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16th May 2022 knownissue

There is currently an issue with harvesting Kindling. This will be fixed on the next server restart. Apologies for the inconvenience!

14th May 2022 announcement

We have an update regarding the launch of Moonglow, another major landmass! The team has been hard at work to bring Moonglow to life and we are almost ready to start letting players in.

Mark your calendars, Moonglow will be going live on June 1st at 2:00 PM UTC, or see the time in your time zone here:

Please be aware that we are still finishing the details in some of the building interiors, but everything will be available and functional. The island does have housing regions set up for players to place houses, and there may be some cases of traditional UO house spots that are not placeable, we will try to supply a Housing Map for the region before the launch.

14th May 2022 knownissue

Update: The following issue has been resolved and Factions are now ignored while dueling in the Duel Pits/Arena

~~Dueling at the Arenas is currently unsupported for Faction players meaning that players may be subject to Faction punishments when competing in a duel. We will work to improve this but please use caution until then when using Faction characters to duel. ~~

14th May 2022 patchnote

Faction Conflict Pillar event locations have received a significant upgrade! Along with altered layouts they now feature 3 control points instead of just one. Events will be disabled for a short time until setup is fully completed. Other patch notes are listed below.

13th May 2022 announcement

We've fixed the issue causing some players not to be able to use guild and group chats. Thank you for your patience!

13th May 2022 announcement

In approximately 5 hours from now we'll be doing a server restart and faction events will be disabled until some updates have been made. We will notify when they come back online again. Thanks!

13th May 2022 knownissue

We're currently investigating an issue causing some features such as groups and guild chat not to work properly. We'll update once we've resolved it. Sorry for the inconvenience!

12th May 2022 announcement

Until May 16th players in factions are free to resign and join another faction without having to wait the normal 7 days. If you are unable to resign just logout and back into the game. Happy slaying!

12th May 2022 announcement

Just a reminder, Shards of Britannia's First Live Auction is on May 21st!

Make sure to get your items added to the in-game auction board by May 20th at 11:00 PM UTC

To add items and check upcoming auction schedules, talk to the Auctioneer's Assistant NPC in Skara Brae at The Guiding Hand directly West of the bank.

Hope to see you there!

Discord Event link:

10th May 2022 patchnote

Today's update includes some fixes and improvements to help out under populated factions in events.

7th May 2022 announcement

Faction Pillar Conflicts are now running on live! Come join in our factions mayhem as a member of True Britannians, Shadowlords, or Minax. These events will be occurring at least every 4 hours with extra spontaneous events in-between this weekend!

7th May 2022 patchnote

We're excited to announce that factions 1.0 is now live! Players can now join up and begin fighting for True Britannians, Shadowlords, or Minax. Details of this system and the changes brought by this update are in the link below.

7th May 2022 announcement

We're back online! Factions update has been deployed and players can now login and join up. Faction events are still being setup and will appear soon! Faction rankings have been reset and legacy factions players will be migrated to factions when they login.

More details and patch notes will follow shortly.

7th May 2022 announcement

It looks like we'll need a bit more time to get things back online. Keep an eye on the news as we will post as soon as we're back! Apologies for the delay!

7th May 2022 announcement

We will be bringing down the server for our factions update in about 2 hours from this post. We anticipate this will probably take around 30 minutes to complete but will update the news if that changes. More details will be posted after the update.

6th May 2022 patchnote

Come one, come all! Lord British's League of Honorable Merchants welcomes you to participate in Sosaria's first live auction! Join us at The Guiding Hand in the quiet town of Skara Brae on the night of May the 21st, at 8pm EST! Merchants bring your most valuable wares and buyers unlock your coffers! Spectators Welcome!

Auction Rules:

Limit 5 Items per person. May be extended depending on number of submissions.

Minimum reserve is 10k. This means Items must be worth 10k or more. No Junk please!

A 10% tax will be assessed to Lord British at the time the item is received.

Submission cutoff on 5/20/22 at 11:00pm.

What to do: Submit your Items via the Auctioneer's Asstant at The Guiding Hand in Skara Brae and make sure to include your reserve price! If your item isn't sold, the item can be immediately returned to you or you will have the option to roll it into the next auction. Gold and Items will be exchanged by Lord British himself after each item is sold! Let the bidding wars commence!

6th May 2022 announcement

After today's patch, it was realized how many people are beyond their house's storage limit due to items on their vendors! A lot of players have concerns about this since there was no warning. Due to the volume of players affected by this, we will be temporarily suspending the Vendor Storage enforcement until the end of May to give you all some time to adjust! We will also be considering the possibility of other options to help with storage/storage management. Please know it was not intentional for players to bypass your housing storage limits by packing items onto your vendors, and so we will not be reversing this correction once it goes live again. Please use the time to do some spring cleaning and perhaps sell some things in the upcoming auction. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

5th May 2022 patchnote

The following patch is scheduled to go out later today on 5/5/22

House Storage & Decorations Out of Bounds:

  • Fixed an issue causing house Max Storage/Lockdown calculations to be incorrect in some cases reducing the total storage allowed by error
  • Fixed an issue causing house Used Storage/Lockdown calculations to be incorrect in some cases, allowing players to add items to containers even if it would put the house over it's storage limit
    • Note: this may cause your storage amount to be updated and over the limit after this has update if you have too many items in your house
  • Fixed issues with house decorations being able to be placed out of bounds in some cases
    • As a result of this correction, objects that are out of bounds may be moved to the House Moving Crate that can be retrieved from the house menu
    • Houses placed before this change are considered Grandfathered and any pre-existing objects that are within a 1-unit radius around the house will remain, however newly placed objects will not be able to be decorated out of bounds & moving the house may cause them to be corrected after
  • Objects for sale on player vendors are now counted towards your house's storage total

Rental Properties

  • Added the ability for staff to setup rental properties in-game, so you may start to see some buildings have signs on them with prices at some point.
  • Rental properties will work exactly the same as a house except:
    • are exempt from House Decay
    • may come pre-furnished with static furniture (doesn't count against limit)
    • cannot have a Guild assigned nor do Guild features work with it (we may look into creating Guild Rentals as a new feature? no promises)
  • Rental properties are tied to your account, but you may own a house and rent property at the same time as they are treated separately
  • Rental properties are paid for in 1-week increments and you can pre-pay up to 4 weeks in advance, starting the first day you rent the unit
  • Failure to renew rent before the Rental Agreement expires will force eviction after a 3-day grace period
  • Rental property evictions will cause the property to be re-listed for renting & the evicted tenant's objects will be packed into storage for later retrieval, but for a cost (we may consider auctions or something if the owner doesn't retrieve their stuff after a time, no promises)
  • Rental properties may be located inside of Guards Protection but the interior of the rental property might be Unprotected, depending on the decision of staff for that property


  • Added a new Auctioneer's Assistant tool for staff to be able to manually run in-game auctions with players (this should not be confused with an automated auction-house system)
  • This new tool will be available for players in the form of an NPC titled the Auctioneer's Assistant. Interacting with this NPC will allow players to view upcoming auctions as well as list items for sale or manage their listed items.
  • More Details here:

5th May 2022 knownissue

There's currently a known issue with the House Moving Crate not being visible after you click to retrieve it. We'll have this resolved shortly so you can begin inspecting its contents!

Update: This has been resolved, please retrieve the crate once more and it should be visible now.

5th May 2022 announcement

The server is coming back online with the latest patch applied (see patch notes for details), sorry for the extra downtime but thanks for your patience.

5th May 2022 patchnote

  • a new Tailoring recipe has been added allowing you to craft the new Bear Mask rawr

5th May 2022 announcement

Savages appear to have defeated the barbarians and conquered the swamp east of Skara Brae!

5th May 2022 announcement

The server will be going offline in approximately 10 minutes to apply the recent patch shown in the Patch Notes. Expected downtime is ~20 minutes. Thanks for your patience!

Update: The server is still offline and we're working on applying the patch still. Downtime will last slightly longer than expected, but we're almost done! Thanks again for your patience.

27th Apr 2022 announcement

Please be sure to check out our Easter highlights video for 2022! Thanks Hoax for putting this together!

26th Apr 2022 knownissue

There's currently an issue with in-game reports not being sent out, we're working on a fix as quickly as possible, thanks for your patience!

Update: This has been resolved, if you are still seeing "there was a problem" when trying to submit a bug report, it should work again after logging out and back in or a restart.

26th Apr 2022 announcement

Just a reminder that the Easter Events will be coming to an end after the daily restart, roughly 3.5hr from the time of this post. The Easter Vendor will remain for 2 more weeks allowing you some more time to put all your eggs in one basket. We hope you've had fun this holiday and look forward to doing more fun stuff in the near future. Thanks for your participation!

23rd Apr 2022 announcement

The Easter Egg hunt has commenced! Easter Egg Nests will be scattered throughout the overworld for you to find. Double click the eggs to try opening them for fun surprises and goodies!

Collect Fabled Carrots to spend at the Easter Vendor who has been seen hopping around the Paws Stables & Farm, just south-west of Britain. They will also buy some of the items you may get from the eggs in exchange for more Fabled Carrots.

The Egg Hunt will be live until April 26th and we will try our best to do some planned and/or spontaneous events throughout the week.

Happy Easter!

20th Apr 2022 announcement

Something is amiss, a new maze has appeared in the middle of Hedge Maze! Perhaps you should hop around and see what you can find out. Note: Any existing spawns inside Hedge Maze are unavailable during this time, for the event. Also, click-to-move is now disabled while inside of Hedge Maze.

20th Apr 2022 announcement

Unfortunately, there was an issue that forces us to roll back the world save to the last server restart, about 1 hour since the time of this post. Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll be returning online soon though. Thanks for your patience.

20th Apr 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with the new Item Preview feature not working for players