Snooping, Stealing, Disarm, Hotbars QOL Mega Update
- New Skills: Snooping and Stealing ( &
- New Combat Ability: Disarm, replaces Meditation on the Q hotbar icon (
- New Vendor: Thief Guildmaster, to join the Thieves Guild, also sells Disguise Kits
- Pre-existing decorative containers in towns will now spawn loot allowing thieves to train their stealing and get a little loot in the process

Hotbars QOL Additions
- The left-side hotbar is now draggable
- Hotbars and their icons can now be locked to prevent accidental dragging
- A new Lock button has been added to the bottom-center of the MiniMap to quickly toggle hotbar options
- The Player Settings (minimap gear-icon or /settings command) now has options to toggle Locking of all of the hotbars AND their icons

Various Fixes
- Player names have been removed from backpacks, they will simply be called "a backpack" now
- Pet titles showing "Name's Pet" will now be updated periodically when the owner's name changes
- Players' current target will be cleared automatically when dying and resurrecting
- Players will now be taken out of warmode automatically when dying and resurrecting
- An issue has been resolved with Guards attacking gray and red players on sight even though they have not committed a crime recently -- now they will only kill you if you recently committed a crime or are witnessed committing a crime, and either NPCs or player calls the Guards
- An issue has been resolved with Guards attacking and killing nearby gray and red players that were not their original target
- Fixed Magic Untrap spell to work with lower level traps on containers
- Fixed range on Telekinesis breaking traps to avoid damage
- Fixed an issue with being unable to equip an item from the hotbar when the item is nested in containers in the backpack

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