It's been a while, however we're ready to get moving with our next stream! This will be scheduled for 10am EST/3pm UTC next Saturday 29th of August. If you can't make that time, don't worry, we'll be recording the stream and will make it available on YouTube after the fact, or you can watch the VOD on Twitch.

In the next day or two, we'll share a link that will let you ask questions in advance, in case you can't make it on the day. We plan to give you an update of where we are at overall, and look forward to sharing it with you.

Just a reminder, you can find us on Twitch at

Test Center is back online for now, check the #test-center-patch-notes channel for recent changes

Hello everyone, recently the response times for help requests or emails have been a little slower than usual. We apologize if you've had to wait for a while to get a reply from us. We handle issues in the order they are received normally and sometimes it can take time to review, research and to reply back to everyone.

In some cases we have noticed that issues are resolved before we are able to help, which is great! So we want to thank all of you experienced players for your participation with helping others solve common issues, and also thank you for your patience when reaching out to staff.

We would like to remind all players of the Terms of Service that you agree to when connecting to any Legends of Aria-based product. Those Terms of Service can be found here:

Please be advised that in all cases, we fully support immediate action taken on any violation of these terms of service, up to and including banning any accounts that participate in said violation. In addition, in order to protect the project and its affiliations, we will not enter into any further discussion on this topic, public or otherwise.

Thank you for your understanding on this important matter.

The update has been completed and the server is now on the latest version, please make sure you have the latest version intalled to connect to LOU.

Thanks to everyone that attended the stream and submitted questions. If you missed out, don't worry! The stream recording should be available soon, keep an eye out for it at

Happy belated Canada Day & US Independence Day everyone! Make sure to log in sometime before 7/5 12:00am UTC to claim your fireworks wand to celebrate with. Stay safe!

We are aware that many players are looking forward to "June 21st" based upon the most recent YouTube video stating that we hoped to have some big news by Spring 2020. This was not intended as an actual deadline, and was never meant to be received as such, as it was more of a hopeful projection. Meanwhile, as many of you are keenly aware, the "human malware" that has impacted the world, has impacted us too, and things have slowed for everyone. We will be avoiding making such projections in the future unless we are absolutely certain of timelines. Apologies for any unintentional confusion, but we appreciate your passion and excitement for the project! Stay safe.

A new version of the client has been made available and the server is now up to date. Please make sure you have the latest client installed, thank you!

Welcome to May everyone!

Just want to drop by and give all of our dedicated supporters a big round of applause and thank you for continuing to support the project! In the past month we have been working on optimizing our infrastructure to prepare for the future, and we have also spent a lot of time cumulatively working towards the rest of our goals in the push to Britannia. Thanks to everyone that has helped with testing and participating in Test Center events. We'll keep working our hardest and hope to keep making you proud.

We know a lot of you are waiting to find out more about what to expect with the map change and many other changes coming with it, and we appreciate your patience while we continue to work all of that out. Thanks for being with us and remaining patient through our growth!

We should be all wrapped up with the maintenance reboots and the issue preventing ghost characters from logging in should be resolved. If you are still having an issue with login please let us know by emailing [email protected] or DM Gorgan. Thank you for your patience today!

Happy Easter everyone! Hope you have a safe holiday. Hop in game shortly for some festivities! :)

Thanks to various optimisations and improvements, we think we are finally in a good position to return to daily restarts. After the next server restart, subsequent restarts will be at 9am UTC daily. Yay! will be offline/out of service for some time while some back end maintenance is done. Thanks for your patience.

We are back online. Thanks for your patience.

During the next reboot window, which is approximately 3 hours from the timestamp of this message, the live server will remain offline while we perform some back end maintenance. This will take up to one hour.

Thank you for your patience.

With the pandemic currently affecting the whole planet, we just want to remind everyone about the LOU housing policy.

If you are in any position where you cannot get to the game for an extended time, please reach out to us, and we can consider your request to put your house into a Vacation Hold to prevent it from decaying in the normal timeframe.

Stay safe!

  • Every Saturday is PVP Saturday on Legends of Ultima Test Center from 10AM - 12PM EST!
    - Staff will not necessarily bring down Production during these events, unless we need a focused test!
    - Bring It! Fight Saturdays from 10AM-12PM EST on LoU TC!

We're aware of an issue with these systems whereby it is saying the tree or rock is 'Too far'. We'll advise when it has been resolved.

Legends of Ultima is now running on server 0.9.3, you'll need to update your clients. If you are running the standalone client, run the launcher to update. Steam will of course update automatically (without even asking you!).

The main server is now offline for the Test Center scheduled event! Please join us on Test Center. The main server will remain offline until the conclusion of the event, roughly 3 hours.