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15th Sep 2022 patchnote

General improvements:

  • Fixed an issue with 'phantom collision' being created at your character's position when using the Item Preview option
  • Corrected the display names of the two commodity deeds sale listing on bank vendors to indicate which is blessed
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to lockpick some decorative containers, in towns or dungeons, that are locked and intended to be picked and stolen from

Preparations are being made to expand the remainder of the world for boating and more deep water fishing! This will happen in phases and today we have a part of those changes being deployed.

Deep Water & SOS updates:

  • Fixed an issue with some SOS maps not being fishable in some cases
  • Improved fishing net progress bar to show "Fishing for Treasure" to indicate when you are fishing an SOS spot or regular fishing
  • Improved Treasure Map image marker accuracy & increased the overall window size for better legibility
  • SOS treasures are now enabled for deep water; starting out, about half of the maps will be in a deep water location, but we may transition to 100% deep water maps in the future as we open more water territory for boating
  • Sunken Ships have been updated to a new Shipwreck scene using the new ship model with some nearby floating debris
  • The chance to find MIBs has been greatly reduced for shallow water fishing
  • MIB levels 3, 4 & 5 have been moved to deep water only and they can no longer be obtained from shore
  • Deep water fishing may now yield different, potentially better, results than fishing from shore; expect to see more deep water content as we continue to expand the available water territory
  • Monsters will now traverse to land from water if their combatant is not on the water or is onshore
  • Many water-related monsters will now attempt to traverse into the water if their combatant should board a ship or go into the water

Ship Lockdowns:

  • Large ships now allow locking down and unpacking objects to them, limited to 3 items, no containers allowed

Messenger Bottle:

  • Added a new roleplay item: Messenger Bottle (appears as 'an empty bottle'), which can be purchased from Fishing vendors
  • This can be used to send SOS (save our ship) messages or any message you should wish to write
  • Dropping a Note to it, or double-clicking the bottle and targeting a note will insert the note into the bottle
  • Filled bottles can be double-clicked to be thrown into the water where they will float away and be washed ashore someplace
  • Notes that are discovered on the shore can be picked up freely if close enough with line of sight, or can be fished out with a fishing rod
  • Note: this is just for role-playing purposes and is unrelated to SOS treasure hunting

15th Sep 2022 patchnote

  • Large ships now allow locking down and unpacking objects to them, limited to 3 items, no containers allowed

15th Sep 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue causing Chum not to work in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with being able to fish & grab schools of fish

If you still experience any of these please log out and back in to receive the hotfix.

15th Sep 2022 knownissue

Some of the custom mobiles like the Raptor are experiencing an animation issue where they appear to glide instead of walking. We're aware and will work to resolve it.

11th Sep 2022 patchnote

We've identified and resolved an issue with pets causing lag in some cases.

11th Sep 2022 patchnote

Necromancer Updates:

  • Balance:

    • Cocoon spell: When broken, in addition to the current spell, the player will receive a stats bless.
    • Contagion spell: When broken, in addition to the current spell, the attacker will receive a curse.
  • Resurrect:

    • Using Forensic on a ghost as undead, will now attempt to resurrect. Success is based on Forensic and Spirit Speak skill levels.
  • Death Ward:

    • Death Ward should now do proper criminal action checks upon resurrection.
  • Renounce Undead:

    • To renounce your undead status, now you can go and interact with the Ankh inside Yew Abbey.
  • Souls Collection:

    • Every undead Player can now collect souls regardless of having dealt the killing blow (Including killed by pets/summons).
    • Multiple undead players can collect soul from the same body once.
    • Removed check for Spirit Speak and added to Forensic, souls collection will always succeed at GM Forensic Eval.
  • Grave Dust:

    • Doubled Grave Dust drops from Gravedigging.
    • Increased Grave Dust loot drops from undead creatures.

New Cartography Item:

  • Treasure Maps Globe: Can be crafted with Cartography from a Miniature Globe, this item can store up to 500 undeciphered Treasure Maps.

7th Sep 2022 patchnote


  • Cocoon spell: Fixed bless, now will match Magery effects but based on Forensic Eval (+11 / 5 min at GM).
  • Contagion spell: Fixed curse, now will reverse bless effects but based on Forensic Eval (-11 / 5 min at GM).

TMaps Globe:

  • Added Line of Sight check.
  • Added Security option for Examine/Retrieve. Anyone can deposit maps.

28th Aug 2022 patchnote

The old Destard entrance in Yew has been retired. It now leads through the mountains to the other side.

Please update your runes if you haven't for the new Destard entrance in SE Skara Brae!

28th Aug 2022 patchnote

  • Farms in Britain, Skara, Moonglow & Yew have had some farm animals added
  • Skara Brae now has a cemetery residing on Iver's Rounding island which can be accessed by Ferry just NW of the Skara Brae Bank
  • Fixed an issue with the house menu option Pack & Destroy, the option has now been re-enabled
  • Fixed stationed healer in Windemere & added wandering healer spawns to Dagger Isle

21st Aug 2022 patchnote

  • Animate Horse: Increased stats and skills, it does not decay and you can use as a pet to fight mobs, but if you mount it, it will dispel on dismount (Also fixed a bug that would allow to cast on bonded pets which would get lost after).

  • Transfusion / Great Transfusion: Now it consumes mana and gives life in the same percentages as before.

  • Mitigate Poison: Halved the cooldown from 60 to 30 seconds.

  • Spiritual / Vampiric Touch: Increased mana/life received per hit. Increased duration 10 min at 100 and 5 min at 80.

  • Animate Dead: Increased stats of summoned skeletons.

  • Bone Armor: Increased duration 10 min at 100 and 5 min at 80.

  • Ghost Blade: Changed, is now a blade spirit in the shape of a ghost (also has curse and can only cast one).

  • Undead Meal: Undead Meal heads can now be used for necro recall/gate.

  • Holy Damage: Adjusted the damage balance received from beneficial spells.

  • Spells: Adjusted LOS requirements for some spells.

  • Quick Travel: Some spots are being added in towns/GY/dungeons for undead recall, also FE on self updated to reveal artefacts presence.

13th Aug 2022 patchnote

  • Added Lock Repair Kits to Tinkering recipes to repair broken lockboxes with

13th Aug 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed a display issue with durability description; please note: this did not affect the actual durability of items, just the warning & display text on them
  • Increased initial durability of Lockpicking Training Boxes

13th Aug 2022 patchnote

  • Lockpicking Training Boxes now have limited durability causing the lock mechanism to wear out over time
  • Improved Buff/Debuff icon persistence
  • Improved overweight/fatigue mechanics, fixing an issue sometimes causing players to get stuck even after they've dropped some weight
  • Improved resource display text on commodity deeds
  • Removed double Blessed tooltip on bank checks
  • Speech commands will now alert responding town vendors preventing them from wandering around immediately after you interact with them
  • Quick Travel spells now prevent targeting non-Rune/Runebook objects
  • Fixed issue with being unable to change default interaction on Runebook in some cases
  • Added missing Blowpipe to Tinker vendors

12th Aug 2022 knownissue

The following issues have now been resolved:

  • Cannot Recall/Gate to Yew Crypts, no error message when trying
  • Some player vendor containers may not open due to Line of Sight

Additional fix:

  • Fixed issue with being unable to change default interaction on Runebook in some cases

12th Aug 2022 patchnote

This patch note includes:

  • Loading Invisibility Updates
  • Quick Travel Improvements
  • General Improvements/Fixes

Loading Invisibility Updates

  • Loading Invisibility cooldown added to prevent abuse from quickly teleporting back and forth between destinations
  • When traveling within the same region, Loading Invisibility will now only apply when you are traveling a distance away that is also an unguarded destination

Quick Travel Improvements

  • Gate Travel is now permitted out of dungeons one-way, so you can leave the dungeon but cannot re-enter
  • Fixed issues with pets sometimes being taken out of bounds during teleports and requiring retrieval from the Stablemaster
  • Quick-travel spells Recall/Mark/Gate Travel will now only consume mana or reagents for valid targets/destinations
  • Moongates from Gate Travel spell will now properly show the destination name on each portal, for example, "Portal to Town: Britain" or "Portal to Shame Level 1"
  • Dispel Field will now dispel both sides of a Moongate
  • Moongates will now only confirm "Do you wish to travel?" when it leads to an Unguarded area when you are inside a Guarded area; so if you step on a red Moongate while outside of town, you don't have to confirm
  • Improved pets/followers teleporting with their owner when traveling through portals within the same region

General Improvements/Fixes

  • Added a kettle container & a couple barrel containers to Tinkering
  • Added Basket-weaving recipes to Tailoring
  • Added Cleverly Locked Box to Tinkering recipes, used for lockpicking training
  • Added Archery Butte to Carpentry recipes
  • Added a 2-day cooldown on re-listing a house for sale after it's been sold
  • Improved open & use restrictions for containers in houses to be more lenient on line of sight
  • Placed mailboxes can now have items dropped into them by anyone as if to deliver mail to you & mailboxes will now honor the Security option on them to decide who can take items out of it
  • Fixed an issue with bonuses to skills, like from the Tailors Apron, not being honored for crafting success chance
  • Fixed an issue with Orc Bombers attacking wearers of an Orcish Kin mask
  • Bulletin Board messages will now be sorted by newest-first & stale messages will be cleared after 30 days
  • Fixed an issue with interrupting Fishing not actually interrupting the reeling process
  • Improved Robe Deed functionality, no longer requires users to log out/in to refresh the appearance of the converted item
  • Fixed issue with Stealing not being prevented on containers with tinker traps on them
  • Improved smelting success of some furniture deeds made by Carpentry
  • Fixed issue with the whole stack of Shimmer Essence being consumed when dropping to mastery books, now it will only consume 1
  • Fixed issue with Lumberjacking not putting logs into the designated Harvest Bag
  • Fixed issue with Auto-Stacking Regs option moving reagents when dropping them to the bank
  • Fixed issue with not being able to trade pets that require no skill to mount & improved controlling these pets
  • Fixed issue with Bulk Order Books for sale on a player vendor being unable to be opened by buyers
  • Improved Fish filet stackable weight
  • Fixed an issue with the Invisibility spell being treated as a healing spell for Undead characters
  • Improved Item ID skill success chance for grandmasters
  • Improved Barber restyle options to preserve hair color when changing hairstyles
  • Fixed issue with default double-click action for secured campsites not being set to "Pitch Tent"
  • Fixed issue with removing a house's trash can playing a wood-sawing sound indefinitely
  • Improved the Relocate option on player vendors to alert users if the purchase failed, previously no error message was shown
  • Added nominal fee to Stablemaster retrieve pet out-of-range option
  • System messages to characters about active skill-gain have been disabled

9th Aug 2022 patchnote

We have a correction for the following statement from the patch note at "You cannot pack a house's contents while vendors are working out of it, they need to be packed up separately by right-clicking the vendor and choosing Relocate"

Correction: When using the Pack Contents & Destroy option, all vendors that are owned by your account will be automatically packed at no extra charge and deeds placed in your backpack. If there are any vendors working out of the house that you do not own on that account then the vendors will need to be Dismissed or Relocated first. If the vendors are abandoned you can use the house's Ban option to forcibly remove them if necessary.

9th Aug 2022 patchnote

Update: The crafting related issues have been resolved and crafting has been re-enabled. If you continue to see "crafting is suspended" please log out and back in and try to craft again. Thanks for your patience.

~~ Crafting of any kind has been suspended for a short period while we sort out an issue following the recent patch. Thanks for your patience, we'll have the issue resolved shortly. ~~

9th Aug 2022 patchnote

This patch note contains:

  • General Fixes
  • House Contents Packing
  • Weather Addition
  • Taxidermy Additions
  • Glassblowing Additions
  • Stonemasonry Updates

General Fixes

  • Some built-in containers in rental properties are now secured and can be used by renters
  • Fixed issue with durability not being consumed on tools when repairing equipment
  • Fixed an issue with Multi-Crafting not being interrupted by movement
  • Fixed issue with Repair Deed crafting having a 100% failure rate
  • Minor improvements to crafting menu display & sorting

House Contents Packing

  • Houses and Rentals now have an option called Pack & Destroy that will pack all of the house's contents into a deed so that they can be unpacked to another house that you own
  • Using Pack & Destroy on a permanent house will destroy the house and refund you part of the purchase price like normal & using the option on a rental house will cancel your rental agreement
  • When unpacking a house's contents to a new house, all of the items will be moved into the new house's Moving Crate inside of pouches
  • You will have to unpack all of the items from the Moving Crate before being able to Relocate or Pack a house
  • There is a limited amount of time (currently 2 days) allowed to keep a house's contents packed to deed
  • This may put your new house over the storage limit if all of the items don't fit; make sure you are in a position to handle all of the objects once they've been unpacked!
  • You cannot pack a house's contents while vendors are working out of it, they need to be packed up separately by right-clicking the vendor and choosing Relocate Correction: When using the Pack & Demolish option, all vendors that are owned by your account will be automatically packed at no extra charge and deeds placed in your backpack. If there are any vendors working out of the house that you do not own on that account then the vendors will need to be Dismissed or Relocated first. If the vendors are abandoned the owner can use the house's Ban option to forcibly remove vendors if necessary.

Weather Addition

  • Added Seasons & Weather system with effects like rain, storms, wind, & snow to all overland regions
  • Seasons are currently observed following real-world seasons of the Northern Hemisphere
  • Players will not see the effects of weather while Night Sight is active, nor while inside most buildings, nor inside a house, nor in a Faction Event
  • All players will see a Weather Conditions icon while weather is active, even if they are inside a building

Taxidermy Additions

  • Added a Taxidermy Kit for purchase from Tanner vendors
  • Taxidermy Kits can be used by Grandmaster Carpenters and Tinkers to make a trophy from select beings:
    • Dragon
    • Brown Bear
    • Stag (named a great hart, but appears bigger & furrier)
    • Snow Leopard
    • Polar Bear
    • Fish
  • Crafting a taxidermy piece requires 10 boards (any material) and a valid corpse or fish target
  • Fish Taxidermy requires the fish to be of size Gigantic or larger and must be in your backpack
  • Note: Dragon Head taxidermy pieces obtained from the Ice Dragon King are now updated to receive the color of the Ice Dragon King itself, blue; Dragon Heads crafted from Taxidermy Kits will be uncolored

Glassblowing Additions

  • Added Glassblowing recipes
  • Added 'Learn Glassblowing' book to Tinker vendors, requires Grandmaster Tinkering
  • Added 'Learn Harvesting Glass-Quality Sand' book to Miner vendors, requires Grandmaster Mining
  • Glassblowing allows you to work sand into a selection of glassware; currently, items available are chemistry-related decorations, plus a glass Alchemy workbench & a glass Potion Jar (note: empty potion bottles are NOT craftable with Glassblowing at this time)
  • Added new tool: Sand Shovel, available for purchase from Mining vendors & is required to harvest sand in the desert
  • Added new tool: Blowpipe, available for purchase from Tinker Vendors & is required to craft glass items
  • Sand harvesting is currently available in the Compassion Desert

Stonemasonry Updates

  • Prices reduced slightly on 'Learn Stone Masonry' & 'Learn Harvesting Granite' books
  • Added new tool: Stoneworking Mallet, available for purchase from the Carpentry vendors & is required to work with granite & craft stone items
  • The Stoneworking Mallet has limited charges which only consume upon successful crafts, not failures, and do not consume for converting Granite into Slabs
  • High-Quality Granite now needs to be worked into Granite Slabs to use it in crafting stone furniture recipes
  • Fixed issue with some stone items being crafted with Plain Granite not being stone-colored (gray)

5th Aug 2022 patchnote

Several new rental properties have been added to the world & rentals now appear on the Vendor Search stone results.

We now have over 50 rental properties spanning across the world with a range of prices to fit many people's lifestyles and budgets.

The storage limits have been set to be competitive with permanent housing, and this may present more opportunities for players wishing to temporarily store goods while trying to upgrade their house.

When renting a property, you will be asked if you want to Keep Decorations or Hide Decorations. If you choose to keep the pre-existing decorations. An option has been added to the House Sign window to Hide Decorations so you can hide them at a later time if you choose. Pre-existing decorations in rentals will automatically be restored when the property is vacated, but they cannot be manually un-hidden while the property is occupied.

Update: Some rental properties have built-in secure storage now that can be used by renters.

2nd Aug 2022 patchnote

The fishing rares from the Britain Moat have been updated.

1st Aug 2022 announcement

The Moonglow Bazaar has officially ended. Don't worry, we will do more Bazaar events again in the future in different locations.

If you had a vendor rented at the Bazaar, the vendor's equipment & contents will be safely packed into the account vault. See the original announcement for details:

Thanks to those that have participated and made the Moonglow Bazaar a success! See you at the next event.

1st Aug 2022 patchnote

General Improvements

  • Corrected Explosion Potion recipe to use Sulfurous Ash; previously the recipe was using Mandrake Root by mistake

Item Inspection

  • Added a context option to inanimate objects: Inspect Item
  • Using Inspect Item will bring up a window with some details about the object like its name, weight, color, hue & tooltips
  • This can help with identifying the color and hue of an object, and more information may be added to this later

Runes & Gate Travel

  • Marking runes will no longer automatically trigger renaming immediately
  • Default double-click action for Recall Runes is now set to the Rename option instead of attempting to Recall to it
  • Renaming Recall Runes will now use a chat prompt instead of a pop-up window
  • Improved verbiage for Recall Rune & Runebook destination region display text
  • Moongates updated to new artwork eliminating the humming noise when nearby
  • Moongates to unprotected destinations will now appear in the color red, and Moongates to protected destinations will appear blue
  • Event Moongates will now appear in the color grey
  • Moongates to protected destinations no longer ask for confirmation when activating them/standing on them
  • Moongates will no longer immediately trigger activation for players that are nearby when the Moongate is created in order to prevent unwanted or accidental activations

29th Jul 2022 patchnote

  • An option, List For Sale, has been added to the House Menu allowing owners to set a price and list the house for sale
  • The house's sign will reflect the listing price and double-clicking the sign will bring up the purchase details for players that are not friended or co-owned
  • The house can be bought and paid for at any time, even if the owner is not online, and gold will be automatically credited to the owner's Deposit Account and a notification sent to them to see the next time they log in
  • Houses cannot be listed if they have any vendors or a guildstone currently
  • Houses will be sold as-is along with any existing lockdowns
  • House listings will be available on the Vendor Search stone as well

28th Jul 2022 patchnote

Loading Invisibility, a long-awaited and highly-requested feature, is being added! This will help alleviate issues with logging in but not being able to respond in-game for several seconds after your character appears in the world to other players and monsters.

The details:

  • When logging in, teleporting, or switching regions, you will become invisible for a brief period, and other players and monsters will be invisible to you during that time
  • Loading Invisibility will last for 15 seconds for logins/region-switches, or 5 seconds for teleports within the same region, and the effect will end if you move or perform actions
  • Damage from AOE spells and effects should be prevented against people who have Loading Invisibility
  • Evil beings, or monsters, that can see through invisibility will ignore players that have Loading Invisibility


  • Loading Invisibility will not apply if you are already hidden, or if you are dead
  • If you have been Poisoned, or afflicted with any other kind of Damage Over Time effect, and teleport or switch regions, you will continue to receive damage and Loading Invisibility will automatically expire due to receiving damage
  • When crossing regions on a boat, Loading Invisibility will automatically expire if & when the boat starts to move again

26th Jul 2022 patchnote

The llama and savage warg should now be rideable by all

26th Jul 2022 patchnote

The area SE of Skara Brae, around Destard Swamps, has been refreshed:

  • New Destard dungeon entrance constructed at original UO spot
  • Improved nearby spawns (savages, wildlife & healer)
  • Housing area expanded (cannot place in the swamp due to uneven territory causes houses to sink too low)

Note: the current Destard entrance in Yew's Rat Valley will continue to operate for a while but then will be shut down or re-assigned

Savage NPC improvements & additions:

  • Loot added: Orc Mask, Tribal Berry (for cooking Savage Kin Paint), Tribal Spear (cosmetic spear)
  • Savage Warg is now obtainable from mounted savages in Destard swamp

Recently Added: Daemon Bone Gear

  • Daemon Bone Armor set (rare cosmetic armor), Daemon Bone Mask, Shield & Dagger
  • Drop rates improved on Efreets, previously was near impossible to obtain
  • Efreets spawn added to Destard level 4; they also spawn in Compassion Desert

Coming Soon: Ranger Gear

  • Ranger Armor (rare cosmetic armor) + Ranger's Bow
  • Ranger's Quiver (pickup nearby arrows on the ground)

General Fixes/Improvements:

  • SOS maps enabled for Moonglow
  • Fixed a rounding issue with pet feeding
  • Fixed an issue with SOS maps not deciphering (monitoring for further issues)
  • Fixed an issue with Relocate option on player vendors not working
  • Fixed an issue with abandoned pets not releasing automatically over time in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with notoriety not applying to hireling fighters & summons in some cases
  • Improved cooking animation to face you towards the fire instead of facing North every time
  • Fixed issue with boat commands not being verbalized when pressing buttons in the control window & added missing Orc skipper speech
  • Tameable creatures that require Subjugating, giant beetles, for example, will now flee for a short duration when becoming subdued (inherited from UO)
  • Fixed several edge cases surrounding disguise kits, and other actions that alter your character's appearance causing your name or appearance not to revert back to the normal state properly in some cases
  • Entering combat with a target pre-selected will no longer cause notoriety action until you swing or cause damage to the target; this is to help reduce accidental conflicts from misclicks

26th Jul 2022 knownissue

UPDATE: The issue preventing SOS treasure maps from deciphering has been resolved.

We're aware that SOS maps are currently not functioning in some or all cases. If using an SOS map states "This map is too damaged to read" then just hang on to the map until we've resolved the issue. We'll post again when it's been resolved.

23rd Jul 2022 knownissue

Pre-existing repair deeds have been updated with the recent changes, including stacking & updated names. This issue is now resolved.

~~The retroactive changes made to repair deeds have not been applied as expected, so old deeds will not stack and still have the name "a repair deed". We're working to resolve this ASAP ~~

22nd Jul 2022 patchnote

Player Vendors

  • Player vendor weekly fee amount has been reduced to 1,500gp per week
  • Player vendors will now only charge their weekly fee after the first 7 days of being hired, as well as 7 days after this patch
  • Added "Vendor List" option to house signs, this shows a list of the vendors on the property; clicking a vendor on the list will attempt to open its inventory for viewing
  • Added Vendor Inventory List window when viewing the contents of vendors from longer distances, due to a client limitation preventing containers from showing when too far away

Crafting & Repair Deeds

  • Added "Recently Crafted" list to the Crafting menu, recently crafted recipes will be added to the top of this list for convenience
  • Repair deed crafting has been moved to traditional recipes under each skill's recipe list; this allows the use of the Craft Single/Multi/All options for convenience
  • Crafting repair deeds no longer requires being in a town shop
  • Repair deeds are now stackable with other repair deeds of matching skill, retroactively
  • Updated repair deed names "A Repair Service Contract", retroactively

22nd Jul 2022 announcement

If you are a new player and are having trouble accessing the "Create Account" or "Buy Citizen Pass" buttons from our website, please try once more.

Recently Legends of Aria moved their website to which caused the links on our website to become outdated & taking visitors to the wrong address.

These links have now been updated on our website, but here's the new link for the Citizen Pass purchase portal if you still need it: