• Fixed issue with "Set All" option on Town Vendors not setting the appropriate amount in some cases
  • Player vendor "select location" option optimized, vendors should now teleport to the destination rather than try to walk to it
  • Added new Stuck Teleport option with menu to pick a town; this option can be used once every 30 minutes, have to page for help if you get stuck more frequently than that so we can identify and fix stuck issues
  • Shrines/NPC Healers in dungeons now require a minute between each resurrection
  • Added missing updates to many criminal actions to check for the new confirmation settings and "prevent" criminal actions if desired
  • Fixed issue with bonded pets being renamed to " corpse" in some cases
  • Pet abandonment now uses in-game time instead of real-world time to determine when they become abandoned to help aid with pet losses due to server restarts or downtime
  • Fixed issues with abandoned pets wandering mid-combat preventing them from fighting back
  • Mobs will now automatically eject themselves from houses after a period of time
  • Cleared "Transfer Bag" properties on existing bags so you can move the bag outside of your bank now
  • QOL: prevented disarming when using the hotbar icon for a weapon that is already equipped, to prevent accidental disarming from tapping the wrong button (if players find that they still need a disarm ability we can accommodate)
  • Optimized hiding check for nearby mobs LOS, will now ignore group/guild/faction members when trying to hide near them
  • Corrected hiding failure speech from "you can't seem to hide right now" to "you fail to hide" while the former message will still appear if you are unable to hide due to combat or in LOS of other mobs
  • Removed "Use R-Hand" button from appearing in the Q slot with weapons as it's no longer needed

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