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4th Dec 2022 patchnote

As you are probably aware, we've had an Early Access watermark in-game while we have continued to work on the project throughout the past few years.

While the project may not be considered "complete" today, we will finally be retiring the "Early Access" watermark and replacing it with a physical scroll item that is given to new characters explaining the "In Development" state of our project.

The Early Access watermark was intended to be a fair warning of potential issues that you may encounter throughout your time in our game, and let's be clear: issues may still arise, even given our best intentions and effort.

We strive to minimalize the issues players run into, and we depend on your participation and feedback to help make that a reality.

Thanks so much for your continued participation, feedback, and support and for sharing the same level of passion that our team does.

We hope to keep making you proud! Keep sharing your feedback and help us shape the future of our beloved project. <3

3rd Dec 2022 patchnote

  • Murderer gear price has been reduced to 10,000gp per item

  • Trap disarmers are now stackable

  • Blessed items found in stealable dungeon containers can now be stolen.

2nd Dec 2022 announcement

Autumn has ended & winter has arrived! Bazaar vendor deeds have been placed around Windemere bank, on Dagger Isle, for the Winter Bazaar. Winter Bazaar vendors will be available until 1/15/23. A snowy tunnel has been dug between Windemere and West Britain for easy access throughout the event. Happy trading!

2nd Dec 2022 patchnote

The loot inside stealable containers within dungeons has been updated.

30th Nov 2022 patchnote

Some boss loot including the lonely old wizard has been adjusted.

29th Nov 2022 announcement

This is a reminder that the Autumn Bazaar at Britain Bank is ending on December 1st at 9 am UTC. If you have a vendor rented after the deadline passes, the vendor's gold, equipment & backpack contents will be packed up into your account vault for later retrieval. We will continue to do more Bazaar events going forward. Thanks to everyone for participating, see you at the next Bazaar!

29th Nov 2022 patchnote

We've improved house decoration moveability for some potted plants as well as the House Teleporter Ladder, fixing an issue with the ladder being forced to the ground and unable to shift upwards.

28th Nov 2022 patchnote


  • Fixed issue with Perilous Trap not being recognized when trying to craft related recipes
  • Improved Quiver encumbered/capacity limitations
  • Fixed issue with Undead (Necro) characters using Sacred Recall Charge becoming interrupted and causing the caster to become stuck
  • Fixed "deposit all" not working
  • Added skill requirements tooltip to Smoke Bombs, retroactively
  • Prevented using unidentified instruments
  • Fixed Faction Guards spawning as a criminal
  • Fixed issue with kegs not doing anything on double-click in some cases
  • Increased Macro System cooldown to mitigate lag, users have reported being able to loop some common skills in macros that appear to cause lag on the server, this should help mitigate that, but we will continue to improve
  • Corrected horses to drop hides instead of cut leather
  • Fixed issue with house fireplace add-ons not being useable for cooking, not retroactive, will need to re-deed and re-place these
  • Fixed Polar Nightbear mount using incorrect hue
  • Added Stabled Pet indicator to /pets command & added an option to Stablemasters to check your stable slot limit

House Teleporters:

  • Attempted fix to round house teleporter sinking into the ground issue
  • Fixed issue with not being able to re-deed 2-way house teleporters
  • Improved house security for teleporters, house friends should now be able to use Guild-oriented teleporters
  • Improved round house teleporter place-ability outdoors; you should now be able to place the round teleporter outside of the Brick House

House Resource/Gear Chest:

  • Prevented dropping of kegs onto House Resource Chests; please pour potions into bottles before adding them to the resource chest, sorry!
  • Fixed ingots not showing under the Crafting tab in House Resource Chest
  • Fixed issues with color, hue, or other attributes when removing items from the House Resource Chest in some cases
  • Improved line of sight for House Resource Chest
  • Added support for using "Move Contents" on a container and targeting a House Resource/Gear Chest

28th Nov 2022 knownissue

We're aware that some people have dropped kegs onto their House Resource Chests and have lost the potions inside the kegs.

It's not intended to be able to add kegs to the House Resource Chest, instead, please pour potions into bottles before adding them.

Unfortunately, this was not something that came up during the testing phase, but it will be fixed in an upcoming patch to prevent dropping kegs onto the chest.

24th Nov 2022 announcement

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the US, and happy belated Thanksgiving to our northerly neighbors in Canada. Make sure to log in tomorrow to receive a Thanksgiving Cornucopia with a chance to receive some special goodies. We're very thankful for you all! Hope you have a good holiday 🦃

23rd Nov 2022 announcement

Shards of Britannia is now Free to Play for everyone! Invite your friends and family :)

Due to this change, and in order to keep things fair for everyone, we are now limiting the number of accounts that players are allowed to use, per household, effective immediately. Going forward, players are allowed to use up to 4 accounts per household. Accounts created prior to 11/22/22 should be considered grandfathered and will not be subject to limitations at this time. Patron Benefits will continue to provide the same benefits to the advertised amount of accounts, but we may amend the Patron Benefits in the future to better reflect the new limit, without affecting grandfathered accounts.

In order to determine which accounts you are allowed to use, all of your related accounts are considered by the date in which you first logged into Shards of Britannia. If you log in to a new account or an existing account that is beyond the limit, in order of creation date, you would be prevented from playing any characters on that account.

We will be amending the rules page to reflect this new limit as well. Thanks for playing fair!

21st Nov 2022 patchnote

Murderer Gear

  • A new vendor has been placed in Buccaneer's Den near the bank that now sells murderer gear.

Hair Hiding

  • Now when putting on a hat or helmet (Head slot) your character's hair will be temporarily hidden
  • Hair will not hide or unhide if you are disguised or your appearance is altered somehow, in order to ensure that your hair does not lose it's original style or color

20th Nov 2022 knownissue

Issues Claiming Tokens

  • Some people have reported issues with claiming donation tokens after receiving the confirmation/receipt email. It has been found that copy/pasting the command to the game adds a space at the end of the command which interferes with the system. We've sent out a fix for this to be resolved after the daily restart, but if you encounter this please make sure to remove any trailing spaces or line breaks when using the /claimdonation command.

Patron Registration Issues

  • Some people have reported issues with the last account listed on their Patron Registration not being registered in-game immediately. Please let us know if you encounter this. A reported workaround has been found by adding a comma at the end of your accounts list in the Patron Registration, this may resolve it for you until we've solved the root cause. Edit your registration here:

Authorization Holds

  • Some people have run into longer than usual processing times for payments when using payment methods like PayPal or ACH/Bank Transfer. If you encounter this, there would be a delay before you receive the confirmation email and can claim tokens in-game. Usually, when this happens, PayPal or your bank is doing a fraud check and requires 24 hours (commonly) to 5 business days (rarely) to complete.

Requesting Help

  • If you encounter an issue and need assistance or have a question specific to your donation or Patron status, please submit a Support Ticket in Discord or send us an email to [email protected] for prompt assistance

19th Nov 2022 patchnote

The Patron Benefits & Donations updates have been deployed!

Please read all about the updates here:

Donation Vendors have been spawned in-game at Yew Bank

Thanks to everyone that helped to test the changes and thanks to all of our Patrons for your contributions <3

19th Nov 2022 announcement

As previously announced, we are going to be deploying the Patron Benefits & Donations updates today. In less than 2 hours from the time of this post, at 2AM UTC Nov 19th, we will restart the server briefly to deploy these updates. Please read all about the updates here:

18th Nov 2022 announcement

We're finally ready to deploy the Patron Rewards & Donations updates!

We've set aside some time to deploy the updates tomorrow, on Sat Nov 19th, between 1AM UTC and 4am UTC. We will announce a more specific time as we get closer to the timeframe. Downtime is expected to be 15 minutes or less.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to testing efforts & thanks to our Patrons for supporting the project! <3

16th Nov 2022 patchnote

The Animate Horse spell has been reworked in order to give more value to this Circle 8 spell and allow more room to explore new skills into Necro builds such as Veterinary.

See all the details in the wiki page here:

13th Nov 2022 knownissue

We've identified a performance issue, that can cause server-wide stuttering or lag, with the use of Parrying & Bandaging while being attacked by several other beings like pets or animals. We are going to work to improve this, but in the meantime please avoid using several beings to practice Parrying and Healing. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation while we work to improve the performance in this situation.

13th Nov 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with bonded pets dying causing a standing corpse to appear
  • Fixed an issue with non-armored saddles not staying on horses after they die, these saddles are now persistent
  • Fixed an issue with skeletal horses from Necromancer Animate Horse spell not persisting through region changes/teleports
  • Fixed an issue with Ogres not having any sounds
  • Added a Remove Favorite button to the Crafting Favorites window to be able to remove unwanted or invalid recipes

13th Nov 2022 patchnote

Cloaks now sit correctly on female characters.

13th Nov 2022 patchnote

All cloaks and the quiver will now sit correctly on female characters.

12th Nov 2022 announcement

This is just a reminder about Patron Benefits & Donation features are currently in testing on our Test Center server and all current Patrons have been granted permission to Test Center.

If you haven't yet, please take the time to read over the pinned message in the testing thread and test the new features out:

We hope to have Patron Benefits & Donation features deployed to the live server by the end of the month as long as testing goes well. Thanks to those of you that have been helping so far :)

12th Nov 2022 announcement

The team has reviewed the Halloween House Decoration Contest entries, and we've decided on the winners. This was a difficult decision because you all have such creative ideas and did a great job, so thank you for your time and effort in participating.

The top three entries that the team selected were submitted by: Hammer, Lolo & Zarnack

Congratulations to the winners! We will be in touch soon to fulfill the awards, please keep an eye out for a ping from staff in Discord.

Thanks, once more, for participating, we had fun looking at your houses and hope you had fun this Halloween season. ^_^

11th Nov 2022 patchnote

Recent Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with using Halloween Costumes saying "you can only use them during Halloween" erroneously, causing players to get flagged as Polymorphed with no way to remove it (note: this issue is fixed, and you can again use the costumes until Dec 1st as intended)
  • Fixed an issue with Old Toby not spawning in Skara Brae, the spawn has been rejuvenated East of Skara Brae, near the farms
  • Fixed an issue with sitting in Stone Thrones not aligning your character properly with the chair in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to dig sand in the desert
  • Fixed an issue with Stablemasters saying "no pets found" even when pets exist in the world
  • Fixed a display issue with New Character Creation screens preventing new players from seeing their characters
  • Fixed an issue with the Grandfathered Medium Brick house having a public vendor limit of just 1, which has been corrected to the intended value of 4
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to craft some True Britannian faction gear items

Recent Changes:

  • The Ranger's Quiver is now blessed retroactively, but they will still lose durability
  • Improved the New Character Creation menus to be more fluid and fix some layout issues, plus added some additional Character Build presets
  • Turned the Server Alerts for Lottery back on
  • Added a new speech command "house menu" for players to be able to open the house menu from anywhere inside the house, perfect for those in large houses
  • Increased minimum inventory stock for Faction Mage vendors
  • Reduced overall chance for Weather to begin & increased duration for weather once it's started

9th Nov 2022 announcement

The deadline has now passed for the House Decoration Contest and no more entries will be accepted. The team will review all the entries and decide on the winners, to be announced on Friday evening, US time zone. Thanks to everyone who is participating and excellent work on all of the detailed & creative decorating!

7th Nov 2022 patchnote

A lottery stone has been placed at West Britan Bank. Server-wide alerts have also been re-enabled for Lottery Stones since recently resolving a server crash related to Discord alerts.

6th Nov 2022 announcement

An issue has been fixed causing some Halloween activities to end prematurely. Pumpkins and Halloween Camps have been respawned in the overworld and the Sewers. Costumes can now be worn until Dec 1st this year since we added them late in the season, they can be worn again after the daily restart on Nov 6th 9am UTC.

Reminder: Halloween activities will end for the season on Nov 8th at 9am UTC, the Candy Vendor at Britain Bank will be available until Dec 1st allowing you more time to finalize any trades & purchases.

5th Nov 2022 announcement

This is a reminder of the House Deco Contest and there are only a few days left until the deadline on November 8th!

See the original announcement:

5th Nov 2022 announcement

It's time for another House Deco Contest! This time the theme is Halloween. Use some of the items you've been collecting this month to decorate your house.

Everyone is invited to participate, and some of you have already been decorating your houses and they look great!

Submit screenshots & coordinates of your house in the designated Discord thread:

Even if you don't expect to win or don't necessarily want to compete, we encourage everyone that has decorated their homes with Halloween goodies to submit entries.

On Nov 8th, we will pick the winners of the following categories: Creativity, Organization & Unique Item Combinations

3rd Nov 2022 announcement

We just want to let you know that we're working on the final touches for the Patron Benefits & Donation updates. Very soon we will begin testing with Patrons and hope to have the patch deployed to the live server as quickly as possible, hopefully by the end of November at the latest.

If you are a Patron please be sure to fill out the Patron Registration form in advance so that when the patch goes live you will automatically begin receiving the benefits on your registered accounts. See the wiki page for details and the link to the form:

Thanks for your support & patience!