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20th Jul 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with miscalculated storage limit for Villa houses placed prior to 7/16/22
  • Fixed an issue with objects created from the Necromancer spell Bone Trap not self-destructing properly over time in some cases

20th Jul 2022 patchnote

Accidental Vendor Dismissals from Demolishing House

Demolishing a house is now prevented while there are vendors working out of it in order to prevent accidental dismissal of vendors and potential loss of items

Some Missing House Items Recovered

After the recent house updates, it was reported that a small number of houses had some items missing from locked-down containers. We've found and recovered several items that had erroneously moved out of bounds, and they have automatically been moved to the house's Moving Crate. If you had items go missing from your house recently, please check the Moving Crate.

While we are hopeful that this resolves the issue, please be aware that it is not guaranteed to recover all missing items. We don't expect this issue to occur again and we will do our best to avoid such occurrences.

We've added a reminder when opening the house menu that items are inside the moving crate & have also added the Moving Crate item count to the house menu storage info.

19th Jul 2022 patchnote

Houses placed prior to July 16th, 2022, will now reflect the original storage limit that was in place before the most recent housing changes.

This will be in effect until August 26th, 2022 which coincides with the same time that the House Price refund amount will change, as stated here:

After August 26th, 2022 all houses will be subject to the new storage limits so please be prepared before then.

16th Jul 2022 knownissue

Due to the house updates, all house doors needed to be re-created and the Security settings will need to be re-set to the desired levels.

We're aware that legacy house values may be appearing incorrectly in the house window & we're working to address it.

We're aware that legacy house storage limits are reduced causing them to be over the limit in many cases & we're working to address it.

Sorry for the inconveniences with these issues, thanks for your support & patience.

16th Jul 2022 patchnote

Housing-allowed territory has been added in Yew allowing placement around the Yew bank and Moongate. Run, don't walk!

16th Jul 2022 patchnote

We are releasing a large update that includes exciting features for PvM, dungeons, vendors, and a large housing expansion. A slew of new housing options are now available along with additional quality of life for legacy housing options. Among are new housing options are massive homes such as the castle and large tower. Stay tuned for more options as we will be releasing many more in the future!

A few changes to note for the housing update.

  • Housing pricing has been re-balanced.
  • Housing walls now include conditional transparency.
  • Legacy housing has been automatically migrated.
  • The housing refund percentage has been reduced to 50% from 80%, however this change will not take effect until August 26th, 2022. If a house is refunded before the cut off date the current 80% rate will be refunded.

Along with new housing we are also re-vamping the way vendors work by coupling them with housing itself. This system replaces the current fee based system.

  • The amount of vendors that can be placed at a house is now determined by the type of house. Each house now has a vendor limit associated with it.
  • Vendor Inventory is now limited to 125 items
  • Vendor fees are now weekly instead of daily
  • For legacy housing, if you have too many vendors working out of your house they can continue to work there but you would be unable to add more vendors

In addition to housing we are introducing the first iteration of our questing system in the form of daily bounty quests. Each day a player will be able to obtain up to two bounty quests from the taskmaster Lady Eliana at Britain Bank. These quests are given dynamically based on your character's skill level and will require you adventure all throughout Britannia to complete them. Quest rewards range from gold to rare items and equipment.

Upon logging in players will be greeted with a message stating the 'Daily Dungeon' which is a new bonus players will be able to take advantage of. Players who kill monsters within the daily dungeon will receive an additional 15% gold in loot.

More detailed notes will be released soon!

16th Jul 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with the Sacred Runebook's Gate Charge ability trying to consume reagents
  • Fixed the cost of Sacred Charges displaying incorrectly inside the Runebook window in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with player vendors always saying "that is outside the bounds" when trying to reposition them after using the Relocate option and placing them at a different house

15th Jul 2022 announcement

For those of you in Discord, we have added a new voice channel called UO Music where you can listen to a loop of UO music from YouTube while you play. Stay a while and listen! :)

15th Jul 2022 patchnote

Fees are being waived at the moment for retrieving items leftover from vendors in the Account Vault. If you have vendor items in the vault now would be the time to retrieve them :)

15th Jul 2022 patchnote

Necromancy has had some major updates!

Necromancy relates to the study and casting of dark magic, which deals mostly with death and the dead. With a Necromancer Spellbook, called a Necronomicon, you can curse your foes, animate the dead, and more.

Check out all the deadly details here:

15th Jul 2022 patchnote

Shipwright Vendors have been spawned in Britain & Cove and boats & ships are now available to purchase and use. See all of the details here:

Some new creatures have been spotted at the Compassion Desert: Sand Vortex & Efreets

15th Jul 2022 patchnote

A collision issue at the Ancient Elemental Boss location has now been fixed.

13th Jul 2022 patchnote

Holiday trees and a number of pot plants are now allowed to be placed outside your house for decoration.

12th Jul 2022 patchnote

Trapped containers can no longer be used for crafting/harvest/loot/organizer container operations.

12th Jul 2022 patchnote

Two new rare crystal resources have now been added in game. Ancient Reaper Fragments can be found while lumber jacking and Ancient Elemental Fragments while mining. These fragments can activate two new world bosses.

These events will require a minimum of 4 players (with unique IP’s) and they can be activated with the fragments while standing at the spawners which players will need to find in the overworld.

11th Jul 2022 announcement

Citadel Studios has completed the necessary migration for community servers to restore service and we are coming back online now. Thanks to CS for the timely updates!

10th Jul 2022 patchnote

The zone for the Britain moat fishing rares has now been extended. This now starts at the Britain Blacksmith runs down south to Britain Bank and then west behind the guard tower.

10th Jul 2022 patchnote

The zone for the Britain moat fishing rares has now been extended. This now starts at the Britain Blacksmith runs down south to Britain Bank and then west along the moat.

8th Jul 2022 announcement

The Moonglow Bazaar has been extended to August 1st at 9am UTC due to the upcoming LoA scheduled maintenance for next week

8th Jul 2022 announcement

The Moonglow Bazaar has been extended to August 1st at 9:00am UTC.

There are currently only a few vendor spots left! The prices on these remaining spots have been reduced to 5,000gp for quick sale.

Happy buying and selling!

8th Jul 2022 announcement

Citadel Studios posted an announcement on the Legends of Aria Discord server today indicating Scheduled Maintenance that will start next week on Mon July 11th going to Fri July 15th with no specific times stated.

The downtime is expected to affect all LoA services including services required to run community servers. This means that SoB will be inaccessible during the downtime.

Citadel Studios has indicated that they will prioritize Web Services & Login Server first so that community server downtime is minimized. As soon as more information is available we will share it with you all.

See the announcement from Citadel Studios here:

5th Jul 2022 patchnote

The loot tables for Lich King and Ancient Hydra have been updated.

1st Jul 2022 patchnote

New fishing rares have been cycled into the Britain Bank Moat. This will come into effect after the next restart.

25th Jun 2022 patchnote

House Rotation has been added! Now, when you use the Pack & Relocate option on your house, upon placing the house again you will be able to choose which orientation you wish the house to face.

Note: This feature will be available on June 25th after the daily restart at 9am UTC

25th Jun 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed Stuck option for Cove + fixed issue with staying frozen if Stuck teleport is interrupted
  • Fixed issue with being able to hide/invis to avoid damage from delayed spells
  • Fixed issue with not being able to lockdown the following items: Fabric Rack, Red Rug & several legacy items
  • Digging with a shovel will now check for Harvesting Bags in your inventory
  • Improved Veteran Rewards tooltips, all veteran rewards items should have missing tooltips added & will now show the age requirement
  • Fixed Arms Lore display issue after using Fortification Powder & improved window layout
  • Fixed issue with Market Rack furniture items not inheriting the color of wood used to craft them
  • Added support for paying from bank for hireling mercenaries
  • Fixed issue with tooltips on hotbar icons for weapons or other objects not showing the full tooltip details
  • Fixed issue with stealing from dungeon containers triggering criminal action
  • Added Remove Trap scroll to Mage buy data & added missing scrolls buy data to Scribe vendors
  • Fixed Ferrymaster not consuming gold from checks in the bank
  • Fixed button layout on house deco window
  • Fixed issue with tinker traps exploding for the player that applied the trap when they open the container in some cases
  • Fixed issue with not being able to fully feed pets, causing them to seemingly eat forever
  • Fixed issue with pets not regenerating stats after being resurrected
  • Fixed double-click to mount not working after resurrecting a bonded pet
  • Fixed issue with using "Toggle Default" option on regular runebooks causing the Sacred Runebooks options to be applied to them by mistake
  • Improved runebook hotbar icons, icons will now obey the Default Rune at the time of dragging the runebook to the hotbar, please re-create your runebook hotbar icons

24th Jun 2022 patchnote

Rental properties that have permanent containers will now be secured and usable for renters. This fixes an issue with getting items stuck in the containers previously due to them being unusable.

24th Jun 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed issue with Fabled Net spawning the wrong sea creatures sometimes
  • Fixed issue with attempting to buy a Bulk Order from a Bulk Order Book taking the gold but not completing the transaction
  • Fixed issue with dragging the last item from an organizer pouch and dropping it to the hot-bar causing the item to be dropped in the world or disappear, now the item will go to your backpack if the origin container no longer exists
  • Fixed issue with crafting repairs failing 100% of the time if your skill level exceeds 100 from bonuses like the Tailor's Apron
  • Fixed issue with Veterinary being used when bandaging hired mercenaries
  • Fixed issue with Disarm Trap skill requirement not matching Lockpicking's skill requirements
  • Fixed issue with Ethereal Bones not stacking with other Ethereal Bones in some cases

14th Jun 2022 patchnote

Static Crystals, server performance improvements, Maim re-worked, and additional balance changes! Check out the full notes here.

13th Jun 2022 knownissue

We're aware there are currently issues accessing some parts of faction bases. This will be resolved as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.

12th Jun 2022 patchnote

The Moonglow rental apartments have had their prices reduced and they have also been updated to allow vendors to be placed on the exterior wall around the doorway for your selling needs.