• Moat fishing chances have been increased

  • New rares have been added to Dungeon fishing

  • Thieves with GM Lockpicking can now attempt to lockpick containers inside other players backpacks. This action will turn the thief grey and there is a 50% chance to reveal them if hidden.

  • Tinkers can now craft a new item called a Trap Disarmer

  • GM Thieves (snooping & stealing) can use the trap disarmer to attempt to disarm trapped containers in another players backpack. This action will turn the thief grey and also has a 50% chance to detonate the trap. When trapped containers are disarmed it is only for 20 -30 seconds.

  • Trapped containers can no longer be put inside other trapped containers.

General Fixes

  • Corrected the Smoke Bomb crafting recipe to use Iron only, it was not intended to be crafted with other metals
  • Fixed an issue with Halloween bless deed not accepting some Halloween items
  • Fixed an issue with Treasure Map Globes not doing anything when double clicking them & re-added missing Security context option


  • Fixed an issue with boat collision preventing line of sight in some cases for passengers or beings in the water & should also improve being randomly ejected to land while sailing
  • Fixed an issue with SOS shipwrecks not appearing
  • Added recent combat cooldown & criminal travel prevention to using a ship key's right-click option 'Teleport To Ship'
  • You can now target a ship key with the Recall spell to try to travel to the boat
  • Using Recall on a ship key does not incur the same cooldown as using the right-click option, allowing you to travel more frequently in some cases
  • You can now use the Teleport spell to teleport onto boats you have permission to board, as well as NPC ships (keep an eye out for Ghost ships soon!)


  • Reduced the chance for Headless Horseman to spawn on a tameable mount, this was previously higher than intended
  • Added Throwable Pumpkin to the Candy Vendor's buy-back list

Halloween Costumes

  • Added a new Costume feature with over 50 variations of animals & monsters to collect
  • Comes as a blessed bag object with limited charges
  • Using the costume will shapeshift your character into the designated shape, similar to the Polymorph spell
  • Unlike Polymorph, costumes do not make you criminal and attackable by all, so you can wear your costumes and hangout in town safely
  • Costumes can be worn indefinitely throughout the Halloween season but they will fall off if you engage in combat, commit a crime, or die
  • Currently, these can be obtained from pop-up Halloween camps throughout the world

Halloween Additions & Improvements

  • Added new animated mummy, spider webs, spider eggs, torture rack & iron maiden house add-on options to the Headless Horseman Boss loot
  • Added an alternate Headless Horseman Sickle to the boss loot
  • Added Halloween Kilt to the Candy Vendor
  • Added the ability to sell some common Halloween 2022 clothing items to the Halloween Vendors in exchange for 1 Blood Candle or 25 Candy
  • Reduced decay time for invasion spawn mob corpses; corpses will now decay much more quickly to help avoid mass corpse pile-up, make sure to loot quickly!
  • Updated the direct-to-player loot tables damage threshold; previously you would have to do 1% damage to a mob in order to qualify for loot which was capped at 100 damage, going forward it will be explicitly 1% damage with no cap; this is to reduce & discourage abuse with hitting the boss a few times in order to qualify for loot

Golden Apples can now be found within some monsters loot in all dungeons. When you have enough of these apples they can be traded for a magic key at specific merchants within the world.

From time to time you may find a magic chest at your local bank and if you have a magic key you will be able to open it to find special loot.

The server is coming back online shortly! Unfortunately, there was an issue we could not recover from and the world-save needs to be rolled back 24 hours to Oct 9th at 9am UTC. We've tried everything in our power to prevent the roll-back, but it was beyond recovery. We apologize for the lost time and appreciate your patience and support through the rough patches.

We've identified an issue with the server and are working to get it back online ASAP. No ETA at this time. Thank you for your patience.

We've identified an issue causing a server crash sometimes in relation to in-game alerts being sent to Discord. Due to this, we will be turning off the Discord #server-alerts for a short time. We will soon be changing how alerts are delivered to Discord from in-game to resolve this. After the fix has been applied, you will notice that there may be a short delay before alerts are delivered to Discord, but otherwise, they will continue to work as usual. Thanks for your patience through the rough patches!

Halloween Invasions:

  • The Halloween Witch vendor is now available to buy spawn activators from in exchange for blood candles
  • Halloween invasion will be rotated periodically throughout the month to different locations
  • You can use the spawn activator's "Check Spawn Location" option to see where to use it

Skeletal Steeds:

  • Skeletal Horse added which requires no skill to ride, has a chance to be spawned as the Headless Horseman's mount from gravedigging
  • Stronger Skeletal Steed added, matches Nightmare stats & skills, has a chance to be spawned as the Headless Horseman Boss' mount from invasions

More updates to come! Happy Trick or Treating!

Legends of Aria recently announced that the game is being removed from Steam, but it remains listed for a time to allow existing users time to move to standalone accounts.

New players should avoid Steam and use the normal standalone version of the game.

Existing Steam users that have not yet migrated your account(s) from Steam to a standalone account should fill out the form provided by Legends of Aria staff: https://forms.gle/fHocUY2TNfmz8f9U7

Please note that Shards of Britannia staff has no control over the Steam migration process, please direct all concerns or questions to Legends of Aria staff

An issue with not being able to loot corpses in level 5 Despise has been resolved.

Deer masks can now be crafted! Find antlers from harvesting Great Harts.

Level 5 Despise is now open!

-Deer Masks can now be crafted in game! Try harvesting antlers from Great Harts. -Level 5 Despise is now open!

We're aware of and working to resolve the issue of randomly being ejected to the nearest beach while navigating a boat.

Halloween Candy Hoarder vendors have been spawned around cemeteries. Soon we will add another vendor, the Halloween Witch, which will take your Blood Candles in exchange for Invasion Spawn activators. We will try to add more activities and goodies throughout the month, stay tuned!

Note: We've fixed an issue preventing players from using Gravedigging in some cases

The Halloween activities are being deployed across Britannia and will be available throughout the month of October!

There will be a Halloween day-of handout & staff-run events as time permits.

Pumpkins & Halloween Gravesites will be randomly scattered across the over-world. Smash the pumpkins and kill the monsters for a chance to get a reward or candy that can be spent at the Halloween Vendors

We're re-using a lot of last year's items and activities, but we've refreshed the prices & appearances of a lot of the items, as well as added several new options. We may continue to add on to the Halloween options throughout the month, stay tuned for future updates.

  • Halloween Vendors:

    • Candy Hoarder Vendor: collect candy by smashing pumpkins and killing Halloween mobs to buy Halloween goodies
      • last year's candy corn can be traded for fresh candy
    • Witch Vendor: collect Blood Candles from smashing pumpkins and killing Halloween mobs to trade for Invasion Spawn activator
    • these vendors will be spawned around cemeteries
  • Halloween Paragons:

    • chance for compatible monsters to spawn as a Halloween Paragon that will have a chance to drop a reward or candy that can be spent at the Candy Vendor
    • Paragons have the highest chance to spawn in the Daily Dungeon, the second-highest chance to spawn in other dungeons, and the third-highest chance to spawn in over-world zones
    • Paragons that spawn in the Daily Dungeon will have a higher chance to drop special items
  • Gravediggers will enjoy chances to obtain more goodies & a chance to spawn the Headless Horseman (even more goodies?)

  • Fishers will enjoy a small chance to find candy as they fish & we will work to add some Fishing related Halloween encounters soon

We're aware of some issues with digging up the gravesites in the Halloween camps in some cases and are working to resolve it

Hail citizens,

We are writing to inform you of some updates regarding project funding. Firstly, thanks to everyone that contributes or has contributed to the project’s funding. We can’t thank you enough for your continued support and passion for the project.

While many of you already contribute regularly, there is a more substantial need today, more than ever, to ensure the project's financial needs are met. As we’ve mentioned previously, it isn’t cheap to host the variety of services that make this project possible.

To thank you for your contributions and to help try to incentivize patronage, we are excited to announce that starting in October 2022, we will begin rolling out updates for new Patron Benefits

What is Patron Benefits, you ask?

Patron Benefits will offer monthly donors in-game benefits such as:

  • Extended House Decay (completed)

  • Cosmetic items like wearables & house decor (work in progress)

  • Resource Box/NPC Butler (planned feature)

  • More to come later!

Note: Patron benefits are not intended to, nor do we plan to, offer options that would provide a gameplay advantage to patrons over other players.

Patron Benefits requires a registration process, so be sure to get your registration completed as quickly as possible!

To register and read more about Patron Benefits, check out all the details on our wiki page here: https://wiki.shardsofbritannia.com/en/donations

Once again, we want to thank each of you for being here with us & we hope to continue to provide you with entertainment and new memories for years to come. We hope you enjoy the new Patron Benefits!

The Legends of Aria outage has been resolved and the Shards of Britannia server is coming online now. Thanks again for all of your patience through the unexpected downtime!