• Macro system re-enabled & window will now only show once instead of refreshing every time a macro repeats
  • Issue with Stablemaster "Retrieve pet out of range" option has been resolved once more, this update was due to go out previously but mistakenly was not applied, now it is
  • Issue with freshly tamed pets not attacking their targets has been resolved
  • Fixed an issue with Young status not being ended when committing a criminal action
  • Fixed issue with "your X will break soon" happening prematurely
  • Prevented ability to resist beneficial spells, especially when casted on thyself
  • Fixed issue with trees not regrowing in a timely manner in some cases

Hello everyone! We are still working around the clock to meet our goals for the Britannia launch. We are still on track and expect to bring the servers online within a target timeframe on 6/20 between 7pm-8pm Eastern Time. This is still subject to change, and may ultimately happen earlier or later, but we will do our best to stick to this timeframe. We'll post again as we get closer and if anything changes. Thanks again for your patience and your support!

Map marker icons have had an optimization pass and have been re-enabled. Just a heads up that we may need to further optimize or change the way the map marker icons appear but will try this for now.

  • Mana Vampire can be cast upon thyself again and will properly do a Resist and Gain check, where previously it would prevent it.

All town vendors have been made invulnerable for the time being while we work on updating their AI to be in line with Britannia-era combat mechanics and as such, they will be unavailable for snooping or thievery while invulnerable. Thanks for your patience while we continue to work on things

We are doing a restart for some updates. We'll be back shortly.

The transition to Britannia is almost complete! Britannia has been live since June 20th, 2021 and the new world is thriving!

There are still some of you who have not made the transfer yet. Don't worry, you still have some time. Celador will remain online until August 1, 2021, we will share a more definite timeframe as we get closer.

In the meantime, please make sure you transfer any remaining characters to Britannia. After Celador shuts down, any remaining characters, houses, and items in the world will not be accessible.

Through the transition process, we have found an extreme amount of abandoned characters and accounts that people have not logged into for years. This presents an opportunity for us to clean up the bloat and increase performance by eliminating stale characters and items.

We've made the difficult decision to proceed with the Celador shutdown and purging old characters, to de-bloat the character database.

We understand that some people may not have had a chance to come back to LOU, so please make sure you tell your friends and family that had previously played but have not come back yet.

Thanks for your support and patience, we appreciate you!

It's finally time! Here is some more supporting information on what to expect:


See you in game!

Patch notes for Test Center are being kept track of here: https://forums.legendsofultima.online/d/28-test-center-patch-notes