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9th Dec 2021 announcement

Britannians: prepare to win it big! Buck E. Bees has opened a franchise of his famous casinos in Minoc! Located just south of the Minoc tinker shop, several games are available to play:

  • A weekly lottery: 1,000gp per ticket. The winner takes home 50% of all collected gold.
  • Slot machines - A possible payout of 100,000gp!
  • Casino dice - A cheaper game with better odds and a chance to win 2,500gp!

8th Dec 2021 announcement

We are excited to share that housing is going to be enabled in all online regions at the end of the month/beginning of the new year. This means you will be able to place houses around Britain, Minoc, and Cove regions.

Leading up to or at that time we will be enabling the Large Patio house option. We're still working out some kinks with another house model, the Small Workshop, and hope to have that ready by then as well. There's currently no news on any other house models becoming available.

To aid with moving we are also working on some tools to help with packing up house contents and making moves easier for players that don't have another house to use for storage and wish to relocate.

You may be asking yourself, "when is the rest of the map going to open?" We don't have any news at this time in terms of opening up the rest of the map, but we would love to expand the world as quickly as possible.

We will continue to keep you informed of any news that becomes available and we appreciate your support and patience.

8th Dec 2021 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from reporting player murders if a monster or NPC gets the killing blow
  • Fixed an issue with treasure chests in dungeons not decaying if untouched for a period of time; additionally, random Orc Camps now spawn in overland with a chest of difficulty levels 3 to 5 (overland chests do not offer uncommon items like dungeon chests)
  • Fixed an issue with the Stuck Menu not responding to button presses in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to place the decoration Tattered Green Banner

8th Dec 2021 patchnote

Orcs have been spotted setting up camps around the world and taking human hostages. Keep your eyes out for suspicious activity.

7th Dec 2021 announcement

The Santa Claws boss is now player triggerable. You must purchase Santa Claws' Candle from the gravedigging vendor, then place it under the Christmas Tree on the western side of the Yew area (where the spawn previously was). It takes 6 players nearby to activate. Once you've assembled, double click the candle.

7th Dec 2021 patchnote

After the restart, the following items have been addressed:

  • A bug causing Faction Mages to persist beyond 24h has been resolved.
  • Several faction sigil system bugs have been squashed. As a result, you may encounter the following scenario: 1. You steal a town sigil and deposit it in your faction stone 2. Someone else steals that sigil from your faction stone 3. Before they can deposit in their faction stone, you try to deposit a DIFFERENT faction sigil. You will be prevented from doing so until either they deposit that stone or you take it back.

6th Dec 2021 announcement

Pending a restart, a new Necromancer spell has been added. It requires GM Forensic Evaluation, Spirit Speak, and Magery to unlock.

The spell is called Death Ward, and may only be casted on yourself. For its duration, if you are killed/ brought below 0 health, you will instead be returned to 1 HP (at which point Death Ward will be expended and you will once again be vulnerable).

5th Dec 2021 patchnote

Pending a restart:

  • A stolen town sigil will now show the town's name.
  • Faction mobs to kill for faction silver have been added. Drakes are associated with True Britannians, Daemons with Shadowlords, and Ogre Lords with Minax. Killing an opposing faction's mob grants you 30 silver. Faction mobs will still attack their associated faction players.
  • Other random bugs with the town sigil system have been squashed.

4th Dec 2021 announcement

The Faction Pillar / King of the Hill is now in game. It activates once every 80 hours, and you will receive a server alert when it does. It can be found in Destard Level 2.

4th Dec 2021 announcement

Hail citizens of Britannia!

I will be producing a 2 to 3 minute promotional video for SOB.

I would like to show player's in-game recorded video's showcasing everything we have to offer.

I would like to get a collection of videos showing people mining, lumberjacking, fighting, stealing, faction wars, etc, etc

If you could upload it and post in stream-and-media I would be very thankful

I will try to get a dropbox or something similar sorted ASAP


4th Dec 2021 announcement

A new automated King Of The Hill style Faction event is coming soon to Britannia. The following details outline its basic ideas, but are subject to tweaks before release:

Every 80 hours, the Faction Pillar becomes active. This event is a King Of The Hill style event. Faction players must stay near the pillar and ward off other faction players nearby. This event lasts 30 minutes.

Every 30 seconds, the pillar ticks and determines what Faction players are nearby. If only one faction is nearby (controlling), that faction and each individual player receives 2 points. If two factions are nearby (contested), each faction and player receives 1 point. If 3 factions are nearby, nobody receives points.

At the end of the 30 minutes, the points are tallied up, both total faction points and individual player points. Every player in the winning faction who participated receives 750 Faction Silver. The top 5 players with regard to points, regardless of faction, receive 250 Silver (which may be in addition to winning faction silver). You must be online at the end of the event to receive your reward.

3rd Dec 2021 patchnote

Pending a restart:

  • Blood Siphon now heals much more health.
  • Elf clothing will now be blessable

2nd Dec 2021 patchnote

  • Beginning at 80.1 Forensic Evaluation (with a min 30 Spirit Speak), necromancers now have more potent Curse/Mass Curse spells
  • A bug causing faction players to not flag in pvp combat has been resolved
  • Skeletons summoned by Necromancers will now appear green to differentiate from NPC skeletons

2nd Dec 2021 announcement

Santa Claws has been successfully chased out of Yew and is now wandering the wilds in search of warriors whose Christmas he can ruin!

30th Nov 2021 patchnote

Pending a restart, the following changes have been made:

  • Noxious Decay is now a 6th circle spell (instead of 7th)
  • A bug causing Earthquake to give Spirit Speak gains has been fixed
  • Bone Armor can only be used on yourself.
  • Necromancers can now cast Invisibility

29th Nov 2021 patchnote

  • Protection, Magic Reflection, Reactive Armor, and Arch Protect now harm Necromancers as intended.
  • A bug causing Mass Dispel to dispel summons too frequently has been fixed.
  • Blood Siphon's cooldown on a given target has been decreased.
  • The Gravedigging vendor now sells Grave Dust- at a very steep price.

28th Nov 2021 announcement

'Twas a month before Christmas and all throughout Yew, not a creature was stirring- the guards had all gone too! A cold wind came and quickly they figured out, that Santa Claws and his evil minions would soon be about!

Launching sometime this evening, Yew will be invaded by Santa Claws and his evil minions. Santa Claws will spawn once every 24h, while his minions will spawn very often. Of course rares will be out there for the taking!

Yew will thus be a war zone until Christmas. Yew've been warned!

27th Nov 2021 patchnote

  • Poison Elemental summons now poison more often.
  • A timing bug with wisp summon spellcasting has been addressed.

27th Nov 2021 announcement

The Lithos necromancy event will end tomorrow. Its spawn rate has been increased until then.

27th Nov 2021 patchnote

  • Reds can now use the gravedigging vendor
  • You can no longer harm necromancers in town with beneficial spells
  • Gravedigging will check your character notoriety settings before turning you grey

26th Nov 2021 patchnote

  • Beneficial / Healing spells used to harm necromancers now behave properly and consume reagants.
  • A new item has been added to fill the Necronomicon with spells instead of the Grave Dust- it is called Heart of Earth Shard and it can be obtained from undead mobs.
  • Necromancers will now only be considered undead if their Forensic Eval AND Spirit Speak are above 60.

25th Nov 2021 announcement

Necromancy is now live in Britannia! A method of procuring the Necronomicon has been introduced and players are encouraged to discover it.

For a short time, a boss event featuring Lithos, titan of Earth, is also active and is another possible way of obtaining the Necronomicon.

Please read the following articles which outline Necromancy- some changes have been made.

23rd Nov 2021 patchnote

The cost of gravedigging tools has been reduced greatly and their charges have increased to 100 in preparation for Necromancy,

23rd Nov 2021 announcement

Relics of Lithos, titan of Earth, have been sighted in Britannia- a dark omen of evil events on the horizon.

Necromancy is coming to Britannia and is currently in testing! Shout out to Stimwalt who designed the ideas behind much of this system before he departed the team. The following wiki articles will give you a good idea of what to expect. It is a more hardcore lifestyle than your average blue build.

22nd Nov 2021 patchnote

Some more decorations have been fixed in terms of an issue preventing placing them, included but not limited to:

  • Wooden Display Case
  • Small Three Shelf Market Rack
  • Large Two Row Market Rack
  • Arena Bleachers (these have been reduced in size to fit better)
  • Medium Display Rack
  • L-shaped & Large Bar with Brace

22nd Nov 2021 patchnote

An issue has been solved preventing people from buying mounts like the Fire Ostard that can be ridden by anyone if their skill level is too low.

22nd Nov 2021 patchnote

The following is a preview of the upcoming Bulk Orders and Crafting Changes. Testing is about to begin, but there is no expected release date at this time. Near the release, we will write some Wiki pages to further explain some of these changes, but for the most part a lot of the mechanics are borrowed from UO, so existing UO wikis can be used as a guideline for now.

Bulk Order Deeds:

  • Blacksmithy and Tailoring only to start
  • Bulk order deeds consist of 2 sizes: Small and Large. Small orders have just 1 item to craft and fill, while large orders require 3-6 small orders to be filled, and must have the small deeds to fill a large
  • Read More About BODs here:

Mining & Blacksmithy Changes

  • Material colors have been updated to better match UO's material colors
  • Mining Veins are now permanent, allowing players to cherrypick certain ores
  • Runic Crafting mechanics added
  • Faction Runic crafting added, allows Faction members in a town their control to Bless weapons and armor for a period of time
  • Granite mining added & Stone Crafting recipes added for Carpentry, regular stone and related recipes remain, 23 new stone craftable recipes (not yet available)
  • Granite mining pickaxes added as a BOD reward, can mine High Quality Granite in the spectrum of metal colors to be used to craft new Stone recipes
  • Mining regular stone with a normal pickaxe is no longer exclusive, instead, you will continue to mine the metal from the vein with a chance to get stone, granite mining works the same way
  • Bulk Orders added with extensive rewards, including but not limited to & in no particular order:
    • Runic Hammers
    • Ancient Smith hammers, limited charges, when worn grants a skill boost to Blacksmithy
    • Sturdy Shovels/Pickaxes/Hammers (high durability tools)
    • Miner's Headlamp, when worn allows Miners of at least 80 skill to enjoy Nightsight
    • Miner's Apron, when worn gives a skill boost to Mining
    • Gargoyle Pickaxe, this allows you to increase the type of ore in a vein by 1 level and may spawn matching Ore Elementals
    • Prospector's Tool, which allows you to inspect Mining Veins for their contents
    • 2 new anvil types, comes in each ore color
    • Powder of Fortification, increases max durability of a piece of equipment by 10pts up to 3 times per item under 255, consuming the powder with each use

Tailoring Changes

  • Sewing Kits added as the primary tool for Tailors and Scissors are now only used for cutting fabric and items
  • Cutting cloth items will now retain the color of the item being cut, resulting in colored material returns, allowing you to turn that material into something else
    • Spinning wheel added as a workbench for spinning cotton with [cannot be crafted, received as loot for Tailoring, also exists in tailoring shops]
    • Cotton now requires being spun on a spinning wheel, which will spin it to thread, which can then be woven into Bolts of Fabric on the Loom via Tailoring (not really related to BoDs)
    • Bolts of Fabric can no longer be used to craft with, instead, they need to be cut into sheets of fabric
    • Bolts & sheets of fabric now retain their color when working with them, meaning if you have a pile of fabric that is Green, then the shirt you craft will be Green also
  • Faction Runic crafting added, allows Faction members in a controlled town to Bless clothing, weapons, and armor for a period of time
  • Clothes can now be crafted as Exceptional
  • Bulk Orders added with extensive rewards, including but not limited to & in no particular order:
    • Colored cloth in a wide array of special colors not normally available, comes in different tiers of difficulty, similar to UO
    • Single-Use Dyes in special colors
    • Spinning wheel deed
    • Sturdy sewing kit (higher durability)
    • Clothing bless deeds, comes in 4 different kinds for each layer: Head, Chest, Legs, Cloak
    • Runic Sewing Kits and Runic Crafting mechanics
    • New recipes for some new Tailoring decorations like Table Cloths and fancy Rugs & Sectional Carpet

21st Nov 2021 patchnote

We've updated the Short and Long Spear to working models that properly show the weapon in your hands when you are in warmode. Spears made before this change will not reflect the updated models though, so you may want to hold on to one or two as they are now relics. :)

20th Nov 2021 patchnote

  • A new endgame summon has arrived for the Summoner's Tome. It requires GM Spirit Speak, Magery, and Animal Lore to unlock.
  • A new resource has been added to gravedigging that will soon prove quite useful.

19th Nov 2021 patchnote

  • Corrected an issue with the Bear Ethereal Statue being listed under 3 years instead of 2 years
  • Corrected an issue with claiming the Resurrection Ankh actually giving a Hitching Post.

If you claimed a Resurrection Ankh and erroneously received the Hitching Post instead, and would like to swap the Hitching Post for an Ankh please send a Help Request in-game and we will work with you individually to honor that request. Please be mindful we may require a day or two to reply to help requests but we will contact you back as quickly as possible.