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Query: event found 249 results

15th Apr 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue preventing house owners from removing individual friends or co-owners in some cases
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from using public teleporters while holding a Faction sigil. You should now be able to use Public Moongates, Ferry Masters, and the Skara Brae Ferry (saying "cross") while holding a Faction sigil, but the use of the Recall spell & portals from the spell Gate Travel is still prevented

13th Apr 2022 announcement

To celebrate Easter, we will be hosting an Egg Hunt throughout Britannia! Find eggs and break them open and collect Fabled Carrots (or other surprises), which can be spent at the Easter Vendor in exchange for some neat gifts! We hope you have time to log in and participate and have some fun. See you there! See the details of this event:

25th Mar 2022 patchnote

  • Added a confirmation pop-up when resurrecting pets, owner must be nearby to confirm (this is to address griefing of res-killing pets to cause skill loss to them)
  • Stablemaster may confirm twice when trying to res pets until the next server restart occurs
  • Prevented stabling dead pets, must resurrect them first

13th Mar 2022 patchnote

General Changes:

  • Reduced price of Commodity Deeds
  • Added "Prevent Unequip From Hotbar" option to Character Settings; un-tick this if you have trouble un-equipping objects from hotbar icons

General Fixes:

  • Fixed issue with not being able to remove map waypoints
  • Improved some spawns, especially dungeons, to help avoid monsters getting stuck
  • Prevented trading For Sale items directly from player vendor
  • Fixed an issue with dropping a stack of Shimmering Essence onto a magic book causing the whole stack to be consumed instead of just 1; now only 1 will be consumed as intended
  • Fixed an issue causing the Prevent Dismount in Warmode option to not work (you may need to re-enable this in Character Options)
  • Fixed an issue causing some produce/cooking ingredients (vegetables) to be the incorrect weight; now they should be 0.2 stones per unit
  • Switched the dog's model back to wolf for now since there are animation problems with the model that was being used previously
  • Fixed an issue with Trash Cans not emptying automatically & add floating speech to indicate when they are emptying

Sacred Runebook & Spellcasting Fixes:

  • Added a target request when using Mark option on Sacred Runebook
  • Improved Sacred Runebook window layout
  • Fixed an issue with using a Runebook ability sometimes causing subsequent spell casts to auto-target erroneously
  • Fixed an issue with Runebook Charge chance not being calculated properly for Sacred Runebook
  • Fixed an issue with using Sacred Runebook charges erroneously consuming reagents and mana, as well as checking against Magery skill; now Sacred Runebook charges will not attempt to consume reagents or mana, nor will they check for Magery skill

Arena Fixes & Improvements:

  • Added confirmation pop-up for leader to start the duel once everyone has clicked Ready
  • Added pop-up reminder when clicking Ready to check the Restrictions; please make sure you are starting a duel with the proper settings for your character's skill set!
  • Added Duel countdown HUD
  • Added Duel Info context option to self-right-click to inspect the details of the duel after it's started
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to use the Agility spell in duels
  • Fixed issue with Duel Time Limit setting not being obeyed
  • Prevented teleporting outside of the arena during a duel
  • Prevented using Stuck option during a duel
  • Prevented using Ethereal Mounts during a duel if Mounts are not enabled in the Duel Restrictions
  • Prevented casting during Duel Countdown
  • Prevented performing beneficial acts on opponents during a duel

8th Mar 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with delays to occur sometimes after switching regions preventing subsequent actions or teleports for several seconds
  • Fixed an issue with ethereal mount statues getting stuck in the internal pocket when dismounting until the next log-in

4th Mar 2022 knownissue

We're aware of an issue sometimes preventing some actions for a few seconds after quick traveling or switching regions including entering dungeons. We're working to resolve it as quickly as possible.

4th Mar 2022 patchnote

  • Balanced dungeon fishing chances once more
  • Improved Vendor Search sorting & window layout
  • Shadow Wyrm appearance updated to be semi-transparent like on UO
  • Fixed an issue with Wrong & Ice dungeon entrances sometimes causing pets to seemingly disappear
  • Fixed an issue causing pets in the stables to still count as an active pet in some cases
  • Fixed an issue with being unable to perform any actions at all while paralyzed
  • Fixed an issue preventing dueling in some cases or getting stuck during the countdown process
  • Fixed issue with Duel Leaderboard not showing player names
  • Fixed an issue, again, with some cloaks being equipped to the wrong slot (see the Item Fixer NPC to fix pre-existing cloaks)

26th Feb 2022 knownissue

We're investigating the following issues and will try to improve or resolve them as soon as possible:

  • an issue causing Boss Encounters to reset for no apparent reason (many have reported that it is due to another character(s) coming within range and then leaving again, this is not confirmed)
  • an issue preventing house walls from becoming transparent while inside of the house
  • an issue with line of sight for teleporting and Fishing and other areas where LOS is required; this is currently happening in various places around the world at places with fences like farms and graveyards and docks and potentially other places.

24th Feb 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with Dragon Meat not being obtainable
  • Fixed an issue with pet aggression, may have caused erratic pet behavior or other pet related issues
  • Fixed issue with treasure chests sometimes having only gold or very little loot
  • Prevented applying traps to already trapped containers
  • Prevented applying traps too quickly, must wait 1 minute between each placement
  • Added ability to use Disarm Trap on Tinker Trapped containers, with a reduced damage if tripped; removing your own trap requires\gives no skill

22nd Feb 2022 patchnote

  • Added abandoned pet alerts for owners, if your pet is abandoned and wandering you will receive periodic alerts
  • Balanced decipher chance for treasure maps
  • Fixed issue with Upgrade Plainly Drawn Treasure map recipe not detecting maps in backpack
  • Fixed issue with treasure maps not being detected while digging if they are nested in other containers in the backpack
  • Fixed issue with Shovel not being able to be used from the hotbar consistently
  • Fixed issue with Sturdy Shovel not having the Dig ability while equipped
  • Improve treasure map digging from a distance, now you will see "the treasure appears to be nearby" and a sparkle effect will play at the treasure's location
  • Fixed issue with some treasure map monsters not being aligned causing them to attack each other
  • Balanced chance for monsters to spawn from treasure chest while looting it
  • Map waypoints will now be shown in all regions instead of the region you added them from
  • Fixed issue with not being able to craft Exceptional tools
  • Exceptionally crafted items now have "Exceptional" tooltip applied
  • Added /changeprice command to be able to quickly change prices of your vendor for sale items
  • Reworked the /mount or /remount command to be consistent with double clicking your mount
  • Fixed issue with Spellbook spell count tooltip being inaccurate in some cases
  • Fixed issue with Runebook showing "0 charges were consumed" when using a regular runebook versus a sacred runebook
  • Fixed issue with some Full Spellbooks not being detected for crafting recipes
  • Prevented edge cases of non-Young players being able to use or manipulate objects from the Young player chests
  • Attempted to resolve Overweight becoming stuck on players in some cases after dropping items
  • Improved dropping items inside of house to be able to place objects on top of other objects as well as prevent dropping inside of walls causing them to get stuck
  • Fixed issue with players not being able to use/move items in Mailboxes placed in a house
  • Decreased Daily BoD timer from 24 hours to 23 hours
  • Fixed issue with Arch Protection and possibly other spell effects not being refreshed persistently when re-casting them
  • Fixed issue with Tinker Traps not triggering when using Auto Loot on a container

20th Feb 2022 announcement

About a week ago we mentioned that a new teammate would be joining us, and today is the day! We would like to introduce Cultivate, they are joining us to fulfill Game Master duties like player support, events moderating and possibly more things as they grow into their role on the team. Please give them a warm welcome! Welcome aboard Cultivate

18th Feb 2022 announcement

Greetings Citizens,

We would like to film some staged events to create a promotional trailer for Shards of Britannia. With the help and expertise of Hoax, we also require as many players as we can get online at this time.

We hope this video will show a lot of what our amazing community server has to offer! So we would love to see you all at this event!

Before the event players will be put into groups and assigned positions. For example, some players will be fishing on Britain Bridge, some will be in factions fighting, etc.

We need those interested to fill up the positions in this document before the event starts and please join us in Discord:

The last thing planned during the event is to have everyone fight the Hydra.

This event is scheduled for 11:30pm UTC on 2/18, hope to see you there!

17th Feb 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue preventing users from crafting items after the recent patch went live
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to disenchant some items

8th Feb 2022 announcement

We're excited to announce that we've picked 3 winners for the House Decorating Contest! Thanks to everyone who posted their submissions, it was great to see all of the creative designs people come up with.

The winners for this event are as follows:

  • Cleanest Layout: Yew Crossroads Tavern
  • Most Creative: Church of Pantism
  • Best Use of Grouped Objects: Urk Den

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks again to everyone who participated. We will try to do more contests like this in the future and look forward to seeing what else you can create!

Winners: Please reach out to Gorgan to receive your rewards!

24th Jan 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to harvest stone with a normal pickaxe & new pickaxes not having the toggle option
  • Fixed issue with crafting equipment not applying any properties like Exceptional or others
  • Fixed a few Crafting recipe issues for:
    • Cooking: Apple Pie Slice & Cooked Fish: issue fixed prevented cooking these items
    • Carpentry: Hitching Post: removed as this is moved to Veteran Rewards
  • Added improvements to player vendor's Recent Sales tracking; the list will now keep track of how many similar items were sold instead of printing a new line for each individual item & improved the interface readability
  • CAPTCHA has been added to plant picking (cotton harvesting)
  • Added missing Spinning Wheels to all towns
  • Fixed issue with Stone Masonry books being locked down in the backpack (if you have one stuck in your backpack please page for help)
  • Fixed issue with older crafting tools not working in some cases since the addition of Bulk Orders

15th Jan 2022 announcement

Britannia's first Housing Deco competition is underway for the next two weeks! If you think your house decorations are killer, check out the events channel for details and post your screenshots in the house-deco-contest channel. The winner gets a one-of-a-kind piece of deco! Show us what you got!

10th Jan 2022 patchnote

  • Added the ability to dye the deeds of dyeable furniture, and placing and re-deeding the objects will retain their color
  • Fixed an issue preventing player vendor owners from removing items from them, saying "you can't see that"

8th Jan 2022 patchnote

  • Random pop-up camps should now avoid spawning on top of players
  • Fixed an issue with pets that have just become tamed sometimes causing criminal action with their last combatant
  • Fixed issue with player vendors bouncing around sometimes
  • Player vendors should now be able to wear dresses
  • Player vendors will now move Recent Sales to an archive when collecting gold, allowing you to see both Recent Sales and Previous Sales separately
  • Fixed an issue with house storage and lockdown count sometimes being miscalculated
  • Fixed an issue with the Vendor Sell menu for town vendors showing "nil" as the display name for some items
  • Fixed an issue with town vendors running around inside buildings when they wander a small distance from where they spawned
  • Using the stuck option to teleport to town has had its cooldown reduced from 30min to 20min
  • Using the stuck option to teleport to town will now allow you to re-try the option if it failed for one reason or another, preventing you from waiting the cooldown period until you've successfully teleported out of the position you were stuck from
  • Fixed an issue with the Split Stack window auto-closing too quickly in some cases. Note: this window has a 15-second timeout to auto-close if you do not respond in time
  • The Tracking ability should now halt when the target dies

6th Jan 2022 announcement

Our top Wizards have been working tirelessly, and we're happy to announce that the city of Skara Brae, as well as the mainland region to the east of it, will be available in game very, very shortly- and we mean REALLY shortly. While expanded landmass is awesome in and of itself, we wanted to give you a preview of some of the things that come with it:

  • Housing will be enabled in the region on launch
  • A new, mysterious puzzle questline will open up. Players are encouraged to seek out information about strange events in the area- one clue of which is already in the world today.
  • A second faction pillar will be activated in the overland.
  • A new automated/regularly scheduled miniboss will be activated.
  • A celebratory Treasure Hunt Event (similar to the christmas elf's treasure hunt) will occur shortly after launch.
  • A few new, never before seen mobs will be in the region
  • More content in this region undoubtedly will follow.

We're excited to share the team's hard work with everyone VERY soon!

3rd Jan 2022 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue preventing moving/using objects inside secured containers
  • Fixed issue with Friends, Co-Owners, Ban List not being retained properly when relocating a house
  • Fixed issue with house sign not updating properly when relocating a house
  • Added prevention for being able to add items to the trade window when it would put either party overweight
  • Fixed issue with items being dragged out of a player vendor's backpack sometimes being removed from the sale but moved back to the vendor, causing the item to become stuck
  • Fixed issue with not being able to pick up items on player vendors that have been erroneously removed from the sale and moved back to the vendor, now vendor owners should be able to pick these items up and move them to backpack
  • Fixed issue with stablemasters not being able to find pets in some cases when using the Retrieve Pet Out of Range option
  • Added heat source functionality to Stove decoration to be used for cooking
  • Fixed issue with not being able to place 2020 Holiday Hearth & 2020 Winter Throne (from Celador)
  • Reduced cooldown for Pet Stuck option
  • Fixed issue with some AOE spells not damaging hidden players
  • Fixed issue with losing typing progress in the Whisper Reply window if a new whisper is received while typing a response
  • Fixed issue with some secure house containers not having the Security option causing issues with using/opening them; you can now say "i wish to secure this" target the affected container and it will be re-secured

2nd Jan 2022 patchnote

An issue preventing placing houses in some designated housing spots due to "you cannot claim that land" has been resolved. This was due to a designated Treasure Map location being nearby blocking placement, which has now been optimized. In some cases, this may open up a piece of land that previously could not be claimed. This hotfix will go live after the daily restart

1st Jan 2022 patchnote

  • Areas outside of Britain, Minoc, and Cove are now open for house placement
  • A new "Pack and Relocate" option has been added that will allow you to pack your house up and move it to a different location

Relocation details:

  • Initial cost is 20,000gp which is doubled each subsequent move
  • Packing a house for relocation will move all of the house's contents (lockdowns & secures & vendors) to a deed which you can use to re-place the house again somewhere else
  • You will have 2 days to complete the move, after which the house and its contents will decay automatically
  • House relocations have a cooldown of 2 days after a relocation occurs (make sure you are happy with your spot when moving!)
  • In the rare event that it will take someone more than 2 days or an emergency comes up, we will do our best to accommodate players' needs

31st Dec 2021 announcement

We've got an update regarding the landrush announced earlier this month

The landrush will begin at 2:00 pm UTC on 1/1/22 and to see this in your time zone please see the time listed on the Discord Event: as it is reflected in your local time.

At 2:00 pm UTC on 1/1/22 we will restart the server with the update to allow housing around Britain, Minoc & Cove.

We hope this accommodates most people's time zones and you're able to attend and secure the spot of your dreams!

24th Dec 2021 announcement

Happy holidays from the Shards of Britannia staff!

Twelve days of Xmas is about to commence. Santa has set up shop outside of Britain in Paws town. For naughty Britannians, Evil Santa has set up shop outside of Minoc next to the Buccaneer's Den archway teleporter. You will be able to talk to Santa each day, per account, to receive a gift. There may be appearances of Krampus or other evil holiday spirits throughout the event as well, stay tuned for more updates.

Note: Santa will not start handing out presents until 9am UTC Christmas Morning, but if you are logged in starting at midnight UTC on Christmas Eve you will get a gift to open early! :)

Event details from Discord:

22nd Dec 2021 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue preventing skeleton keys from receiving their decay timers, this was an unintended side effect of another hotfix recently
  • Fixed an issue with being able to use objects inside of secured containers when you don't have permission to
  • Fixed an issue with being able to open Lottery Boxes when they are not inside your backpack
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to use/decorate locked down objects that are stacked on top of each other due to line-of-sight, you should now be able to use/decorate objects up to the ceiling

21st Dec 2021 patchnote

  • Fixed an issue causing players to see "you can't do that so quickly" erroneously, as well as preventing players from teleporting in quick succession
  • Tracking distance is now greatly reduced when inside of a Dungeon as part of the ongoing balancing

21st Dec 2021 announcement

On Christmas Eve, the gravedigging vendor will cease to sell Santa's Candle, the item used to trigger the Santa Claws boss event. After Christmas Day, he will be gone for good, along with his Ethereal Reindeer.

15th Dec 2021 patchnote

We've deployed a hotfix for the issue preventing players from releasing objects with collision. The full fix requires a server restart, until then, you can say "I wish to move this" to bring up the Decorating Tool and use the release button from there and it will work.

13th Dec 2021 patchnote

The following changes have been made to help prevent getting items stuck inside of house walls causing them to be unable to be retrieved.

  • Can no longer drop items in places that are blocked or that you cannot see
  • Can no longer release locked down items that are in blocked locations or in a spot you cannot see

Note: In some cases, to decorate and move objects on top of each other you may be required to place items in an open spot first and then use the house Decorate Tool to move them to the desired place

Item Collision issue:

  • Fixed an issue with object collision not being updated/removed when moving or picking-up items that have collision

13th Dec 2021 announcement

Soon you will begin seeing server alerts for ongoing miniboss events that will occur in various areas of the overland on a regular basis. At this time, there will be four different miniboss events available. You should see one happening every day or two once they've been implemented. These events will require a decently sized group to complete.

These bosses potentially drop several brand new rare items created by team member Transcendence. Some are decorative, others are useful.