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4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to claim Veteran Rewards in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with items decaying inside of containers that were recently locked down and then released in a house
  • Fixed issue with not being able to rename recall runes by double-clicking/using them
  • Stable/unstable pet confirmations removed for QOL, and the unstable window will now show the cost to unstable next to each pet
  • Pets will now be fully fed while in the stables

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Cut off heads of murderers now show the fee the deceased paid to resurrect, to become glorious trophies for your display

4th Sep 2021 announcement

Hi all,

Please click through to the link below to read this announcement in full.

We wanted to take a few minutes to write a bit of a 'state of the game' update. Firstly, thank you all so much for jumping on board with us. Seeing Britain Bank full of people, the streets of Minoc busy and ore flowing out of Minoc mines (when it doesn't get interrupted by a red-named individual!) and folks spelunking in our dungeons has been an amazing experience. We couldn't have done all this without you, so thank you!

Now for what the development team is up to right now:

  1. Our #1 priority is performance and stability - they really go hand in hand, and that is what we are prioritising right now. While you may not necessarily see it as a player, we are still tackling some back end performance challenges which simply must be addressed before we can move onto anything else.

  2. Critical bug fixes - I'm sure those of you that have sat through the multiple restarts with us already would be aware that we are beating down critical bugs left, right and centre. We know this is disruptive to your play time, and we thank you for your patience. It won't last forever, and we are making good headway here.

One of the most challenging bugs to date has been the trade window bug. Note that we are still working on the root cause for that one, and will advise just as soon as we're able to fix it.

  1. Anything else - this includes any low priority bugs (not game breaking), adding content, tweaking balance, filling out the world, and everything else on our (quite frankly huge) to do list. All of this is prioritised lower until we get #1 sorted, and to a lesser degree, #2.

With all of that in mind, we are going to be a little more disruptive over the next day or two with additional restarts, as we work on #1. In most cases, we have to do this to enable other methods of logging and debugging, in an attempt to get to root causes of various issues. You may also see 'lag spikes' on occasion as we get the info we need. You may also wonder why we even need to do this, as the game is performing great for you all! We'll ask you to bear with us on all of that, and trust that it is necessary.

You're also going to see bugfixes potentially introduce new, unintended bugs on occasion. Sorry about that! Know that we are working on all of this as quickly as we can.

In addition, you will still see oddities like mobs in the water or up on mountains. You might end up in black space (send in a /page!) or encounter other 'cosmetic' issues that are annoying. We do know about most of these and will work to fix them, however as mentioned earlier, if it's not 'game breaking', it's taking a lower priority for now.

I'm sure we'll get 3 or 4 weeks down the track and look back at this phase and laugh. What I can share with you though is we are well prepared to deal with the issues that you only encounter once you actually 'go live' and we will work through them all.

We could have also delayed the launch to address some of these items, but we wanted to stick to our guns this time. I am hoping most of you agree that the game is generally in a decently playable state, and are having fun out there!

Sorry for the (slightly) bumpy road in the meantime. We look forward to continuing this journey with all of you!

4th Sep 2021 announcement

It's been a bumpy ride, no question about it. Thank you all for bearing with us during this time. Today, we broke another record for number of players online, as more and more folks jump on board with our little project.

With that being said, we absolutely have some growing pains to deal with, and you're seeing evidence of that right now with little annoyances like the occasional crash, disconnects when teleporting and the like. We do have a plan in place to address all of this, however we want to be transparent with you and let you know that this will likely take us well into the coming week before we potentially fix the underlying issues and we're able to achieve better stability.

Rest assured though, we firmly believe it's just a matter of time before we have this sorted and we are working overtime to get these challenges resolved. In as much as we can of course, as we all have families, lives and jobs - this is a hobby for us after all!.

Thanks for bearing with us, it's been an amazing ride so far. We look forward to more to come, and can't wait to get past these initial stability challenges, turn on some more systems (treasure hunting and housing are next off the list) and create more content for you all!

-- The Team

4th Sep 2021 announcement

As you're all probably aware, the server is offline right now. We've identified a critical issue that must be resolved prior to us bringing it back online. At this time we cannot offer an ETA, however know that we're all working on it to get things going again ASAP.

Keep an eye out for further announcements here in #news. Sorry for the delay in the release of this notification.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • The in-game Macro system will be disabled as we research a performance issue with the system.
  • Thank you for your continued patience as we isolate, find, and fix performance issues and bugs.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

Earlier today, we identified an economy breaking issue. While we won't go into full detail on this, what we can say in summary is that a small group of players leveraged an exploit. Our telemetry identified this and we acted as soon as we noticed it.

The end result is that group of players have immediately had their accounts banned. We do not tolerate this behavior and there is no recourse for it. The side effect of is the detrimental effect on the economy. Based on a lot of deliberations and investigations over the last 7 hours, we have concluded that the only way to 100% protect the economy and our game is to execute a rollback.

The time that we are rolling back to will be 16:00 UTC/12:00 US EST on June 23rd. This is roughly 30 hours of play time. We completely appreciate that this is a less than ideal circumstance, and as such would like to reward our players that obey the rules and play faithfully with an additional gift that you'll receive on your next login, as well as a reset of all power hour and level cap timers. In addition, power hours for the next 24 hours will offer double the gain chance that they usually do.

Rest assured we have also made (and thoroughly tested) additional changes that will go a long way to ensure that this does not happen again. We have also made improvements in terms of notification for this particular issue, so that on the off chance it DOES somehow happen again, the lag time between the action and the discovery of said action will improve significantly.

We, like you, are incredibly frustrated with this situation and have had to take time away from our jobs and families to try and put things back in order. We hope you understand our approach to this, and look forward to hanging out with you in Britannia again shortly.

We'll be coming back online within the next few minutes.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

Some of you have reported persistent issues with being unable to fully update the game client using the LOA Launcher. At this time, if the troubleshooting steps outlined here: do not help, then we would normally advise users to download the client using the "Problems with the launcher? Click here" link on the download page, but the latest build has not been published there yet. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working with CS to get it published as quickly as possible for those affected. Thank you for your patience

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Blacksmith/Weaponsmith/Armorsmith NPCs will now carry more items for sale with differing stock selections from each other.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Critizens of Britannia, be warned! An increased Orc presence has been observed in our lands. These savage creatures know no limit to their ferocity and evil. But fear ye not! Your Brave and Courageous leaders are maintaining the guard around the clock, keeping the Orc scourge out of our city walls and your children safe from their barbarism.

[The Orc Guild has now been fully enabled. Players wishing to join the Orc Guild must seek out and contact a member of the guild]

4th Sep 2021 announcement

We are experiencing ongoing issues at our host as a result of a maintenance/upgrade window. We were advised there would be no impact to customers during this time, however clearly that is not the case.

There is no ETA at this time and you may experience odd behaviour or inaccessibility with the game or any of the related services.

Thank you for your patience. We will update you with more information as it comes to light.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

We are beginning to restore services and will be back online shortly. Thank you for bearing with us. We have extra elements in play now to mitigate any further attacks.

We expect a small rollback as we come back online. These are inevitable in these types of scenarios due to the state of world saves and must be done to ensure integrity of our data.

As always, we appreciate your patience.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Relog to fix combat issues. Stackables are being worked on.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Warriors, rejoice! The Colosseum has moved to its new and permanent location, an island just outside of Buccaneer's Den. While it will be used for PVP server events, it is also intended to be a general use area for consensual, non-faction PVP. Thus, the following rules will take effect in the area after the next restart:

  1. Combat and murder actions will not flag as criminal on the island. You will not receive murder counts on the island.
  2. If a red is killed on the island, their next immediate resurrection will be free. Short term murder counts will not reset, and the free res does not apply if you were killed anywhere but on the island.
  3. You cannot mark runes at or recall to the island. Teleporters are up at Britain Bank and Buccaneer's Den moongate.

Full loot is in effect on the island, so tread lightly. For those brave enough, glorious combat awaits!

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

-Stealing is now disabled on the Colosseum island

-Murderer restrictions will not be incurred when a red dies on the island

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes affected the ability to log in with a red character in Britannia
  • Added a barber to assist with remodelling your hair, face, everything! The first visit is free. The barber/stylist will be in Sweet Dreams Inn in Britain
  • After the next restart, the Limbo region will return. For those of you not familiar, if you are a ghost for longer than 15 minutes, you will be sent to this region. There are shrines available to resurrect you here, and then you can return to Britannia via the moongate.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

Gameplay Notes

  • All bosses have had their AI updated.
  • All bosses have had their loot adjusted.
  • Higher level bosses have had their loot greatly increased.
  • Loot tables have undergone another balance pass.
  • Spawning in Despise has been adjusted.
  • Updated static collision.
  • There is now a chance, scaled by monster difficulty, that young players will lose young status when killing very difficult monsters.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Staggering shot mount speed should return to normal after the effect has expired.
  • Bandaging a ghost will no longer yield skill gains if the healer is below the requirements for resurrection.
  • Attempting to cure poison will no longer yield skill gains if the healer is below the requirements for curing.
  • Adjusted durability warning threshold.
  • Move Speed should now always be recalculated on resurrection.
  • Fixed a bug that caused aggression when taming a creature without a distance check first.
  • Fixed an issue causing a criminal flagging when performing actions on yourself.
  • You can no longer report yourself as a murderer.
  • Fixed an issue causing bosses to continually reset.
  • Fixed an issue causing titles to reassign when gaining skill.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

The Auto Stack or Stack All option(s) was removed before the Britannia launch, but some people still had it enabled after the transition, even though the option was removed.

This feature has caused several client\graphical glitches in the past for people as items are moved around or consumed very quickly. The feature has been disabled in favor of preventing multiple stacks from accumulating in the first place.

Please let us know if you run into a scenario where multiple stacks of similar items are being added to your backpack when you wouldn't expect them to, and we will work to optimize any remaining cases.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

Dungeon Despise is now available for again for your spelunking pleasure.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue causing bosses to reset frequently under certain conditions.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

We're investigating an issue with guards and will be down for a little bit longer.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

This morning was different. The air did not smell as sweet as it did. A sense of dread had encircled the citizens of Celador. Shopkeepers left their stalls, aimlessly staring into the skies. Children stopped playing on the streets and ran home to their kin. Dark storm clouds began a slow march over the horizon, as sudden wind gusts began whipping the hair of frightened folks in the streets of Britain.  The air bristled with a static electricity and a foul stench. The well waters turned black with pestilence.  Crops began dying as if poisoned by some unidentified force, and the birds and animals all fled in every direction until no wildlife could be seen.

Then it happened... something arose from the ground in the center of the City of Britain. It was too dark to perceive who or what it was, but the energy emanating from it was unmistakable.  A great evil. Someone or something has arrived…


In preparation for the main event, all servers will be offline from 7pm US EST/11pm UTC Friday 18th June. Please keep an eye on #news for further announcements over the course of the weekend.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Murderers who repent will now need to wait 72 hours to resume hostilities.
  • Murderers will now need to pay 200 gold per long term count when resurrecting.
  • Bosses in various high level encounters have gained new tactics and reinforcements based on the number of players engaging them.
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause murder participants to not receive multiple counts.
  • Ranged damage and healing will now produce more threat.
  • Combat journal will now display entries in descending order.
  • Combat journal will now only refresh when new data is available.
  • Fixed a bug causing floating damage numbers to be reported twice.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

The server is temporarily offline due to an outage with the hosting provider. It was unexpected to have any downtime associated with this maintenance, but something has come up unexpectedly, so we appreciate your patience. We are monitoring the situation and will alert you as soon as the server is coming back online, or we know something further. <3

4th Sep 2021 announcement

We'll be back online shortly. We've had to rollback to a save state of 10:40pm UTC/6:40pm US EST to avoid potential data integrity concerns that were due to the connectivity issues being experienced. We apologise for this, however we don't want anyone losing items etc., and this is the only way to be sure.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Murder participants will now always get additional counts based on how many were involved with a max of 3 (for now).
  • Blue players who are involved in a murder will not be subject to additional counts based on participants.
  • Murder participants will now remain in combat for (participants * 2) minutes with a max of 10 minutes. This means they cannot quick travel until this timer is up.
  • Blue players who are involved in a murder will not be subject to the additional combat timer based on participants.
  • Murder count decay has been reduced to 24 hours in game time from 72.
  • When a murderer decides to repent there will now be a server wide notification.
  • Destard has had some loot re-balancing done.
  • Wrong has had some loot re-balancing done.
  • Some high end monsters have become more difficult to bard.
  • Fixed an AI pathing bug when monsters are leashing.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Performance improvements.
  • Destard's loot has been improved.
  • Destard spawner density has been decreased.
  • Some low end Undead monsters have had their loot slightly increased.
  • Low end monsters in Despise have had their loot decreased.
  • Wrong's loot has been improved.
  • Ice Dungeon's loot has been improved.

4th Sep 2021 announcement

Sorry, everyone, we noticed that some of the fixes we applied during the nightly restart had a flaw and we had to shut down unexpectedly. The server was only up for a short time after, but we still had to roll back to the time of the nightly restart. We apologize for the inconvenience and will be back online as quickly as possible.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote

  • Mana Vampire can be cast upon thyself again and will properly do a Resist and Gain check, where previously it would prevent it.

4th Sep 2021 patchnote


  • Loot tables have been adjusted for Shame.
  • Loot tables have been adjusted for Destard.
  • Young players will no longer trigger mobile collision.
  • There is now a 1 second cooldown between mobile collisions.