Several changes have been made to enchanting material drop rates:

- They will no longer drop in the sewers
- On normal overland or dungeon mobs, the drop rate has been reduced slightly
- In treasure chests and champ spawns, mini bosses etc (higher end content) the drop rate remains the same

This is part of a move to address an overall economy issue, which will continue as we move towards the new map. If you notice anything that doesn't match the highlighted criteria above, please do let us know.

If you have an issue where you suspect someone is breaking the rules, or they are using hate speech, please send an email to [email protected] and if you have a screenshot to submit please attach it. Thank you!

The server is back online now. Thanks for your patience!

It appears that during one of the patches in the last 12 hours it caused vendors to give things out for free due to them thinking they were on the Test Center. Due to this, we're forced to rollback to an earlier save point. We're very sorry for the inconvenience. We're awaiting the completion of the rollback at this time and will post another update once we're able. Thanks for your understanding and patience.

The server is offline and while we investigate some issues thanks for your patience, sorry for the downtime.

  • Fixed Stealing success chance calculation that was previously causing theft to fail constantly in some cases
    - Stealing debug message will appear to thieves while stealing on Test Centers now showing the succes schance
    - Town vendors will begin walking around again, they have brains and feet ya know
    - Fixed instrument durabilities not being set on creation, particularly makes sure that the bamboo flute has correct max durability
    - Fixe lockboxes becoming unlocked on logout/login
    - Fixed security flaw with the Plot Window where any level guildmate could change the Guild Settings on a plot
    - Makes sure that Guild Lockdown-level players can decorate on the plot as well
  • An issue with melee stopping/target switching after casting should be resolved
    - An issue with weapon Slayer bonus persisting after unequipping the weapon has been resolved
  • To aid in troubleshooting Power Hour skill-gain discrepancies, we've updated the /skillgaindebug command to now show more details about the gain chances
    - An issue with Pet Brokers preventing users from removing/buying pets has been resolved
    - An issue with Lockpicks sometimes not producing any results has been resolved
    - An issue with being unable to Steal from one's own packhorse has been resolved
    - Several clothing items including the hooded robe have been corrected to allow dying them
  • An issue with being unable to recall from any dungeon has been resolved
    - It is now allowed to recall out of any dungeon again

These new additions have been added:
- Veteran Rewards
- Dyetubs & Dyes (for changing colors)
- Commodity Deed Boxes
- Soulstones
- Power Hour & Town Skill Bonuses
- Pet Brokers
- Details can be seen:

Closer In line with UO:
- Skill Trainer NPCs have been removed
- Training a skill to 30 quickly now requires you to buy from the appropriate vendor NPC (such as the Animal Trainer for Animal Lore). It's not exact because UO had more NPCs than we have, but skill books for every skill can be found in the world, and in rare cases you may be required to travel to another city to find an appropriate NPC for the skill you're after.
- Healers and Bards now sell items as well as heal and entertain you
- the Trader is now known as the Provisioner
- the Weaver is now known as the Tailor
- the Tinkerer is now (more correctly) known as the Tinker

You can now begin uncaching pets from deeds again. Shrinking pets into deeds however is permanently disabled with the upcoming Pet Brokers mod replacing pet deeds.

  • Items will now only be returned to their owner when the owner is within range when a thief dies to guardwhacking
  • The bank window will now close whenever you begin moving
    - When a thief dies to Guard whacking, the Guards will automatically return any recently stolen items, that are trade-blocked, back to their owners
    - Recently stolen items are now prevented from being placed in the bank while it is trade-blocked
  • Bola chance to hit target increased from 66% to 100%
    - Armored saddled still provide a resistance of 25% to being hit, so the highest chance to hit someone with an armored saddle is 75%
    - Bola cooldowns (user and target) have been reduced from 10s to 6s
    - An issue with Incognito names persisting through logouts or disconnects should be resolved now
  • Bards Now Play Music With Flute, Bamboo Flute, Drum, and Lute.
  • Keg security has been fixed such that it requires a player to have plot permissions to interact with the keg
    - With any newly locked down item, it will be possible to right click and set security to Owner/Co-Owner/Guild etc. This is not retroactive. You will need to release and lock down items again in order for this to apply
  • Healing will now correctly evaluate heal amount and apply as per UO formula
    - Bandaging a player or yourself will now correctly check healing level, then anatomy level, prior to allowing cure poison
    - Bandaging a player or yourself will now correctly check healing level, then anatomy level, prior to allowing a resurrection
    - Bandaging a pet will now correctly check veterinary level, then animal lore level, prior to allowing a player to cure a pet
    - Bandaging a pet will now correctly check veterinary level, then animal lore level, prior to allowing a player to resurrect a pet
    - Curing a player or self requires 60 anatomy and 60 healing. Resurrecting a player requires 80 anatomy and 80 healing
    - Curing a pet requires 60 animal lore and 60 veterinary. Resurrecting a pet requires 80 animal lore and 80 veterinary

-Added Ankh Of Resurrection Near Waterfall On Level 2.
-Added Hidden Poison Traps to Destard.

  • Deployed a Performance Fix for testing on Production (we will be monitoring closely.)
    - The Imbued Recall Rune Recipe for Bucc's Den should now properly recognize the Bucc's Den Travel Marker
    - Crafted Water Pitchers should no longer break after 1-2 uses immediately after crafting them