Announcements List

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13th Apr 2022 announcement

We recently combined in-game help requests with feedback reports, so when you send a help request it will go into the same stream as the rest of the feedback. We've also updated the Discord Support Threads channel, adding the ability for you to create new support threads on your own, if you require assistance. It's always best to report issues in-game when possible, but if you do need more help please see the instructions in #support-threads to start a ticket. We'll do our best to reply to tickets as quickly as possible. Thanks!

13th Apr 2022 announcement

To celebrate Easter, we will be hosting an Egg Hunt throughout Britannia! Find eggs and break them open and collect Fabled Carrots (or other surprises), which can be spent at the Easter Vendor in exchange for some neat gifts! We hope you have time to log in and participate and have some fun. See you there! See the details of this event:

12th Apr 2022 announcement

Check out the article that was recently published on The Ultima Codex about Shards of Britannia:

Thanks to WtF Dragon from Ultima Codex for checking us out and spreading the word, we appreciate you!

25th Mar 2022 announcement

We've published a Public Board on Trello showing some of the things we're aware of, working on, and considering. Check it out at

24th Mar 2022 announcement

We're excited to announce that Hoax has joined the team! Hoax, as some of you know, has recently contributed to the rebranding efforts of our project as well as the amazing new video trailer! Hoax will be helping with more video related tasks, Unity asset design and more! Please give Hoax a warm welcome to the team and thanks for offering to share your free time with us! <3

24th Mar 2022 announcement

Recently some members of the community have started an advertising campaign for the project. Thanks to those of you that have spent time on or donated towards that campaign!

We have, however, asked those involved to allow the team to control the ad campaigns. As such, the additional Patreon page that was created by the community will cease to operate.

We will begin funding more advertising, as we have done in the past and have planned for the future, using the existing Patreon pledges. If you wish to contribute more for advertising you may edit your existing pledge, but it may not be required at this point in time.

Thanks again to all of you for your continued contributions and for your enthusiasm & passion for the project. <3

18th Mar 2022 announcement

Maintenance is completed earlier than expected and the server is coming online now. Thank you again for your patience.

18th Mar 2022 announcement

The server will remain offline during the next maintenance window for up to an hour while maintenance tasks are conducted. Thank you for your patience.

6th Mar 2022 announcement

A new video has been released that was created by Hoax in cooperation with staff and players. Check it out on the front page of our website or at

Thanks to Hoax and Transcendence for organizing and creating the video, and to beekel for the fantastic music! Thanks to everyone that contributed, your time and effort are appreciated so much!

28th Feb 2022 announcement

The server is back online and ready for play! Thanks for your patience and see you in-game!

27th Feb 2022 announcement

Server is offline again for a short time while we continue investigating the cause of today's crash or hang-ups, thanks for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience! Check back shortly

20th Feb 2022 announcement

About a week ago we mentioned that a new teammate would be joining us, and today is the day! We would like to introduce Cultivate, they are joining us to fulfill Game Master duties like player support, events moderating and possibly more things as they grow into their role on the team. Please give them a warm welcome! Welcome aboard Cultivate

18th Feb 2022 announcement

Greetings Citizens,

We would like to film some staged events to create a promotional trailer for Shards of Britannia. With the help and expertise of Hoax, we also require as many players as we can get online at this time.

We hope this video will show a lot of what our amazing community server has to offer! So we would love to see you all at this event!

Before the event players will be put into groups and assigned positions. For example, some players will be fishing on Britain Bridge, some will be in factions fighting, etc.

We need those interested to fill up the positions in this document before the event starts and please join us in Discord:

The last thing planned during the event is to have everyone fight the Hydra.

This event is scheduled for 11:30pm UTC on 2/18, hope to see you there!

15th Feb 2022 announcement

The server is coming back online now with the latest patch applied. Thanks for your patience!

15th Feb 2022 announcement

The server is offline for approximately 15 minutes while we apply the latest patch. Please see the Patch Notes for details. We will post again when the server is coming back online.

14th Feb 2022 announcement

Make sure to log in today to receive some Pink Champagne (per character) and Valentine's Day card with Rose (per account) to give to your special someone today. <3 The handout will be available until the daily restart at 9am UTC Feb 15th.

12th Feb 2022 announcement

Hello everyone, we just want to give you an update about the team, as you may have noticed some changes.

  • Beekel is taking time off right now, please avoid messaging him for support
  • Quenton's role has changed to Moderator
  • A new team-mate will be joining as Counselor, they will be introduced soon

Thanks to Beekel and Quenton for all of their dedication to the project and for sharing your free time with us.

The rest of us are still here! Some of us have been sick recently so development has slowed slightly, but we're still working on plenty of updates and are about to wrap up testing for some upcoming changes.

8th Feb 2022 announcement

We're excited to announce that we've picked 3 winners for the House Decorating Contest! Thanks to everyone who posted their submissions, it was great to see all of the creative designs people come up with.

The winners for this event are as follows:

  • Cleanest Layout: Yew Crossroads Tavern
  • Most Creative: Church of Pantism
  • Best Use of Grouped Objects: Urk Den

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks again to everyone who participated. We will try to do more contests like this in the future and look forward to seeing what else you can create!

Winners: Please reach out to Gorgan to receive your rewards!

3rd Feb 2022 announcement

Update: The outage has been resolved much more quickly than anticipated and we're coming back online within the next 15 minutes. Just a heads up, we will be rolling the world save back to the beginning of the crash, so if you did anything in-game while the outage was happening it will not have saved. Apologies for any inconveniences. Thanks again for your patience!

2nd Feb 2022 announcement

Firstly we'd like to thank all of our Patrons for their support, you help make this project a success and we can't thank you enough. Patron contributions are essential to keeping the project online and also give Patrons a chance to communicate directly with staff in a more intimate setting. Patrons also enjoy early-access previews and discussion about upcoming features, before the general public.

The time has come again where we must ask everyone to consider contributing if you are not yet, or increasing your level if you are, as the level of support has been declining for the past several months. We understand there has been a lot of life changes over the past couple of years with the pandemic and economic changes that have happened, so please only contribute if you absolutely can. Please spread the word to your friends and family that play here and help us reach our goal of increasing Patron contributions.

What do the donations go towards? Donations help pay the more than $450 monthly hosting bill for our network of host machines, website domains, and other services essential to the project. Occasionally there may be unplanned expenses where we have to adjust something, for example during the DDoS (hacking) that occurred last year or other circumstances. Donations are always used for the project, only.

Please know that we do not take this lightly, we don't like to ask for money, but it is a necessary task, and we sincerely thank you for your consideration! <3

Visit our Patreon page to manage your contributions here:

1st Feb 2022 announcement

The major update known as the Inscription Overhaul is now available for public testing and Test Center is now open to the public to help us test these changes.

West Britain Bank has been set up with Test Vendors and a Moongate to be able to easily test the changes.

The details are outlined here:

The first ten people to submit detailed feedback after testing these changes will have their names put into a drawing to receive a special gift after the testing has been completed.

Happy testing, please let us know if you have any troubles in Discord #test-general-feedback

27th Jan 2022 announcement

As a reminder of a couple of key server rules:

  • If you encounter what is obviously a bug, for example, a mob you can hit endlessly that does not fight back, do not exploit the bug. Please report it using /bug in game and we will address it.
  • Tools which help you macro by injecting into the client are prohibited. Tools which do not inject, such as LOUHelper, are permitted.

These rules are in place, ultimately, for the long-term health of the server. Violating these rules may result in a jail sentence or being banned from the server. Thanks for playing fair.

24th Jan 2022 announcement

Housing has been enabled on Dagger Isle, on both the island containing the Honesty shrine and the island northeast of the city.

22nd Jan 2022 announcement

Dagger Isle is live in Britannia!

  • The island may be accessed by visiting a Ferrymaster at any city's docks.
  • A faction pillar has been added on one of the islands.
  • A new city, Windemere, is present on the island
  • A new questline has opened up in the area
  • New mobs and animals have appeared

22nd Jan 2022 announcement

Thanks for your patience! The server is coming back online with the recent updates outlined here:

22nd Jan 2022 announcement

At approximately 5:00 AM UTC (about an hour from now), the server will come down for a few major updates. We expect the server will be offline for less than an hour. Thanks for your patience as always, and we're excited to share some new content with you!

16th Jan 2022 announcement

Due to the nature of the issue that caused the recent downtime, we have had to roll the server back to 9pm UTC/4pm US eastern in order to preserve data integrity. We apologise for this and do not do it lightly - however we have identified the bug and do not expect a recurrence at this time.

The server will be online again shortly, and we will be monitoring things closely. Thank you as always for your patience.

16th Jan 2022 announcement

The server will remain offline while we track down an elusive bug. We are working on it and will restore service ASAP. There is no ETA at this time.

Thank you for your patience.

15th Jan 2022 announcement

Britannia's first Housing Deco competition is underway for the next two weeks! If you think your house decorations are killer, check out the events channel for details and post your screenshots in the house-deco-contest channel. The winner gets a one-of-a-kind piece of deco! Show us what you got!

10th Jan 2022 announcement

The Skara Brae faction town stone is now active! While holding the sigil, you can use the boats at the docks to teleport back to the mainland and run to your faction stone. Go capture it!