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24th Oct 2023 towncrier

Hint: If you are impacted by weather in-game, you can use Night Sight to counter it

24th Oct 2023 patchnote

Patch Note:

  • Resolved an issue where houses were not decaying in some instances.


  • We have implemented an additional fix for the issue of House Decay not functioning correctly. Consequently, all houses have been refreshed.
  • We made this decision because if we had only fixed the issue, all houses that were in the In Danger of Collapsing (IDOC) state would have immediately fallen. We wanted to ensure fairness, so we decided to refresh all houses instead.
  • It's important to note that the decay feature had not been working as intended for several months. Therefore, you haven't missed out on any decayed houses, and those that were in the IDOC state will still likely decay over time.

21st Oct 2023 patchnote

Starting now, when applying dyes or dye-tubs to furniture obtained through a deed, the deed will preserve the color and hue of the furniture upon release.

21st Oct 2023 knownissue

We're aware of unexpected results with weapon damage and are looking into it

20th Oct 2023 patchnote

Halloween items that normally can only be blessed with Halloween bless deeds can now also be blessed using Clothing Bless Deeds that are available on the donation vendor

20th Oct 2023 announcement

UPDATE: The deadline for the Halloween Deco Contest has passed and entries will no longer be accepted. The staff will be ranking and deciding the top 3 entries and the winners will be announced this weekend. Winners will receive a bag of Halloween Candy & a special customized Halloween gift! Stay tuned for the results and thanks to those who have participated

It's time for another Halloween House Decoration Contest!

Entries will be accepted starting immediately and the drawing will take place on Nov 8th, as Halloween activities come to an end.

Prizes will be announced at a later date (soon)

Please submit your entries in

20th Oct 2023 announcement

The server is coming back online now and will be available shortly. Thanks for your patience.

20th Oct 2023 announcement

We will be performing extended maintenance on our server cluster at this time and as a result, the game may remain offline for up to 4 hours. Please keep an eye on #news in Discord for a notification as to when the game will be available again.

Thank you for your patience.

15th Oct 2023 announcement

We've made an update to our Rules page within the Communication Rules section. We've added a new section called 'Accusations of Favoritism or Nepotism.' We kindly request that you review the updated rules page to ensure your behavior aligns with our community standards. Thank you for your cooperation!

12th Oct 2023 patchnote

👺We've fixed an issue with the Halloween Demon Skull Masks not being dyeable as intended. They can now be dyed using Pigment dyes. This includes this year's masks and last year's. 👺

12th Oct 2023 patchnote

🎃 Halloween Special 🎃
For a limited time, enjoy a 13% discount on Halloween merchandise in honor of Friday the 13th!

🍬 New Features 🍬

  1. Trick or Treat with the Begging Skill:

    • Dress in your Halloween best and approach town vendors to gather sweets. Remember, each vendor has a fixed amount of candy. Get yours before it's gone! 🧛‍♂️👻 (Activate the Begging skill on vendors while in costume. Each vendor provides candy once, with a daily limit for each household.)
    • Update: We've corrected the daily cap for trick-or-treating candy, it was previously on the low testing value, sorry about that!
  2. OUIJA Board Interactivity:

    • OUIJA boards have come alive! Engage with them at home to communicate with the other side. This Halloween season, you might even bring forth a spirit. But watch out - they have a sweet tooth!

🎪 Halloween Bazaar 🎪

  • The Halloween Bazaar is now open atop the Yew Bank. Find direct Moongates next to Halloween Vendor tents and in Public Moongate destinations. Vendor deeds are available on the roof for player rental until Nov 29th. Dive into festive trading!

11th Oct 2023 announcement

Dear Valued Players,

In our journey through the world of Shards of Britannia, it's easy to get caught up in the details. Constructive criticism is important, but let's also celebrate what keeps us returning.

Let's take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated developers who have generously contributed countless hours over the years to enhance our gaming experience. Now is the perfect time to share your appreciation for an aspect of the server you enjoy or offer a simple "thank you" if you prefer.

We're all part of this incredible community, and our developers are no exception. They're real people, just like you. Let's not forget this.

This thread is dedicated to sharing positive messages about Shards of Britannia, highlighting what you enjoy or love about the server. It's not the space for passive-aggressive comments or other criticism. Only positive messages are welcome.

Silent or less talkative players, we also encourage you to share your thoughts. It's important to hear from all voices in our community, both the vocal and the quietly content.

Reading feedback on this server can sometimes feel like an insurance agent after a crash — rarely get a call or a comment with good news. Let's take time in this particular thread to reverse that notion and show the better side that all players are capable of.

Thank you for being a part of our passionate community. Here's to many more adventures in Britannia! Thread:

9th Oct 2023 patchnote

  • The power of Infected Gazers has been slightly reduced.

  • Flying Broom Mounts have been added to the Halloween vendor

9th Oct 2023 patchnote

  • Fixed bug with Pet mounts resetting their Stamina/Mana when mounted
  • Fixed Bastion bug clashing with Necromancer buffs
  • Fixed bug with Necro Cocoon blocking damage after it was already received
  • Necro Cocoon spell cast and block now have been unified to 1 minute cooldown
  • Reduced skill requirements for crafting Pet Food

8th Oct 2023 patchnote

  • Pets will now lose stamina upon receiving melee hits

  • Pets will now use mana upon casting spells

  • Pets will now use Meditation passive mana regeneration

  • Pet Food has been added to cooking

  • Pet Food will provide stamina regeneration for pets

8th Oct 2023 patchnote

We've added a new Friends option to the House Resource & Gear Chests to give families more flexibility and options for sharing access to the chests. Adding a Friend to the chest allows the friend to use the chest from any character on their account. The Personal chests have a limit of 4 friends, and Guild chests have a limit of 10 friends. Use the "Manage Friends" option on the chest to add or remove friends.

NOTE: If you are having issues with the menu not updating when performing actions with the chest, please log out and back in as we've deployed a fix for this

7th Oct 2023 patchnote

  • Fixed issue with newly added house addons not being placeable in houses
  • Improved house decoration limitations to allow placing items without collision near doorways, like Wreaths and Door Mats, etc

6th Oct 2023 patchnote

  • Fixed bug with cure on Noxious Decay

  • Necromancers can now travel anywhere.

  • They cannot travel only if they hold zero souls.

5th Oct 2023 patchnote


  • undead trap
  • remove trap
  • telekinesis


  • soul drain
  • wrath

4th Oct 2023 patchnote

The following fixes & improvements have been deployed for the Halloween Dungeon:

  • fixed issue with Gravedigging not working with the gravestones
  • fixed issue with jack-o-lanterns not respawning
  • slight increase to chances of candy drops
  • added overhead Time Left countdown display to the Halloween Champ spawn encounter to show how much time is left before the spawn expires; we may work on adding this to other encounters if this works well

4th Oct 2023 patchnote

Exciting news! The Halloween Lottery Vendor has now set up shop near the Halloween Vendor in Britain. Mark your calendars for the drawing on October 31st, and stay tuned as we share details about the prizes soon! Raffle tokens can be found on paragons.

4th Oct 2023 announcement

The new Halloween Dungeon has been opened and is marked on the map:

Level 1 of this dungeon includes Halloween Dungeon monsters which have a small chance to drop candy or a costume.

Throughout Levels 1 and 2 there will be jack-o-lanterns and graves for digging.

In the middle of Level 2 there is a Spawn Altar for spawning the Halloween Champion spawn. This encounter can be started with the Skull of Hallows Eve, purchased by the Halloween Witch in exchange for Blood Candles.

Happy Hunting!

3rd Oct 2023 patchnote

The Halloween Candy hoarder vendor has been spawned near each town for you to spend your candy!

2nd Oct 2023 patchnote

Animate Horse:

  • Can now be used on mutilated corpses
  • Fixed Stat loss when summoning from artifact
  • Fixed owner bug when summoning from traded artifact

Animate Dead:

  • Will now raise an undead copy of any mob
  • Health, Mana and Stamina are based on Spirit Speak, Armor is (Spirit Speak / 10)
  • They last 60 seconds, 30 if you have a Skeletal Steed
  • If you have Skeletal Steed in fight, they will attack the same target
  • There is a limit of 5 at the time and will trigger a 60 second timer


  • Changed Passive Wrestling to use Spirit Speak + Anatomy instead of Spirit Speak


  • This spell currently has a bug and we're investigating

2nd Oct 2023 announcement

Hail, valiant adventurers of Shards of Britannia!

We're happy to introduce the Season System, a grand addition that promises thrilling challenges and coveted rewards to enrich your adventures. Dive into this immersive journey where every action counts, and every quest brings you closer to greatness.

Earn Season Points: Embark on quests, conquer challenges, and achieve milestones to accumulate Season Points. These valuable points are your key to unlocking incredible rewards.

The Season System is your gateway to a world of adventure and fortune! Join us in this epic questing adventure and seize the treasures of the Season!

1st Oct 2023 announcement

The Halloween activities are being deployed across Britannia and will be available throughout the month of October!

There will be a Halloween handout for logging in closer to the holiday & staff-run events as time permits.

Pumpkins & Halloween Gravesites will be randomly scattered across the over-world. Smash the pumpkins and kill the monsters for a chance to get a reward or candy that can be spent at the Halloween Vendors

We will continue to add on to the Halloween options throughout the month, stay tuned for future updates.

  • Cleaning Up Britannia - Holiday:

    • You will soon be able to trade your Cleaning Up Britannia points for Halloween candy
  • Halloween Vendors:

    • Candy Hoarder Vendor: collect candy by smashing pumpkins and killing Halloween mobs to buy Halloween goodies
      • last year's candy can be traded for fresh candy
    • Witch Vendor: collect Blood Candles from smashing pumpkins and killing Halloween mobs to trade for Invasion Spawn activator
    • The vendors will be available soon
  • Halloween Paragons:

    • chance for compatible monsters to spawn as a Halloween Paragon that will have a chance to drop a reward or candy that can be spent at the Candy Vendor
    • Paragons have the highest chance to spawn in the Daily Dungeon, the second-highest chance to spawn in other dungeons, and the third-highest chance to spawn in over-world zones
    • Paragons that spawn in the Daily Dungeon will have a higher chance to drop special items
  • Gravediggers will enjoy chances to obtain more goodies & a chance to spawn the Headless Horseman (even more goodies?)

  • Fishers will enjoy a small chance to find candy as they fish & we will work to add some Fishing related Halloween encounters soon

30th Sep 2023 patchnote

Necromancer Updates:

These changes to the Necromancer are to align its mechanics more closely with Magery, aiming to encourage its wider adoption and acceptance.

  • Fixed Cursed Crook for Herding
  • Changed Haunt: Increased damage in PvE
  • Changed Transfusion and Greater Transfusion:
    • Now they will heal percentage of missing health instead of total health
    • The lower the missing health the higher will be the heal
    • Heals are capped to (Transfusion/Great Transfusion): 50/100 in PvP/PvE, 75/150 for Pets
  • Changed Noxious Decay:
    • 80% Chance of Greater Poison if Spirit Speak >= 80
    • 20% chance of Deadly Poison if TasteID and Poisoning = 100
    • Adjusted to scale Poison on Spirit Speak and Cure to use Forensic Eval only
  • Changed Torpefy:
    • Removed single target and added AOE
    • Removed disarm
    • Will slow everyone within 10 steps radius
    • Does not affect the caster (Will affect pets)
  • Defensive Spells:
    • Changed Death Ward to require only Forensic to 100 and not Spirit Speak
    • Changed Spiritual Touch to scale only with Forensic and not Spirit Speak
    • Changed Vampiric Touch to scale only with Forensic and not Spirit Speak
    • Changed Bone Armor to scale only with Forensic and not Spirit Speak
    • Changed Cocoon to scale only with Forensic and not Spirit Speak
    • Changed Contagion to scale only with Forensic and not Spirit Speak

If you come across any issues, kindly report them in game (/bug), or feel free to suggest in game improvements (/feedback) before jumping to conclusions.

Thank you and stay Undead! :)

29th Sep 2023 announcement

🎃🦇👻 Attention, zombies and witches! 🎃🦇👻

We are excited to spook-tacularly announce that our "ghoul" is to get Halloween festivities started by Oct 1st! 🌙🕷️🕸️(subject to monster availability)

We're stirring up some wickedly good fun, including candy "haunts" 👀🍬 and other bone-chilling activities! 💀🎉 Now, while we're trying to brew up some fresh enchantments, at first, it may be a cauldron of similar items as last year. 🧙‍♀️🔮

As everyone knows, Halloween is one of our favorite holidays, so we will keep working on it throughout the season, conjuring up new surprises and eerie delights! 🎃🌕🦉

Stay tuned for more thrilling updates, and let's make this Halloween a scream! 🎃👻🌟

🦇 Bats wishes and cobweb kisses! 🕸️🦇

28th Sep 2023 patchnote

  • Undead pets skill cap has been fixed, they can now reach 900.
  • New page about Undead Creatures has been published in wiki.

21st Sep 2023 patchnote

Greetings, Adventurers,

We're excited to announce a recent update that brings enhancements to your gear chests:

(1) Runic Shields' Magical Attributes: Your gear chest now preserves the magical attributes of Runic Shields! No more worry about losing those precious enchantments.

(2) Exceptional Quality and Maker's Marks: We've also made sure that GM exceptional quality and Maker's Marks are now safeguarded within your gear chests.

As always, your feedback is important to us. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, don't hesitate to share them through in-game /suggestion or bug reports.

Happy adventuring!