Power hour will no longer expire after 60 real-time minutes from activation, instead will expire after 60 minutes of in-game playtime, with the same 22-hour cooldown from the time you started it last

This means if you log out before using all of your Power Hour then you can log back in and use what's remaining before the 22 hours is up, after which Power Hour will be reset and you will be able to activate it again

Non-faction players can no longer create collision with, heal, or give beneficial spells to faction players

Sounds from applying bandages as well as sounds from instruments will now only play to yourself while inside of town.

Dungeon Despise is now available for again for your spelunking pleasure.

All wandering healers have had their wanderlust reduced temporarily, until we can make them visible via map icons once again. The markers available via https://lou-map.herokuapp.com/ can be used to locate them.

The Auto Stack or Stack All option(s) was removed before the Britannia launch, but some people still had it enabled after the transition, even though the option was removed.

This feature has caused several client\graphical glitches in the past for people as items are moved around or consumed very quickly. The feature has been disabled in favor of preventing multiple stacks from accumulating in the first place.

Please let us know if you run into a scenario where multiple stacks of similar items are being added to your backpack when you wouldn't expect them to, and we will work to optimize any remaining cases.

  • Monsters may no longer be provoked onto other players or pets.
  • Fixed incorrect food being created when summoning food.
  • Fixed incorrect asset being used for Acid elementals in Despise.
  • Addressed some issues with players being unable to login.
  • The in-game Macro system will be disabled as we research a performance issue with the system.
  • Thank you for your continued patience as we isolate, find, and fix performance issues and bugs.

Server will be back in about 15 minutes after updates. Thanks!

Last chance to sign up for the pvp tournament! Signup closes at 4:00 AM UTC on the 28th (about 6 hours from this posting).

After the window has closed, all enrolled players will be added to a special event channel for prelims and a bracket will be generated randomly.

  • New "Fall Asleep" right-click ability on Tents grants the Camp/Tent Owner instant logout perk.
  • The "Fall Asleep" ability only functions for the Owner when their Secured Campsite and Tent are close by.
  • The "Rest" right-click ability no longer puts the player inside the tent automatically and instead plays a stretching animation as the stats buff applies, and the Rest ability works for all players.
  • The "Rest" Stat Buff Duration now scales to Camping skill with a 20 minute Min, and a 2 hour Max at GM Camping.
  • Updated tooltips throughout the camping process to reflect changes.
  • Fixed issue with skill gains not firing throughout build stages.
  • Buff icon display adjustments.


  • Loot tables have been adjusted for Shame.
  • Loot tables have been adjusted for Destard.
  • Young players will no longer trigger mobile collision.
  • There is now a 1 second cooldown between mobile collisions.
  • Corpse mutilate option optimized, double-clicking blood spatter will open corpse as expected, and can also right-click and choose Loot All
  • Issue with commanding pets to attack groupmates or your own pets resulting in "they cannot be attacked" erroneously has been resolved
  • Blessed objects will now be moved to the backpack if they are inside another container in your backpack when you die


Firstly, thank you all for your patience during this trying time. During this last window of the game being online, we were working closely with our hosting provider to identify further options for mitigation of the DDoS attacks that we are experiencing, beyond what was already implemented. We are now working with them to enable what is necessary.

Please note that this may take some time, and at this time, we will not be bringing the server online again until these steps are in place.

Also please note that we are not going to discuss the mitigations we are putting in place in any way. That would be detrimental to our cause. Rest assured that we know what our next steps are and we'll continue to work through what needs to be done to eliminate this threat.

Thank you once again, and we hope to return to service as soon as we can. There is no ETA at this time, however we do expect this process to take at least 1-2 days. As always, keep an eye on #news for any further updates.

A bug allowing users to repeatedly magically lock dungeon chests for gains has been patched

The following changes are now live on the Test Center:

  • Lumberjacking has been refreshed to be more in alignment with UO

  • Successful harvests will produce up to 20 logs per swing

  • Trees now have a maximum amount of wood that can be harvested

  • Harvest bonuses removed and Prospector's Tool disabled for now, needs redesigned

  • Kindling/apples removed from normal lumberjacking routine

  • Can now use blade to cut trees to gather kindling

  • Can chop trees in town, but resources are halved

The Britain Sewers are now open. This is a young-only dungeon, and designed to be quite simple to survive and skill up in for new players.

Server will be restarting in about 5 minutes. ETA about 15 minutes. Thank you!

Map marker icons have had an optimization pass and have been re-enabled. Just a heads up that we may need to further optimize or change the way the map marker icons appear but will try this for now.

  • Mana Vampire can be cast upon thyself again and will properly do a Resist and Gain check, where previously it would prevent it.