Query: patchnote found 935 results
10th May 2019
All cities and parts of the world have been getting some specialisation recently and more is to come.
- The sewers in Britain has been dramatically reduced in size and spawns.
- The sewers now connects to a teleporter near the mage shop in Papua, allowing either end to be equally accessible.
- Ocllo is set to become the farming capital of the world, and now has a cotton and wheat field to the south, a beekeeper, and will soon see more changes now that Gardening has been introduced.
- Magincia, city of pride, is becoming recognised as a centre of trade, and Crazy Carl has moved in and is willing to buy some new rare bits and pieces. He's still won't sell you anything.
- The guards around Nujel'm and Moonglow have managed to tighten their borders against the threat of hostile creatures surrounding their cities.
- All reagents can now be found in various parts of the world, depending on the reagent (see the Magery page on the wiki for locations)
- Signposts in the wilderness have been labelled. We might have missed a few, so page if you find one with names that don't look right or without names at all.
- Buccaneer's Den is not as crowded as it used to be, and many of the pirates that used to roam the place have left.
10th May 2019
- Plants should now scale correctly, but won't take effect until new plants are created.
- Seed Salvage should now properly fire when the plant is consumed.
- Shovel range for Dig/Thunters should be restored.
- Grow rates have been reduced to half a day, instead of a full day, as an experiment (Subject to change)
10th May 2019
- Gardening: Who wouldn't want to grow their own reagents? Definitely easier said than done! The race towards Green Thumb begins, and be sure to read the Wiki for the nitty-gritty deets, and watch the tutorial video for Gardening in the Wiki!
- Camping: Discover the wonderful world of Camping with exciting Campfire Regeneration Rates, Buffed Stat Bonuses from Tents, and Classic Instant Logout features when Resting. Be sure to read the Wiki and watch the tutorial video for Camping in the Wiki!
- Hunger: Players will now be expected to eat something, occasionally, or take a -10 Stats Debuff until they are well fed. It will take approximately 10 in-game hours for a player to start feeling hungry again. Gardening produce is the most effective food at taking care of your hunger pains.
- Drugs: Old Toby enters our world as a Common plant, but it will be the gateway drug to many more rare drug plants and eventually an expanded Drug Tolerance system, so partake in moderation! You can find the Smoking Pipe for Old Toby a high price from Walter O' Mathis, the Royal Gardener at Lord British's Castle, or simply ask a GM Fletcher to make you one for a lot less.
- Gardening Wiki = https://legendsofultima.gamepedia.com/Gardening
- Camping wiki = https://legendsofultima.gamepedia.com/Camping
9th May 2019
- Riverside vendors are now neutral. So both blue and red players can bank and shop
- Smoking pipe has been added as a fletching craftable
9th May 2019
- All NPC mages once again sell moss, at the original price but at a much lower quantity.
- All NPC mages and alchemists now have lower amounts of regs.
- Gardening well has been moved from furnishings to tools in the carpentry menu.
8th May 2019
The Moonglow Mage is once again selling Moss.
This is overpriced moss in limited quantities for those that need it before the gardening patch comes out.
2nd May 2019
- An issue has been resolved with Lumberjacking not receiving the appropriate harvest bonuses from both GM Lumberjacking and GM Forestry secondary skill level
- An issue has been resolved with Gargoyle Pickaxe & Uncle Tuk's Hatchet dropping as legacy items -- newly created ones will be correct, this is not retroactive
- Gargoyle Pickaxe and Uncle Tuk's Hatchet will both grant you 3 or 4 pieces per swing as the baseline; this stacks with normal harvesting bonuses; they also have a limited number of charges to use, consuming 1 charge per swing
- Gorgan's Pickaxe has been replaced in the loot tables by the Gargoyle Pickaxe
- Secondary skills Surveying and Forestry have had their Mining/Lumberjacking skill-level prerequisites reduced from 80 to 30
2nd May 2019
- An issue has been resolved with using/double-clicking any object in your backpack causing players to become revealed if hidden -- you will only be revealed when performing certain actions as intended like looting, casting, going into combat, etc
- An issue has been resolved with criminals being unable to use public teleporters in the world while In-Combat -- this was only meant to occur with player-created moongates via the Gate Travel spell
2nd May 2019
With the re-opening of Ruin adventurers will be faced with new and unique challenges to overcome. While the majority of the changes effect level 2 of the dungeon an update to dungeon chests (server wide) has been made. (Dungeon chest loot will be available on re-spawn)
- Dungeon chests levels 1-5 loot tables have been updated.
- Dungeon chests and dungeon coffins now have chances for new rare items.
- New item: Cursed runebook.
- New lock picking tool has been added: Skeleton key. This item will allow anyone, regardless of skill-level, to open(one time use) a locked chest/coffin/door.
- New locked doors have been added to Ruin. These doors are very difficult to lock pick.
- New dungeon coffin system implemented. With these new coffins lucky players will find new loot inside.. Or unlucky players may find monsters, traps or nothing at all. You will find locked and un-locked versions of these coffins in Ruin.
- Additional passageways between level 1 and level 2 have been added.
- New tamable creature: Shadow Wyrm.
- New world spawn rares added to Ruin.
1st May 2019
- Tailors can now craft Tiny Bags.
29th Apr 2019
- An issue has been resolved with containers that were released from a house plot having the "locked" attribute stuck on them
28th Apr 2019
- Enchanting books are now blessed retroactively and durability will no longer apply to them
- Inscription crafting will no longer consume mana when failing; mana consumption has been moved to the end of the crafting sequence
- Player vendors now support account-wide ownership -- any pre-existing vendors will need to be interacted (double click) with one time following this patch to receive the update, after which all of your characters on that account will be able to manage it
- An issue has been resolved preventing players from marking items as For Sale that are placed on a table or on the ground of a house plot
- Double clicking/using a lockpick no longer reveals you instantly
- An issue has been resolved with containers that are locked down on a plot when they are already locked losing their "locked" attribute upon releasing the container rendering Paragon Chests un-pickable
26th Apr 2019
- GM crafters rejoice! Non-Equipment items crafted at GM will now properly display Maker's Marks.
- Note: All Equipment items will continue to get Maker's Marks applied at their respective GM crafting level with Exceptional or Slayer quality.
- Stone Manor: South-facing house sign has been moved to opposite side of door to counter an issue with being unable to click on the door due to the sign blocking it
- An issue has been solved with all North/West placed houses having backwards signs
- A problem was resolved with the dyetub not being created when crafted or purchased from a vendor
- "Pick Lock" option has been added to locked-pickable containers right click menu
26th Apr 2019
- Tailors can now craft cloaks (Min. Tailoring skill of 41 required)
- Crafted cloaks can be dyed using dye tubs for a variety of colors.
25th Apr 2019
- House plots will now refresh automatically for friends or above when interacting with objects that are on the plot like the house sign, mailbox, containers, workstations, etc.
- Player vendors no longer auto-face shoppers, and a new option for merchant owners to have the vendors "Face Me"
- The player speech mumble no longer logs to the chat-box when taming animals
20th Apr 2019
An issue has been resolved with pack animals losing all of their items after dying.
19th Apr 2019
Minoc has been rebuilt in it's old spot near the Mines (or quarry west of Moonglow). Elementals have poured forth from the mines and destroyed the town and slaughtered it's residents. Even the small village cemetery has become restless. Come get some revenge for our lost fellow Britannians and check out the new Minoc which has been sorely missing.
17th Apr 2019
New recipes have been added!
- Robe and Dress Deeds have been added to Tailoring recipes which will turn any chest piece into a robe, affecting only the item's appearance.
- Bola and Bola Ball have been added which can be tossed at players to dismount them and can be crafted by Tinkerers.
- Saddle and Armored Saddle has been added to Tailoring Recipes; the Armored Saddle has a slight resistance to bola dismounts and also provides some armor/defense to your mount
14th Apr 2019
Recently we put out a fix that would solve an issue with durability not being reduced on Blessed Instruments. Following that update, 2 or more new issues surfaced, specifically with causing durability to be degraded on Forges, Fire Beetles, as well as other items that should not lose durability. This issue has been resolved, sorry for any losses you might have incurred due to this. Thanks for your patience and understanding as usual.
12th Apr 2019
An issue has been resolved with some Guild Tags not being displayed sometimes when they are 2-characters long. The issue was related to wrapping the tag in brackets symbols, as the client interprets valid tags as a transparency-color-code. To resolve, we have changed the symbols from brackets to hyphens.
11th Apr 2019
An issue with the paperdoll not appearing on the character-creation screen has been resolved.
11th Apr 2019
An issue was identified and quickly resolved causing problems during pet transfer or death. Everything is working as expected again. Thanks for your patience.
10th Apr 2019
The dungeon: Ruin is temporarily closed for balance and modifications. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
8th Apr 2019
Ahead of the upcoming gardening changes we have made some changes to the ingredients that NPC vendors sell.
Until the gardening patch goes live cooks may find it difficult to obtain ingredients.
This is temporary until the gardening patch goes live and will benefit both gardeners and cooks.
7th Apr 2019
- Paragon chest loot has been fixed and they will now drop correct amounts of gold pieces
- Wooden storage chests can no longer be equipped
- Pets that become tamed while under the effects of Peacemaking will no longer remain frozen until relog
- Playing an instrument will now show musical note visual effects on both the bard and the bard's target
7th Apr 2019
- An issue with mob corpses sometimes not disappearing, especially pets, has been resolved
- An issue has been resolved with stacked items being purchased from a vendor not receiving their defined hue, causing problems with stacking due to hue mis-match
- Polymorph optimizations: Issues with Polymorph spell not returning characters to their original appearance should be resolved
7th Apr 2019
Various Fixes
- An issue with attempting to dig sand with a shovel not doing anything has been resolved
- An issue has been resolved with runes being blocked from dead mobs
- Fixed some various errors that were occurring with Bandages and Poisoning that may solve unforeseen issues associated with them
Player Contact Info Registration
- Players can now register their Email Address and/or Discord Username for use with sending GM Pages; this will allow us to reply back to you outside of game and reduce wait times or page-abandonment
- Type /register to bring up the Contact Info Update menu at any time
7th Apr 2019
We're streamlining our announcements, patch notes, known issues, and town crier news into a new system that will allow everyone to see them in Discord, in-game, on our webpage, and on the Wiki. This is in an effort to make sure we're always providing up-to-date information in all outlets.
Changes coming with this:
- You can view the news webpage at http://news.legendsofultima.online (mobile-friendly, save to homescreen to make an app shortcut)
- The in-game MOTD window has been replaced with the LOU News Feed that will popup on login unless you chose it not to; you can also use /news to open it, or double click a Town Crier
- Town Criers now have their own stream of news and they will only announce recent news, ignoring news that is too old. If no news is available, they will wait until fresh news comes in.
6th Apr 2019
- Auto-doors for house doors is working again. All new house doors will automatically have the feature, pre-existing doors just need to be used once to receive the update.
- An issue has been resolved with the Combat Timer being triggered on players when attacking a target that is exempt from notoriety repercussions (group/guildmates).
- An issue has been resolved with Bandages not storing the Last Bandage Target when you target someone with a bandage.
- An issue has been resolved with House Signs not being updated for Decay and Transfers.
- An issue has been resolved with Ethereal Mounts having 0 stamina when mounted
- An issue has been resolved with pets sometimes becoming incapable of being mounted by double click or right-click
4th Apr 2019
- Added: Enchanting mats. - all levels
- Added: Major ingredient chances.
- Added: New rare Cartography items.
- Added: New Treasure hunter only rares and other new drops.
- Changed: Gems & Reagent stacks are now more bountiful.
- Changed: Gold count averages increased in most chests.
- Changed: Item count chances increased in each chest.
- Changed: Buffed loot chance on all non rare items.