Many crates within Dungeon Deceit that were previously inaccessible due to being locked down or out of sight have now been fixed.

Please release & re-place any pre-existing mailboxes if you have any trouble with registering them

The server will be restarting briefly at the top of the hour to deploy some updates, roughly 20 minutes from the time of this post. Patch notes will be posted soon

The server is back online now with the most recent patches applied:

Mages with 80+ skill will now cast a brighter Night Sight orb over beings! 🪄

Player Mail:

  • introducing the new Player Mail system
  • mailboxes placed in houses or rentals can be registered with a name & the mailbox will be assigned a unique 5 digit Address, which is attached to your account
  • registered mailboxes are limited to 1 per account
  • there's no limit to the number of registered mailboxes a house or rental property may have
  • mailboxes may be moved with a house, but demolishing a house requires mailboxes to be first be released
  • sending mail can be done by double clicking on your registered mailbox & searching for your recipient; from there you can compose a message with a Subject, Body & optional Attachments, and then a physical letter will be scribed & mailed to your recipient's mailbox
  • sending mail costs 100gp plus 300gp per attached item, up to 3 items per mail
  • sending mail with attached items allows you to use a Cash On Delivery option, requiring the recipient to pay for the items in order to retrieve them
  • un-claimed attachments will be automatically returned to sender after 7 days if they are not claimed; and any items that have been returned-to-sender will automatically decay after 21 days if the sender does not retrieve them
  • the registry has the the following Privacy settings:
    • Public: Visible address on mailbox & public registry. Others can send mail
    • Unlisted: Address hidden on mailbox & public registry. Others can send mail if they know your address, senders have to type in your exact address in order to mail you. You can view your unique address from the Mailbox Menu
    • Private: Address hidden on mailbox & public registry. Others CANNOT send you mail, but you can still send mail
  • players are able to block senders at any time from the Registry list or when reading a letter sent from someone, this ensures that the sender cannot send you any mail at all; Note: blocks do not persist when un-registering your address

Player Vendor Buy Orders:

  • introducing Vendor Buy Orders for player vendors
  • these can be purchased from Banker vendors
  • How to use: Place this on your vendor and mark it as Not For Sale to begin using it. From there, you can target an item that you wish to buy from other players, and then players can sell you items by double clicking the Buy Order, up to a limit of your choosing. Funds will be used from your vendor's balance

Jousting Skill, Betting & Leaderboard:

  • Added Jousting as a Secondary Skill which will have a chance to gain with each round & players' skill will influence the outcome of the round
  • You can now enter a Bet Amount when choosing a Jousting partner (the initiator will choose)
  • Bets will be settled automatically at the end of the round where losers pay the winner if they still have the gold available; rounds will be unable to start unless both parties have the gold to bet with
  • added 10% House Cut (fee) for using Betting
  • improved betting to charge players before the round starts to guarantee that the winnings are paid for; if for any reason the game is interrupted the wagers will be refunded to both players automatically
  • fixed issue with some jousting actions being performed twice causing multiple messages to appear and other unexpected behavior
  • fixed issue with time limit expiry not ending the game and ejecting players as intended
  • added progress bar to display the time limit
  • prevented equipping items to slots that are occupied by a temporary object (jousting spear & helmet) [we may expand on 'Jousting Gear' later]
  • prevented casting spells whilst jousting
  • prevented using Stuck option whilst jousting
  • Jousting Leaderboard added to keep count of wins & losses and total bets won/lost
  • Note: There are 2 jousting arenas and the leaderboard placed at Vesper Crossroads

There's a known issue with accounts that were recently transferred not having the Deposit Balance transfer along with it, we will be correcting this as quickly as possible for the affected accounts and will post an update once it's been corrected.

UPDATE: This issue has been corrected now and the Deposit Balances should be updated for all affected accounts, sorry for the issue!

The server is back online. Thanks for your patience.

At 9am UTC on September 5th, Shards of Britannia will remain offline for up to 3 hours while some critical maintenance tasks are performed. Please keep an eye on #news in Discord in order to be notified on when the game is available again.

Thank you for your patience.

This is a reminder of the project's Vacation Hold policy for player houses. If you are in any position where you cannot get to the game for an extended time, whether it be military deployment, natural disasters, or something else please contact us, and we can consider your request to put your house into a Vacation Hold to prevent it from decaying in the normal timeframe.

The following upcoming changes are available for testing on our Test Center server:

Jousting Skill, Betting & Leaderboard:

  • Added Jousting as a Secondary Skill which will have a chance to gain with each round & players' skill will influence the outcome of the round
  • You can now enter a Bet Amount when choosing a Jousting partner (the initiator will choose)
  • Bets will be settled automatically at the end of the round where losers pay the winner if they still have the gold available; rounds will be unable to start unless both parties have the gold to bet with
  • Leaderboard added to keep count of wins & losses and total bets won/lost
  • Note: There are 2 jousting arenas and the leaderboard placed at Vesper Crossroads, shown on the universal moongate as (Housing: Minoc/Jousting)

Cleaning Up Britannia vendors have been spawned around most of the Banks for spending your CUB points. Thanks for keeping Britannia clean!

The following upcoming changes are available for testing on our Test Center server:

Player Mail:

  • introducing the new Player Mail system
  • mailboxes placed in houses or rentals can be registered with a name & the mailbox will be assigned a unique 5 digit Address, which is attached to your account
  • registered mailboxes are limited to 1 per account
  • there's no limit to the number of registered mailboxes a house or rental property may have
  • mailboxes may be moved with a house, but demolishing a house requires mailboxes to be first be released
  • sending mail can be done by double clicking on your registered mailbox & searching for your recipient; from there you can compose a message with a Subject, Body & optional Attachments, and then a physical letter will be scribed & mailed to your recipient's mailbox
  • sending mail costs 100gp plus 300gp per attached item, up to 3 items per mail
  • sending mail with attached items allows you to use a Cash On Delivery option, requiring the recipient to pay for the items in order to retrieve them
  • un-claimed attachments will be automatically returned to sender after 7 days if they are not claimed; and any items that have been returned-to-sender will automatically decay after 21 days if the sender does not retrieve them
  • the registry has the following Privacy settings:
    • Public: Visible address on mailbox & public registry. Others can send mail
    • Unlisted: Address hidden on mailbox & public registry. Others can send mail if they know your address, senders have to type in your exact address in order to mail you. You can view your unique address from the Mailbox Menu
    • Private: Address hidden on mailbox & public registry. Others CANNOT send you mail, but you can still send mail
  • players are able to block senders at any time from the Registry list or when reading a letter sent from someone, this ensures that the sender cannot send you any mail at all; Note: blocks do not persist when un-registering your address

Player Vendor Buy Orders:

  • introducing Vendor Buy Orders for player vendors
  • these can be purchased from Banker vendors
  • How to use: Place this on your vendor and mark it as Not For Sale to begin using it. From there, you can target an item that you wish to buy from other players, and then players can sell you items by double clicking the Buy Order, up to a limit of your choosing. Funds will be used from your vendor's balance

2. What/how to test:


Place a house & a Mailbox (can get placement tool & mailbox deed from Test Center - Housing vendor) 1) send mail to a mailbox in another region 2) send mail to a mailbox in the same region 3) try sending mail without attachment 4) try sending mail with attachment(s) without Cash on Delivery 5) try sending mail with attachment(s) & Cash On Delivery 6) make sure you can claim items for mail without a Cash on Delivery 7) make sure you can claim items for mail WITH Cash on Delivery and paying for it 8) try returning mail to sender (mail sent to you needs to have attachments) 9) try registering multiple mailboxes on one account 10) change your registration to Unlisted and try to send mail to that box from another account by typing in the Address of your Unlisted mailbox 11) change your registration to Private and try to send mail to that box, it should be impossible 12) try Blocking a sender and then try to send/receive mail from them (try from both sides)

Buy Orders:

1) place a vendor & place a Vendor Buy order on them (can get vendor & buy order from Banker vendor) 2) set the Buy Order to Not For Sale and then double click it to set it up 3) target an item, like a resource or object you can easily test with, and finish setting up the Buy Order by choosing a price per item you wish to pay 4) deposit some gold to your vendor to make sure they have funds to buy items 5) try changing the Limit on the buy order to make sure that works well

From another account: 1) go to the vendor and double click the Buy Order 2) target the matching object in your backpack to try to sell it to the vendor 3) if the vendor has enough gold then you will receive gold and your items will be moved to the vendor

After your vendor has bought some items, go back to the owner account: 1) go back to your vendor 2) right click the Buy Order to choose "Claim Items" to gather the items that the vendor has bought

The state of the Test Center:

  • Test Center is online and available with the following regions: Minoc, Britain, Shame
  • a universal moongate has been added to the towns & dungeon for quick travel
  • there are no existing houses placed & you should be able to place one
  • added a few Rental Properties around Britain & Minoc for testing
  • please discuss in Discord #test-center-chat and report bugs in-game as usual or in Discord
  • Shards of Britannia Homestead Haven Lottery Has Begun!
  • The Fishing Lottery boxes have had new items added.
  • Limited Time Alert: Rare Hue Masks now at the Shame Dungeon Token Vendors!
  • The Noble Coin Vendor is back with a range of fresh items.

The August Bazaar end-date is being extended from September 1st to September 15th. There's still plenty of vendor spots available, and they can be rented until September 1st.

The following Bazaar will be Autumn related as we enter into October, our favorite time of year!

We've reset the mining caves due to an issue where they did not clear their "currently in-use" state after players exited. We will continue to monitor for further issues

~~ The Yew Crypts & Britain Sewers regions are currently undergoing maintenance and their entrances have been temporarily disabled. Expected downtime is less than 2 hours ~~

The Yew Crypts & Britain Sewers regions are now open again

Some or all undead pets may have skills that exceed the normal skill-cap of 700.0 due to those pets gaining Spirit Speak and Forensic Eval which will prevent players from training their pets beyond a certain limit once they reach the cap. To work around this issue, we've updated the Skill Cap for Undead pets to 900 to account for the additional 2 skills being trained on them. Note: This may be subject to change in the future.

~~ We've received multiple reports of an issue with players experiencing delays with being able to perform actions immediately after region-transfers in some cases. We're investigating and working to resolve it as quickly as possible ~~

UPDATE: This is now marked as resolved

If you still encounter an issue where your pet(s) did not leave a Mining Cave with you then Stablemasters will retrieve any pets from inside mining caves for free until we resolve the root cause.

Shards of Britannia is no longer accepting Steam Account transfer requests.

If you are new or returning to the game, please create a new account following the instructions on our website:

If you already submitted a transfer, we are still working on processing the requests, but it may take some more time, so please continue to be patient and we will reach out to you via email when necessary. Batches of transfers are usually completed once a month due to the time it takes to complete them.

Please Note: If you recently returned to SOB and submitted a Steam transfer request, it may not be required. If you did not play on SOB prior to June 2021 then you will have no prior progress to transfer over, and thus you should continue playing on your new account(s)