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4th Jun 2019 archive patchnote

  • Issue with fame going over the max allowed causing the Dread title to not display when it should
    - Begging record now gets cleared on town vendors periodically allowing beggars to attempt begging them again
    - Escorts now have Dungeons on their Destinations list! They will pay 2x as much for taking them into a Dungeon

4th Jun 2019 archive patchnote

  • The Farmer/Chef vendors now purchase Fresh Ingredients for good prices, at 8gp each.

4th Jun 2019 archive patchnote

Bards and Carpenters Rejoice: New Instruments
- 3 new instruments have been added to Carpentry: Bamboo Flute, Lute, and Drum
- They all require 45 Musicianship to craft along with Carpentry
- They have progressively increasing durability, in order from Lowest to Highest: Flute (regular), Drum, Lute, Bamboo Flute
- The regular flute recipe and durability remains untouched

Crafting Potions Directly Into Keg
- Potion Kegs can now be toggle as a Crafting Keg
- When you have at least 1 empty bottle and 1 crafting keg in your backpack while crafting potions, the system will try to automatically drop the potion into the keg (note: it is not smart enough to handle multiple kegs/types of potions yet)

4th Jun 2019 archive patchnote

  • An issue with fishing Sea Creatures to shore has been resolved; you should now be able to use the Fishing ability and target a sea creature that is spawned in the water and bring it to shore
    - An issue has been resolved with locked down paragon chests or other containers sometimes not receiving the Security options
    - Issue resolved with house trash can not being able to be removed
    - The Farmer/Chef vendor has been fixed and now buys all produce, both wild and from gardens
    - The paperdoll will now show incognito name
    - Paperdoll now hides Guild/Faction/Merchant Guild info on right panel when inspecting someone else + Adds "No Reputation" when we don't have a fame/karma title yet
    - An issue with Tudor Door Pointed deeds not working has been resolved
    - An issue with Paragon chests and Tinkering/Lockpicking boxes getting stuck as Locked after locking it down and releasing it from a plot has been resolved
    - An issue with being able to split some off of a stack of objects on someone else's pack animal has been resolved

3rd Jun 2019 archive patchnote

  • You no longer need to remove an enchantment on a skill before applying a new one.
    - Enchantments can now be upgraded at any rank directly.

    This means you only need to get lucky once at rank 1, then you can work on that enchantment to bring it up to rank 4.

3rd Jun 2019 archive patchnote

Snooping, Stealing, Disarm, Hotbars QOL Mega Update
- New Skills: Snooping and Stealing ( &
- New Combat Ability: Disarm, replaces Meditation on the Q hotbar icon (
- New Vendor: Thief Guildmaster, to join the Thieves Guild, also sells Disguise Kits
- Pre-existing decorative containers in towns will now spawn loot allowing thieves to train their stealing and get a little loot in the process

Hotbars QOL Additions
- The left-side hotbar is now draggable
- Hotbars and their icons can now be locked to prevent accidental dragging
- A new Lock button has been added to the bottom-center of the MiniMap to quickly toggle hotbar options
- The Player Settings (minimap gear-icon or /settings command) now has options to toggle Locking of all of the hotbars AND their icons

Various Fixes
- Player names have been removed from backpacks, they will simply be called "a backpack" now
- Pet titles showing "Name's Pet" will now be updated periodically when the owner's name changes
- Players' current target will be cleared automatically when dying and resurrecting
- Players will now be taken out of warmode automatically when dying and resurrecting
- An issue has been resolved with Guards attacking gray and red players on sight even though they have not committed a crime recently -- now they will only kill you if you recently committed a crime or are witnessed committing a crime, and either NPCs or player calls the Guards
- An issue has been resolved with Guards attacking and killing nearby gray and red players that were not their original target
- Fixed Magic Untrap spell to work with lower level traps on containers
- Fixed range on Telekinesis breaking traps to avoid damage
- Fixed an issue with being unable to equip an item from the hotbar when the item is nested in containers in the backpack

1st Jun 2019 archive patchnote

  • Forestry Broker has arrived in Yew, buys and sells fletching/lumberjacking/carpentry items, including buying boards, at better value
    - Mining Broker has arrived in Magincia, buys and sells blacksmithing/mining items, including buying ingots, at better value
    - Treasure Hunting Broker has arrived in Nujel'm, buys and sells cartography/lockpicking items at better value
    - Kindling can now be sold to traders for 1gp each, or to the forestry broker for 2gp each

1st Jun 2019 archive patchnote

  • Veterinary now follows UO formulas for pet healing scaled to the Pet Health.
    - Bandage Slip now reduces Heal Amount by 10% per hit taken, following UO formulas.
    - Lich mobs have been tweaked with new Voice/Animation/Speech and have been re-balanced to be more like UO.

30th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Players can now successfully Add Fertilizer during any stage of the planting process where it is a valid option.

29th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Hunger now shows on the Paperdoll, and updates in real time when eating, or progressing to a hangry state.
    - Starvation, Hungry, Peckish, and Full now have unique Chat Window messages, so players can focus on those.
    - Starvation is the only Hunger state that causes the Stats Debuff, but eating until Full is the smartest approach.
    - Pet Slots now show on the Paperdoll, and updates in real time when Taming, Releasing, or Transferring pets.
    - Several QOL updates to the existing Paperdoll, with expanded descriptions and some new ones too.

29th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • All treasure chest spawned mobs have been adjusted to allow for Bard skills to function properly. (Thanks for the bug report, Rezo!)

29th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Farmers/Chefs now correctly sell potatoes and tomatoes (thanks for the bug report FahQ!)
    - Farmers/Chefs loved that very quick bug report so much that they now also buy and sell broccoli, cucumbers and onions as well.
    - The Ethereals and Event Tokens vendors have moved nearby Magincia bank, city of riches and pride!
    - Fixed bug with Elegant Small and Elegant Tall Glass craftables in Tinkering
    - The crafted alcohol component of Elegant Small and Elegant Tall Glass craftables in Tinkering has been removed

28th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Farmers and Chefs now sell bread, fruit and vegetables
    - Farmers and Chefs now buy grown fruit and vegetables, including apples, oranges, pears, lemons, potatoes and tomatoes.
    - You say tomato, I say tomato, you say potato, I say potato.
    - New Farmers and Chefs have shown up in certain towns where there's more demand for food

27th May 2019 archive patchnote

Thank you to all of our armed service members who made the ultimate sacrifice for us. We remember you and your sacrifice today. Thanks to all of our active duty and retired military as well! We appreciate you and your service! Happy Memorial Day!

27th May 2019 archive patchnote

26th May 2019 archive patchnote

With the fall of the Orc Warchief and his legions, the orcs have retreated back to their main camp, leaving Vesper in peace and its surrounds available for housing and expansion. Huzzah!

26th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Added 30 Second Cool-down timer on newly made Garden Beds/Plants, preventing quick Destroys of Beds/Plants.
    - Added Toggle Defaults to the Gardening Scythe, allowing players to set the Default to Mow Grass or Kill Plant.

25th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Bandages now have a maximum healing potential of 64 with a single bandage.
    - Several QOL Message/Effect/Sound improvements for Healing.
    - ClearAllEffects command "/ce" now handles all Effects and Sounds.

23rd May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Treasure Map Mobs No Longer See Invisible (Unless Gazer).

23rd May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Skill book trainers added to several towns where they were missing (should be in every town now)
    - Training dummies added to several towns that had none (near the bulletin boards and blacksmiths usually)
    - Yew now has a barmaid, barber, jeweller, chef, notary and a skills trainer. Already has a banker to the west.
    - Ocllo farm's wheat now looks more like wheat and less like cotton

22nd May 2019 archive patchnote

  • The recipe for the Ornate Bookshelf not being able to be memorized has been resolved
    - Another issue was resolved with the Ornate Bookshelf not appearing in the Carpentry menu

22nd May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Lowered Bandages Durations, which are now using (7-14 second) Bandage Self and (3-5 second) Bandage Players/Pets, depending on the standard Dex and Anatomy Skill formulas.
    - For Example, 100 Dex + 100 Anatomy = 7 Second Self Heal.
    - Added QOL bandage data messages to the chat window, updated Icons, and provided the Duration on the Icon.
    - When you die, you'll now hear spooky death music, and see the classic "You Are Dead" too.

22nd May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Can now mark runes in dungeons and quick-travel to them
    - Reduced the rune block radius by 50% (fixes people blocking a rune from too far away)

22nd May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Bone armor no longer grants Passive Mana Regeneration without penalty.
    - Bone armor continues to have no Dex penalty, but now has slightly Reduced Armor too.
    - This only applies to new Bone Armor drops in the world, as legacy armor will keep their values, but we expect Macer Warriors to handle that issue for us. :D

22nd May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Players take twice as long to become Hungry/Starving, assuming Players eat until Full! (8+ Hungry/15+ Starving).
    - Added Chat QOL improvements for understanding the current Hunger state when eating Food!
    - Players now warned in Chat when Hungry or Starving, and eating until Icons vanish reactivates these messages.
    - Players that eat until Starving icon vanishes, will be notified in Chat that they are Peckish and could still eat more!
    - Eating until Full is the most efficient way to curb Hunger for long periods of time, and Garden Produce and Cooked Foods are still the best for Hunger management.

21st May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Event Token vendor has been updated with new items and Carpenter Recipes
    - Memorizable recipes have been introduced!

20th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Mobs that can Heal will now have a 3 minute cool-down timer between Heals for both Spells and Bandages.
    - Healing amounts have been approximately halved, and we are waiting to see if this is sufficient.
    - We expect these changes to improve PVE game play significantly, especially for Warrior Templates, and we are prepared to reduce these values even more if necessary.

19th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • The "/split" command has been re-added that allows you to attempt to split a specified amount from the targeted stack; example usage: "/split 50"
    - Disabled the Guild and Group tooltips that get created on player corpses

18th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Adjusted all monster/animal templates to match new Audio Reference templates. (Monsters that were not utilizing their sound effects, should now do so, on respawn.
    - Applied fix to fishing shirt and fishing pants (waders)
    - Removed Blessed attribute from certain craftable tailoring items.

18th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Stack All Gardening works for Fish, Soils, Seeds, and Potions.
    - Garden produce will be added later for further QOL measures!