Several new rental properties have been added to the world & rentals now appear on the Vendor Search stone results.

We now have over 50 rental properties spanning across the world with a range of prices to fit many people's lifestyles and budgets.

The storage limits have been set to be competitive with permanent housing, and this may present more opportunities for players wishing to temporarily store goods while trying to upgrade their house.

When renting a property, you will be asked if you want to Keep Decorations or Hide Decorations. If you choose to keep the pre-existing decorations. An option has been added to the House Sign window to Hide Decorations so you can hide them at a later time if you choose. Pre-existing decorations in rentals will automatically be restored when the property is vacated, but they cannot be manually un-hidden while the property is occupied.

Update: Some rental properties have built-in secure storage now that can be used by renters.

The fishing rares from the Britain Moat have been updated.

General Improvements

  • Corrected Explosion Potion recipe to use Sulfurous Ash; previously the recipe was using Mandrake Root by mistake

Item Inspection

  • Added a context option to inanimate objects: Inspect Item
  • Using Inspect Item will bring up a window with some details about the object like its name, weight, color, hue & tooltips
  • This can help with identifying the color and hue of an object, and more information may be added to this later

Runes & Gate Travel

  • Marking runes will no longer automatically trigger renaming immediately
  • Default double-click action for Recall Runes is now set to the Rename option instead of attempting to Recall to it
  • Renaming Recall Runes will now use a chat prompt instead of a pop-up window
  • Improved verbiage for Recall Rune & Runebook destination region display text
  • Moongates updated to new artwork eliminating the humming noise when nearby
  • Moongates to unprotected destinations will now appear in the color red, and Moongates to protected destinations will appear blue
  • Event Moongates will now appear in the color grey
  • Moongates to protected destinations no longer ask for confirmation when activating them/standing on them
  • Moongates will no longer immediately trigger activation for players that are nearby when the Moongate is created in order to prevent unwanted or accidental activations
  • An option, List For Sale, has been added to the House Menu allowing owners to set a price and list the house for sale
  • The house's sign will reflect the listing price and double-clicking the sign will bring up the purchase details for players that are not friended or co-owned
  • The house can be bought and paid for at any time, even if the owner is not online, and gold will be automatically credited to the owner's Deposit Account and a notification sent to them to see the next time they log in
  • Houses cannot be listed if they have any vendors or a guildstone currently
  • Houses will be sold as-is along with any existing lockdowns
  • House listings will be available on the Vendor Search stone as well

Loading Invisibility, a long-awaited and highly-requested feature, is being added! This will help alleviate issues with logging in but not being able to respond in-game for several seconds after your character appears in the world to other players and monsters.

The details:

  • When logging in, teleporting, or switching regions, you will become invisible for a brief period, and other players and monsters will be invisible to you during that time
  • Loading Invisibility will last for 15 seconds for logins/region-switches, or 5 seconds for teleports within the same region, and the effect will end if you move or perform actions
  • Damage from AOE spells and effects should be prevented against people who have Loading Invisibility
  • Evil beings, or monsters, that can see through invisibility will ignore players that have Loading Invisibility


  • Loading Invisibility will not apply if you are already hidden, or if you are dead
  • If you have been Poisoned, or afflicted with any other kind of Damage Over Time effect, and teleport or switch regions, you will continue to receive damage and Loading Invisibility will automatically expire due to receiving damage
  • When crossing regions on a boat, Loading Invisibility will automatically expire if & when the boat starts to move again

The llama and savage warg should now be rideable by all

The area SE of Skara Brae, around Destard Swamps, has been refreshed:

  • New Destard dungeon entrance constructed at original UO spot
  • Improved nearby spawns (savages, wildlife & healer)
  • Housing area expanded (cannot place in the swamp due to uneven territory causes houses to sink too low)

Note: the current Destard entrance in Yew's Rat Valley will continue to operate for a while but then will be shut down or re-assigned

Savage NPC improvements & additions:

  • Loot added: Orc Mask, Tribal Berry (for cooking Savage Kin Paint), Tribal Spear (cosmetic spear)
  • Savage Warg is now obtainable from mounted savages in Destard swamp

Recently Added: Daemon Bone Gear

  • Daemon Bone Armor set (rare cosmetic armor), Daemon Bone Mask, Shield & Dagger
  • Drop rates improved on Efreets, previously was near impossible to obtain
  • Efreets spawn added to Destard level 4; they also spawn in Compassion Desert

Coming Soon: Ranger Gear

  • Ranger Armor (rare cosmetic armor) + Ranger's Bow
  • Ranger's Quiver (pickup nearby arrows on the ground)

General Fixes/Improvements:

  • SOS maps enabled for Moonglow
  • Fixed a rounding issue with pet feeding
  • Fixed an issue with SOS maps not deciphering (monitoring for further issues)
  • Fixed an issue with Relocate option on player vendors not working
  • Fixed an issue with abandoned pets not releasing automatically over time in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with notoriety not applying to hireling fighters & summons in some cases
  • Improved cooking animation to face you towards the fire instead of facing North every time
  • Fixed issue with boat commands not being verbalized when pressing buttons in the control window & added missing Orc skipper speech
  • Tameable creatures that require Subjugating, giant beetles, for example, will now flee for a short duration when becoming subdued (inherited from UO)
  • Fixed several edge cases surrounding disguise kits, and other actions that alter your character's appearance causing your name or appearance not to revert back to the normal state properly in some cases
  • Entering combat with a target pre-selected will no longer cause notoriety action until you swing or cause damage to the target; this is to help reduce accidental conflicts from misclicks

Player Vendors

  • Player vendor weekly fee amount has been reduced to 1,500gp per week
  • Player vendors will now only charge their weekly fee after the first 7 days of being hired, as well as 7 days after this patch
  • Added "Vendor List" option to house signs, this shows a list of the vendors on the property; clicking a vendor on the list will attempt to open its inventory for viewing
  • Added Vendor Inventory List window when viewing the contents of vendors from longer distances, due to a client limitation preventing containers from showing when too far away

Crafting & Repair Deeds

  • Added "Recently Crafted" list to the Crafting menu, recently crafted recipes will be added to the top of this list for convenience
  • Repair deed crafting has been moved to traditional recipes under each skill's recipe list; this allows the use of the Craft Single/Multi/All options for convenience
  • Crafting repair deeds no longer requires being in a town shop
  • Repair deeds are now stackable with other repair deeds of matching skill, retroactively
  • Updated repair deed names "A Repair Service Contract", retroactively
  • Fixed an issue with miscalculated storage limit for Villa houses placed prior to 7/16/22
  • Fixed an issue with objects created from the Necromancer spell Bone Trap not self-destructing properly over time in some cases

Accidental Vendor Dismissals from Demolishing House

Demolishing a house is now prevented while there are vendors working out of it in order to prevent accidental dismissal of vendors and potential loss of items

Some Missing House Items Recovered

After the recent house updates, it was reported that a small number of houses had some items missing from locked-down containers. We've found and recovered several items that had erroneously moved out of bounds, and they have automatically been moved to the house's Moving Crate. If you had items go missing from your house recently, please check the Moving Crate.

While we are hopeful that this resolves the issue, please be aware that it is not guaranteed to recover all missing items. We don't expect this issue to occur again and we will do our best to avoid such occurrences.

We've added a reminder when opening the house menu that items are inside the moving crate & have also added the Moving Crate item count to the house menu storage info.

Houses placed prior to July 16th, 2022, will now reflect the original storage limit that was in place before the most recent housing changes.

This will be in effect until August 26th, 2022 which coincides with the same time that the House Price refund amount will change, as stated here:

After August 26th, 2022 all houses will be subject to the new storage limits so please be prepared before then.

Housing-allowed territory has been added in Yew allowing placement around the Yew bank and Moongate. Run, don't walk!

We are releasing a large update that includes exciting features for PvM, dungeons, vendors, and a large housing expansion. A slew of new housing options are now available along with additional quality of life for legacy housing options. Among are new housing options are massive homes such as the castle and large tower. Stay tuned for more options as we will be releasing many more in the future!

A few changes to note for the housing update.

  • Housing pricing has been re-balanced.
  • Housing walls now include conditional transparency.
  • Legacy housing has been automatically migrated.
  • The housing refund percentage has been reduced to 50% from 80%, however this change will not take effect until August 26th, 2022. If a house is refunded before the cut off date the current 80% rate will be refunded.

Along with new housing we are also re-vamping the way vendors work by coupling them with housing itself. This system replaces the current fee based system.

  • The amount of vendors that can be placed at a house is now determined by the type of house. Each house now has a vendor limit associated with it.
  • Vendor Inventory is now limited to 125 items
  • Vendor fees are now weekly instead of daily
  • For legacy housing, if you have too many vendors working out of your house they can continue to work there but you would be unable to add more vendors

In addition to housing we are introducing the first iteration of our questing system in the form of daily bounty quests. Each day a player will be able to obtain up to two bounty quests from the taskmaster Lady Eliana at Britain Bank. These quests are given dynamically based on your character's skill level and will require you adventure all throughout Britannia to complete them. Quest rewards range from gold to rare items and equipment.

Upon logging in players will be greeted with a message stating the 'Daily Dungeon' which is a new bonus players will be able to take advantage of. Players who kill monsters within the daily dungeon will receive an additional 15% gold in loot.

More detailed notes will be released soon!

  • Fixed an issue with the Sacred Runebook's Gate Charge ability trying to consume reagents
  • Fixed the cost of Sacred Charges displaying incorrectly inside the Runebook window in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with player vendors always saying "that is outside the bounds" when trying to reposition them after using the Relocate option and placing them at a different house

Fees are being waived at the moment for retrieving items leftover from vendors in the Account Vault. If you have vendor items in the vault now would be the time to retrieve them :)

Necromancy has had some major updates!

Necromancy relates to the study and casting of dark magic, which deals mostly with death and the dead. With a Necromancer Spellbook, called a Necronomicon, you can curse your foes, animate the dead, and more.

Check out all the deadly details here:

Shipwright Vendors have been spawned in Britain & Cove and boats & ships are now available to purchase and use. See all of the details here:

Some new creatures have been spotted at the Compassion Desert: Sand Vortex & Efreets

A collision issue at the Ancient Elemental Boss location has now been fixed.

Holiday trees and a number of pot plants are now allowed to be placed outside your house for decoration.

Trapped containers can no longer be used for crafting/harvest/loot/organizer container operations.