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14th Jun 2022 patchnote

Static Crystals, server performance improvements, Maim re-worked, and additional balance changes! Check out the full notes here.

13th Jun 2022 knownissue

We're aware there are currently issues accessing some parts of faction bases. This will be resolved as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.

12th Jun 2022 patchnote

The Moonglow rental apartments have had their prices reduced and they have also been updated to allow vendors to be placed on the exterior wall around the doorway for your selling needs.

7th Jun 2022 towncrier

You can now fish up exciting new rares in the moat right next to Britain Bank!

7th Jun 2022 patchnote

Unique fishing rares can now be fished up in the water right next to Britain Bank.

You will require 65 Fishing Skill for this.

4th Jun 2022 patchnote

We've released some fixes and an additional pvp mechanic, spell fizzle windows. Read the full details on the wiki!

3rd Jun 2022 patchnote

We've released an extensive balance update along with some new Faction Pillar Conflict balancing mechanics! Loot has also been overhauled with much more consistent and rewarding gold drops. Check out the full notes here.

2nd Jun 2022 patchnote

The server's first rental properties have been setup and are now available for renting. There are 9 units available just Southwest of Moonglow Bank. More properties will be setup throughout the world as time permits with different shapes and sizes. You can see more details about how rental properties work here:

1st Jun 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with being able to tame human mercenaries, this was not intended
  • Fixed an issue with torches preventing meditation in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with Gravedigging not working in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with Peacemaking not being prevented properly for invulnerable targets

Make sure to log out and back in to receive all of these updates, thank you!

1st Jun 2022 knownissue

We're aware of an issue with meditation being prevented due to "Regenerative forces cannot penetrate your armor" in some cases possibly due to torches. We're investigating and hope to have it resolved shortly.

1st Jun 2022 patchnote

Vendor Rental deeds have been added to Moonglow's Lycaeum where you can rent a vendor until July 1st (deadline extended to August 1st) for a one-time fee & we will plan to host more Bazaar events periodically in the future.

These vendors do not charge daily fees or commission and are only available until July 1st (deadline extended to August 1st), after which they will pack their worn equipment & for sale contents into your account vault. If you have a vendor that has been packed up, you will receive a notification immediately or the next time you log in.

The Account Vault is where packed goods from Rental Properties and Player Vendors will be stored if you fail to pay rent or vendor fees. At any time you can use the /vault command to retrieve any stored rental or vendor property

Note: Non-Bazaar player vendors will now also handle their equipped objects when being dismissed, previously the equipped objects would vanish when the vendor did. Now, when packing to the vault, any equipped objects on vendors will be packed along with the for sale items, or if the owner is dismissing the vendor, any remaining equipped objects will land on the ground to prevent deletion.


  • Fixed an issue preventing Bazaar Vendor owners from collecting gold from them
  • Fixed an issue preventing Bazaar Vendors from appearing on the Vendor Search results
  • Changed the color of Bazaar vendor names to Yellow for better legibility

1st Jun 2022 patchnote

Moonglow is now open for business!

Player Vendors

  • Player Vendors & Pet Brokers now have an option called Relocate which will allows owners to pack them to a deed for moving to another house or another location, this option costs 5,000gp
  • House owners now have the ability to upgrade the Vendor Limit from 1 to 2 for a one-time 50,000gp fee, this extra slot can be useful for people who wish to own both a Player Vendor & Pet Broker while keeping the house Private, and it only applies while the house is Private
  • Vendor & storage upgrades to houses will now persist when Relocating a house

Bards & Bands

  • Equipped instruments now have 2 ability buttons: Play Music & Use Last Bard Ability
  • Playing music using this new ability will offer a continuous stream of music, depending on your skills; activating the Play ability again while mid-stream will attempt to gain skills, just like using the instrument does normally (you can still use the instrument like normal to gain)
  • Bards that are playing music can optionally have others listen to them; To listen, right click a bard that is playing music and use Listen To Music
  • Bards that are in a group with each other can play together, get all 3 instruments going for a full band!
  • Note: Only the bamboo flute, lute & drum can be equipped, regular flutes cannot


  • Kindling will now work when inside guarded areas but will be unable to upgrade for camping unless out of town
  • The base fire built from kindling is now a smaller version until it is reinforced via Camping & this smaller fire can be used for cooking


  • The Q & E button slots are now hidden when no abilities are present in them

31st May 2022 announcement

Hail citizens of Britannia, we hope you're excited to step foot on Verity Isle and check out Moonglow starting at 2:00 PM UTC on June 1st, 2022.

Shortly before then, we will bring the server offline to commence the updates. Moonglow will become available as an option on the Public Moongate as well as the Ferrymaster destinations.

Fireworks will be provided to visitors of Moonglow during the launch day to help celebrate.

Maybe you'll call this place your new home and put your stake in the ground by placing a house there. Check out the Territory Map on our wiki:

We will also be hosting a Bazaar at Moonglow's Lycaeum that will allow players to rent vendors in a public space for a period of time, stay tuned for more updates about that coming soon.

See you in Moonglow!

31st May 2022 patchnote

Several updates to faction pillar conflicts are now live. Check out the full notes here.

30th May 2022 patchnote

Each faction now has a faction base in Britannia and each faction's faction stone has been moved to their base. Shadowlords can find their base, Stonegate, to the north east of Yew in the Deep Forest. Minax can find their base, Castle Minax, to the east of Skara Brae in Spiritwood Forest. True Britannians can find their base, Castle Britannia, to the north east of Britain along the road to the swamp.

These bases are still under construction and will be increasingly important to factions as development progresses.

28th May 2022 patchnote

Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause skill gain to fail when over a skill's daily cap. This issue should be resolved after the next restart.

28th May 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue causing a container's weight not to be updated right away when adding to existing stacks inside of it

28th May 2022 patchnote

  • Containers created by using the option Organize Backpack will now be prevented from leaving your backpack and they will disappear when becoming empty

28th May 2022 patchnote

  • Armor reduction can no longer reduce damage beyond 80% of the damage inflicted when the attacker is a player.
  • Made several improvements to monster difficulty calculations to better reflect their difficulty in preparation for an upcoming PvM overhaul.
  • Fixed a bug with transferring silver.
  • Despise spawns have been adjusted to better suit new players on the upper levels.

28th May 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with fish not being stackable or usable as a resource since the most recent fishing patch
  • Updated prices for Reflections to be 500k each for the first two reflections and an additional 500k each reflection after

28th May 2022 patchnote


  • Character Reflections added, you can save your skills and stats to a reflection to be restored later, for 1,000,000gp
  • Access the Reflections window from the paper doll or skills window


  • A new 5-charge Soulstone has been added for 1,000,000gp to the Jeweler vendor

House Storage Upgrades

  • You can now upgrade your house storage limitations for a fee, see the Upgrade Storage button in the house menu under the Storage tab
  • The cost to upgrade house storage is 100k to start, adding 100k for each subsequent upgrade up to 10 times
  • This does not transfer when relocating houses and does not refund when demolishing a house, it is non-refundable!

Rental Property

  • Rental properties will now have a 25% upcharge when renting a property while also owning a permanent house

Note: We are still finalizing some details with Rental Properties and there are no properties to rent in-game yet, we will make a separate announcement when properties start to become available, occurring gradually.


  • Added the ability to use shovels at the public farms around towns, the ones that usually spawn cotton
  • Digging in farms will produce various vegetables and even worms, a new type of fishing bait

Fishing & Fishing Bait

  • Added earthworms that can be applied to fishing rods for increased chances of catching fish; these can be found by digging at public farms
  • Added minnows that can be applied to fishing rods for even higher chances of catching fish; these can be caught using fishing nets
  • Added fishing chum that can be thrown into the water to try and lure schools of fish which provide increased yield; this can be obtained by cutting up Prized Fish
  • Using Fishing Nets will now yield minnows
  • Fabled Fishing Net added, can be obtained in both overworld and dungeons and can spawn fantastical sea creatures


  • Added Ballot Box house addon to Carpentry crafting recipes

22nd May 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with the dialog not appearing when trying to add pets to the Pet Broker and in some other cases
  • Added /waypoint command to add a map waypoint at your current location

22nd May 2022 announcement

The auction is about to start! Head to Skara Brae's The Guiding Hand directly next to the bank (west) to attend! Hope to see you there :)

21st May 2022 knownissue

There is currently a bug causing faction cloaks to not display correctly on female characters. We're working on a solution and will update as soon as we can.

21st May 2022 announcement

The deadline is now past for tomorrow's auction! Hopefully, everyone was able to put up the items for sale that they wanted to add.

The live auction is scheduled to begin May 21st at 8:00 PM EST/12:00 AM UTC, see the time in your local time here:

We hope to see you there!

20th May 2022 patchnote

  • All faction pillar control points will now light up when the event is active instead of just the main pillar.
  • Faction players cannot control a pillar if they've recently been hidden.
  • Fixed a bug causing previously allowed dungeon marking locations to be disallowed.
  • Chest spawn times have been adjusted based on dungeon chest level.
  • Lockpicking skill gain factor has been increased.
  • Mage vendors will now buy scrolls.
  • Additional improvements to boss reset mechanics.

19th May 2022 patchnote

Dungeon Chest spawn times have been balanced recently according to difficulty

18th May 2022 patchnote

After the recent patch went live we realized that we had prematurely included a change causing items on vendors to count against your house storage, and there was no time for players to adjust to this beforehand. Not long after that happened we disabled the change and announced that we would re-enable it on 6/1/22. We now have an update regarding this, as follows:

  • Vendor items will NOT be included in house storage limits and instead vendors will begin to charge a daily fee after 6/1/22

Vendor Fees (goes into effect on 6/1/22):

  • Vendors will charge 60gp per day plus an additional fee based on the cost of goods for sale that are listed at more than 2500gp; formula: ( Price / 2500 ) * 3
  • Vendors now have an option for owners to check the current fees and to deposit gold to their bank
  • Vendor fees will be paid out of the vendor's bank, which is also where proceeds from sales are stored; this means that your vendor will use any gold you deposit plus any proceeds from sales to try and fund themselves
  • Vendors that are unable to collect their fees will automatically pack their belongings to your account vault before disappearing (can be retrieved using /getvault); you will also receive a Notification if this happens

Account Vault:

  • Added multiple options to unpack vendor contents from the vault:
    • unpack to bank (places a container in your bank with the items; items must be able to fit due to performance implications)
    • unpack to ground (places a container at your feet with the items)
    • unpack to house container (places a container inside the targeted locked down or secure container on your plot and unpacks the contents to it; house storage limitations still apply)

16th May 2022 patchnote

Bosses will now reset less frequently and will provide warning messages to players in most cases before resetting. Players still need to remain within the boss area when engaging most bosses.

16th May 2022 patchnote

Several performance improvements have been made.

  • Greatly reduced the stutter in the client when streaming additional world assets.
  • Client should no longer load and unload resources along world borders excessively.
  • Improved client network responsiveness.
  • Fixed an issue causing line of sight checks over short objects to not work properly.