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4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Fixed issue with being unable to accept friend requests from the notification panel, optimized adding/removing friends in general
  • Dragging resources/stackable items to the hotbar will now default to a "Command" button, bypassing the old "Resource" style button, preventing hotbar icons from saying "No Items Available" when there actually is items in your backpack
  • Lumberjacking has been optimized to get a few more chops out of each tree
  • Fixed issue with crafting favorites going to the wrong recipe or none at all
  • Fixed issue with pets not casting
  • Removed the macro interrupted speech when a target is not acquired
  • Fixed issue with being able to over-stuff packhorses
  • Tracking will now be interrupted by damage received and death
  • Fixed issue with Guild security options being available when no guild is assigned to house
  • Fixed issue with stacks of objects not responding to player split requests in some cases
  • Fixed issue with stacks of gold being created over the stack limit size of 60k in some cases, like on monsters
  • Potion kegs have been reworked, fixing the issue with potions being eaten & improving their general performance and behavior, like with auto-filling kegs when crafting potions & you may notice the right-click options look/behave slightly different than before
  • Fixed issue with released pets names staying blue erroneously, they should go back to their wild name color (gray usually); they will also be aggressive once again

4th Sep 2021 announcement

To all,

We sincerely apologise for the (very brief) housing launch today. The server will be coming back online in the next few minutes, however there is some additional impact.

Unfortunately we are unable to return to the world save from just prior to the housing launch. Instead, we have had to roll back a further 45 minutes. This was unavoidable and had to be done to ensure the integrity of our data and the game.

We don't expect the issue we experienced to return, and please go ahead and place your housing. Thank you, as always, for your patience.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

The Polymorph spell has been temporarily disabled while we work on the ongoing issues with it. Thank you for your patience, we'll advise when it is available again.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

  • After the next scheduled restart, the game will remain offline until the housing launch time of 10AM US Eastern/2pm UTC
  • Further information on housing is available on our wiki here:
  • Cost, plot size, lockdowns etc will be available to you once you purchase a housing tool
  • The final list of available launch houses may not 100% reflect what is shown on the wiki. We'll advise further with the launch announcement
  • The area north of the town of Minoc is now available to players. This will also be one of the regions where you'll be able to place a house, as per the wiki article

4th Sep 2021 announcement

As you may be aware, earlier this week we identified several users involved in abusing some economic vulnerabilities that were discovered. At that time we had to roll back the server to recover from the impact and to protect our newly established economy.

After that incident occurred the players involved began to launch an attack on the LOU infrastructure (DDoS) causing our servers to become inaccessible. The players involved have since been banned and ejected from the community, but the attacks continue to occur occasionally.

At this time we are doing everything we can to prevent outages, but there may be times when the server will have to be brought down unexpectedly in order to recover.

We will be monitoring things closely to try and prevent downtime and loss of progress, and we sincerely appreciate your patience and support through our growing pains.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

It's time! Housing will be launched at 10am US Eastern Time/2pm UTC on Saturday 24th July. Some notes for you all:

  • To build a house, you'll need to visit an architect and purchase a house placement tool. These will be available at the mentioned time and not before
  • Both gold and legacy tokens can be used to contribute towards the cost of a house
  • Pricing for houses can be seen once you purchase a house placement tool
  • We will work towards having previews of each house available on the wiki in the next few days
  • Valid areas for house placement are generally flat, green grass. Use your minimap to check these more accurately
  • Please note that housing will NOT be available in Britain and Minoc/Cove to begin with. This is to ensure we can maintain an acceptable level of performance in the short term. We will give advance warning prior to these regions opening up for housing
  • Within the next 48 hours, we will also launch an additional region north of Minoc. This will add a significant amount of extra housing space
  • In total, you will have three regions to choose from in which to initially place a house - Yew, Wind and "North Minoc". Below is a link to an artist's impression of these regions to assist you:

Additional features:

  • Guilds will be available, via purchase and placement of a guildstone at a house
  • Housing vendors will also be available

Thanks for bearing with us while we worked against everything that's got in our way since launch. We would have liked to have housing kicked off sooner, however unfortunately it wasn't meant to be.

Happy house hunting!

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Dyes, used for changing the color of a dyetub, are now single-use and stackable
  • Added looting rights as described at
  • Unused secondary skills removed from the secondary skill window, currently all of the secondary skills are under review and disabled
  • Fixed issue with being able to sell more than vendors can afford when the bill of sale exceeds their budget
  • Added vendor message letting users know how much gold the vendor has to spend when trying to over-sell; AIn the future we will work to make it more like UO where the vendor will buy what they can and leave you with what didn't sell, rather than block the transaction, making it easier to use for players
  • Added missing resource counter UI update to vendor transactions
  • Fixed issue with "Quick Loot" context menu option not working on items inside corpses
  • Added 500ms cooldown between item-pickup actions to prevent spamming movement of items
  • Added eating sound when eating food
  • Updated Treasure Map window with new in-game map
  • Removed "Stack All" options from containers, as these need to be redesigned
  • KNOWN ISSUE: Barber NPC's buy window is not working, hopefully this isn't happening to other vendor types also

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Public Service Announcement

  • Please try not to abandon your pets, you will lose them if you do. They stay in the world if you log out if you don't stable them. Over time your pet will start to wander, looking for you, eventually releasing you from their control. <potential herding opportunity here?>

Changes from last 24 hours:

  • Issue with not being able to steal from a stacked object resolved (requires another server reboot, sorry)
  • Improvements to Trading, let us know if the trade acceptance issue proceeds or not
  • Removed the ability to gain skills from scroll spell-casts
  • Removed use-case options from runes
  • UI/Window performance improvements, including reducing the amount of UI/window refreshes, you may notice a slight delay between window updates because of this, and even possibly a performance improvement
  • Warg pets removed, we did not intend to spawn those in at this time and they are forcibly removed
  • Removed Vendor Buy/Sell confirmation window popup

Changes from earlier:

  • Moved Torch over to torch equipment slot instead of right-hand, does not affect old torches
  • Treasure hunting temporarily disabled; working on setting up the locations still
  • Pet AI issues resolved, was causing pets to not attack and maybe other things too
  • Stablemaster minimum-range to check for pets reduced to improve pet summoning
  • Added pet position validation when using 'follow' commands to assist with getting pets un-stuck while we work to improve the root cause
  • Horses set to 0 taming difficulty, does not affect old horses
  • Added some missing interruptions to Mining/Lumberjacking/Fishing to prevent performing other tasks while harvesting
  • Resolved issue with bladed weapon target actions not checking for distance
  • Fixed issue with trying to use food in places where it was inaccessible saying "you feel more refreshed" while also saying "you can't access that"
  • Fixed issue with sometimes getting a backpack from corpses
  • Fixed issue with trying to open corpses failing and not showing a container window
  • Added notification and system message when being murdered to guide players to Reputation window to report the murders if desired

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Fixed issue with house security not working for Owners in some cases (you may need to release/re-secure containers if they are affected)
  • Fixed issue with the Buccs Den/Minoc archway teleporters getting pets stuck
  • Increased paralyze immunity duration
  • Earth elemental spawn chance added to Mining
  • Fixed issue with being able to use the Moongate in Limbo while dead, it's intended for you to resurrect using the Shrines first before leaving
  • Fixed an issue with pre-written books not being useable
  • Added tooltip to Guildstone to explain how to move it
  • Fixed issue with being able to use crafting tools from the bank

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from trading houses saying there are vendors working out of it when there is not
  • Added option to house menu for the plot owner to be able to collect commissions from vendors that have been rented to other players
  • Switching house privacy state from Public to Private is now possible even if the house has 1 vendor working out of it

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

The Paralyze spell now interrupts the victim's spell cast on success The use of an invisibility potion now breaks spell casts Skeleton Keys now properly open chests of any level regardless of lockpicking skill Carpentry kegs have been fixed and no longer produce deeds

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

The Paralyze spell now interrupts the victim's spell cast on success

The use of an invisibility potion now breaks spell casts

Skeleton Keys now properly open chests of any level regardless of lockpicking skill

Carpentry kegs have been fixed and no longer produce deeds

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Unidentified musical instruments will now properly identify

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

*Torches should now occupy the torch slot and not unequip the right hand

*Killing/stealing from someone in town and looting with another multibox character should now be prevented.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Town NPC Changes

  • Bowyers will now sell Bows, Siege Bows, and Heavy Siege Bows.
  • Bowyers will now buy bows from players.
  • Minoc now has an Armorsmith at the Forgery, a Bowyer at Warriors' Battle Gear, and a new Jeweler Shop named Gorgeous Gems.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Macro system re-enabled & window will now only show once instead of refreshing every time a macro repeats
  • Issue with Stablemaster "Retrieve pet out of range" option has been resolved once more, this update was due to go out previously but mistakenly was not applied, now it is
  • Issue with freshly tamed pets not attacking their targets has been resolved
  • Fixed an issue with Young status not being ended when committing a criminal action
  • Fixed issue with "your X will break soon" happening prematurely
  • Prevented ability to resist beneficial spells, especially when casted on thyself
  • Fixed issue with trees not regrowing in a timely manner in some cases

4th Sep 2021 announcement

  • There's a known issue with some objects not being able to be unpacked in houses such as, but not limited to: cauldron
  • There's a known issue with some objects being able to be placed outside of the house foundation/walls, or in the yard

Warning: It is not intended to be able to place objects outside of the foundation/walls of your house. If you have objects placed out of bounds they may be subject to adjustments to make them in-bounds, or in some cases removed if they are blocking pathways. The small front yards are intended only for vendors or a guildstone.

Reminder: the Small Workshop and Large Patio houses are temporarily disabled for fixing, and we will try to make them available ASAP

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Ethereal statue should no longer get stuck in your pocket if you cannot mount for one reason or another; if it does somehow get stuck, logging out completely and logging back in will move it to your backpack
  • Fishing skill can no longer be gained above 70 while inside of town
  • Fishing will no longer yield anything more than basic fish or loot while inside of town
  • Plant harvesting amount has been adjusted and we will continue to improve spawns if needed
  • An issue with clicking on a news notification from the list not opening the appropriate article
  • Fixed system message showing when using runebooks referencing "a recall rune"
  • Summoned creatures should now properly decay if they have lost their owners
  • Fixed an issue with stealing from a stack causing multiple items to pile up in your inventory

4th Sep 2021 event

Last chance to sign up for the pvp tournament! Signup closes at 4:00 AM UTC on the 28th (about 6 hours from this posting).

After the window has closed, all enrolled players will be added to a special event channel for prelims and a bracket will be generated randomly.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Healing animation should be fixed, and a 3 Second Cooldown has been added to the Healing Hotkeys of Use Bandage, Bandage Self, and Bandage Last Target.
  • Harpies and other various creatures in the world that were unexpectedly unaffected by Bard skills, should now work properly.
  • Camping bugs were fixed and the time it takes to build the different stages of the campfire and tent/tent upgrades have been reduced slightly.
  • A Teleporter has been added on top of Brit Bank roof to allow players to leave the roof if they lack the ability to teleport down from the roof.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

We are extremely pleased to welcome a new member to our team. Congratulations beekel!

beekel will be joining us as a Counselor, and behind the scenes, has already contributed greatly to our project in terms of the wiki, the related wiki bot and of course the interactive map.

He is also contributing in the form of custom music, which we hope to have in game very soon!

Please make him feel welcome.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

Update your bookmarks! The news feed has been migrated from the old to and the in-game feed and Discord bot now reflect the new feed.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

We are aware of the issue with the official map and are working to resolve it. Thanks for your patience.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

Due to ongoing connectivity issues, the server will remain offline until further notice. There is no ETA at this time.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

We are experiencing ongoing issues at our host as a result of a maintenance/upgrade window. We were advised there would be no impact to customers during this time, however clearly that is not the case.

There is no ETA at this time and you may experience odd behaviour or inaccessibility with the game or any of the related services.

Thank you for your patience. We will update you with more information as it comes to light.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Critizens of Britannia, be warned! An increased Orc presence has been observed in our lands. These savage creatures know no limit to their ferocity and evil. But fear ye not! Your Brave and Courageous leaders are maintaining the guard around the clock, keeping the Orc scourge out of our city walls and your children safe from their barbarism.

[The Orc Guild has now been fully enabled. Players wishing to join the Orc Guild must seek out and contact a member of the guild]

4th Sep 2021 announcement

Today on Memorial Day, we honor and remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for us. We are eternally grateful and forever indebted!

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Map marker icons have had an optimization pass and have been re-enabled. Just a heads up that we may need to further optimize or change the way the map marker icons appear but will try this for now.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

The issue with the official map has been resolved, and it is now available again.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Gameplay Notes

  • All bosses have had their AI updated.
  • All bosses have had their loot adjusted.
  • Higher level bosses have had their loot greatly increased.
  • Loot tables have undergone another balance pass.
  • Spawning in Despise has been adjusted.
  • Updated static collision.
  • There is now a chance, scaled by monster difficulty, that young players will lose young status when killing very difficult monsters.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Staggering shot mount speed should return to normal after the effect has expired.
  • Bandaging a ghost will no longer yield skill gains if the healer is below the requirements for resurrection.
  • Attempting to cure poison will no longer yield skill gains if the healer is below the requirements for curing.
  • Adjusted durability warning threshold.
  • Move Speed should now always be recalculated on resurrection.
  • Fixed a bug that caused aggression when taming a creature without a distance check first.
  • Fixed an issue causing a criminal flagging when performing actions on yourself.
  • You can no longer report yourself as a murderer.
  • Fixed an issue causing bosses to continually reset.
  • Fixed an issue causing titles to reassign when gaining skill.