Query: event found 249 results
4th Sep 2021
- Updated crafting window Repair button to show how to make a repair deed
- CAPTCHA improvements
- Fixed issue with some characters being unable to log in if they were previously unable to complete the transition from Celador
- Fixed issue with trees being "too far away" in North Minoc area
- Logging out in a dungeon will result in being teleported to Limbo when logging back in, if logging in 20+ minutes after logging out
- Marking runes is now possible inside Dungeons on Levels 1 except for Despise being able to mark on Levels 2 & 3
- The following actions are prevented around the nearby areas surrounding dungeon entrances, both interior and exterior:
- gaining skills
- marking runes
- casting field spells
- dropping objects
4th Sep 2021
The Auto Stack or Stack All option(s) was removed before the Britannia launch, but some people still had it enabled after the transition, even though the option was removed.
This feature has caused several client\graphical glitches in the past for people as items are moved around or consumed very quickly. The feature has been disabled in favor of preventing multiple stacks from accumulating in the first place.
Please let us know if you run into a scenario where multiple stacks of similar items are being added to your backpack when you wouldn't expect them to, and we will work to optimize any remaining cases.
4th Sep 2021
Last chance to sign up for the pvp tournament! Signup closes at 4:00 AM UTC on the 28th (about 6 hours from this posting).
After the window has closed, all enrolled players will be added to a special event channel for prelims and a bracket will be generated randomly.
4th Sep 2021
As we grow in player count, we are tracking a performance issue that appears to be related to minimap icons (yes of all things.) We are disabling those and restarting to validate this.
We apologise for these teething issues, however we believe this will make a significant difference. We'll work on refactoring the minimap icon system and they will eventually return. In the meantime, use third party tools like http://lou-map.herokuapp.com/ to locate what you need. In particular, we'll have wandering healer locations up there shortly.
4th Sep 2021
- Can no longer mount while using a bola + bola target times out after 15 seconds if no target is selected
- Fixed issue with hitting escape after using a bola causing users not to be able to mount for some time
- Current target healthbar numbers will now update periodically
- Dead characters will automatically be set in combat mode during load
- Town vendors will keep only a small amount of used items after players sell things to them
- Nearby pets that are not attacking anything will automatically follow when owner dies
- Pet stable fees will no longer be charged until pet has been stabled for 24 hours or more
- Fixed issue with not being able to use "all aggressive" or "all passive" commands with pets, aka Pet Stance
- Help Requests are now attached to user accounts and will remain open when you log out/switch characters & if staff responds while you're logged out, you will be notified during next login of the response
- Added Events news type to News Window & Notifications
- Fixed issue with being unable to open someone else's paperdoll from a reasonable distance
4th Sep 2021
Test Center Hotfixes have been applied:
- Fixed issue with the house menu not updating the label for decay stage after refreshing
- Prevented placing houses over any objects
- House placement now correctly looks for Housing subregions instead of Britain.Wind for validating placement & housing subregions have been placed throughout most of the world
- Prevented picking up items recently dropped from a collapsed house by Young characters
- Prevented trading items recently dropped from a collapsed house by all
4th Sep 2021
- Fixed an issue preventing players from trading houses saying there are vendors working out of it when there is not
- Added option to house menu for the plot owner to be able to collect commissions from vendors that have been rented to other players
- Switching house privacy state from Public to Private is now possible even if the house has 1 vendor working out of it
4th Sep 2021
- Fixed an issue with being able to apply poison from a potion that has been moved outside of your inventory
- Prevented CAPTCHA from occurring too often while harvesting
- Removed mobs from spawning while harvesting due to CAPTCHA being enabled
4th Sep 2021
- Macro system re-enabled & window will now only show once instead of refreshing every time a macro repeats
- Issue with Stablemaster "Retrieve pet out of range" option has been resolved once more, this update was due to go out previously but mistakenly was not applied, now it is
- Issue with freshly tamed pets not attacking their targets has been resolved
- Fixed an issue with Young status not being ended when committing a criminal action
- Fixed issue with "your X will break soon" happening prematurely
- Prevented ability to resist beneficial spells, especially when casted on thyself
- Fixed issue with trees not regrowing in a timely manner in some cases
4th Sep 2021
- Fixed issue with being unable to accept friend requests from the notification panel, optimized adding/removing friends in general
- Dragging resources/stackable items to the hotbar will now default to a "Command" button, bypassing the old "Resource" style button, preventing hotbar icons from saying "No Items Available" when there actually is items in your backpack
- Lumberjacking has been optimized to get a few more chops out of each tree
- Fixed issue with crafting favorites going to the wrong recipe or none at all
- Fixed issue with pets not casting
- Removed the macro interrupted speech when a target is not acquired
- Fixed issue with being able to over-stuff packhorses
- Tracking will now be interrupted by damage received and death
- Fixed issue with Guild security options being available when no guild is assigned to house
- Fixed issue with stacks of objects not responding to player split requests in some cases
- Fixed issue with stacks of gold being created over the stack limit size of 60k in some cases, like on monsters
- Potion kegs have been reworked, fixing the issue with potions being eaten & improving their general performance and behavior, like with auto-filling kegs when crafting potions & you may notice the right-click options look/behave slightly different than before
- Fixed issue with released pets names staying blue erroneously, they should go back to their wild name color (gray usually); they will also be aggressive once again
4th Sep 2021
- Dyes, used for changing the color of a dyetub, are now single-use and stackable
- Added looting rights as described at https://wiki.legendsofultima.online/e/en/notoriety
- Unused secondary skills removed from the secondary skill window, currently all of the secondary skills are under review and disabled
- Fixed issue with being able to sell more than vendors can afford when the bill of sale exceeds their budget
- Added vendor message letting users know how much gold the vendor has to spend when trying to over-sell; AIn the future we will work to make it more like UO where the vendor will buy what they can and leave you with what didn't sell, rather than block the transaction, making it easier to use for players
- Added missing resource counter UI update to vendor transactions
- Fixed issue with "Quick Loot" context menu option not working on items inside corpses
- Added 500ms cooldown between item-pickup actions to prevent spamming movement of items
- Added eating sound when eating food
- Updated Treasure Map window with new in-game map
- Removed "Stack All" options from containers, as these need to be redesigned
- KNOWN ISSUE: Barber NPC's buy window is not working, hopefully this isn't happening to other vendor types also
4th Sep 2021
Public Service Announcement
- Please try not to abandon your pets, you will lose them if you do. They stay in the world if you log out if you don't stable them. Over time your pet will start to wander, looking for you, eventually releasing you from their control. <potential herding opportunity here?>
Changes from last 24 hours:
- Issue with not being able to steal from a stacked object resolved (requires another server reboot, sorry)
- Improvements to Trading, let us know if the trade acceptance issue proceeds or not
- Removed the ability to gain skills from scroll spell-casts
- Removed use-case options from runes
- UI/Window performance improvements, including reducing the amount of UI/window refreshes, you may notice a slight delay between window updates because of this, and even possibly a performance improvement
- Warg pets removed, we did not intend to spawn those in at this time and they are forcibly removed
- Removed Vendor Buy/Sell confirmation window popup
Changes from earlier:
- Moved Torch over to torch equipment slot instead of right-hand, does not affect old torches
- Treasure hunting temporarily disabled; working on setting up the locations still
- Pet AI issues resolved, was causing pets to not attack and maybe other things too
- Stablemaster minimum-range to check for pets reduced to improve pet summoning
- Added pet position validation when using 'follow' commands to assist with getting pets un-stuck while we work to improve the root cause
- Horses set to 0 taming difficulty, does not affect old horses
- Added some missing interruptions to Mining/Lumberjacking/Fishing to prevent performing other tasks while harvesting
- Resolved issue with bladed weapon target actions not checking for distance
- Fixed issue with trying to use food in places where it was inaccessible saying "you feel more refreshed" while also saying "you can't access that"
- Fixed issue with sometimes getting a backpack from corpses
- Fixed issue with trying to open corpses failing and not showing a container window
- Added notification and system message when being murdered to guide players to Reputation window to report the murders if desired
4th Sep 2021
*Torches should now occupy the torch slot and not unequip the right hand
*Killing/stealing from someone in town and looting with another multibox character should now be prevented.
4th Sep 2021
As you may be aware, earlier this week we identified several users involved in abusing some economic vulnerabilities that were discovered. At that time we had to roll back the server to recover from the impact and to protect our newly established economy.
After that incident occurred the players involved began to launch an attack on the LOU infrastructure (DDoS) causing our servers to become inaccessible. The players involved have since been banned and ejected from the community, but the attacks continue to occur occasionally.
At this time we are doing everything we can to prevent outages, but there may be times when the server will have to be brought down unexpectedly in order to recover.
We will be monitoring things closely to try and prevent downtime and loss of progress, and we sincerely appreciate your patience and support through our growing pains.
4th Sep 2021
- Mana Vampire can be cast upon thyself again and will properly do a Resist and Gain check, where previously it would prevent it.
13th Apr 2021
- Fixed stackables not stacking when dropping objects onto containers directly
- Added prevention for dropping objects to healthbars, this is not intended
- Added prevention for mounting pets you cannot control over 30 difficulty
- Removed ability to use Stack Contents on containers within player vendors
- Fixed some stationed guards not responding to combat
- Added prevention for using Forensic Eval against invalid corpses, or corpses that are part of the world
- Added Vendor Glue so vendors will stop wandering for short duration while players interact with them
4th Jan 2021
Today marks the last day of the Winter Events for 2020. Thanks to everyone that has participated! Due to this, the special winter drops will stop dropping after tonight. For those of you that enjoy ice fishing, don't worry! We've added some new items to obtain with ice fishing, as well as a few new additions to SOS loot.
13th Dec 2020
Frozen Tundra is now open! Throughout the rest of the month creatures spawned in the Frozen Tundra will have a chance to drop Winter Event collectibles. There will be new monsters, mini-champs and champs to contend with. New armour and weapons to collect as well as dozens of new collectible items.
The region will be open indefinitely and is housing-enabled allowing players to place houses. Soon we will be adding the new snowy house models provided by LOA!
That's not all! In the coming days we will also be adding Fishing Updates, Ice Fishing, and the in-game Macro System! See the full details at: https://legendsofultima.gamepedia.com/Fishing_Update_December_2020
But what about Britannia?! Well don't worry we haven't lost focus on the new map, as the team has been working steadily on that as well. While we don't have anything new to show you today, we may have some further updates coming soon. Keep your eyes peeled, and in the meantime please enjoy the Winter festivities!
11th Dec 2020
We are pleased to announce that Legends of Ultima will be launching our 2020 Winter Event this Sunday 13th December at 11:00am EST
The event this year is different to previous years and we are proud to announce that we will be opening the Frozen Tundra for our players to enjoy.
There will be new monsters, mini-champs and champs to contend with. New armour and weapons to collect as well as dozens of new collectable items to aquire. There are a few more surprises and more details will follow in the next few days but there will certainly be lots to keep you busy during the holiday period.
8th Dec 2020
We have enabled a higher verification setting for the Discord to prevent abuse. If you were affected by this please know we did not single you out, but you just need to either A) verify your phone number on your Discord account or B) send us an email requesting an exception at [email protected] if you cannot or choose not to verify a phone number. Thanks for your understanding.
3rd Nov 2020
- An issue with Discordance being prevented from applying to some mobs erroneously has been resolved
- Bard effect break range has been increased moderately to extend the distance allowed from mobs before the effects will break
- An issue with monsters attacking the bard after being provoked should be completely resolved now, once monsters have been provoked they should no longer attack the bard at all, unless the effect breaks, let us know if this continues to be an issue
- Patch Note Correction: The prior patch notes state that Provo/Peace will fall off if the bard dies, that was a typo and monsters should remain peaced/provo'd even if the bard dies, as long as they stay within range.
- Clarification: Discordance does not have range check or hiding check, it only falls off after the timer ends.
3rd Nov 2020
- An issue has been solved preventing the Carpentry window Tools option from working.
24th Oct 2020
Earlier this week during regular maintenance we did some cleanup of the world and inadvertently most/part of the locked event area outside of Britain was removed. Sorry for that, it was not intended and we will be considering replacing it somehow.
19th Oct 2020
- Nightsight has been optimized and should provide the brightest daylight while using it, and it should persist through logouts and region transfers
- Nightsight will now end and prevent stormy weather while under the effect
- Nightsight duration has been reduced from 60+ minutes to 20 minutes max
- Note: Dungeons are still not equipped with Suns and thus Nightsight still does not help inside Dungeons
16th Oct 2020
General fixes and changes:
- An issue with gravedigging monsters sometimes becoming frozen and defenseless has been optimized, let us know if it continues
- Mounts will now have invisibility broken when being mounted
- You can no longer use the mount command to mount an invisible pet
- You can no longer use objects inside of locked containers, including attempting to equip objects or use/count/stack resources from locked containers
- Lockboxes are now lockpickable
- Locked containers can now be locked down, previously would say "cannot lockdown locked containers"
- Town vendors will now properly round their inventory numbers while restocking to prevent decimals, and rounding has been added to the "Set" input in the Sell window
Door Improvements:
- An issue with monsters being thrown outside the dungeon walls when a door closes has been resolved, mobs should now be moved appropriately in front of the door if they manage to get stuck in the doorway
- Doors will no longer close while a live being is obstructing the doorway, up to a limit, if the door has auto-close it will force-close after 2 minutes
- Door obstruction checks are currently only setup for dungeon doors, as this is where we have the most problem, this functionality will eventually be normal behavior for every door in LOU
8th Jul 2020
An issue preventing guildmasters from seeing the Guildmaster Title option from the Guild Menu has been resolved
3rd May 2020
Welcome to May everyone!
Just want to drop by and give all of our dedicated supporters a big round of applause and thank you for continuing to support the project! In the past month we have been working on optimizing our infrastructure to prepare for the future, and we have also spent a lot of time cumulatively working towards the rest of our goals in the push to Britannia. Thanks to everyone that has helped with testing and participating in Test Center events. We'll keep working our hardest and hope to keep making you proud.
We know a lot of you are waiting to find out more about what to expect with the map change and many other changes coming with it, and we appreciate your patience while we continue to work all of that out. Thanks for being with us and remaining patient through our growth!
28th Apr 2020
- The Group window has been optimized and should work more reliably now
- "Group" option added to menu when right-clicking self while in a group, opens the Group window
- Fixed an issue with Miasmas not stacking in some cases
- Fixed issue with Kryss not being detected as bladed weapon for Skinning purposes
- Fixed cooked meat & cheese from Create Food being inedible
- Fixed issue with player's real name showing when Snooping instead of the disguised name
- Fixed issue with Whisper Window showing your name as the person who sent the whisper to you
- Fixed an issue with removing a saddle from a horse causing two deeds to be created
- Fixed an issue with some players becoming stuck and unable to log in after logging out while their character was a Ghost
- Corrected tooltip for lockpicks from showing the tooltip for scissors
- Fixed an issue with Ethereal Bear not being mountable
- Temporarily disabled Gender Selection in the Polymorph spell and Disguise Kits to prevent a client-bug causing players to become frozen after changing their body shape
- Fixed an issue with Notoriety becoming stuck sometimes when criminal