60 seconds, subject to review -- the previous time was 60 seconds, so we're going to stick to that for now
  • An issue with some commands not working has been resolved: /myjail /enchant /myenchant -- if you find any other commands are not working please send a bug report, thanks.
  • An issue has been resolved with Fish not being recognized with Gardening
  • A new command /refresh has been added to aid with some graphical glitches that occur occasionally; this command will freeze you in place for a couple of seconds, while refreshing the view of objects on your screen. This can help solve issues where a player appears naked and unmounted when they are in fact not naked and mounted. It also aids with decorating objects on plots that appear to move up while adjusting them; refreshing after adjusting these items will subsequently show the objects in their correct position.
  • an issue has been resolved with bandage buff-icon spam
    - an issue has been resolved with maker's mark being applied crafted items incorrectly or with someone else's name in some cases
  • Fishing while in a Guarded location will now only yield fish; for other Fishing rewards, you'll have to step out of Guards protection
  • An issue has been resolved with double clicking a fire beetle activating smelting ability instead of opening it's backpack as intended
  • An issue has been resolved causing mobs to sometimes continue attacking after a player becomes hidden; damage should still apply from delayed damage like Poison or other delayed spells, while hidden, but mobs should de-aggro properly now
  • An issue has been resolved causing the server to freeze in some cases when ejecting/banning mobs or yourself from a plot

Santa has closed access to his workshop in order to start working on next Christmas. Bye Santa!