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4th Sep 2021 announcement

  • After the next scheduled restart, the game will remain offline until the housing launch time of 10AM US Eastern/2pm UTC
  • Further information on housing is available on our wiki here:
  • Cost, plot size, lockdowns etc will be available to you once you purchase a housing tool
  • The final list of available launch houses may not 100% reflect what is shown on the wiki. We'll advise further with the launch announcement
  • The area north of the town of Minoc is now available to players. This will also be one of the regions where you'll be able to place a house, as per the wiki article

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Ankhs should now resurrect Red players in the world.
  • Buccs Den now has more Red Wandering Healers that are spread out across town.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

Secure Trading issues:

  • we've received several reports of players having to click Accept repeatedly until the trade finally accepts

Corpse Looting issues:

  • we're aware that many or all corpses are not appearing when attempting to open them and the best-known workaround is to use the Loot All context option

Pet Commanding issue:

  • we're aware of an issue with pets not engaging in combat again as expected after being idle; best-known workaround is to say All Stop and then try your commands again

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

An issue with accepting trade has been resolved.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

All town vendors have been made invulnerable for the time being while we work on updating their AI to be in line with Britannia-era combat mechanics and as such, they will be unavailable for snooping or thievery while invulnerable. Thanks for your patience while we continue to work on things

4th Sep 2021 announcement

We're going to need to do an additional restart in about 20 minutes so that we can try to help some players who are unable to login. No downtime expected. Thank you for your patience as we try to get everyone in game again!

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

After next restart, Karma should be functioning properly.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Added New Character Settings for Toggling Auto-Open of Killing Blow/Mutilate/Harvest under Combat Options.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Active gain bonuses have been greatly increased.
  • Spells casted by monsters will no longer be subject to no challenge skill check for resisting spells. This means that any harmful spell will present a gain opportunity for the player's resisting spells skill.
  • Evaluating Intelligence is no longer subject to no challenge skill check when successfully casting a spell. This means that any harmful spell casted by a player will result in a skill gain opportunity for Evaluating Intelligence. This is comparable to how Anatomy gains with combat skills.
  • The curve for daily caps has been made less severe at the upper end.
  • Threat generation has been increased for healing and ranged damage.
  • Certain monsters will more aggressively consider targeting players further away from them.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

We'll be back online shortly. We've had to rollback to a save state of 10:40pm UTC/6:40pm US EST to avoid potential data integrity concerns that were due to the connectivity issues being experienced. We apologise for this, however we don't want anyone losing items etc., and this is the only way to be sure.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

We're very excited to provide the community with a preview of our upcoming inscription crafting overhaul. This overhaul will have far reaching implications for every craft and playstyle out there in Britannia! Check out the full preview here on the wiki.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

The interactive map has now moved to:

Please update your bookmarks! We have also updated the wiki.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

To all,

We sincerely apologise for the (very brief) housing launch today. The server will be coming back online in the next few minutes, however there is some additional impact.

Unfortunately we are unable to return to the world save from just prior to the housing launch. Instead, we have had to roll back a further 45 minutes. This was unavoidable and had to be done to ensure the integrity of our data and the game.

We don't expect the issue we experienced to return, and please go ahead and place your housing. Thank you, as always, for your patience.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

The server is back online and the shutdown of Celador has been completed. As previously mentioned, any characters, items, and houses that were left behind are no longer accessible.

If you have any characters remaining in Inbetween from the transition and have trouble progressing through the black portal, please send a help request and make sure your contact info (use /contactinfo command) is up to date so we can contact you back if no one is available to help immediately.

Thanks for your continued patience and support through the transition.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from trading houses saying there are vendors working out of it when there is not
  • Added option to house menu for the plot owner to be able to collect commissions from vendors that have been rented to other players
  • Switching house privacy state from Public to Private is now possible even if the house has 1 vendor working out of it

4th Sep 2021 announcement

This morning was different. The air did not smell as sweet as it did. A sense of dread had encircled the citizens of Celador. Shopkeepers left their stalls, aimlessly staring into the skies. Children stopped playing on the streets and ran home to their kin. Dark storm clouds began a slow march over the horizon, as sudden wind gusts began whipping the hair of frightened folks in the streets of Britain.  The air bristled with a static electricity and a foul stench. The well waters turned black with pestilence.  Crops began dying as if poisoned by some unidentified force, and the birds and animals all fled in every direction until no wildlife could be seen.

Then it happened... something arose from the ground in the center of the City of Britain. It was too dark to perceive who or what it was, but the energy emanating from it was unmistakable.  A great evil. Someone or something has arrived…


In preparation for the main event, all servers will be offline from 7pm US EST/11pm UTC Friday 18th June. Please keep an eye on #news for further announcements over the course of the weekend.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with being able to apply poison from a potion that has been moved outside of your inventory
  • Prevented CAPTCHA from occurring too often while harvesting
  • Removed mobs from spawning while harvesting due to CAPTCHA being enabled

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Added CAPTCHA to Mining, Lumberjacking, Fishing
  • Private houses can now have 1 vendor
  • Fixed issue with Max Vendor limit on houses being calculated incorrectly (if your house already has too many vendors, they may remain for now but you will be unable to add more)
  • Fixed issue with clockwork golem (possibly other recipes) not crafting
  • Fixed issue with the unfinished keg being treated as a container and causing items dropped to them to disappear
  • Fixed issue with attacking a pet when the owner is hidden nearby causing the pet to flag crim and the owner to get guard whacked
  • Fixed "drink" option existing on prized fish (does not affect old fish)
  • Fishing outside of town now has a chance to spawn a snake
  • Potent potion recipes removed since Gardening skill is not accessible right now

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

We've identified an issue with Looting Rights not being handled properly for bards killing monsters with provocation and have disabled criminal checks on monster corpses for the time being while we work the remaining issues out.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

4th Sep 2021 announcement

As many of you know we are working on development of a brand new factions system. We plan to release this new system in phases and we will be providing previews as development progresses. However, we do not want to hold up our players from fighting each other in factions PvP for this new system to be completed. So we have decided that today we are opening factions up for play! We will be providing new content to factions in phases. Today is simply going to be opening up PvP between factions. Keep an eye out for faction leaders looking for recruits!

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Sounds from applying bandages as well as sounds from instruments will now only play to yourself while inside of town.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

Server will be coming down for a short restart to address some issues around 17:15 UTC.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

Server will be restarting in about 5 minutes. ETA about 15 minutes. Thank you!

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Missing when attacking in combat is now fixed
  • Not being able to split stacks is now fixed

Please log out and back in to the game to enable these fixes.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

Some performance updates are being applied. Should be back in just a few minutes.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Town NPC Changes

  • Bowyers will now sell Bows, Siege Bows, and Heavy Siege Bows.
  • Bowyers will now buy bows from players.
  • Minoc now has an Armorsmith at the Forgery, a Bowyer at Warriors' Battle Gear, and a new Jeweler Shop named Gorgeous Gems.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Healing animation should be fixed, and a 3 Second Cooldown has been added to the Healing Hotkeys of Use Bandage, Bandage Self, and Bandage Last Target.
  • Harpies and other various creatures in the world that were unexpectedly unaffected by Bard skills, should now work properly.
  • Camping bugs were fixed and the time it takes to build the different stages of the campfire and tent/tent upgrades have been reduced slightly.
  • A Teleporter has been added on top of Brit Bank roof to allow players to leave the roof if they lack the ability to teleport down from the roof.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

We are back online. Please note, direct connections will no longer work. Connect by selecting our server on the community server screen. Thanks for your patience, as always.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

We are back online in the alternative datacenter. Please note that we had to rollback to approx. 25 minutes before our normal shutdown time to preserve data integrity. This was due to the small blerp which happened around that time earlier today.

Apologies for that inconvenience, and thank you as always for your patience.