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5th Jun 2019 archive patchnote

  • Runebooks can no longer be opened on player vendors or pack animals
    - Snooping now has a 1 second cooldown before being able to use the skill again
    - An issue has been resolved with items on player vendors not being able to be interacted with
    - Trapped pouches should now reveal snoopers + adds playing the explosion effect on the snooper
    - The Thief Guildmaster should no longer call the Guards on fellow thieves
    - Snooping nearby noticing system message has been optimized to prevent lots of spam
    - Issue resolved preventing thieves from being able to steal blindly from selecting containers directly/right click steal
    - Stealing is now blocked with items from secure trade window recursively
    - Fixed an issue with opening containers from inside of a trade window doing a snooping check when it shouldn't
    - All containers recursively within a secure trade window will now automatically close any open windows to both traders when trade ends
    - Added UO-style auto-open container to trading-partner when we open a container from the window

3rd Jun 2019 archive patchnote

Snooping, Stealing, Disarm, Hotbars QOL Mega Update
- New Skills: Snooping and Stealing ( &
- New Combat Ability: Disarm, replaces Meditation on the Q hotbar icon (
- New Vendor: Thief Guildmaster, to join the Thieves Guild, also sells Disguise Kits
- Pre-existing decorative containers in towns will now spawn loot allowing thieves to train their stealing and get a little loot in the process

Hotbars QOL Additions
- The left-side hotbar is now draggable
- Hotbars and their icons can now be locked to prevent accidental dragging
- A new Lock button has been added to the bottom-center of the MiniMap to quickly toggle hotbar options
- The Player Settings (minimap gear-icon or /settings command) now has options to toggle Locking of all of the hotbars AND their icons

Various Fixes
- Player names have been removed from backpacks, they will simply be called "a backpack" now
- Pet titles showing "Name's Pet" will now be updated periodically when the owner's name changes
- Players' current target will be cleared automatically when dying and resurrecting
- Players will now be taken out of warmode automatically when dying and resurrecting
- An issue has been resolved with Guards attacking gray and red players on sight even though they have not committed a crime recently -- now they will only kill you if you recently committed a crime or are witnessed committing a crime, and either NPCs or player calls the Guards
- An issue has been resolved with Guards attacking and killing nearby gray and red players that were not their original target
- Fixed Magic Untrap spell to work with lower level traps on containers
- Fixed range on Telekinesis breaking traps to avoid damage
- Fixed an issue with being unable to equip an item from the hotbar when the item is nested in containers in the backpack

29th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Farmers/Chefs now correctly sell potatoes and tomatoes (thanks for the bug report FahQ!)
    - Farmers/Chefs loved that very quick bug report so much that they now also buy and sell broccoli, cucumbers and onions as well.
    - The Ethereals and Event Tokens vendors have moved nearby Magincia bank, city of riches and pride!
    - Fixed bug with Elegant Small and Elegant Tall Glass craftables in Tinkering
    - The crafted alcohol component of Elegant Small and Elegant Tall Glass craftables in Tinkering has been removed

26th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Added 30 Second Cool-down timer on newly made Garden Beds/Plants, preventing quick Destroys of Beds/Plants.
    - Added Toggle Defaults to the Gardening Scythe, allowing players to set the Default to Mow Grass or Kill Plant.

21st May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Event Token vendor has been updated with new items and Carpenter Recipes
    - Memorizable recipes have been introduced!

12th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Bless Spell now prevents Dispel on Magery Summoned Creatures.
    - This was a player recommended enhancement, as so many caster creatures cast Dispel often.
    - If Players keep their Bless Buffs cycled nicely on their Mage Summons, then the Dispel spell is completely nullified in battle, but if the Bless Buff drops, your summon will be Dispelled as normal.

10th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • An issue has been resolved preventing players from dragging a button from the skill window to the hot bar
    - An issue has been resolved with corpses being teleported off of plots automatically

10th May 2019 archive patchnote

  • Gardening: Who wouldn't want to grow their own reagents? Definitely easier said than done! The race towards Green Thumb begins, and be sure to read the Wiki for the nitty-gritty deets, and watch the tutorial video for Gardening in the Wiki!
    - Camping: Discover the wonderful world of Camping with exciting Campfire Regeneration Rates, Buffed Stat Bonuses from Tents, and Classic Instant Logout features when Resting. Be sure to read the Wiki and watch the tutorial video for Camping in the Wiki!
    - Hunger: Players will now be expected to eat something, occasionally, or take a -10 Stats Debuff until they are well fed. It will take approximately 10 in-game hours for a player to start feeling hungry again. Gardening produce is the most effective food at taking care of your hunger pains.
    - Drugs: Old Toby enters our world as a Common plant, but it will be the gateway drug to many more rare drug plants and eventually an expanded Drug Tolerance system, so partake in moderation! You can find the Smoking Pipe for Old Toby a high price from Walter O' Mathis, the Royal Gardener at Lord British's Castle, or simply ask a GM Fletcher to make you one for a lot less.
    - Gardening Wiki =
    - Camping wiki =

28th Apr 2019 archive patchnote

  • Enchanting books are now blessed retroactively and durability will no longer apply to them
    - Inscription crafting will no longer consume mana when failing; mana consumption has been moved to the end of the crafting sequence
    - Player vendors now support account-wide ownership -- any pre-existing vendors will need to be interacted (double click) with one time following this patch to receive the update, after which all of your characters on that account will be able to manage it
    - An issue has been resolved preventing players from marking items as For Sale that are placed on a table or on the ground of a house plot
    - Double clicking/using a lockpick no longer reveals you instantly
    - An issue has been resolved with containers that are locked down on a plot when they are already locked losing their "locked" attribute upon releasing the container rendering Paragon Chests un-pickable