We are excited to share that housing is going to be enabled in all online regions at the end of the month/beginning of the new year. This means you will be able to place houses around Britain, Minoc, and Cove regions.

Leading up to or at that time we will be enabling the Large Patio house option. We're still working out some kinks with another house model, the Small Workshop, and hope to have that ready by then as well. There's currently no news on any other house models becoming available.

To aid with moving we are also working on some tools to help with packing up house contents and making moves easier for players that don't have another house to use for storage and wish to relocate.

You may be asking yourself, "when is the rest of the map going to open?" We don't have any news at this time in terms of opening up the rest of the map, but we would love to expand the world as quickly as possible.

We will continue to keep you informed of any news that becomes available and we appreciate your support and patience.

The Santa Claws boss is now player triggerable. You must purchase Santa Claws' Candle from the gravedigging vendor, then place it under the Christmas Tree on the western side of the Yew area (where the spawn previously was). It takes 6 players nearby to activate. Once you've assembled, double click the candle.

Pending a restart, a new Necromancer spell has been added. It requires GM Forensic Evaluation, Spirit Speak, and Magery to unlock.

The spell is called Death Ward, and may only be casted on yourself. For its duration, if you are killed/ brought below 0 health, you will instead be returned to 1 HP (at which point Death Ward will be expended and you will once again be vulnerable).

The Faction Pillar / King of the Hill is now in game. It activates once every 80 hours, and you will receive a server alert when it does. It can be found in Destard Level 2.


Hail citizens of Britannia!

I will be producing a 2 to 3 minute promotional video for SOB.

I would like to show player's in-game recorded video's showcasing everything we have to offer.

I would like to get a collection of videos showing people mining, lumberjacking, fighting, stealing, faction wars, etc, etc

If you could upload it and post in stream-and-media I would be very thankful

I will try to get a dropbox or something similar sorted ASAP


A new automated King Of The Hill style Faction event is coming soon to Britannia. The following details outline its basic ideas, but are subject to tweaks before release:

Every 80 hours, the Faction Pillar becomes active. This event is a King Of The Hill style event. Faction players must stay near the pillar and ward off other faction players nearby. This event lasts 30 minutes.

Every 30 seconds, the pillar ticks and determines what Faction players are nearby. If only one faction is nearby (controlling), that faction and each individual player receives 2 points. If two factions are nearby (contested), each faction and player receives 1 point. If 3 factions are nearby, nobody receives points.

At the end of the 30 minutes, the points are tallied up, both total faction points and individual player points. Every player in the winning faction who participated receives 750 Faction Silver. The top 5 players with regard to points, regardless of faction, receive 250 Silver (which may be in addition to winning faction silver). You must be online at the end of the event to receive your reward.

Santa Claws has been successfully chased out of Yew and is now wandering the wilds in search of warriors whose Christmas he can ruin!

'Twas a month before Christmas and all throughout Yew, not a creature was stirring- the guards had all gone too! A cold wind came and quickly they figured out, that Santa Claws and his evil minions would soon be about!

Launching sometime this evening, Yew will be invaded by Santa Claws and his evil minions. Santa Claws will spawn once every 24h, while his minions will spawn very often. Of course rares will be out there for the taking!

Yew will thus be a war zone until Christmas. Yew've been warned!

The Lithos necromancy event will end tomorrow. Its spawn rate has been increased until then.

Necromancy is now live in Britannia! A method of procuring the Necronomicon has been introduced and players are encouraged to discover it.

For a short time, a boss event featuring Lithos, titan of Earth, is also active and is another possible way of obtaining the Necronomicon.

Please read the following articles which outline Necromancy- some changes have been made.



Relics of Lithos, titan of Earth, have been sighted in Britannia- a dark omen of evil events on the horizon.

Necromancy is coming to Britannia and is currently in testing! Shout out to Stimwalt who designed the ideas behind much of this system before he departed the team. The following wiki articles will give you a good idea of what to expect. It is a more hardcore lifestyle than your average blue build.



The server will remain offline for extended maintenance during the next restart window @ 9am UTC on the 12th November. We expect this maintenance to take approximately 1 hour.

Thank you for your patience.

The evil mages summoning Arcadion are growing increasingly desperate and frenzied as their power appears to be waning!

The Arcadion miniboss event for procuring a Summoner's Tome will be ending after this weekend. The Arcadion spawn rate has been greatly increased until then.

We have a new addition to the team! Please help us welcome Transcendence to their new role. They will be starting out helping to triage GM Pages and also helping with events and general gameplay design. Welcome, @Transcendence#6283!

Thanks to everyone participating in the Halloween events and activities, we hope you've enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you. We look forward to doing more in the near future.

  • The Halloween Invasion ends after this weekend, on Monday, Nov 8th
  • Trick-or-Treating (smashing pumpkins, random camp spawns & Halloween Paragons) will remain active until the following week, Monday, Nov 15th
  • The Candy Vendor will remain indefinitely allowing people time to trade and shop

Faction ranks are available on Discord for the new factions- simply run /rank rankname to add your faction role.

Available ranknames are:

  • Minax
  • Shadowlords
  • True Britannians

The new Factions system is about to launch- in preparation, we have removed existing factions from all characters and removed the faction leaders as well. Hold tight while we get everything prepped!

The wiki has a new page for Halloween: https://wiki.shardsofbritannia.com/en/halloween-2021 here you can see information about the Trick or Treating and the kinds of treats you can get! ^_^ Happy Hunting

There is a known issue with Steam users trying to log in to the LOA game, specifically error 105. Citadel Studios, the makers of LOA has been made aware and have stated they are looking into the issue. We hope the issue is resolved shortly so you can begin your Halloween hunting soon! Thanks for your patience.

The server is coming back online with the Halloween festivities activated as described in the previous article here: https://shardsofbritannia.com/news/halloween-event-progress-report

Halloween Paragon mobs will spawn in both dungeons and in overland & smashing pumpkins and graveyard camps will spawn only in the overland.

The Candy Vendor has not yet finished setting up their shop but we will let you know when they have, very soon. See you in-game and happy Halloween hunting!