Recent Hotfixes


Recent fixes and changes:

  • Combat performance improvements, possible relief from combat-related lag
  • Fixed an issue with being able to report a murder from a blue player that defended themselves against a criminal player, but the criminal player turned blue and died; defenders should no longer be counted as a murderer when criminals die after defensive combat
  • Reduced spammy "Fingers Slipping" while bandaging
  • Prevented Loading Cloak feature for dead players, they are already cloaked and don't need protection when crossing regions
  • Fixed issue with pets seeming to teleport around following the Stablemaster or their owners when in the Cove/Minoc region
  • Resolved issue with players dying and some of the equipment becoming stuck on the corpse preventing looting all of the items
  • Added blank key to Tinker vendors
  • Fixed issue with gold being consumed in fractional amounts when paying Pet Stable fees, also fixes an issue with stacking/working with piles of gold
  • Fixed issue with being able to use an invisibility potion at the same time as casting a spell causing the player to be able to move around while invisible briefly
  • Fixed issue with Animate Horse corpses not decaying properly
  • Fixed a couple of AI issues causing some mobs like Sentinels and Boss mobs to sometimes freeze up and stop responding
  • Added Guild Members List UI, similar to Friends List, use /guild to open it when away from the guild stone
  • Fixed issue with some house decorations not being able to be decorated properly
  • Fixed issue with some house decorations not being able to be placed: Santa's Workshop model, Snowy Holiday Tree
  • Fixed issue with some older house decoration deeds or bags not working when trying to place them
  • Fixed issue with Pet Hunger not being displayed consistently everywhere
  • Changed the Stove craftable to be Iron-only due to the item not inheriting color nicely from materials

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