The Auto Stack or Stack All option(s) was removed before the Britannia launch, but some people still had it enabled after the transition, even though the option was removed.

This feature has caused several client\graphical glitches in the past for people as items are moved around or consumed very quickly. The feature has been disabled in favor of preventing multiple stacks from accumulating in the first place.

Please let us know if you run into a scenario where multiple stacks of similar items are being added to your backpack when you wouldn't expect them to, and we will work to optimize any remaining cases.

We are back online in the alternative datacenter. Please note that we had to rollback to approx. 25 minutes before our normal shutdown time to preserve data integrity. This was due to the small blerp which happened around that time earlier today.

Apologies for that inconvenience, and thank you as always for your patience.

Sorry, everyone, we noticed that some of the fixes we applied during the nightly restart had a flaw and we had to shut down unexpectedly. The server was only up for a short time after, but we still had to roll back to the time of the nightly restart. We apologize for the inconvenience and will be back online as quickly as possible.

Due to ongoing connectivity issues, the server will remain offline until further notice. There is no ETA at this time.

We are aware of the issue with the official map and are working to resolve it. Thanks for your patience.

Server will be coming down for a short restart to address some issues around 17:15 UTC.

The Britain Sewers are now open. This is a young-only dungeon, and designed to be quite simple to survive and skill up in for new players.

  • There's a known issue with some objects not being able to be unpacked in houses such as, but not limited to: cauldron
  • There's a known issue with some objects being able to be placed outside of the house foundation/walls, or in the yard

Warning: It is not intended to be able to place objects outside of the foundation/walls of your house. If you have objects placed out of bounds they may be subject to adjustments to make them in-bounds, or in some cases removed if they are blocking pathways. The small front yards are intended only for vendors or a guildstone.

Reminder: the Small Workshop and Large Patio houses are temporarily disabled for fixing, and we will try to make them available ASAP

We are back online. Please note, direct connections will no longer work. Connect by selecting our server on the community server screen. Thanks for your patience, as always.


Firstly, thank you all for your patience during this trying time. During this last window of the game being online, we were working closely with our hosting provider to identify further options for mitigation of the DDoS attacks that we are experiencing, beyond what was already implemented. We are now working with them to enable what is necessary.

Please note that this may take some time, and at this time, we will not be bringing the server online again until these steps are in place.

Also please note that we are not going to discuss the mitigations we are putting in place in any way. That would be detrimental to our cause. Rest assured that we know what our next steps are and we'll continue to work through what needs to be done to eliminate this threat.

Thank you once again, and we hope to return to service as soon as we can. There is no ETA at this time, however we do expect this process to take at least 1-2 days. As always, keep an eye on #news for any further updates.

The maintenance is complete, nice and early. Why are you reading this?! Go play!

The servers are offline for the time being while we prepare for the transition process. As you know our team is global and therefore we are scheduling plenty of time in advance to allow for all teammates to complete any duties. Thanks for your patience through the downtime and please check back here periodically for further updates. See you on the other side!

We are beginning to restore services and will be back online shortly. Thank you for bearing with us. We have extra elements in play now to mitigate any further attacks.

We expect a small rollback as we come back online. These are inevitable in these types of scenarios due to the state of world saves and must be done to ensure integrity of our data.

As always, we appreciate your patience.

As you may be aware, earlier this week we identified several users involved in abusing some economic vulnerabilities that were discovered. At that time we had to roll back the server to recover from the impact and to protect our newly established economy.

After that incident occurred the players involved began to launch an attack on the LOU infrastructure (DDoS) causing our servers to become inaccessible. The players involved have since been banned and ejected from the community, but the attacks continue to occur occasionally.

At this time we are doing everything we can to prevent outages, but there may be times when the server will have to be brought down unexpectedly in order to recover.

We will be monitoring things closely to try and prevent downtime and loss of progress, and we sincerely appreciate your patience and support through our growing pains.

We believe we have finally squashed the outlying performance bug that was forcing us to restart every 6 hours. As such, we will be returning to our usual restart at 5am US EST/9am UTC.

As a result, this next restart will take slightly longer than usual. We apologise for this, however rest assured that after this, we expect smooth sailing.

Thanks for your patience during this bumpy few weeks!

We're very excited to provide the community with a preview of our upcoming inscription crafting overhaul. This overhaul will have far reaching implications for every craft and playstyle out there in Britannia! Check out the full preview here on the wiki.

The interactive map has now moved to:

Please update your bookmarks! We have also updated the wiki.

Just a reminder from the article posted last week:

Any characters, items, and houses that were left behind in Celador are no longer accessible.

If you have any characters stuck in Limbo/Inbetween from the transition and have trouble progressing through the black portal, please send a help request and make sure your contact info (use /contactinfo command) is up to date so we can contact you if no one is available to help immediately.

Earlier today, we identified an economy breaking issue. While we won't go into full detail on this, what we can say in summary is that a small group of players leveraged an exploit. Our telemetry identified this and we acted as soon as we noticed it.

The end result is that group of players have immediately had their accounts banned. We do not tolerate this behavior and there is no recourse for it. The side effect of is the detrimental effect on the economy. Based on a lot of deliberations and investigations over the last 7 hours, we have concluded that the only way to 100% protect the economy and our game is to execute a rollback.

The time that we are rolling back to will be 16:00 UTC/12:00 US EST on June 23rd. This is roughly 30 hours of play time. We completely appreciate that this is a less than ideal circumstance, and as such would like to reward our players that obey the rules and play faithfully with an additional gift that you'll receive on your next login, as well as a reset of all power hour and level cap timers. In addition, power hours for the next 24 hours will offer double the gain chance that they usually do.

Rest assured we have also made (and thoroughly tested) additional changes that will go a long way to ensure that this does not happen again. We have also made improvements in terms of notification for this particular issue, so that on the off chance it DOES somehow happen again, the lag time between the action and the discovery of said action will improve significantly.

We, like you, are incredibly frustrated with this situation and have had to take time away from our jobs and families to try and put things back in order. We hope you understand our approach to this, and look forward to hanging out with you in Britannia again shortly.

We'll be coming back online within the next few minutes.

Today on Memorial Day, we honor and remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for us. We are eternally grateful and forever indebted!