Query: patchnote found 935 results
4th Sep 2021
Warriors, rejoice! The Colosseum has moved to its new and permanent location, an island just outside of Buccaneer's Den. While it will be used for PVP server events, it is also intended to be a general use area for consensual, non-faction PVP. Thus, the following rules will take effect in the area after the next restart:
- Combat and murder actions will not flag as criminal on the island. You will not receive murder counts on the island.
- If a red is killed on the island, their next immediate resurrection will be free. Short term murder counts will not reset, and the free res does not apply if you were killed anywhere but on the island.
- You cannot mark runes at or recall to the island. Teleporters are up at Britain Bank and Buccaneer's Den moongate.
Full loot is in effect on the island, so tread lightly. For those brave enough, glorious combat awaits!
4th Sep 2021
Critizens of Britannia, be warned! An increased Orc presence has been observed in our lands. These savage creatures know no limit to their ferocity and evil. But fear ye not! Your Brave and Courageous leaders are maintaining the guard around the clock, keeping the Orc scourge out of our city walls and your children safe from their barbarism.
[The Orc Guild has now been fully enabled. Players wishing to join the Orc Guild must seek out and contact a member of the guild]
4th Sep 2021
*Torches should now occupy the torch slot and not unequip the right hand
*Killing/stealing from someone in town and looting with another multibox character should now be prevented.
4th Sep 2021
Unidentified musical instruments will now properly identify
4th Sep 2021
Non-faction players can no longer create collision with, heal, or give beneficial spells to faction players
4th Sep 2021
As we grow in player count, we are tracking a performance issue that appears to be related to minimap icons (yes of all things.) We are disabling those and restarting to validate this.
We apologise for these teething issues, however we believe this will make a significant difference. We'll work on refactoring the minimap icon system and they will eventually return. In the meantime, use third party tools like http://lou-map.herokuapp.com/ to locate what you need. In particular, we'll have wandering healer locations up there shortly.
4th Sep 2021
- Fixed an issue causing bosses to reset frequently under certain conditions.
4th Sep 2021
- Murderers who repent will now need to wait 72 hours to resume hostilities.
- Murderers will now need to pay 200 gold per long term count when resurrecting.
- Bosses in various high level encounters have gained new tactics and reinforcements based on the number of players engaging them.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause murder participants to not receive multiple counts.
- Ranged damage and healing will now produce more threat.
- Combat journal will now display entries in descending order.
- Combat journal will now only refresh when new data is available.
- Fixed a bug causing floating damage numbers to be reported twice.
4th Sep 2021
Power hour will no longer expire after 60 real-time minutes from activation, instead will expire after 60 minutes of in-game playtime, with the same 22-hour cooldown from the time you started it last
This means if you log out before using all of your Power Hour then you can log back in and use what's remaining before the 22 hours is up, after which Power Hour will be reset and you will be able to activate it again
4th Sep 2021
- Murder participants will now always get additional counts based on how many were involved with a max of 3 (for now).
- Blue players who are involved in a murder will not be subject to additional counts based on participants.
- Murder participants will now remain in combat for (participants * 2) minutes with a max of 10 minutes. This means they cannot quick travel until this timer is up.
- Blue players who are involved in a murder will not be subject to the additional combat timer based on participants.
- Murder count decay has been reduced to 24 hours in game time from 72.
- When a murderer decides to repent there will now be a server wide notification.
- Destard has had some loot re-balancing done.
- Wrong has had some loot re-balancing done.
- Some high end monsters have become more difficult to bard.
- Fixed an AI pathing bug when monsters are leashing.
4th Sep 2021
- (Quality of Life) Players will now have Maximum Stamina after resurrecting from death in order to help with corpse runs.
- Fixed getting stuck while tending a campfire through build stages.
- Campfire range has been increased from 10 to 12.
- New 'Check Fire' right-click ability added to Campfires which allows players to inspect a campfire's life duration. Useful for players micro-managing their Campfires while drawing enemies within the Campfire regen range.
4th Sep 2021
- Performance improvements.
- Destard's loot has been improved.
- Destard spawner density has been decreased.
- Some low end Undead monsters have had their loot slightly increased.
- Low end monsters in Despise have had their loot decreased.
- Wrong's loot has been improved.
- Ice Dungeon's loot has been improved.
4th Sep 2021
- (QOL) Players that deliver the killing blow on a non-player mobile will automatically open the corpse backpack if they are within looting range.
- (QOL) New Right-Click Mutilate ability on non-player corpses will allow corpse pile micro-management by forcefully removing body piles while keeping the lootable backpack via the CTRL function.
- Using the Harvest ability before Mutilate is ideal, as Mutilate will now automatically open the corpse backpack too.
- Mutilate will also leave a bloodstain in the place of the body.
4th Sep 2021
- Can no longer mount while using a bola + bola target times out after 15 seconds if no target is selected
- Fixed issue with hitting escape after using a bola causing users not to be able to mount for some time
- Current target healthbar numbers will now update periodically
- Dead characters will automatically be set in combat mode during load
- Town vendors will keep only a small amount of used items after players sell things to them
- Nearby pets that are not attacking anything will automatically follow when owner dies
- Pet stable fees will no longer be charged until pet has been stabled for 24 hours or more
- Fixed issue with not being able to use "all aggressive" or "all passive" commands with pets, aka Pet Stance
- Help Requests are now attached to user accounts and will remain open when you log out/switch characters & if staff responds while you're logged out, you will be notified during next login of the response
- Added Events news type to News Window & Notifications
- Fixed issue with being unable to open someone else's paperdoll from a reasonable distance
4th Sep 2021
-Stealing is now disabled on the Colosseum island
-Murderer restrictions will not be incurred when a red dies on the island
4th Sep 2021
- Corpse mutilate option optimized, double-clicking blood spatter will open corpse as expected, and can also right-click and choose Loot All
- Issue with commanding pets to attack groupmates or your own pets resulting in "they cannot be attacked" erroneously has been resolved
- Blessed objects will now be moved to the backpack if they are inside another container in your backpack when you die
4th Sep 2021
- Added an /exhausted command to show currently capped skills.
- Fixed an issue with Magic Trap spell endlessly triggering on containers despite removing the trap with the Remove Trap spell.
- Runebook will now remain open until a Charge is consumed via the Use Charge ability.
- Wisps have had their spell casting fixed and their Gold drops reduced to intended levels.
- Slightly increased Taunt range from 6 to 7 for Tanks.
- Adjusted Camping gains and the 75+ Camping regen bonus.
4th Sep 2021
- Fixed an issue causing non young players being warned about losing their young status.
- Rare loot table adjustments.
- Barding pets will no longer offer skill gains however the effects will still work.
- Ratmen and Lizardmen may now be skinned for hides.
4th Sep 2021
- Monsters may no longer be provoked onto other players or pets.
- Fixed incorrect food being created when summoning food.
- Fixed incorrect asset being used for Acid elementals in Despise.
- Addressed some issues with players being unable to login.
4th Sep 2021
- Fixed issue with being unable to accept friend requests from the notification panel, optimized adding/removing friends in general
- Dragging resources/stackable items to the hotbar will now default to a "Command" button, bypassing the old "Resource" style button, preventing hotbar icons from saying "No Items Available" when there actually is items in your backpack
- Lumberjacking has been optimized to get a few more chops out of each tree
- Fixed issue with crafting favorites going to the wrong recipe or none at all
- Fixed issue with pets not casting
- Removed the macro interrupted speech when a target is not acquired
- Fixed issue with being able to over-stuff packhorses
- Tracking will now be interrupted by damage received and death
- Fixed issue with Guild security options being available when no guild is assigned to house
- Fixed issue with stacks of objects not responding to player split requests in some cases
- Fixed issue with stacks of gold being created over the stack limit size of 60k in some cases, like on monsters
- Potion kegs have been reworked, fixing the issue with potions being eaten & improving their general performance and behavior, like with auto-filling kegs when crafting potions & you may notice the right-click options look/behave slightly different than before
- Fixed issue with released pets names staying blue erroneously, they should go back to their wild name color (gray usually); they will also be aggressive once again
4th Sep 2021
- Dyes, used for changing the color of a dyetub, are now single-use and stackable
- Added looting rights as described at https://wiki.legendsofultima.online/e/en/notoriety
- Unused secondary skills removed from the secondary skill window, currently all of the secondary skills are under review and disabled
- Fixed issue with being able to sell more than vendors can afford when the bill of sale exceeds their budget
- Added vendor message letting users know how much gold the vendor has to spend when trying to over-sell; AIn the future we will work to make it more like UO where the vendor will buy what they can and leave you with what didn't sell, rather than block the transaction, making it easier to use for players
- Added missing resource counter UI update to vendor transactions
- Fixed issue with "Quick Loot" context menu option not working on items inside corpses
- Added 500ms cooldown between item-pickup actions to prevent spamming movement of items
- Added eating sound when eating food
- Updated Treasure Map window with new in-game map
- Removed "Stack All" options from containers, as these need to be redesigned
- KNOWN ISSUE: Barber NPC's buy window is not working, hopefully this isn't happening to other vendor types also
4th Sep 2021
Public Service Announcement
- Please try not to abandon your pets, you will lose them if you do. They stay in the world if you log out if you don't stable them. Over time your pet will start to wander, looking for you, eventually releasing you from their control. <potential herding opportunity here?>
Changes from last 24 hours:
- Issue with not being able to steal from a stacked object resolved (requires another server reboot, sorry)
- Improvements to Trading, let us know if the trade acceptance issue proceeds or not
- Removed the ability to gain skills from scroll spell-casts
- Removed use-case options from runes
- UI/Window performance improvements, including reducing the amount of UI/window refreshes, you may notice a slight delay between window updates because of this, and even possibly a performance improvement
- Warg pets removed, we did not intend to spawn those in at this time and they are forcibly removed
- Removed Vendor Buy/Sell confirmation window popup
Changes from earlier:
- Moved Torch over to torch equipment slot instead of right-hand, does not affect old torches
- Treasure hunting temporarily disabled; working on setting up the locations still
- Pet AI issues resolved, was causing pets to not attack and maybe other things too
- Stablemaster minimum-range to check for pets reduced to improve pet summoning
- Added pet position validation when using 'follow' commands to assist with getting pets un-stuck while we work to improve the root cause
- Horses set to 0 taming difficulty, does not affect old horses
- Added some missing interruptions to Mining/Lumberjacking/Fishing to prevent performing other tasks while harvesting
- Resolved issue with bladed weapon target actions not checking for distance
- Fixed issue with trying to use food in places where it was inaccessible saying "you feel more refreshed" while also saying "you can't access that"
- Fixed issue with sometimes getting a backpack from corpses
- Fixed issue with trying to open corpses failing and not showing a container window
- Added notification and system message when being murdered to guide players to Reputation window to report the murders if desired
4th Sep 2021
- Fixed issue with house security not working for Owners in some cases (you may need to release/re-secure containers if they are affected)
- Fixed issue with the Buccs Den/Minoc archway teleporters getting pets stuck
- Increased paralyze immunity duration
- Earth elemental spawn chance added to Mining
- Fixed issue with being able to use the Moongate in Limbo while dead, it's intended for you to resurrect using the Shrines first before leaving
- Fixed an issue with pre-written books not being useable
- Added tooltip to Guildstone to explain how to move it
- Fixed issue with being able to use crafting tools from the bank
4th Sep 2021
The Paralyze spell now interrupts the victim's spell cast on success
The use of an invisibility potion now breaks spell casts
Skeleton Keys now properly open chests of any level regardless of lockpicking skill
Carpentry kegs have been fixed and no longer produce deeds
4th Sep 2021
The Paralyze spell now interrupts the victim's spell cast on success
The use of an invisibility potion now breaks spell casts
Skeleton Keys now properly open chests of any level regardless of lockpicking skill
Carpentry kegs have been fixed and no longer produce deeds
4th Sep 2021
- Fixed an issue causing guards to be unresponsive.
- Fixed an issue causing murderer to be unable to leave dungeons.
- Fixed an issue causing recent tames to retain heal over time effects.
- Fix an issue that would cause a rare crash condition.
4th Sep 2021
-Short term murder counts should no longer reset upon death in the colosseum
-Looting any corpse but your own is disabled in the Colosseum
4th Sep 2021
An issue with Fishing erroneously saying "go outside of town for gains" when you are already outside of town has been resolved. This hotfix will be available after the next scheduled server restart.
4th Sep 2021
- Added CAPTCHA to Mining, Lumberjacking, Fishing
- Private houses can now have 1 vendor
- Fixed issue with Max Vendor limit on houses being calculated incorrectly (if your house already has too many vendors, they may remain for now but you will be unable to add more)
- Fixed issue with clockwork golem (possibly other recipes) not crafting
- Fixed issue with the unfinished keg being treated as a container and causing items dropped to them to disappear
- Fixed issue with attacking a pet when the owner is hidden nearby causing the pet to flag crim and the owner to get guard whacked
- Fixed "drink" option existing on prized fish (does not affect old fish)
- Fishing outside of town now has a chance to spawn a snake
- Potent potion recipes removed since Gardening skill is not accessible right now