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12th Jul 2023 announcement

There's an unexpected outage with the Legends of Aria services preventing players from logging into the game right now. We've alerted those involved and hope the issue is resolved quickly, thanks for your patience!

27th Jun 2023 patchnote

Recent hotfixes, additions, changes & fixes:

  • Added a new 'Toggle Hotbar Labels' option on the updated Mini-map Hotbar Options button (dropdown arrow)
  • Added Taxidermy Kit for sale on Carpenters and Tinkers
  • Added ability to 'minimize' the Macro Playing window. Now when you click the X to close it, it will minimize to a Progress Bar that appears under your character, you can click the X next to the progress bar to stop the macro from playing
  • Prevented adding Fabled & Special Fishing Nets to the House Resource Chest
  • Prevented use of Soulstones while you have any Character Reflections stored
  • Prevented Stealing for 2 minutes after being resurrected
  • Fixed issue with the Donation Resurrection Ankh not being usable for characters on a Patron-linked account
  • Fixed issue with player characters that are banned from a house not being ejected from the house when they enter as a ghost in some cases
  • Fixed issue with being able to remove from a stack of items inside a buried Treasure Chest to avoid triggering the spawn
  • Fixed issue with the Repeat option not working in Macros
  • Fixed issue with attempting to teleport to a ship from it's key causing a cooldown to apply even if you are not able to teleport right away, now it will only apply once you've teleported
  • Fixed issue with summoned Blade Spirits & Energy Vortex not aggroing 100% of the time
  • Fixed issue with sandals that were obtained originally as Black that are also dyable; the sandals have had the Dyable flag removed and their color restored, it is not intended for any Sandals to be Dyable at this time
  • Fixed issue with the Golden Fishing Rod being salvageable, this also fixed an issue with the rods being repairable—tools in general, like fishing rods, are not intended to be repaired at this time
  • Fixed an issue with house Mannequins when using the Select Location option and hitting escape causing the mannequin to be moved to 0x0
  • Fixed the Friends button on the Button Bar not doing anything

Note: Some or all of these changes may require a server reboot to take effect.

6th Jun 2023 announcement

We sincerely apologize for the interruption! Due to an unforeseen issue, we were forced to bring the server down temporarily and perform a rollback, resulting in a loss of approximately two hours of progress. We understand the frustration and inconvenience this may have caused, and we deeply regret any loss of time or progress you may have experienced. Our team is actively investigating the situation to prevent similar occurrences in the future. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work towards providing a more stable gaming experience for all players. Thank you for your continued support and dedication.

4th May 2023 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue preventing criminals from teleporting at all while in combat resulting in error "cannot enter no combat area" this should now only occur when actually trying to enter a No Combat area

1st May 2023 patchnote

  • Improved monster AI to prevent them from attacking 100% of the time when you enter their range, now they will have a small chance to ignore you, buying you a few seconds to maneuver around them
  • Slightly increased delays between pet & town-vender wandering ticks
  • Added additional measures to prevent players from entering No Combat areas while in combat
  • Murderer Restrictions: Fixed an issue with characters being able to perform hostile actions against innocent players in dungeons while being murderer restricted in some cases
  • Murderer Restrictions: Fixed an issue with murderers being able to resurrect via wandering healer or ankh in dungeons, if they exist, while being murderer restricted
  • Added Moonglow to character creation town selection
  • Improved Hiding skill to allow hiding near other beings when you have not been engaged in combat with any beings recently and are not criminal

1st May 2023 announcement

It is intended for all characters to be able to enter, traverse and hang out in towns no matter their notoriety state. To be clear, murderers are allowed to enter protected towns and hangout, but they are unable to use any vendors in town, and they are subject to being attacked by anyone as well as being Guard whacked if they commit any crimes. Furthermore, it's intended for all characters to be able to enter the West Britain Bank rooftop hangout, even murderers. Combat is prevented from this space, as well as using the ladders/teleporters to the roof after engaging in combat, so there should be no concern about this. To learn more about how the Criminal System & Guards work, check out the Notoriety wiki page:

14th Apr 2023 patchnote

We've fixed an issue preventing you from placing the Lapis Lazuli Egg

8th Apr 2023 announcement

The Easter Egg hunt has commenced! Easter Egg Nests will be scattered throughout the overworld for you to find. Double click the eggs to try opening them for fun surprises and goodies! Monsters also have a chance to spawn as Easter Paragon which can also drop Easter carrots and goodies.

Collect Fabled Carrots to spend at the Easter Vendor who can be found on the Britain Bank Roof. They will also buy some of the items you may get from the eggs in exchange for more Fabled Carrots.

The Carrot & Egg Hunt will be live until April 24th and we will try our best to do some planned and/or spontaneous events throughout the week. The Easter vendor will be available until June 1st

Happy Easter!

6th Apr 2023 patchnote

Fixed an issue preventing characters from joining a faction when they are in a guild that has a faction assigned already

28th Mar 2023 patchnote

We will soon be deploying the following changes.

Resource/Durability Consumption:

  • resources are no longer consumed in duels, including potions (now includes faction events), but players will still need to carry resources in order to use them
  • equipment durability is no longer consumed in duels

Outfitter (Skill Rental):

  • players can invoke the /outfitter command at any time to open the Outfitter menu, where you can manage the Outfitter system
  • enabling the Outfitter system will attempt to use the selected custom skills & stats temporarily during Duels & Faction Events, for a small fee

18th Mar 2023 patchnote

  • fixed a rare case with trades sometimes becoming interrupted potentially causing a loss of some or all of the items being traded; going forward if there are ever any issues with trades, all items will end up going back to their owner so there should never be any losses
  • fixed an issue with being able to interrupt another person's trade in some cases, now it should always prevent trade attempts if someone is already trading

19th Feb 2023 patchnote

Currently on Test Center for public testing is the Outfitter system for Duels & Faction events, with the following updates.

Resource/Durability Consumption:

  • Resources are no longer consumed in duels, including potions (now includes faction pillars), but players will still need to carry resources in order to use them
  • Durability is no longer consumed in duels


  • Players can invoke the /outfitter command at any time to open the Outfitter menu, where you can manage the Outfitter system
  • Enabling the Outfitter system will attempt to use the selected custom skills & stats temporarily during Duels & Faction Events, for a small fee

What to test:

  • Test consuming/using resources both IN and OUT of duels & events. Ensure resources still consume when they should, and not during the events. Also, ensure you don't get free empty bottles in return for using potions.
  • Test the Outfitter system for BOTH duels & faction events, please!!! (see notes above)
  • Test trying to use custom skills & stats in ways other than intended. For example, crafting & harvesting should ignore custom skills & stats, and you should be prevented from doing anything that you could benefit from while your skills are transformed.
  • Test durability loss during duels & faction events

How to test:

  • Connect via
  • A Faction Event Test Stone has been placed at Britain Bank. Double click when ready to start the Vraal's Mausoleum faction pillar event, which can be triggered once every 20m

If you need anything to help test, encounter an issue, or have a question please reach out to #🐛test-duel-faction-outfitter

17th Feb 2023 patchnote

If you are an Animal Tamer and have Bake Kitsune's please stable them immediately. Combat for these pets is now prevented temporarily, but they will still be able to follow you. Sorry for the inconvenience, we will return them to normal behavior ASAP.

9th Feb 2023 announcement

This is a reminder of our House Vacation Hold policy. If you or someone you know is unable to attend the game for an extended period and you own a house, please contact us. We will be happy to consider your request to put the house(s) on Vacation Hold to prevent decay over a longer time frame.

8th Feb 2023 announcement

There appears to be an unexpected outage with the Legends of Aria login server, preventing players from logging into the game currently. We've alerted Citadel Studios and hope the issue is resolved quickly, thanks for your patience!

6th Feb 2023 patchnote

We've fixed an issue preventing skill gains when practicing combat with Training Dummies (if you still have issues, log out and back in to receive the update)

28th Jan 2023 patchnote

Recent fixes and changes:

  • Combat performance improvements, possible relief from combat-related lag
  • Fixed an issue with being able to report a murder from a blue player that defended themselves against a criminal player, but the criminal player turned blue and died; defenders should no longer be counted as a murderer when criminals die after defensive combat
  • Reduced spammy "Fingers Slipping" while bandaging
  • Prevented Loading Cloak feature for dead players, they are already cloaked and don't need protection when crossing regions
  • Fixed issue with pets seeming to teleport around following the Stablemaster or their owners when in the Cove/Minoc region
  • Resolved issue with players dying and some of the equipment becoming stuck on the corpse preventing looting all of the items
  • Added blank key to Tinker vendors
  • Fixed issue with gold being consumed in fractional amounts when paying Pet Stable fees, also fixes an issue with stacking/working with piles of gold
  • Fixed issue with being able to use an invisibility potion at the same time as casting a spell causing the player to be able to move around while invisible briefly
  • Fixed issue with Animate Horse corpses not decaying properly
  • Fixed a couple of AI issues causing some mobs like Sentinels and Boss mobs to sometimes freeze up and stop responding
  • Added Guild Members List UI, similar to Friends List, use /guild to open it when away from the guild stone
  • Fixed issue with some house decorations not being able to be decorated properly
  • Fixed issue with some house decorations not being able to be placed: Santa's Workshop model, Snowy Holiday Tree
  • Fixed issue with some older house decoration deeds or bags not working when trying to place them
  • Fixed issue with Pet Hunger not being displayed consistently everywhere
  • Changed the Stove craftable to be Iron-only due to the item not inheriting color nicely from materials

21st Jan 2023 patchnote

We're working on a couple of improvements for Factions:

  • Separation of Faction Bases into their own server regions to isolate the Faction fights from Housing in the adjacent areas

  • Guild Faction Assignment:

    • guilds will be required to have a faction assigned, determined by the guildmaster, in order for members of the guild to be part of a faction
    • upon logging in, if you are in a guild and in a faction and your guild does not have one registered or it is registered to a different faction then you will begin the Faction Resignation process and be kicked from your faction after 7 days unless you leave the guild or your faction is assigned to the guild
    • if you are in a guild and trying to join a faction, your guild must be assigned to a faction and you must join the assigned faction
    • only the guildmasters can assign a faction to a guild
    • it's optional for guild members to be in the faction or not, but players wishing to be in a faction must be in the same faction as the guild
    • if you are trying to create a guild while in a faction, you will be warned that the guild will become registered to your current faction when you form the guild - you cannot form the guild with players of another faction

We're giving you some time in advance to prepare for the Guild Faction Assignment changes, so please adjust your characters accordingly to prevent being forcibly removed from your faction later on

These changes are still being worked on and they will be released separately & we'll post patch notes with all of the details when they go live.

14th Jan 2023 announcement

This is a reminder that the following events are coming to an end at 9:00 AM UTC on Jan 15th:

  • Winter Bazaar (vendors next to Windemere bank)
  • Christmas Candy Cane Conundrum (Elf camps & Xmas Paragons)
  • House Decoration Contest (deadline)

If you still have a vendor rented at the Bazaar when the deadline passes, the vendor's equipment, gold & contents will be moved to your account vault, and you will receive a notice in-game to retrieve it.

Santa will remain at his workshop until the end of the month to give players time to wrap up any pending trades & purchases, however, the Elf Camps and Christmas Paragons will no longer spawn.

The staff will take 1 week after the House Deco Contest deadline to vote on the winners & to do a public People's Choice vote, please stay tuned for more about that.

We hope you've enjoyed this season's activities, and thanks to everyone who has participated.

7th Jan 2023 patchnote

Good news, we're extending the deadline for the Xmas Event & House Deco Contest by 1 week, from Jan 8th to Jan 15th. A lot of the team and players have been extra busy through the holiday season and we want to make sure both the staff is prepared and players have had time to participate. We hope you've all had a good holiday season & thanks for spending some of your time with us, cheers to the new year! :)

4th Dec 2022 patchnote

Players entering Faction Events will soon find that they have a random name applied when they enter & guild tag will also be hidden. The random name should appear in all places during the faction event, and once the event ends the name would fall off revealing the character's true name, as well as showing the true name in the Leaderboard. Please let us know if you encounter any issues with the random name not appearing in any cases, like system messages or chat, while it is shown on your character.

2nd Dec 2022 announcement

Autumn has ended & winter has arrived! Bazaar vendor deeds have been placed around Windemere bank, on Dagger Isle, for the Winter Bazaar. Winter Bazaar vendors will be available until 1/15/23. A snowy tunnel has been dug between Windemere and West Britain for easy access throughout the event. Happy trading!

29th Nov 2022 announcement

This is a reminder that the Autumn Bazaar at Britain Bank is ending on December 1st at 9 am UTC. If you have a vendor rented after the deadline passes, the vendor's gold, equipment & backpack contents will be packed up into your account vault for later retrieval. We will continue to do more Bazaar events going forward. Thanks to everyone for participating, see you at the next Bazaar!

28th Nov 2022 patchnote


  • Fixed issue with Perilous Trap not being recognized when trying to craft related recipes
  • Improved Quiver encumbered/capacity limitations
  • Fixed issue with Undead (Necro) characters using Sacred Recall Charge becoming interrupted and causing the caster to become stuck
  • Fixed "deposit all" not working
  • Added skill requirements tooltip to Smoke Bombs, retroactively
  • Prevented using unidentified instruments
  • Fixed Faction Guards spawning as a criminal
  • Fixed issue with kegs not doing anything on double-click in some cases
  • Increased Macro System cooldown to mitigate lag, users have reported being able to loop some common skills in macros that appear to cause lag on the server, this should help mitigate that, but we will continue to improve
  • Corrected horses to drop hides instead of cut leather
  • Fixed issue with house fireplace add-ons not being useable for cooking, not retroactive, will need to re-deed and re-place these
  • Fixed Polar Nightbear mount using incorrect hue
  • Added Stabled Pet indicator to /pets command & added an option to Stablemasters to check your stable slot limit

House Teleporters:

  • Attempted fix to round house teleporter sinking into the ground issue
  • Fixed issue with not being able to re-deed 2-way house teleporters
  • Improved house security for teleporters, house friends should now be able to use Guild-oriented teleporters
  • Improved round house teleporter place-ability outdoors; you should now be able to place the round teleporter outside of the Brick House

House Resource/Gear Chest:

  • Prevented dropping of kegs onto House Resource Chests; please pour potions into bottles before adding them to the resource chest, sorry!
  • Fixed ingots not showing under the Crafting tab in House Resource Chest
  • Fixed issues with color, hue, or other attributes when removing items from the House Resource Chest in some cases
  • Improved line of sight for House Resource Chest
  • Added support for using "Move Contents" on a container and targeting a House Resource/Gear Chest

28th Nov 2022 knownissue

We're aware that some people have dropped kegs onto their House Resource Chests and have lost the potions inside the kegs.

It's not intended to be able to add kegs to the House Resource Chest, instead, please pour potions into bottles before adding them.

Unfortunately, this was not something that came up during the testing phase, but it will be fixed in an upcoming patch to prevent dropping kegs onto the chest.

23rd Nov 2022 announcement

Shards of Britannia is now Free to Play for everyone! Invite your friends and family :)

Due to this change, and in order to keep things fair for everyone, we are now limiting the number of accounts that players are allowed to use, per household, effective immediately. Going forward, players are allowed to use up to 4 accounts per household. Accounts created prior to 11/22/22 should be considered grandfathered and will not be subject to limitations at this time. Patron Benefits will continue to provide the same benefits to the advertised amount of accounts, but we may amend the Patron Benefits in the future to better reflect the new limit, without affecting grandfathered accounts.

In order to determine which accounts you are allowed to use, all of your related accounts are considered by the date in which you first logged into Shards of Britannia. If you log in to a new account or an existing account that is beyond the limit, in order of creation date, you would be prevented from playing any characters on that account.

We will be amending the rules page to reflect this new limit as well. Thanks for playing fair!

11th Nov 2022 patchnote

Recent Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with using Halloween Costumes saying "you can only use them during Halloween" erroneously, causing players to get flagged as Polymorphed with no way to remove it (note: this issue is fixed, and you can again use the costumes until Dec 1st as intended)
  • Fixed an issue with Old Toby not spawning in Skara Brae, the spawn has been rejuvenated East of Skara Brae, near the farms
  • Fixed an issue with sitting in Stone Thrones not aligning your character properly with the chair in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to dig sand in the desert
  • Fixed an issue with Stablemasters saying "no pets found" even when pets exist in the world
  • Fixed a display issue with New Character Creation screens preventing new players from seeing their characters
  • Fixed an issue with the Grandfathered Medium Brick house having a public vendor limit of just 1, which has been corrected to the intended value of 4
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to craft some True Britannian faction gear items

Recent Changes:

  • The Ranger's Quiver is now blessed retroactively, but they will still lose durability
  • Improved the New Character Creation menus to be more fluid and fix some layout issues, plus added some additional Character Build presets
  • Turned the Server Alerts for Lottery back on
  • Added a new speech command "house menu" for players to be able to open the house menu from anywhere inside the house, perfect for those in large houses
  • Increased minimum inventory stock for Faction Mage vendors
  • Reduced overall chance for Weather to begin & increased duration for weather once it's started

31st Oct 2022 announcement

We want to wish everyone a Happy Halloween! We hope your trick-or-treating season has been full of adventure and fun. Halloween activities & vendors will be available until Nov 8th at 9am UTC.

Starting today, we have kicked off a new Bazaar at Britain Bank! You can begin renting vendors on top of the West Britain Bank immediately and selling your holiday wares until Dec 1st. There is a new ladder on the NE side of the bank to climb up to the roof.

Don't forget, we've got a Halloween House Decoration contest going, see details and enter here:

22nd Oct 2022 patchnote

General Fixes

  • Corrected the Smoke Bomb crafting recipe to use Iron only, it was not intended to be crafted with other metals
  • Fixed an issue with Halloween bless deed not accepting some Halloween items
  • Fixed an issue with Treasure Map Globes not doing anything when double clicking them & re-added missing Security context option


  • Fixed an issue with boat collision preventing line of sight in some cases for passengers or beings in the water & should also improve being randomly ejected to land while sailing
  • Fixed an issue with SOS shipwrecks not appearing
  • Added recent combat cooldown & criminal travel prevention to using a ship key's right-click option 'Teleport To Ship'
  • You can now target a ship key with the Recall spell to try to travel to the boat
  • Using Recall on a ship key does not incur the same cooldown as using the right-click option, allowing you to travel more frequently in some cases
  • You can now use the Teleport spell to teleport onto boats you have permission to board, as well as NPC ships (keep an eye out for Ghost ships soon!)


  • Reduced the chance for Headless Horseman to spawn on a tameable mount, this was previously higher than intended
  • Added Throwable Pumpkin to the Candy Vendor's buy-back list

10th Oct 2022 announcement

The server is coming back online shortly! Unfortunately, there was an issue we could not recover from and the world-save needs to be rolled back 24 hours to Oct 9th at 9am UTC. We've tried everything in our power to prevent the roll-back, but it was beyond recovery. We apologize for the lost time and appreciate your patience and support through the rough patches.