Query: patchnote found 935 results
28th Mar 2019
The NPC vendors have been in discussions regarding the current price they pay for raw materials.
They have decided that in approximately 24 hours they will begin paying 50% less for all raw materials.
23rd Mar 2019
- Fixed issue with skill gains from using bandages
23rd Mar 2019
:spellbook: Mana Drain and Mana Vampire Changes
- Mana Drain has a 3 second Cool-Down, and does percentage-based mana drains of 20% of target's current mana pool with maximum drains capped at 20, for both players and mobs.
- This spell does not return mana back to the caster, and as a Circle 3 spell, can be resisted a great deal at GM resist.
- Mana Vampire has a 5 second Cool-Down, and does percentage-based mana vampires of 50% of target's current mana pool with maximum drains capped at 50, for both players and mobs.
- This spell does return mana back to the caster, and as a Circle 7 spell, can fizzle, but can also get through GM resist checks a fair amount.
- Vamp can now be used strategically in PVE and PVP to return mana above the 40 spell cost, with maximum of 50 potential, but is a gamble due to potential resist.
23rd Mar 2019
- An issue has been identified and resolved with houses not collapsing at the end of their IDOC stage. Any house that was supposed to collapse and didn't has been corrected and the plot should no longer exit. If you see any mailboxes with a tooltip of For Sale please let us know.
- Another issue has been resolved where decorations on a plot not being redeeded; items that originated in a deed will now be re-deeded when a house collapses.
23rd Mar 2019
:nauseated_face: Poisoning Changes
- Poison will not tick on apply, PvP and PvE.
- GM Magery and GM Poisoning will now be a guaranteed Greater Poison and 30% to apply Deadly Poison when close to target. about 3 paces which is about a bit more than melee range.
- New damage and tick times:
Lesser : 4-7% of current health every 2 seconds for 30 seconds.
Standard: 5-10% of current health every 3 seconds for 30 seconds.
Greater: 7-15% of current health every 4 seconds for 40 seconds.
Deadly: 15-30% of current health every 5 seconds for 60 seconds.
Lethal: 16-33% of current health every 5 seconds for 80 seconds.
:syringe: Bandages
- Bandages will now take between 10 and 14 seconds when healing yourself, and 5 to 7 seconds when healing another target, based on the user's Dex. This is almost double the current times.
- Healing amount is also almost doubled.
- A single target can now be bandaged by multiple people. The effect, being a cure or a heal, is decided when the bandage finishes applying. Cure always having priority.
- Those 3 changes makes those timings and values much more in line to UO of various eras and freeshards, including T2A.
:runner: Stamina
- Stamina loss from damage only if the damage is over 25.