Legends of Aria recently announced that the game is being removed from Steam, but it remains listed for a time to allow existing users time to move to standalone accounts.

New players should avoid Steam and use the normal standalone version of the game.

Existing Steam users that have not yet migrated your account(s) from Steam to a standalone account should fill out the form provided by Legends of Aria staff: https://forms.gle/fHocUY2TNfmz8f9U7

Please note that Shards of Britannia staff has no control over the Steam migration process, please direct all concerns or questions to Legends of Aria staff

Hail citizens,

We are writing to inform you of some updates regarding project funding. Firstly, thanks to everyone that contributes or has contributed to the project’s funding. We can’t thank you enough for your continued support and passion for the project.

While many of you already contribute regularly, there is a more substantial need today, more than ever, to ensure the project's financial needs are met. As we’ve mentioned previously, it isn’t cheap to host the variety of services that make this project possible.

To thank you for your contributions and to help try to incentivize patronage, we are excited to announce that starting in October 2022, we will begin rolling out updates for new Patron Benefits

What is Patron Benefits, you ask?

Patron Benefits will offer monthly donors in-game benefits such as:

  • Extended House Decay (completed)

  • Cosmetic items like wearables & house decor (work in progress)

  • Resource Box/NPC Butler (planned feature)

  • More to come later!

Note: Patron benefits are not intended to, nor do we plan to, offer options that would provide a gameplay advantage to patrons over other players.

Patron Benefits requires a registration process, so be sure to get your registration completed as quickly as possible!

To register and read more about Patron Benefits, check out all the details on our wiki page here: https://wiki.shardsofbritannia.com/en/donations

Once again, we want to thank each of you for being here with us & we hope to continue to provide you with entertainment and new memories for years to come. We hope you enjoy the new Patron Benefits!

The Legends of Aria outage has been resolved and the Shards of Britannia server is coming online now. Thanks again for all of your patience through the unexpected downtime!

The Moonglow Bazaar has officially ended. Don't worry, we will do more Bazaar events again in the future in different locations.

If you had a vendor rented at the Bazaar, the vendor's equipment & contents will be safely packed into the account vault. See the original announcement for details: https://shardsofbritannia.com/news/moonglow-bazaar

Thanks to those that have participated and made the Moonglow Bazaar a success! See you at the next event.

If you are a new player and are having trouble accessing the "Create Account" or "Buy Citizen Pass" buttons from our website, please try once more.

Recently Legends of Aria moved their website to https://classic.legendsofaria.com which caused the links on our website to become outdated & taking visitors to the wrong address.

These links have now been updated on our website, but here's the new link for the Citizen Pass purchase portal if you still need it: https://classic.legendsofaria.com/checkout/?itemId=CitizensPass

For those of you in Discord, we have added a new voice channel called UO Music where you can listen to a loop of UO music from YouTube while you play. Stay a while and listen! :)

Citadel Studios has completed the necessary migration for community servers to restore service and we are coming back online now. Thanks to CS for the timely updates!

The Moonglow Bazaar has been extended to August 1st at 9am UTC due to the upcoming LoA scheduled maintenance for next week

The Moonglow Bazaar has been extended to August 1st at 9:00am UTC.

There are currently only a few vendor spots left! The prices on these remaining spots have been reduced to 5,000gp for quick sale.

Happy buying and selling!

Citadel Studios posted an announcement on the Legends of Aria Discord server today indicating Scheduled Maintenance that will start next week on Mon July 11th going to Fri July 15th with no specific times stated.

The downtime is expected to affect all LoA services including services required to run community servers. This means that SoB will be inaccessible during the downtime.

Citadel Studios has indicated that they will prioritize Web Services & Login Server first so that community server downtime is minimized. As soon as more information is available we will share it with you all.

See the announcement from Citadel Studios here: https://discordapp.com/channels/120933389929807872/194889383701250048/995050723681255484

Hail citizens of Britannia, we hope you're excited to step foot on Verity Isle and check out Moonglow starting at 2:00 PM UTC on June 1st, 2022.

Shortly before then, we will bring the server offline to commence the updates. Moonglow will become available as an option on the Public Moongate as well as the Ferrymaster destinations.

Fireworks will be provided to visitors of Moonglow during the launch day to help celebrate.

Maybe you'll call this place your new home and put your stake in the ground by placing a house there. Check out the Territory Map on our wiki: https://wiki.shardsofbritannia.com/en/housing#moonglow-territory

We will also be hosting a Bazaar at Moonglow's Lycaeum that will allow players to rent vendors in a public space for a period of time, stay tuned for more updates about that coming soon.

See you in Moonglow!

The auction is about to start! Head to Skara Brae's The Guiding Hand directly next to the bank (west) to attend! Hope to see you there :)

The deadline is now past for tomorrow's auction! Hopefully, everyone was able to put up the items for sale that they wanted to add.

The live auction is scheduled to begin May 21st at 8:00 PM EST/12:00 AM UTC, see the time in your local time here: https://discord.com/events/369023244038045697/971950582489301002

We hope to see you there!

We have an update regarding the launch of Moonglow, another major landmass! The team has been hard at work to bring Moonglow to life and we are almost ready to start letting players in.

Mark your calendars, Moonglow will be going live on June 1st at 2:00 PM UTC, or see the time in your time zone here: https://discord.gg/rAR2Hzgq?event=974857723491520532

Please be aware that we are still finishing the details in some of the building interiors, but everything will be available and functional. The island does have housing regions set up for players to place houses, and there may be some cases of traditional UO house spots that are not placeable, we will try to supply a Housing Map for the region before the launch.

We've fixed the issue causing some players not to be able to use guild and group chats. Thank you for your patience!

In approximately 5 hours from now we'll be doing a server restart and faction events will be disabled until some updates have been made. We will notify when they come back online again. Thanks!

Until May 16th players in factions are free to resign and join another faction without having to wait the normal 7 days. If you are unable to resign just logout and back into the game. Happy slaying!

Just a reminder, Shards of Britannia's First Live Auction is on May 21st!

Make sure to get your items added to the in-game auction board by May 20th at 11:00 PM UTC

To add items and check upcoming auction schedules, talk to the Auctioneer's Assistant NPC in Skara Brae at The Guiding Hand directly West of the bank.

Hope to see you there!

Discord Event link: https://discord.com/events/369023244038045697/971950582489301002

Faction Pillar Conflicts are now running on live! Come join in our factions mayhem as a member of True Britannians, Shadowlords, or Minax. These events will be occurring at least every 4 hours with extra spontaneous events in-between this weekend!

We're back online! Factions update has been deployed and players can now login and join up. Faction events are still being setup and will appear soon! Faction rankings have been reset and legacy factions players will be migrated to factions when they login.

More details and patch notes will follow shortly.