We are back online. We will be monitoring closely, however please note that if the issue that caused us problems earlier returns, we may have to go offline again at short notice.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

-- The Team

Warriors, rejoice! The Colosseum has moved to its new and permanent location, an island just outside of Buccaneer's Den. While it will be used for PVP server events, it is also intended to be a general use area for consensual, non-faction PVP. Thus, the following rules will take effect in the area after the next restart:

  1. Combat and murder actions will not flag as criminal on the island. You will not receive murder counts on the island.
  2. If a red is killed on the island, their next immediate resurrection will be free. Short term murder counts will not reset, and the free res does not apply if you were killed anywhere but on the island.
  3. You cannot mark runes at or recall to the island. Teleporters are up at Britain Bank and Buccaneer's Den moongate.

Full loot is in effect on the island, so tread lightly. For those brave enough, glorious combat awaits!

The server is back online.

The servers are offline for the time being while we prepare for the transition process. As you know our team is global and therefore we are scheduling plenty of time in advance to allow for all teammates to complete any duties. Thanks for your patience through the downtime and please check back here periodically for further updates. See you on the other side!

Some of you have reported persistent issues with being unable to fully update the game client using the LOA Launcher. At this time, if the troubleshooting steps outlined here: https://forums.legendsofultima.online/d/46-legends-of-aria-launcher-troubleshooting do not help, then we would normally advise users to download the client using the "Problems with the launcher? Click here" link on the download page, but the latest build has not been published there yet. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working with CS to get it published as quickly as possible for those affected. Thank you for your patience

The rules page has been moved from the old wiki to the LOU website at https://legendsofultima.online/about/rules

​​​​​​​Some changes were made so please make sure you read the page and familiarize yourself with the rules, as they go into effect immediately.

Thanks for your understanding and for playing fair.

  • Performance improvements.
  • Destard's loot has been improved.
  • Destard spawner density has been decreased.
  • Some low end Undead monsters have had their loot slightly increased.
  • Low end monsters in Despise have had their loot decreased.
  • Wrong's loot has been improved.
  • Ice Dungeon's loot has been improved.
  • Macro system re-enabled & window will now only show once instead of refreshing every time a macro repeats
  • Issue with Stablemaster "Retrieve pet out of range" option has been resolved once more, this update was due to go out previously but mistakenly was not applied, now it is
  • Issue with freshly tamed pets not attacking their targets has been resolved
  • Fixed an issue with Young status not being ended when committing a criminal action
  • Fixed issue with "your X will break soon" happening prematurely
  • Prevented ability to resist beneficial spells, especially when casted on thyself
  • Fixed issue with trees not regrowing in a timely manner in some cases

Go play!

  • (QOL) Players that deliver the killing blow on a non-player mobile will automatically open the corpse backpack if they are within looting range.
  • (QOL) New Right-Click Mutilate ability on non-player corpses will allow corpse pile micro-management by forcefully removing body piles while keeping the lootable backpack via the CTRL function.
  • Using the Harvest ability before Mutilate is ideal, as Mutilate will now automatically open the corpse backpack too.
  • Mutilate will also leave a bloodstain in the place of the body.

We're going to need to do an additional restart in about 20 minutes so that we can try to help some players who are unable to login. No downtime expected. Thank you for your patience as we try to get everyone in game again!

  • Campers must be dismounted throughout the entire build process.
  • Camping now has additional chances to gain throughout the entire build process, and Adding Kindling/Logs give a chance too.
  • Camping fail rates now have a 50% minimum that scales up with greater skill.
  • Campers with 80 skill or greater now have a chance to recover materials when Destroying their camps.

The interactive map has now moved to:


Please update your bookmarks! We have also updated the wiki.

We'll remain offline for up to an hour during the next restart window (type /nextrestart to see when that is.) to run some additional maintenance tasks. Thank you for your patience, as always.

Town NPC Changes

  • Bowyers will now sell Bows, Siege Bows, and Heavy Siege Bows.
  • Bowyers will now buy bows from players.
  • Minoc now has an Armorsmith at the Forgery, a Bowyer at Warriors' Battle Gear, and a new Jeweler Shop named Gorgeous Gems.

Test Center Hotfixes have been applied:

  • Fixed issue with the house menu not updating the label for decay stage after refreshing
  • Prevented placing houses over any objects
  • House placement now correctly looks for Housing subregions instead of Britain.Wind for validating placement & housing subregions have been placed throughout most of the world
  • Prevented picking up items recently dropped from a collapsed house by Young characters
  • Prevented trading items recently dropped from a collapsed house by all
  • Active gain bonuses have been greatly increased.
  • Spells casted by monsters will no longer be subject to no challenge skill check for resisting spells. This means that any harmful spell will present a gain opportunity for the player's resisting spells skill.
  • Evaluating Intelligence is no longer subject to no challenge skill check when successfully casting a spell. This means that any harmful spell casted by a player will result in a skill gain opportunity for Evaluating Intelligence. This is comparable to how Anatomy gains with combat skills.
  • The curve for daily caps has been made less severe at the upper end.
  • Threat generation has been increased for healing and ranged damage.
  • Certain monsters will more aggressively consider targeting players further away from them.
  • Updated crafting window Repair button to show how to make a repair deed
  • CAPTCHA improvements
  • Fixed issue with some characters being unable to log in if they were previously unable to complete the transition from Celador
  • Fixed issue with trees being "too far away" in North Minoc area
  • Logging out in a dungeon will result in being teleported to Limbo when logging back in, if logging in 20+ minutes after logging out
  • Marking runes is now possible inside Dungeons on Levels 1 except for Despise being able to mark on Levels 2 & 3
  • The following actions are prevented around the nearby areas surrounding dungeon entrances, both interior and exterior:
    • gaining skills
    • marking runes
    • casting field spells
    • dropping objects
  • Added New Character Settings for Toggling Auto-Open of Killing Blow/Mutilate/Harvest under Combat Options.

An issue with not being able to leave your group in some cases has been resolved. Please log out and back in to receive the update, then try right-clicking your character and choosing Leave Group to try once more.