• Fixed an issue with the Season's Window that now correctly toggles (with ] key) and loads while changing zones.
  • Resolved an obscure issue where Season Challenges occasionally provided incorrect refresh times.

Thank you for your patience and continued support. See you in-game, Shroud

  • We are currently aware of an issue with the invisibility cloaks and are working on fixing it.
  • A couple of new items have been added to the faction coin vendor.
  • The probability of fishing up rare loot in dungeons has been increased.
  • Faction coin vendors have now been introduced at each faction base, offering a variety of items. This is just the beginning of what's to come. Players are encouraged to explore these new additions and stay tuned for a range of exciting goodies planned for the future. Enjoy your adventures!

  • Loot in faction event dungeon chests has been increased.

  • Spawn rates in the faction dungeon have been increased.

Fixed an issue with the House Resource/Gear Chest "Manage Friends" option not appearing to the owner of the chest in some cases

We're excited to share some recent updates that enhance your gameplay experience:

  1. Season Challenges Refresh Fix: Season challenges should now refresh correctly, eliminating issues with incorrect statuses.
  2. BuffIcons Persistence: BuffIcons will now persist as expected during combat and when added or removed.
  3. Combat State Correction: Blue players attacking Red characters will now correctly enter the "In-Combat" state, ensuring a fair fight.

These changes aim to improve your adventure, and more enhancements are on the horizon. Your continued support is appreciated!

See you in-game, Shroud

  • Treasure chests within the faction dungeon now have a chance to yield faction coins and other rewards.
  • Quick travel spells are now disabled within the Faction Dungeon.
  • The new faction dungeon, has officially opened its portals in Buccaneers Den. Adventurers can battle faction MOBs to gather faction coins, soon to be valuable currency for an upcoming faction vendor. Player feedback on this latest update is highly encouraged.
  1. Fine-tuned the "Shared Loot" system for more even distribution among group members.
  2. Added Bows for Season Challenge crafting, Ice Ratmen for hunting, and OldToby for gathering

We hope you enjoy these improvements and new opportunities in Shards of Britannia!

  • You can now purchase Halloween lottery boxes from the fishing token vendor.

  • You can also catch Halloween lottery boxes inside dungeons (minimum fishing skill required: 50).

We've addressed the issue with Town Fishing loot not functioning during Holiday events. Multiple attempts were made earlier in the season, but the latest fix should resolve it.

Patch Note:

  • Resolved an issue where houses were not decaying in some instances.


  • We have implemented an additional fix for the issue of House Decay not functioning correctly. Consequently, all houses have been refreshed.
  • We made this decision because if we had only fixed the issue, all houses that were in the In Danger of Collapsing (IDOC) state would have immediately fallen. We wanted to ensure fairness, so we decided to refresh all houses instead.
  • It's important to note that the decay feature had not been working as intended for several months. Therefore, you haven't missed out on any decayed houses, and those that were in the IDOC state will still likely decay over time.

Starting now, when applying dyes or dye-tubs to furniture obtained through a deed, the deed will preserve the color and hue of the furniture upon release.

Halloween items that normally can only be blessed with Halloween bless deeds can now also be blessed using Clothing Bless Deeds that are available on the donation vendor

👺We've fixed an issue with the Halloween Demon Skull Masks not being dyeable as intended. They can now be dyed using Pigment dyes. This includes this year's masks and last year's. 👺

🎃 Halloween Special 🎃
For a limited time, enjoy a 13% discount on Halloween merchandise in honor of Friday the 13th!

🍬 New Features 🍬

  1. Trick or Treat with the Begging Skill:

    • Dress in your Halloween best and approach town vendors to gather sweets. Remember, each vendor has a fixed amount of candy. Get yours before it's gone! 🧛‍♂️👻 (Activate the Begging skill on vendors while in costume. Each vendor provides candy once, with a daily limit for each household.)
    • Update: We've corrected the daily cap for trick-or-treating candy, it was previously on the low testing value, sorry about that!
  2. OUIJA Board Interactivity:

    • OUIJA boards have come alive! Engage with them at home to communicate with the other side. This Halloween season, you might even bring forth a spirit. But watch out - they have a sweet tooth!

🎪 Halloween Bazaar 🎪

  • The Halloween Bazaar is now open atop the Yew Bank. Find direct Moongates next to Halloween Vendor tents and in Public Moongate destinations. Vendor deeds are available on the roof for player rental until Nov 29th. Dive into festive trading!
  • The power of Infected Gazers has been slightly reduced.

  • Flying Broom Mounts have been added to the Halloween vendor

  • Fixed bug with Pet mounts resetting their Stamina/Mana when mounted
  • Fixed Bastion bug clashing with Necromancer buffs
  • Fixed bug with Necro Cocoon blocking damage after it was already received
  • Necro Cocoon spell cast and block now have been unified to 1 minute cooldown
  • Reduced skill requirements for crafting Pet Food