• We have slightly increased the chance for some of the fishing loot in the moat and added some new items.
  • You can now attempt to destroy the Spider Queen's torture cages by double-clicking on them when you are trapped.

  • An issue with the protection scrolls for the Spider Queen's torture cage that was preventing players from reapplying them has been fixed.

  • The health and damage of the Summoner's dark guardians and strange gazers have been slightly reduced. This adjustment is part of our ongoing game balancing efforts.

  • A new mount has been added as a 5-year veteran reward.

  • Congratulations to the winners of the Christmas lottery! 1st: Lord God, 2nd: Loro Wenn, and 3rd: Sharky. We will be in contact soon with your prizes!
  • Some items that can be stolen in dungeons have been fixed. Previously, players were unable to see these items in order to steal them.

The Map page has been updated to reflect the new world boundaries for boating: https://map.shardsofbritannia.com/

Edit: The map has been updated once more to add Yellow lines along the shared waterways/harbors in Yew/Skara, Britain/Cove, and Minoc/Wind. The following labels have also been added: Incomplete Area (off-limits), Castle Britannia, Yew Jails, Snowball Fight Arena

We've deployed the following fixes:

  • fixed an issue with lag occurring, that is perceivable to all other players in the region, when players log-in or transfer regions
  • fixed an issue with Mining Caves not being mineable
  • Selection issues with the 4-year veteran ethereal spider mount have been fixed. You will need to re-log into the game.
  • New Corrupted Dragons have now been added inside dungeon Destard
  • For a limited time, you can now buy 5 noble coins from the vendor in Shame for 15 Dungeon Tokens

We've deployed the long-awaited sound and music tweaks, where we will utilize more of the wonderful tracks that Beekel composed for us, in addition to replacing many sound effects. Turn your volume up!

There'll be more to come in this area, however we hope you enjoy what we are able to provide today. Please note that as part of the patch, it was necessary to update two of our largest asset files, britanniamain and loudungeons - these will download on your next connection attempt. For anyone with slower connections, we apologise in advance!

  • The animations for the 4-year veteran ethereal spider mount have been fixed.

  • New items have been added to the moat fishing loot, and drop rates have been slightly increased.

The Item Fixer NPCs have a new option to fix Vanity Pet Cages that don't work when double-clicking them

New items added to the fishing SOS loot!

Castle Britannia, in West Britain, despite being unfinished, is now accessible to visitors!

We've identified and resolved an issue with Fishing where the chance to reel a General Loot item was successful but the dice-roll to select an item was unsuccessful, causing the fisher not to reel anything in. This should also improve conditions for special Fishing events like Icefishing, Britain Moat, and Holiday Fishing. We've deployed a hotfix for this, so if you are currently Fishing, prior to this note, please log out and back in to receive the update. Thanks for your patience while we investigated and resolved this, and happy fishing!

Santa Claus now sells 'Crystal of Windemere' that can be used to start the Winter Invasion spawn! This requires at least 4 unique players to activate and has a 24 hour time limit once activated. This spawn will not be announced server-wide while active.

Reminder: All holiday activities will be coming to an end soon, on Jan 9th! The Winter Holiday Decoration Contest deadline is Jan 12th & Santa Claus will remain available until February 1st.

Note: Battleships & Cannon Warfare features will not be immediately available as we work on completing them

World Changes:

  • Extended and connected waterways in all subregions, adding boating access across the world, with the exception of regions that are still under development
    • Removed the need for Server Boundary walls placed around Britain & Minoc sea
    • Three harbors/waterways share boundaries with neighboring regions, now designated as mixed-subregions. Barriers with two gateways have been placed at their entrances, allowing you to choose which region to sail into. Keep in mind: you can only exit a boat to land within your current region; you'll receive an error message if you attempt an invalid exit
  • Added world-wrapping when driving a boat into the world boundary, ensuring a seamless world (e.g., driving west of Yew brings you east of Moonglow)
  • Conducted a comprehensive audit of the entire world to address gaps in water regions
  • Introduced new subregion to cover the southern water expanse called "South Sea"
    • Established a South Sea Market protected docks area
    • Boats will be automatically moved nearby if they are parked at the South Sea Market for too long
  • Bucc's Den smaller Arena island has been re-combined with the larger Bucc's Den island, and the Arena has been moved to the Arena Hub in Green Acres; this smaller island will now be accessible by boat and may be used for housing or more in the near future


  • Numerous performance optimizations
  • Improved AI for monsters in/around water
  • Fixed lag caused by water monsters attacking players on boats
  • Introduced storage and weight limits based on ship type
  • Added a "Retrieve Boat" option accessible from the Shipwright
  • Added a Compass HUD and boat-facing direction to the Boat Controls window
  • Introduced Interactive Boat Teleporters, which can be activated by saying "cross" or double-clicking them while aboard a boat
  • Characters will now be faced in the direction the boat is traveling when the boat moves, helping with visualizing the current direction on the mini-map
  • Eliminated character freeze during boat movement
  • Introduced new commands:
    • navigate: Initiates navigation toward a set waypoint
    • set waypoint: Allows the skipper to auto-navigate toward a specified destination when using the command "set waypoint [coordinates]"
    • move towards: Enables targeting a position for the boat to move toward

In preparation for the upcoming Battleships & Cannon Warfare:

  • Crafting workbenches are now containers. To update your existing workbenches, simply re-deed and re-place them. Materials can now be crafted from inside the workbench or directly from your backpack

Fishing & SOS:

  • SOS destinations now exclusively exist in Deep Water locations; prepare your boat

We've added a Lights Control menu to the Pre-lit trees that can be opened by double-clicking the tree, offering Alternating, Blinking & Solid Color choices

Hotfix: If this menu does not appear for you, please log out and back in to receive the hotfix; double-clicking should now work for house owners, co-owners & guildmates

Xmas Bonuses:

  • increased chances for Fishing Lottery Token
  • added some Christmas items to moat fishing loot chances
  • added Christmas Lottery Box to Lottery Token Vendor

The Christmas lottery official is now stationed outside Britain Bank! Three winners will be drawn on January 15th, and prizes will remain a surprise until the drawing. Raffle tickets to enter the lottery can be found on Paragons.