• Blacksmith/Weaponsmith/Armorsmith NPCs will now carry more items for sale with differing stock selections from each other.

Sounds from applying bandages as well as sounds from instruments will now only play to yourself while inside of town.

  • The minimum success chance of using a runebook charge has been returned to 50% (intended value.)
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to claim Veteran Rewards in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with items decaying inside of containers that were recently locked down and then released in a house
  • Fixed issue with not being able to rename recall runes by double-clicking/using them
  • Stable/unstable pet confirmations removed for QOL, and the unstable window will now show the cost to unstable next to each pet
  • Pets will now be fully fed while in the stables
  • Added an /exhausted command to show currently capped skills.
  • Fixed an issue with Magic Trap spell endlessly triggering on containers despite removing the trap with the Remove Trap spell.
  • Runebook will now remain open until a Charge is consumed via the Use Charge ability.
  • Wisps have had their spell casting fixed and their Gold drops reduced to intended levels.
  • Slightly increased Taunt range from 6 to 7 for Tanks.
  • Adjusted Camping gains and the 75+ Camping regen bonus.
  • Dyes, used for changing the color of a dyetub, are now single-use and stackable
  • Added looting rights as described at https://wiki.legendsofultima.online/e/en/notoriety
  • Unused secondary skills removed from the secondary skill window, currently all of the secondary skills are under review and disabled
  • Fixed issue with being able to sell more than vendors can afford when the bill of sale exceeds their budget
  • Added vendor message letting users know how much gold the vendor has to spend when trying to over-sell; AIn the future we will work to make it more like UO where the vendor will buy what they can and leave you with what didn't sell, rather than block the transaction, making it easier to use for players
  • Added missing resource counter UI update to vendor transactions
  • Fixed issue with "Quick Loot" context menu option not working on items inside corpses
  • Added 500ms cooldown between item-pickup actions to prevent spamming movement of items
  • Added eating sound when eating food
  • Updated Treasure Map window with new in-game map
  • Removed "Stack All" options from containers, as these need to be redesigned
  • KNOWN ISSUE: Barber NPC's buy window is not working, hopefully this isn't happening to other vendor types also

Water definitions have been added to every town! In those areas:

  • fishing should be possible around all of the towns now
  • creatures will no longer spawn in water
  • players will no longer be able to go swimming

-Stealing is now disabled on the Colosseum island

-Murderer restrictions will not be incurred when a red dies on the island

The following changes are now live on the Test Center:

  • Lumberjacking has been refreshed to be more in alignment with UO

  • Successful harvests will produce up to 20 logs per swing

  • Trees now have a maximum amount of wood that can be harvested

  • Harvest bonuses removed and Prospector's Tool disabled for now, needs redesigned

  • Kindling/apples removed from normal lumberjacking routine

  • Can now use blade to cut trees to gather kindling

  • Can chop trees in town, but resources are halved

Unidentified musical instruments will now properly identify

  • Corpse mutilate option optimized, double-clicking blood spatter will open corpse as expected, and can also right-click and choose Loot All
  • Issue with commanding pets to attack groupmates or your own pets resulting in "they cannot be attacked" erroneously has been resolved
  • Blessed objects will now be moved to the backpack if they are inside another container in your backpack when you die
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes affected the ability to log in with a red character in Britannia
  • Added a barber to assist with remodelling your hair, face, everything! The first visit is free. The barber/stylist will be in Sweet Dreams Inn in Britain
  • After the next restart, the Limbo region will return. For those of you not familiar, if you are a ghost for longer than 15 minutes, you will be sent to this region. There are shrines available to resurrect you here, and then you can return to Britannia via the moongate.

Cut off heads of murderers now show the fee the deceased paid to resurrect, to become glorious trophies for your display

  • Added a black smoke fizzle animation for spells.
  • Updated messaging for Starving skill/stat gains.
  • Added Recall Sound/Animations to UseCharge on Runebook.
  • Added animations to Tracking skill use for in tracking window and switching creature types.
  • Fixed an issue with Campfire overlap by increasing distance between active campfires.
  • Fixed an issue with Kindling no longer working after trying to place a campfire inside town.
  • Updated messaging on Kindling use when Mounted, In Town, and near another Campfire.
  • Mana Vampire can be cast upon thyself again and will properly do a Resist and Gain check, where previously it would prevent it.
  • Fixed issue with Security options not being added to containers being secured by anyone but the house owner
  • Fixed issue with double-clicking house sign not refreshing the house in some cases
  • Optimized spammy system message "the house has been refreshed"
  • (Quality of Life) Players will now have Maximum Stamina after resurrecting from death in order to help with corpse runs.
  • Fixed getting stuck while tending a campfire through build stages.
  • Campfire range has been increased from 10 to 12.
  • New 'Check Fire' right-click ability added to Campfires which allows players to inspect a campfire's life duration. Useful for players micro-managing their Campfires while drawing enemies within the Campfire regen range.

*Open Helms and Pitchforks can now be salvaged with the mining pickaxe tool near a forge

Relog to fix combat issues. Stackables are being worked on.